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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Season 5
    The Fifth Man

    She tells him they aren’t leaving without him; he orders her to leave

    Her refusal to give back her weapon and her insistence on going back

    Her anger at not being able to go back

    She talks Janet into investigating her vision instead of reporting it as the only way to help Jack

    She finds it amusing that he invited “Tyler” fishing


      Season 5
      Red Sky

      ‘I’ve been thinking’, ‘I’d be worried if you stopped’

      He tells Daniel that Carter will come up with something miraculous and then when she has an idea he points it out

      He tells her he has great confidence in her and she should go back to the SGC and confuse Hammond

      ‘I only understand 1% of what she says half the time.’ Jack about Sam

      The scene where she’s explaining the solution in her lab and he gets the theory on the reintegration right


        Season 5
        Rite of Passage

        Comes to see her and check on Cassie

        Together on the way forward with Nirtii

        She smiles when Cassie tells her Jack calls knights horses, and she defends him

        The looks she gives him when he explains Cassie’s new abilities being attributable to magnets

        The look he gives her with Cassie and Janet after Nirtii heals Cassie


          Season 5
          Between Two Fires

          He’s a little in awe and fear that Sam can be so sneaky about tracking the trinium

          He uses Narim’s feelings for her to influence Narim to help them


            Season 5

            Jack’s warning to Joe on asking Sam ‘how’

            Jack mentions retirement right after Joe asks Sam on a date and she indicates she’s amenable

            Their discussion on the note from the future: ‘Technically I haven’t sent it yet but if I get a chance again I’m sure going to fill it with a lot more detail.’, ‘Well you were probably trying to limit the causality violation by keeping it simple.’, ‘I wonder whose idea that was?’

            He’s concerned when she has to go back to the Aschen alone and force their hand

            His praise of her at the end and he’s the only one who ask her if she’s alright


              Season 5
              Desperate Measures

              His concern for her from the get-go

              Jack gives up his National Geographics to find her

              Jack’s face when he talks to Maybourne: ‘Harry, we’re talking about Carter here.’ ‘I know. I’m sorry Jack I really am. You know how this game is played and the people who play it. You have to prepare yourself for the possibility she might not be coming back.’

              Jack trying everything to find her including going to Simmons

              Jack arriving just in the nick of time to save her

              Her finding him shot in the basement

              The infirmary scene at the end


                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                Season 5

                He tries to rush her and tells her not to turn anything on

                He’s concerned about her in the briefing, keeps looking over at her and wants her to let SG-16 handle things

                The ‘am I tense’ discussion?

                His asking if he wants him to stick around when they examine her house for the alien and find nothing

                Daniel asking ‘How’s Sam?’ and Jack avoiding the question

                The discussion as he needs to go to the loo

                When he turns up at the house and she hints she has a date, he answers ‘Good for you’ but stands on tiptoes trying to see into the house


                His supporting her in front of Simmons in Hammond’s office and at the house
                I was a little confused about this episode. Did Jack know that Simmons was watching *Stalking* her? I know he was worried about her. He trusted that she was telling the truth but they couldn't find proof to confirm her claim.


                  Season 5
                  Proving Ground

                  Sam chews the cadets out for letting their feelings influence their actions in the field

                  She smiles at him chewing out the cadets and they discuss the training scenario

                  The scene in the mess with the jello and discussion on the new recruits

                  Sam noting ‘whoops’ when Elliot shoots Jack

                  She helps him up after being shot with the Intar

                  She tells him his wound is getting all over her lab


                    Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
                    I was a little confused about this episode. Did Jack know that Simmons was watching *Stalking* her? I know he was worried about her. He trusted that she was telling the truth but they couldn't find proof to confirm her claim.
                    I don't think he knew about Simmons watching her. I think he wanted to believe her but he was concerned that she was maybe overstressed and wasn't her usual rational self. Personally, I think everyone was pretty quick to chalk it all up to exhaustion and stress considering everything they had seen and been through.

                    At this point, I think Jack is trying to pull away from Sam; so he's sort of acting unconcerned. But still he couldn't stop himself from asking if she wanted him to stay and coming over with pizza (and Teal'c as a chaperone).

                    Maybe if you find the review and discussion of this episode on the discussion thread you will find some insights from other shippers that will help you come to your own understanding of this episode.


                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      I love Daniel, but I'm also a big Jonas fan. I know there are those in fandom (especially during the war years) who say you can't have it both ways, but I disagree!
                      Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
                      It's funny because I was so upset when Daniel was gone but by the end of the season I fell in love with Jonas' character. I was so happy to see him come back
                      I love them both...the way you love your brothers -different, but still love.

                      Originally posted by SGSuzi View Post
                      what was the bet about again???
                      Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
                      what bet?
                      sig by Ikorni

                      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                        Season 5
                        48 Hours

                        She inquires about his injury; he offers to help, but he doesn’t understand what she says so he offers to get her coffee

                        He doesn’t have a problem killing Conrad along with the goa’uld because he tried to kill Sam

                        His ‘are you sure you want to be in there?’ question when she’s in the gate room with Siler (and Siler answering back which is funny)


                          Season 5
                          Last Stand

                          Their concern when they can’t reach each other

                          Jack getting Sam out when trapped in the tunnel


                            Season 5
                            Fail Safe

                            Nice look in the briefing

                            They push Spellman through the gate together

                            She comes upon him staring at a glowing light for no apparent reason

                            She doesn’t want to remind him about the recall device

                            Concern when she gets injured

                            Concern when she swoons; orders her to sit out the EVA

                            Concern when Jack can’t raise them in the ship

                            He lays down beside her as they wait to be rescued


                              Season 5
                              The Warrior

                              His pride in her shooting skills

                              Shared look over leadership challenge being a fight to the death

                              Her reaction when he says he doesn’t talk much because he’s not that smart

                              Sitting next to one another by the fire


                                Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
                                Teal'c definitely knew I think he never questioned them about it because he understood their duties as a warrior, but it didn't stop him from hinting at it to both of them!
                                This is part of what makes him the 1st Shipper (he seems to have quietly noticed first).

                                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                                Daniel knows. He just considers it unimportant. That's my opinion.
                                unimportant -like something he does not want to commit much thought to? Or like he knows they will figure it out?

                                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                                [center][b]Season 5
                                Desperate Measures
                                Jack's reactions in this ep make it a personal favorite. My only disappointment: they should have had both Jack and Sam in the infirmary in the end (they were both in pretty rough shape).
                                sig by Ikorni

                                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3

