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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    One more question - did the recognize "Pol" because it's a nickname or something they know about?
    sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


      Originally posted by Pol View Post
      Oh, so get this! I'm in class today, lecturing, and we took a short break. One student, who's quite quiet and shy, came up to me and said, "Dr. Robinson, do you write Stargate fanfic?" It was quite the random question and I was startled, but said, yes. She said, "oh, I think I found you."

      Since there are a ZILLION ff authors out there, I thought, no way. She pulled me to her laptop and pulled up...Campfires, Season One!

      I just cracked up! She totally outed me to the class (a writing class) and we spend the next two hours discussing the merits of fanfic.

      What's really funny is they know I'm a published author and screenwriter, but no...THIS impressed them. LOL.

      Awesome day.
      Oh, that is so great! I really wish that I found out that one of my professors wrote Stargate fanfic (one of my history professors speaks Elvish, though! ).
      The Return of King Arthur
      Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
      acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


        Hi everyone. Haven't gotten around to reading any fic (been busy) but it's wonderful to see all the work you guys are doing. Never hurts to have all the great fic in one place.

        Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
        I think from the loyalty of The Shippers, this thread will still be around with new generations of Shippers! Even if the SGC and earth are overrun by aliens, the S5C (Shippers' 5th Column) will be underground still discussing rebellion and inspiredby the legendary romantic heroes known as Sam and Jack. (Hmmm, it sounds like they need an original theme song that will last though the ages - similar to "A Man They Called Jayne".

        Oh, Btw, how do you guys make links that go directly to an individual post? I'd like to be able find the one directly above whenever I feel like it.

        Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
        It's CDO...c'mon...put the letters in the right order for cryin' out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!

        I'm not CDO at all *cough, cough*

        Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
        Even our shippy LOVE emoticon has Sam first! <== Sam and Jack!
        We shippers are crazy..... but that's a good thing.

        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        Oh, so get this! I'm in class today, lecturing, and we took a short break. One student, who's quite quiet and shy, came up to me and said, "Dr. Robinson, do you write Stargate fanfic?" It was quite the random question and I was startled, but said, yes. She said, "oh, I think I found you."

        Since there are a ZILLION ff authors out there, I thought, no way. She pulled me to her laptop and pulled up...Campfires, Season One!

        I just cracked up! She totally outed me to the class (a writing class) and we spend the next two hours discussing the merits of fanfic.

        What's really funny is they know I'm a published author and screenwriter, but no...THIS impressed them. LOL.

        Awesome day.
        Payback for all the great work baby.

        Sounds like it was a really cool day.
        sig by Mada
        As a matter of FIC


          Originally posted by fems View Post
          Kinda OT:


          One of the things I really liked about people's reactions was how much they enjoyed the kids (and indeed, Milou especially) because I had/have absolutely no experience with young children other than having been one and a younger cousin I see maybe twice a year. So, I had to look into child development and found a great website (in my native language, otherwise I would share) that discusses all kinds of stages, from social/emotional and intellectual to linguistic and physical development for the first 4 years, which was a big help.

          The sequel is much shorter ("only" 25 chapters) but still follows the same family/drama stuff with a bit of angst thrown into it as well. Jacob and Mark Carter, his wife and two teens also play a role in it.
          I would never have guessed that you have little to no experience with young children. You write them very well (I have a stepson who is almost 3, and found that parts of your story would make me think of little things he's done before!) It's amazing the amount of research you put into it, and it really does pay off.

          Can't wait to read the sequel, it's taking so much restraint! The way I see it, the quicker I get caught up on uni work, the sooner i can read that sequel

          I must say as well that I thoroughly loved how you interspersed Dutch dialogue throughout the fic. I have a great love of languages (Japanese is my second language, and I'm studying Latin and Greek as part of my uni course, but have studied some French, German and Russian in the past as well - I REALLY love languages, haha), so even though I don't know a single word in Dutch, I still loved the feel it gave to the overall story and the characters. Plus, I thought it was awesome that Jack would know Dutch, but to him it's no big deal so no one around him has any idea he speaks it - how very... Jack lol Also, just as a side-note, your English is fantastic! If I didn't already know it, I would never have guessed that English is not your native language.
          Thank you to Ikorni for the sig

          Jolinar's LJ - Currently reviewing all SG1 eps as part of the Shipper Rewatch, feel free to add me


            so fems i have given what the future will hold another chance and im only on chapter 4 and i already want to hit spud boy for being spud boy, Daniel for butting in jack's business, Jack for being so hardheaded and Sam willing to even marry spud boy. Teal'c is the only one im liking so far. im sure by the time i finish the whole story i will be willing to give everyone a good hit.


              Updated master list:

              Want to access ALL the lists?

              Stories are Sam/Jack shippy unless otherwise noted.

              Fanfiction Set in a Specific Season
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                Here's a Stargate wedding band for all those people out there, who will look down at their hand, on their 50th wedding anniversary and wonder why you ever decided to get a Stargate wedding band.
                Ok, it's kind of neat.


                  Originally posted by Jolinar_of_Malkshur View Post
                  I would never have guessed that you have little to no experience with young children. You write them very well (I have a stepson who is almost 3, and found that parts of your story would make me think of little things he's done before!) It's amazing the amount of research you put into it, and it really does pay off.

                  Can't wait to read the sequel, it's taking so much restraint! The way I see it, the quicker I get caught up on uni work, the sooner i can read that sequel

                  I must say as well that I thoroughly loved how you interspersed Dutch dialogue throughout the fic. I have a great love of languages (Japanese is my second language, and I'm studying Latin and Greek as part of my uni course, but have studied some French, German and Russian in the past as well - I REALLY love languages, haha), so even though I don't know a single word in Dutch, I still loved the feel it gave to the overall story and the characters. Plus, I thought it was awesome that Jack would know Dutch, but to him it's no big deal so no one around him has any idea he speaks it - how very... Jack lol Also, just as a side-note, your English is fantastic! If I didn't already know it, I would never have guessed that English is not your native language.
                  I do enjoy my research! And I also looked into what kind of qualifications Jack would need to be able to have done the black ops thing and that includes learning/speaking/understanding several foreign languages. Since we already know he also speaks Spanish (to a degree) from the show (Evolution) I figured he was able to grasp the basics of other languages too (like him and Teal'c learning to translate Ancient in WoO). The Spanish thing was also something he had never mentioned before and considering he's been working in Iraq and Iran etc in the past he probably knows some Arabic as well, even if he never shows it off, unlike a certain archeologist/linguist/anthropologist we know

                  Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                  so fems i have given what the future will hold another chance and im only on chapter 4 and i already want to hit spud boy for being spud boy, Daniel for butting in jack's business, Jack for being so hardheaded and Sam willing to even marry spud boy. Teal'c is the only one im liking so far. im sure by the time i finish the whole story i will be willing to give everyone a good hit.
                  Oh yes, I understand what you mean. I skip the Sam/Pete parts upon rereading too, even though I wrote it! I don't recall if you ever mentioned how far into the story you got before but I think you'll like it better a few more chapters in. If not, don't torture yourself with it and just forget about it. There's nothing worse than struggling through a fic you're not enjoying only to come to the conclusion at the end that you really didn't enjoy it and still spent hours/days reading it.

                  Originally posted by cdm View Post
                  Here's a Stargate wedding band for all those people out there, who will look down at their hand, on their 50th wedding anniversary and wonder why you ever decided to get a Stargate wedding band.
                  Ok, it's kind of neat.
                  I've seen it (and similar designs) before and I have to admit they're really nice. However, I do feel they're too clunky for a woman, unless it just looks like that on the picture. But maybe all those designers still think guys are the only ones who like sci-fi?
                  Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                  Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                  On FFnet or AO3

                  My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                    Originally posted by fems View Post
                    Oh yes, I understand what you mean. I skip the Sam/Pete parts upon rereading too, even though I wrote it! I don't recall if you ever mentioned how far into the story you got before but I think you'll like it better a few more chapters in. If not, don't torture yourself with it and just forget about it. There's nothing worse than struggling through a fic you're not enjoying only to come to the conclusion at the end that you really didn't enjoy it and still spent hours/days reading it.
                    i think i got up to the point where jack and sam finally were able to talk about everything after she got back from atlantis. i don't remember myself. but i will try to get through this but i will take your advice to heart. i really do want to finish this and the sequel.


                      Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                      i think i got up to the point where jack and sam finally were able to talk about everything after she got back from atlantis. i don't remember myself. but i will try to get through this but i will take your advice to heart. i really do want to finish this and the sequel.
                      Oh well Sam goes to Atlantis in

                      chapter 62, then Jack drops by in 63 for her one-year evaluation and... stuff happens between them until he has to go back to Earth again in chapter 66. In 67 another year has passed and Sam goes back home in 68. Jack and Sam finally get to talk (and get together) again in the last ten chapters or so, so maybe you did read the whole thing before?
                      Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                      Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                      On FFnet or AO3

                      My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                        Originally posted by fems View Post
                        Oh well Sam goes to Atlantis in

                        chapter 62, then Jack drops by in 63 for her one-year evaluation and... stuff happens between them until he has to go back to Earth again in chapter 66. In 67 another year has passed and Sam goes back home in 68. Jack and Sam finally get to talk (and get together) again in the last ten chapters or so, so maybe you did read the whole thing before?
                        damn i was that far? huh go figure. maybe you're right maybe i did finish it.


                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!



                          No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                          It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                            Did somebody say "cake"?

                            Happy Birthday to Nynaeve506 and rderoch, and many more.


                              Wait. What?

                              I thought I had at least another 12 hours or so before I turned 30 LOL. I guess it's the 26th somewhere.


                              And Pol, that's awesome. I live in fear of people finding out I write fanfic.


                                Why do you live in fear of people finding out you write fanfic?
                                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane

