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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
      But you have to look at the context when interpreting the statement. AT referenced Magnus. That is a different kind of "edgy" than some of the positive spin you very ably attempted to graft onto her words (considering politics are you?).

      I don't want to see Sam become anything like Magnus. But I do agree with Sally that she should be happy with Jack.
      I have to agree. I always thought Sam had an edge by the end of the series, but I interpret AT words as to mean she would take Sam to the darker side of edgy, which I would never want to see.
      FYI my heart belongs eternally to Moebius Sam, who I fell in love with while she was practicing yelling with a chair. If anything I would like to see her take Sam Carter to lighter, softer places.
      The password is fishing...


        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        But you have to look at the context when interpreting the statement. AT referenced Magnus. That is a different kind of "edgy" than some of the positive spin you very ably attempted to graft onto her words (considering politics are you?).

        I don't want to see Sam become anything like Magnus. But I do agree with Sally that she should be happy with Jack.
        nothing can erase all the wonderful things sam has accomplished and achieved over the years. being in love and being with someone wouldn't take any of that away. there's plenty *edge* to sam, if you take in all the stuff she's been through and seen.

        i still say IF amanda ever gets to play sam again, just being with jack and trying to cope with family-career-life... there's your something new and different to play about sam, and if you add your life's stuggles/history into it, there's your edginess.



          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          nothing can erase all the wonderful things sam has accomplished and achieved over the years. being in love and being with someone wouldn't take any of that away. there's plenty *edge* to sam, if you take in all the stuff she's been through and seen.

          i still say IF amanda ever gets to play sam again, just being with jack and trying to cope with family-career-life... there's your something new and different to play about sam, and if you add your life's stuggles/history into it, there's your edginess.
          Now you're making me long for the third movie!
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            Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
            Found a fic that I've been searching for a long time. Just one of the hypothetical ways Sam and Jack run their family.

            Acceptance by Remi g. Craeg
            Thanks for the rec. I loved it.


              Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
              Found a fic that I've been searching for a long time. Just one of the hypothetical ways Sam and Jack run their family.

              Acceptance by Remi g. Craeg
              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              Thanks for the rec. I loved it.
              i just finished it and enjoyed it too!

              i love reading sam and jack with children.

              i love reading lots of different scenarios!



                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                from the sam thread, courtesy of picardythirds - (link for post: )

                my very first thoughts on this is sam *would* be different, b/c she's married now (to jack of course ), AND, if they had a child or two...

                try juggling a career and a husband and a child, and tell me you wouldn't be EDGY.


                On a totally unrelated note: this is the first time I've ever been cross-thread quoted. Didn't even know one could do that. (how does one do that?!)

                Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                Edgy can be interpreted as different things in different contexts.

                After serving for years under Jack, Sam definitely has the capacity to lurk on the edge of insubordination in the name of doing something she knew to be right.

                She's had enough harrowing experiences to keep her wary and on edge in certain situations.

                She's confident enough in herself that she can push past the edge of her comfort zone, and be awesome at it.

                Okay, I might just be being silly (as I am wont to do) as I'm sure you're taking it to mean "edgy" as in rebellious, daring, unpredictable... But even then, Sam is those things in her own way.

                In reference to one of my fave chick flicks, Sam is one of those girls to whom you "don't ever say never".

                I mean, just by being a woman in the military (let alone a brilliant astrophysicist/pilot) Sam could be considered edgy. She just doesn't play it off as being that way. She's just Sam.

                P.S. This isn't flak. Just some creative discourse. You've brought up something interesting. We should dig deeper.

                Selene, you need to stop reading my mind - usually I get back to the forum to find that she's already posted what I was going to say. *sigh* Actually - if you're reading my mind right now, I have some plot bunnies that I'd like to share....

                I was just about to comment on the definition of edgy - she does have a motorcycle and has blown up a sun! (next up, parting the red movie idea?)

                I see where hlndncr comes from and has a very valid point. I'm sure AT can pull it off but I think what she is trying to say is that it'd be harder for her to slip into Sam's shoes now. Even after all she's been through, Sam is still much more idealistic and "ray of light" personality-wise (she had to be, in order to sort of be Jack's foil) than Helen is and AT's more used to playing slightly darker roles right now.

                I'm not sure I'd like to see Sam go darker (though there was a perfect chance for that in that missing one year in continuum) but in the event there's more sg1 to come, I trust AT et al to make decisions that would make creative sense for the character.


                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  nothing can erase all the wonderful things sam has accomplished and achieved over the years. being in love and being with someone wouldn't take any of that away. there's plenty *edge* to sam, if you take in all the stuff she's been through and seen.

                  i still say IF amanda ever gets to play sam again, just being with jack and trying to cope with family-career-life... there's your something new and different to play about sam, and if you add your life's stuggles/history into it, there's your edginess.

                  My first love of sci-fi was the original Star Trek. Granted, I got hooked during the syndication reruns in the early 70s, but hooked I was! So when they did the first movie 10 years after the final season I was right there watching it on the big screen and still loving all of the crew in all their glorious "agedness." And as for me, they were all doing pretty darn okay!!


                  I do NOT expect a new movie/episode of SG-1 to pick up where the last one left off. I fully expect and hope to see that Sam, Jack and LIFE has moved on.

                  I would love to see AT and RDA take up the challenge of shifting Sam and Jack from what they last played to the thing that was tested (positively, as far as I'm concerned) and hinted at for so many years then finally "promised" albeit never confirmed.

                  Sam, Jack and Stargate SG-1 deserve finality. Maybe I've lived a sheltered life here at Gateworld but I truly do believe that Sam and Jack being a couple is the biggest argument out there and the PTB (glares at SyFy...grrrrr) failed to settled it.


                    Originally posted by nolamom View Post

                    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                      Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                      Sam, Jack and Stargate SG-1 deserve finality. Maybe I've lived a sheltered life here at Gateworld but I truly do believe that Sam and Jack being a couple is the biggest argument out there and the PTB (glares at SyFy...grrrrr) failed to settled it.
                      For me it's like I read a really, really, huge, time consuming, wonderful romance novel and the author failed to write the last chapter! It's a total kick in the teeth! They wrote this attraction into the story from the freakin' pilot! It's not like we imagined the whole thing! Way to not finish the story jerks(*cough* who I love and would never say anything bad about )!
                      The password is fishing...


                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        But you have to look at the context when interpreting the statement. AT referenced Magnus. That is a different kind of "edgy" than some of the positive spin you very ably attempted to graft onto her words (considering politics are you?).

                        I don't want to see Sam become anything like Magnus. But I do agree with Sally that she should be happy with Jack.
                        Attempted? I think I rather succeeded!!

                        You're right, though. She did make it sound like it'd be the darker side of edgy. But while Sam could never be Helen Magnus (nor would I want her to be; I find Magnus deliciously unique and a wholly singular entity), I do think it'd be fun to see Sam face some of the decisions Jack had to make. They kind of touch on it in SG-U, when Sam has the Hammond bug out without two of her 302s, but I want them to take it farther than that.

                        For example, could Sam have made Jack's same decision at the end of "The Other Side"? How about if *she* were the one in command in "Scorched Earth". Well, Scorched Earth is a bad example, because we've already explored what Sam might have done differently, but what if there was some factors that limited her options and forced her to do something distasteful, or had her choose between two horrible evils without a single better option.

                        I want her to face those kinds of situations, and see what she would do with them. The vanilla moments of peril we got in Season 8 just didn't even come close to sating my curiosity. *That*'s the "edgy" I want to see.


                          I agree I would have liked to see Sam in more command scenarios. But in making the tough decisions I just don't see her turning into a dark and moody person. She has faced some real difficulties and trauma over the years. They have tempered and seasoned her but not taken away from the brightness of her personality. She is at heart a gentle soul. And that's what I love about her character. She has grit, but she is not coarse or hard.


                            Does anyone have a screencap of the "Grace" kiss?
                            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                              Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                              Does anyone have a screencap of the "Grace" kiss?
                              Go to the Gallery of GW
                              My vids Sig made by me


                                Thank you!

                                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane

