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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
    Something else I found Stargate related, though not specifically S/J:

    That's wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    going serious with this, but do you think moments like this is where sam started doubting jack's feelings for her?

    we know sam was in doubts about her feelings for him and his for her (via 'grace'), but look how jack shut sam out in this situation. yes, he was grieving, but so was sam, and she wanted to talk to someone about it.

    but do you think sam thought (even subconsciously) that jack didn't care for her the way he used to?
    I think Sam knew Jack probably better than anyone at this point. I believe that she would have recognized it as grief at losing a friend. Jack not being big on sharing feelings, I think his reaction may have hurt but I believe Sam would have taken it for what it was.

    Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
    Just to play devil's advocate, do you think that Jack also started doubting Sam's feelings? In 2001, she did seem rather eager when Faxon suggested a date the next time he came around. (And Jack was just next to her!)
    I think Jack didn't want the guy around for his usual reasons. Jack tends to react negatively whenever there are 'outsiders' at the SGC. Deep down I'm sure Faxon gave him other reasons for not wanting him around *Sam* but at this point, although they both know that their feelings for each other are more than they should be, there's nothing concrete to stand on, so Jack really had no real basis for begrudging Sam Faxon's attention.

    It would have been unreasonable of him to do so and Jack is nothing if not a realist. Had Sam found happiness or expessed a real desire to pursue a relationship with Faxon, despite the unspoken attracation between him and Sam, Jack would not have done anything to try to stop that.

    He's a stand up kinda guy like that and one of the reasons I love him.

    Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
    I still don't know what YOLO meant. I just had to google it. *shrugs*

    I still don't know what it means

    Interesting that they're firemen right. There is always that heat between them

    And that Skara scene is one of my absolute favourites

    "Together as in..."
    "Friends. Going to a wedding."

    I love it and it generated my first attempt at S/J fic (although I never posted).

    It's one of the few times we see Sam putting Jack on the spot about them and enjoying it. The look she shares with Skara afterwards is priceless. Almost as though they conspired together. But I don't think so, given Sam's reaction when she overheard Skara ask Jack if he and Sam would be coming together.

    Oh 'together'

    Originally posted by roque872002 View Post
    New fic.
    Mommy's Little Angel.
    Sequel to Daddy's Little Princess
    Rated: K
    A few people asked that I write a sequel... so here it is! I hope you all like it. I've also posted it on with Daddy's Little Princess

    Sam quietly but quickly walked up the steps to the house that she shared with her husband and daughter. It was late and she knew they would both be in bed.

    She had gotten home from her command on Atlantis a lot earlier than she had expected. She had been told almost immediately after stepping through the ‘gate that she was being replaced.

    Happiness far outweighed her disappointment. She was finally getting to see her little angel again.

    Slipping the key into the lock she turned it to the right and heard the lock click back.

    Smiling she silently let herself into the house. She placed her bags on the couch as she slid her feet out of her shoes and shrugged out of her jacket. She left them where they lay. She would tidy up later.

    As quietly as she could she walked up the stairs, pulling the hair tie from her hair as she did. She let it fall and hang around her shoulders.

    Softly she pushed her daughters bedroom door open. She frowned. She wasn’t there.

    She closed the door behind her again.

    Turning around, she crept down the hall. Opening the door to the bedroom she shared with her husband she stepped inside and immediately saw his form under the covers.

    She smiled to herself. She couldn’t wait for him to wrap her in his arms. It had been far too long since he had held her.

    But she still didn’t know where their daughter was.

    Carefully walking around the room as she stripped herself of her clothes and pulled on one of her husbands t-shirts, she found her daughter.

    Snuggled deeply and securely in her fathers arms.

    Sam couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face.

    Sliding into bed she stroked her daughters soft long blonde hair. Then her husbands bare arm. It felt so good to touch them both again. She couldn’t believe she was finally home.

    She watched with a smile on her face as her husband began to wake. Sleepy brown eyes connected with equally sleepy blue eyes.

    Jack glanced from his wife to his daughter and back again. He smirked at her.

    His little Princess was going to get a surprise when she woke up!

    “Hey,” he whispered as she leaned over for a kiss.

    “Hey,” she whispered back as she laced her fingers through his.

    “I wasn’t expecting you home for another few days,” he said as he squeezed her fingers.

    “They decided just to keep me here after the meeting with the IOA. They didn’t see the point in sending me back for a few days apparently. John can handle the city until my replacement gets there.”

    “We’re glad you’re home,” he nodded towards the little girl in his arms.

    “I am too,” she said as she kissed her daughters cheek. “She been here all night?”

    “No. She had a nightmare and crawled in beside me.”

    “Same one?” Sam asked sadly.

    “Yeah,” Jack nodded.

    “I don’t care what they say. I’m not leaving her again.”

    “She’ll love that,” Jack smiled. He knew that Sam would work things out and get stationed on Earth for the foreseeable future.

    “Mommy?” a small sleepy voice said.

    “I’m here baby,” Sam replied as her little girl turned towards her and latched on to the t-shirt she was wearing before falling asleep again.

    Sam wrapped her daughter in her arms and turned around in bed so that her back was against Jack’s chest. She sighed contentedly when he wrapped his arms around her.

    She was glad to be home.
    Nice fic.

    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    Touch #88

    Finally Sam grabs Jack and turns him around. So wifely. Grabbing me fine; looking at pretty girls, no.

    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    So there you have 100 touches between Sam and Jack!

    Of course we are still wishing and waiting for the most important touch of all . . .

    You know it sister!

    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    It could be a bagel.

    Either way I believe they were sharing it.

    Hmmm, maybe I like the donut idea better. Sugary lips, sticky fingers, licking . . .


    Now look what you did. Pushed me straight into the gutter!
    *recovers from sugar overload*

    Ok that deserves a drabble.

    I challenge you **wags eyebrows**

    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
    Lmao! I so know what u mean! My blue jello obsession and love of penguins is really hard to explain to people so I don't even try lol.

    Slight OT but I'm currently watching Professor Brian Cox lecturing on quantum physics and I suddenly understand why Jack finds Sam's technobabble sexy...I'm a biologist but science has never been a turn on until now lol
    That sounds like it could be Jack talking about Sam.
    sig by Mada
    As a matter of FIC


      Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
      *recovers from sugar overload*

      Ok that deserves a drabble.

      I challenge you **wags eyebrows**
      My plate's a little full right now. I'll toss that one back at you.

      I double dog dare you.


        Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
        Thank you so much for sharing! I haven't seen that. Made me giggle like crazy! Does anyone have the link to the vid on YT? I wouldn't know where to begin searching.
        Here are the links for the panel she did in Toronto last year There are 3 parts.

        Part 1:

        Part 2 :

        Part 3:

        The part you're looking for is around 6 minutes in the second part. Enjoy!
        Made by the talented Meredithe5

        Live peace, speak kindness, dwell in possibility - Amanda Tapping

        My Rainbow Run for Mila raised $2672.5 CAD for Sanctuary For Kids! Many thanks to everyone who donated in honour of my beloved niece


          Speaking of drabble challenges . . .

          Our artists have created pics embodying the three pillars of ship:

          Fluff by A. Karswyll

          Angst by selene0789

          Gutter by hlndncr

          Can't wait to read the drabbles/ficlets!!!!!


            Originally posted by Samfan13 View Post
            Here are the links for the panel she did in Toronto last year There are 3 parts.

            Part 1:

            Part 2 :

            Part 3:

            The part you're looking for is around 6 minutes in the second part. Enjoy!
            Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! OMG *SQUEEEEEEEEE!*
            The password is fishing...


              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
              My plate's a little full right now. I'll toss that one back at you.

              I double dog dare you.
              Wicked is what you are.
              sig by Mada
              As a matter of FIC


                Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

                I think Jack didn't want the guy around for his usual reasons. Jack tends to react negatively whenever there are 'outsiders' at the SGC. Deep down I'm sure Faxon gave him other reasons for not wanting him around *Sam* but at this point, although they both know that their feelings for each other are more than they should be, there's nothing concrete to stand on, so Jack really had no real basis for begrudging Sam Faxon's attention.
                I think Sam doing that so soon after immediately the events of D&C and Beneath the Surface and so openly, felt a quite bit disrespectful to what they've admitted. Maybe that's my shipper instinct talking, but I felt for Jack, and I'm quite certain that he couldn't quite have been too happy with this...unwanted development.

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