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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Thanks Ikorni!!!! So funny!
    sig by Ikorni

    "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
    "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

    SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


      Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
      Thanks Ikorni!!!! So funny!
      You're welcome...I posted it as an afterthought in the Valenship thread...I've got more actually...surprised you didn't see those.
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        Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
        Ok, Sally. Just for you -this is a stupid little drabble or part of a larger ficlet/episode tag that just didn't go anywhere. *brushes the dust of the computer file*:



        -A drabble tag to ‘Fragile Balance’. Counterpoise (verb): to bring into equilibrium.

        “…and being trapped inside a scrawny little body isn't my idea of cute, Carter.”

        The smile fell away and she looked reasonably sobered. This might seem funny in the short game, but starting life over in his teenage years did not appeal to Jack O’Neill. He poured milk on his Fruit Loops and ate in silence, watching his second as she nibbled thoughtfully on her oatmeal. Her eyes were downcast, studying the table, her mind completely engrossed in the mystery of how he could have regressed over 40 years in a single night.

        He watched her lashes flutter with each blink, the way she delicately licked her spoon, and at one point the scent of her shampoo wafted across the table to him. He felt a familiar twist in his gut.

        This was wrong on so many levels.

        This was unacceptable…he couldn't stay this way indefinitely. The military wouldn't have him, not like this, and while leaving the service would be a blessing on one hand, it solved nothing –he had just gone from being the off-limits CO to being the off-limits, definitely-not-legal, minor.

        He made a disgusted sound in his throat. Her eyes immediately rose to meet his, sympathy clearly written on her face. He drank it in and dropped his guard, letting her see a glimpse of how unsettled he was, how alone: he didn't look like himself, didn't sound like himself, so they treated him subtly different. She smiled a warm, brilliant smile, devoid of the previous teasing, and slowly, cautiously, he returned it. If anyone could figure this out, it would be Carter.



          Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
          Hope that was sufficient for you, Sal, to feed your shippy needs!
          i feel all shippy, glowy, tingly, and am retaining some water, and... uh, where was i?...

          so YES, i'm feeling the shippy tingles!!



            Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
            Thanks Ikorni!!!! So funny!
            i agree!!



              I missed most of Valenship with a sick cat, and I'm not done reviewing the thread yet.

              Spoilered for squee-able moment that is not directly S/J, but is Stargate:
              My hubs, also a fan, is transcribing the theme song for me -orchestrating it out longhand and playing it for me on his music program on his computer. He was unable to find an orchestra arrangement of it available to the general public. He's doing a great job!
              sig by Ikorni

              "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
              "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

              SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post

                did this moment give anybody else chills??
                Yep, although do you notice how Jack's blonde hair is exactly the same as Martouf's from that angle?

                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                the pics chosen for sam's desk area (and the one in her private quarters)... not a lot of thought was put into it. well, thought as it was done, but the details are what was lacking. {daniel in the tux from an ep that supposedly didn't happen, s/j non-smiling fishing pic, photo of jack from years ago instead of up-to-date}
                I agree, unless it was JM's way of saying "Look, shippers!! See, the photos are real! The wedding actually happened!" The Singularity photo was unforgivable though (in the box on the floor in Sam's quarters on Atlantis), they have 8 years' worth of photos and they choose that one? I think one of behind-the-scenes AT and RDA would have been nice.

                Sam and Jack at a charity dinner in Washington DC

                Sam and Jack skiing in Colorado!

                Sam and Jack on their honeymoon to the Scottish Highlands (sorry I know that photo was taken in Englandshire but I see granite I think Scotland lol)
                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                My fanfic


                  Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                  I agree, unless it was JM's way of saying "Look, shippers!! See, the photos are real! The wedding actually happened!"
                  i like that idea!

                  The Singularity photo was unforgivable though (in the box on the floor in Sam's quarters on Atlantis), they have 8 years' worth of photos and they choose that one? I think one of behind-the-scenes AT and RDA would have been nice.

                  Sam and Jack at a charity dinner in Washington D


                  Sam and Jack skiing in Colorado!


                  Sam and Jack on their honeymoon to the Scottish Highlands (sorry I know that photo was taken in Englandshire but I see granite I think Scotland lol)

                  those pic ideas work for me!

                  (i don't know how to shorten/remove an attach link)
                  Last edited by majorsal; 04 March 2013, 05:58 PM.



                    Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post

                    *so married*
                    Hehe totally! Sam's face says it all! She totally has a smug "well, ball's in your court, Jack! You wanna let them in on it?" grin that she's biting back. Also, no one denies it or looks remotely surprised. Not even Danny who usually does that "tennis-match head turning between them when he's expecting awkwardness/sparkage" No awkwardness means no UST. Which must mean RST!

                    Also, Jack's a General, notice Sam's just lounging leaning on a chair when he walks in? Mitchell's not saluting but at least he stood up straight!
                    Also, is that a smile I see?
                    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                    My fanfic


                      I'm quite convinced that a wedding *did* take place. The photo of Daniel in that tux is my small confirmation that it wasn't quite a hallucination. Vala might have imagined it wrongly (eg. Thor as the officiating guy) but it probably did happen sometime.
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                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        i like that idea!

                        those pic ideas work for me!

                        (i don't know how to shorten/remove an attach link)
                        Take the / out of the bracket after the [/ image] tag
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                          I'm quite convinced that a wedding *did* take place. The photo of Daniel in that tux is my small confirmation that it wasn't quite a hallucination. Vala might have imagined it wrongly (eg. Thor as the officiating guy) but it probably did happen sometime.
                          If that's true I'm glad they deleted the Trio scene. I like the idea of them being married much more than a vague "it's complicated, we're sort of a thing but it's not definite yet" nonsense from the Trio scene. Totally not looking a gift horse in the mouth but if they were gonna finally do this thing it wouldn't be by halves since she gave up a fiancé and he lost his attractive, smart girlfriend for it!

                          Plus, you know, years of all that tension and feelings and losing it when one of them was missing/presumed dead/injured it was never going to be just a "wham bam, thank you Ma'am!" situation. If it was they would have got it out of their systems years ago!
                          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                          My fanfic


                            you ever think that maybe sam was trying to play it low key and not let keller know that she was married and or seeing jack?


                              Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                              If that's true I'm glad they deleted the Trio scene. I like the idea of them being married much more than a vague "it's complicated, we're sort of a thing but it's not definite yet" nonsense from the Trio scene. Totally not looking a gift horse in the mouth but if they were gonna finally do this thing it wouldn't be by halves since she gave up a fiancé and he lost his attractive, smart girlfriend for it!

                              Plus, you know, years of all that tension and feelings and losing it when one of them was missing/presumed dead/injured it was never going to be just a "wham bam, thank you Ma'am!" situation. If it was they would have got it out of their systems years ago!
                              I suppose the Trio scene will work if you're a shipper who believes that they're still hemming and hawing over what they were, so the deletion (but the inclusion in the DVD set if I'm right) again leaves me with the option of using my imagination where they're both concerned!
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                                Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                                Take the / out of the bracket after the [/ image] tag
                                i tried. it erased all the linkage. i put it all back in.

                                what went wrong?


