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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
    Never read this one before thanks for the link
    You are welcome. There is also a sequel.
    My vids Sig made by me


      Originally posted by Pol View Post
      *popping in*

      Are you all talking about The Light? That's the next Campfire, I think.
      Oh boy!


        Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
        You are welcome. There is also a sequel.
        Yep. Think it's called 'There's no place like home'.
        Fics | Art | Tumblr


          Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
          This is so cool I can't wait for the game to come out! Do you have any idea where the game takes place time-wise?


            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
            Yes, yes! The horrors of feeding those plot bunnies after midnight... (I love the backwards one, it's like some plot ideas -- just plain contrary!)

            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            found this while tumbling (on tumblr)



            Sacrifice myself. Sacrifice myself for the others, for family, for friends. So this is the point of the work that I do. I don’t even know why I wanted to become a firefighter. To be honest, I hate fire. And maybe this is the reason why I wear the uniform every day and prepare the equipment, and everytime the phone rings I get in the car and go straight towards next battle. A battle with an element that can easily change people’s lives. Even my life. The hatred for fire keeps me going forward, it gives me strength to win, to show that he is not the master here.
            This is not the only reason why I stay. Jack, the leader of our group, means a lot more than just a leader to me. He is my friend, I look up to him as to someone who has got experience, who’s brave and determined to lead everything to the happy end. He saved my life countless time. Not only mine. I know that whatever a person do is great. But being a firefighter is kind of a privilege for me. It’s a beautiful feeling when you can save someone’s life. I love doing my job even more when I know that my team stands by my side.

            Fake movie poster, Sam Carter as a firefighter.
            Fireman!verse. Always good for a story.

            Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
            I just had a plot bunny epiphany - anyone know if anyone has re-written POV if a non-military Jack had come thru the mirror instead of Sam? If anyone knows of any fics like this let me know!
            Well, it's a multiple of Sams and Jacks coming through the mirror and there is one scientist Jack:

            Will The Real Sam and Jack Please Stand Up? by ReganX, rated K
            "Remember when you ordered the quantum mirror destroyed? It didn’t exactly work out as we planned."

            And more destop love:

            For there is fishing in the future.
            Last edited by A. Karswyll; 03 March 2013, 06:52 AM. Reason: Removed some sensitive stuff from the desktop screencap.
            My stories at or


              My stories at or


                Originally posted by A. Karswyll View Post
                This is awesome And I love your desktop! Like Jack said it would be the perfect ending. I mean, after that, anything else would seem…pointless.

                Though I personally still want an 'official' confirmation... he needs to taker into his arms and lay one on her hehe


                  My desktop (made by Jas)

                  My vids Sig made by me


                    Originally posted by A. Karswyll View Post

                    Well, it's a multiple of Sams and Jacks coming through the mirror and there is one scientist Jack:

                    Will The Real Sam and Jack Please Stand Up? by ReganX, rated K
                    "Remember when you ordered the quantum mirror destroyed? It didn’t exactly work out as we planned."
                    That story is hilarious!
                    Fics | Art | Tumblr


                      Originally posted by Pol View Post
                      *popping in*
                      Are you all talking about The Light? That's the next Campfire, I think.

                      EDIT: that was supposed to say 'squeee' -stupid auto correct!
                      Last edited by SaraBahama; 03 March 2013, 04:46 PM.
                      sig by Ikorni

                      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                        Originally posted by Pol View Post
                        *popping in*

                        Are you all talking about The Light? That's the next Campfire, I think.
                        Yay! Can't wait! So much shippy potential!


                          Great desktop pics you guys, although they would probably look even nicer without all the icons on them!

                          I don't have a Sam/Jack (or even SG-1) background but simply a slideshow of pretty nebulae I came across when working on one of my previous fics (BE), so I guess it's kind of related, right?
                          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                          On FFnet or AO3

                          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            i take my fic reading very seriously!

                            on another note...

                            this entered my mind last night - if resolution/confirmation had happened earlier in the show's life, which one of these eps do you think it would have been best with?

                            'entity' or 'divide and conquer' ?

                            i picked those two b/c sam almost died in both and jack almost lost it. i could see these two scenarios giving us great shippy confirmation!
                            That's a good question. But I don't know if I'd go for either cause there are extenuating circumstances in both instances.

                            Entity: Is Jack just charged with emotion because he shot Sam and basically thought he was killing her?
                            D&C: There's the alien virus forcing them to have to confess and with Martouf dying in that ep... not really time for expanding on their confessions.

                            But that's just me. When Jack and Sam finally discussed/admitted how they felt about each other, they were both in a position where it could happen and there was nothing forcing them into emotional overdrive. Just a man and a woman finally able to say what they've known for years, out loud to each other ...

                            .... I love you.

                            Originally posted by fems View Post

                            Originally posted by avp60685 View Post
                            I have a question, what kind of scenario would you NOT want to see for Jack and Sam?
                            I think at this point we've seen them in every scenario except the one we actually want.

                            In bed **and married**



                            Fems your one track mind is definitely showing

                            Originally posted by avp60685 View Post
                            Do you think Sam would have liked younger Jack?
                            Younger, older, taller, shorter, chocolate, vanilla.

                            Hey! As long as he's Jack

                            Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                            I had to use someone else's computer to view it (!) but finally managed to see it. The whole adventure just makes me miss those guys even more.

                            Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                            ... Playing footsie? Seriously, any closer and they'd have had to have been surgically removed, not that I'm complaining!

                            LOL. Neither were they.

                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            i won't be buying the game either... b/c i don't have enough of a sophisticated phone that'll play something like that!

                            sam jumps jack b/c...

                            JUST BECAUSE!!

                            Like she needs a reason. Phssst.

                            Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                            Ok so I just re-watched the "want a beer" scene from Lost City, arrrrggggh!! Talk about frustrating! They're both so awkward in each others' presence you could cut the tension with a knife! And slap Daniel for interrupting!

                            Honestly, I would love to have seen a scene where there are suddenly no ranks and regs between them post-Threads just purely because I think it would be so angsty! These two really don't have a clue, do they?! I honestly think their "ok, so... What now?" Conversation after their circumstances change would be über awkward. Not sure how much talking would be involved but I think they'd be wound tight as a spring at first.
                            Now there's a scene that could have gone a whole different way if Danny and T hadn't come in. Jack's gonna die, they're practically certain of it. No confessions of love (although they know they do) just them coming together because they will never have the opportunity to be together again.

                            I could see that happening.

                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            another great opportunity for resolution/confirmation!

                            so teal'c doesn't interrupt them b/c he headed back to the castle. sam and jack keep arguing. they hit each other with their lips. sex on the beach, with much sand in sensitive places. the interlude is done, but sam and jack are still ticked at the world. they come back and start to unwind from the withdrawal. embarrassment. denial. ignoring that it happened.

                            then when the come home... (what happens, shippers? )
                            Ackward for quite a while until Jack says something to make her laugh then makes an attempt to make sure they're ok.

                            It won't be the discussion they should have but Sam knows Jack and knows that's the best they'll do for now.

                            Life goes on.

                            Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
                            You're more then welcome to use it I just feel bad I didn't have it done by Valenship... oh well Shipper love is good all year round!!


                            Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                            hickey somewhere other than the neck? *splash in the gutter*
                            **joines Lucycat**

                            Oh the fic possibilites

                            Originally posted by fems View Post
                            Great desktop pics you guys, although they would probably look even nicer without all the icons on them!

                            I don't have a Sam/Jack (or even SG-1) background but simply a slideshow of pretty nebulae I came across when working on one of my previous fics (BE), so I guess it's kind of related, right?
                            I've got the Gate as mine.
                            sig by Mada
                            As a matter of FIC


                              I agree, Trinity. TBH I don't see them jumping each other in an alternate version of that scene where Daniel didn't interrupt, I just think there would be a whole lot of silence, gazing, looking at their feet and maybe a "C'mere", kicking back and watching the Simpsons with a beer together. I don't think they'd break the regs and Sam is with Pete at this point, I don't see her cheating even with Jack. I would've liked to have seen Pete trying to comfort her when she's upset over Janet and/or Jack (and maybe trying to explain the latter lol - does that make me mean/sadistic?)

                              That said, I think there was so much missed potential with the Sam/Pete storyline. I didn't like him but he could've at least caused some awkward "we know something you don't know" moments when meeting the team/Jack/Cassie. I can't see Cassie being overly happy about him and I don't see her beating around the bush with saying what she thought either given her snarkiness when speaking to Sam about Janet and Jack in the episode where Niirti returns.

                              I also think there was too much of a gap in meeting him and them being engaged scene-wise. Unless the intention was to shock the audience as much as Jack when she dumps her ring on him.
                              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                              My fanfic


                                Originally posted by A. Karswyll View Post
                                Yes, yes! The horrors of feeding those plot bunnies after midnight... (I love the backwards one, it's like some plot ideas -- just plain contrary!)

                                Fireman!verse. Always good for a story.

                                Well, it's a multiple of Sams and Jacks coming through the mirror and there is one scientist Jack:

                                Will The Real Sam and Jack Please Stand Up? by ReganX, rated K
                                "Remember when you ordered the quantum mirror destroyed? It didn’t exactly work out as we planned."

                                And more destop love:

                                For there is fishing in the future.
                                Thanks, I forgot about that one! It's a great story.
                                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                                My fanfic

