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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    Shipper U Quiz #5: Shipper Categories

    Identify which category best describes the following scenes.

    Shipper Categories
    Fluff+Angst+Gutter=Flangster Gangster

    Please see The Shiptionary for complete definitions.

    1. The wedding scene from 200 is . . .
    a. Fluff
    b. Gangst
    c. Flutter

    2. When Sam puts her head on Jack’s shoulder in Beneath the Surface and he tells her he remembers “feeling feelings” it is . . .
    a. Angst
    b. Flangst
    c. Gutter

    3. The kiss in The Broca Divide is . . .
    a. Flangster Gangster
    b. Gutter
    c. Flangst

    4. In Line in the Sand Sam’s password “fishing” is . . .
    a. Flutter
    b. Fluff
    c. Gangst

    5. The kiss in Grace is . . .
    a. Gutter
    b. Agnst
    c. Flangster Gangster

    6. When Sam show’s Jack the engagement ring from in Affinity it is . . .
    a. Angst
    b. Flangst
    c. Gangst

    7. When Sam and Jack grab each other on the beach in The Light it is . . .
    a. Flutter
    b. Gangst
    c. Fluff

    8. The kiss in Window of Opportunity is . . .
    a. Flangster Gangster
    b. Flutter
    c. Gutter

    9. When Sam is trapped behind the force field in Divide and Conquer and Jack cannot reach her it is . . .
    a. Angst
    b. Flangster Gangster
    c. Flangst

    10. When Jack can’t take his eyes off Sam’s naked body in Into the Fire it is . . .
    a. Fluff
    b. Angst
    c. Gutter

    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    He's so adorable the way he tries to tell Sam how he feels. It's the one thing they can both hang on to.
    Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
    I love how they are in this ep. He's always showing more of himself. He's so cute too
    I agree. Jack is so hot in this episode and I absolutely love this scene! One of many I watch over and over again!

    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    Jack's voice has so much regret when he says, "Sir."
    This scene breaks my heart every time. It's so sad They're just made for each other and meant to be! And once they remember they also remember what's keeping them apart. I hate that

    Made by the talented Meredithe5

    Live peace, speak kindness, dwell in possibility - Amanda Tapping

    My Rainbow Run for Mila raised $2672.5 CAD for Sanctuary For Kids! Many thanks to everyone who donated in honour of my beloved niece


      Hey, hlndncr, you mentioned you were going to collect the drabbles from everybody into a document and post them somewhere...I think you said FFN (which I think is a great idea!). What does that mean for those of us who wrote them? Can we still post them under our own names? This might be a better question for FFN (or wherever you post them) but I thought you might know since you were spearheading the effort.
      Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


        Here are my last drabbles.

        Thanks to hlndncr for starting this and thanks to all of you for encouraging me to go on with this.

        My muse decided to go on with the jello theme. Maybe I should make a story out of it.

        #8 Whispers in the Dark

        Sam didn't know what had disturbed her in her sleep. All she knew was that she was awake.
        'Jack, wake up!' she whispered.
        'What?' he mumbled.
        'Something woke me up, some kind of noise.'
        'Be quiet and listen.'
        They listened closely.

        Suddenly he began to laugh.
        'No more jello after 8 o'clock in the evening', he giggled and pointed at her stomach which was making gentle rumbling sounds.

        This one takes place after #7

        #9 Under the Influence

        'Daniel, who could I ask best about alien influence?' Jack asked while sitting down at the table with his tray. 'I mean, I want to know how I notice if something or someone is under alien influence?'

        'Ask Sam.'
        'Not in this case.'
        'Are you suspecting that something is wrong with her?'
        'Not actually with her, but I mean, look at this, there must be something in it, or why should someone be so avid for something looking so weird,' replied Jack, pointing at the blue jello.

        #10 By My Side

        Finally they were home. Their home. After the wedding and the honeymoon.

        They celebrated with all their friends.
        And spent their honeymoon on a place with nice tropical beaches. And Sam wore a bikini.

        But after all these great events they were perfectly happy just sitting there on the couch.

        'I'm so happy that I can do this, sitting here with you by my side eating blue jello.'



          Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
          Hey, hlndncr, you mentioned you were going to collect the drabbles from everybody into a document and post them somewhere...I think you said FFN (which I think is a great idea!). What does that mean for those of us who wrote them? Can we still post them under our own names? This might be a better question for FFN (or wherever you post them) but I thought you might know since you were spearheading the effort.
          Ask a legal question, get a legal answer. (I'm a lawyer; I can't help myself.)

          The relevant facts are as follows:

          In the course of a drabble challenge on the GateWorld Forum (GW) several individuals have produced a series of fictional works. It is the desire of the issuer of this challenge to post these works as a collection on (FFN). It is also the desire of some of the authors who hold a FFN account of their own to publish their individual works under these separate accounts.

          The FFN Guidelines that may be applicable are as follows:

          Entries not allowed:

          1. Non-stories: lists, bloopers, polls, previews, challenges, author notes, and etc.

          Actions not allowed:

          1. Multiple entries of the same material. There can only be one copy of any unique story on the entire site. No exceptions.

          The relevant legal standards to be applied are as follows:

          According to the FFN Terms of Service (TOS) the jurisdiction for this website is located in California, USA and California law applies. Under relevant US and California law for interpreting contracts, the intent of the parties should be taken into account. However, as a contract of adhesion these guidelines must be interpreted and applied in favor of the non-drafting party, ie the site user.

          The guideline to disallow “challenge” entries is inapplicable as the story collection to be posted is the creative results of the drabble challenge and not the challenge itself.

          The applicability of the second guideline listed above depends on the interpretation of the terms “same material” and “unique story.” As to the latter, the Supreme Court has ruled that how a material is organized and collected constitutes a unique creative work in and of itself regardless of the separate individual content. In regard to the former, while some portion of the material may appear in another location on the website, not every author involved in this drabble challenge will choose to post individually. As these guidelines apply to “entries” as a whole and not discreet portions thereof, the collected material cannot be deemed the same for publication purposes.

          In conclusion, a fair interpretation of these guidelines under applicable law and precedent is that that a collection such as this forms a narrative tapestry that constitutes a unique story, which must be considered separate and apart from each individual contribution. Therefore, individual drabbles posted under an author's personal account would not constitute a re-posting or a duplicative entry because the collection both contains distinct content and a unique narrative.

          I didn't include citations to the actual statutes and case law, but I can elaborate further if you'd like.


            Five Days 'til Ship Day!

            Joe: What’s going on?

            Pete: It looks like the Shippers are getting ready for some sort of party in the next five days.

            Kynthia: Oh, I love parties.

            Barrett: I don’t think any of us were invited.

            Freya: The Shippers are commemorating the anniversary of the airing of the episode “Divide & Conquer,” in which Major Carter and Col. O’Neill were forced to reveal the strong feelings they have for one another.

            Martouf: I fail to see the cause for celebration, given the events that followed their confessions.

            Jonas: You’re just sore because Sam actually shot you.

            Laira: Better than being abandoned after one night.

            Orlin: I considered joining them, but I was not able to fabricate an appropriate gift without a new toaster.

            Sara: I don't understand how I got stuck here with all of you.

            Fifth: I am going to the anti-shipper thread.

            Narim: I think I will join you.

            Kerry: I’m staying.

            Kerry: I think they’re cute together.


              Okay so here are the drabbles I missed
              7. Turning Point

              He knew that he had perhaps gone past the point of no return, but, truthfully, he couldn’t bring himself to regret it, because that moment, that turning point, when he had decided that he really didn’t want to walk away from this –them- he had known that pulling back was not an option.

              They had waited so long. Perhaps too long. But the way she was smiling at him, encouraging him with those eyes, he knew that it wasn’t too late for them. This would work. And all because he just couldn’t walk away from her anymore.

              10. By My Side


              She looked at him and knew his thoughts, even when he wasn’t revealing a thing. She looked at him and knew his intentions, even when he said nothing, his eyes on hers, deep with intensity, the barrier unspoken between them shutting down his expression.

              She knew without asking, without words that the sacrifice they made personally was not about career, or about the military. Removing those things would ultimately stretch them farther apart. He would no longer be by her side. And she just couldn’t bring herself to make that step. Because she needed him right where he was.

              'By my side'
              "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                Ask a legal question, get a legal answer. (I'm a lawyer; I can't help myself.)

                The relevant facts are as follows:

                In the course of a drabble challenge on the GateWorld Forum (GW) several individuals have produced a series of fictional works. It is the desire of the issuer of this challenge to post these works as a collection on (FFN). It is also the desire of some of the authors who hold a FFN account of their own to publish their individual works under these separate accounts.

                The FFN Guidelines that may be applicable are as follows:

                Entries not allowed:

                1. Non-stories: lists, bloopers, polls, previews, challenges, author notes, and etc.

                Actions not allowed:

                1. Multiple entries of the same material. There can only be one copy of any unique story on the entire site. No exceptions.

                The relevant legal standards to be applied are as follows:

                According to the FFN Terms of Service (TOS) the jurisdiction for this website is located in California, USA and California law applies. Under relevant US and California law for interpreting contracts, the intent of the parties should be taken into account. However, as a contract of adhesion these guidelines must be interpreted and applied in favor of the non-drafting party, ie the site user.

                The guideline to disallow “challenge” entries is inapplicable as the story collection to be posted is the creative results of the drabble challenge and not the challenge itself.

                The applicability of the second guideline listed above depends on the interpretation of the terms “same material” and “unique story.” As to the latter, the Supreme Court has ruled that how a material is organized and collected constitutes a unique creative work in and of itself regardless of the separate individual content. In regard to the former, while some portion of the material may appear in another location on the website, not every author involved in this drabble challenge will choose to post individually. As these guidelines apply to “entries” as a whole and not discreet portions thereof, the collected material cannot be deemed the same for publication purposes.

                In conclusion, a fair interpretation of these guidelines under applicable law and precedent is that that a collection such as this forms a narrative tapestry that constitutes a unique story, which must be considered separate and apart from each individual contribution. Therefore, individual drabbles posted under an author's personal account would not constitute a re-posting or a duplicative entry because the collection both contains distinct content and a unique narrative.

                I didn't include citations to the actual statutes and case law, but I can elaborate further if you'd like.
                Lol, no need. That answers my question nicely.
                Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                  Wander in, wander out. But my excuse for not keeping up with the Ten Day Drabble Challenge after first posting is the delightful part of RL called "a new baby in the family to squee over."

                  So, I'm going to catch up with drabble prompts #4 to #8 and then catch up on thread activity before finishing off the last two prompts (tomorrow probably). The gender of Jack and Sam's child in these prompts (that became a string of slices-of-life drabbles for the family) was decided by the newest member of our family so I hope everyone finds something to enjoy.

                  Drabble Prompt #4 – Among the Stars – Rated K

                  It was not—surprisingly—the baby monitor that roused Sam, but the softly sung lyrics of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star drifting in through the bedroom window open to the warm summer night. Slipping from bed she made her way outside and saw by the pond her husband cradling their four-day-old son, perfectly framed by the night sky studded by diamond like stars.

                  The song ended and the night still carried Jack's soft words clearly, "See? No need to cry. I know you'd like the stars just like mommy does and one day, just like mommy, you’ll be out among them."

                  Drabble Prompt # 5 – Coming Home – Rated K

                  Sam dozed on a towel, listening to lapping waves as the dock creaked. Her thoughts turned, as they often did now, to memories of her mother. Mom had made all the base houses 'homes' and after Mom's death, it had taken years and heartache to learn what Mom had already taught her—

                  Cool water sprinkled over her with a childish giggle and Sam jerked awake. Above matching brown eyes peered at her—the old expressive eyes of Jack and the young wondering eyes of their son.

                  Yes, people were home and these two were the best home in the world.

                  Drabble Prompt #6 – A Quarrel and a Kiss – Rated K+ (Two keywords means 100 words for each right? So 200 words is all good.)

                  "Jack, could you pass me the third quarrel please?"

                  Jack looked at Sam underneath the machine she was working on and then around the ruthlessly organized workshop. "I hadn't thought you'd taken up archery…"

                  "Not that kind. The pyramidal-head shaped tool on the pegboard, third one from the left, second row down."

                  Jack found the strange tool and passed it under. "So, how'd it go with Cassie?"

                  Clank "—fine—" clunk "—but the kisses were flat—" screech "—whoops—"

                  Jack furrowed his brow forebodingly. The kisses were flat? What had they been up to?

                  "—but the second ones worked—" clank "—you can have a kiss if you want—"

                  Jack leaned over, snagged her ankle and pulled her out from under the machine. Smiling at her surprised look he leaned over and kissed her soundly.

                  When they parted Sam murmured huskily, "What was that for?"

                  "You said I can have a kiss."

                  "What?" Sam blinked and laughed. "I meant a kiss cookie. There are some in the tin on the bench—the second batch baked right for our son's sixth birthday and I really need to get his present finished."

                  "I won't keep you long," Jack said roguishly and bent his head again.

                  Drabble Prompt #7 – Turning Point – Rated K

                  Jack listened to the low murmurings from mother and son at the table bent over grade seven schoolwork.

                  "A turning point is a point at which the derivative changes sign," Sam explained.

                  The tone had Jack grinning with fond remembrance of the innumerable instances when Sam had had to explain some science-y thing to him in the field. Those explanations had landed on dumb ears and ended with a curt "Carter!"—unlike the young ears absorbing everything now.

                  He was sure they enjoyed these situations more! Jack sorted. And she probably had to dumb it down less for their son!

                  Drabble Prompt #8 – Whispers in the Dark – Rated K

                  Sam jolted awake. Jack wasn't in bed and she realised whispers in the kitchen had awakened her. Muffling a groan—Cassie and Jack better not be snacking on the cake for his 80th birthday tomorrow—she rolled from bed and shuffled out.

                  Where the kitchen light spilled into the dark hallway she paused, her breath catching at the sight before her. Two heads, one brown and the other white, were bent over a plate of cake, forks clicking as they fought over the dessert and furtively exchanged whispers.

                  Their son was home from his first tour on the BC-308 Thor.

                  Now I'm off to catch up!
                  My stories at or


                    Originally posted by A. Karswyll View Post
                    Wander in, wander out. But my excuse for not keeping up with the Ten Day Drabble Challenge after first posting is the delightful part of RL called "a new baby in the family to squee over."

                    So, I'm going to catch up with drabble prompts #4 to #8 and then catch up on thread activity before finishing off the last two prompts (tomorrow probably). The gender of Jack and Sam's child in these prompts (that became a string of slices-of-life drabbles for the family) was decided by the newest member of our family so I hope everyone finds something to enjoy.

                    Drabble Prompt #4 – Among the Stars – Rated K

                    It was not—surprisingly—the baby monitor that roused Sam, but the softly sung lyrics of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star drifting in through the bedroom window open to the warm summer night. Slipping from bed she made her way outside and saw by the pond her husband cradling their four-day-old son, perfectly framed by the night sky studded by diamond like stars.

                    The song ended and the night still carried Jack's soft words clearly, "See? No need to cry. I know you'd like the stars just like mommy does and one day, just like mommy, you’ll be out among them."

                    Drabble Prompt # 5 – Coming Home – Rated K

                    Sam dozed on a towel, listening to lapping waves as the dock creaked. Her thoughts turned, as they often did now, to memories of her mother. Mom had made all the base houses 'homes' and after Mom's death, it had taken years and heartache to learn what Mom had already taught her—

                    Cool water sprinkled over her with a childish giggle and Sam jerked awake. Above matching brown eyes peered at her—the old expressive eyes of Jack and the young wondering eyes of their son.

                    Yes, people were home and these two were the best home in the world.

                    Drabble Prompt #6 – A Quarrel and a Kiss – Rated K+ (Two keywords means 100 words for each right? So 200 words is all good.)

                    "Jack, could you pass me the third quarrel please?"

                    Jack looked at Sam underneath the machine she was working on and then around the ruthlessly organized workshop. "I hadn't thought you'd taken up archery…"

                    "Not that kind. The pyramidal-head shaped tool on the pegboard, third one from the left, second row down."

                    Jack found the strange tool and passed it under. "So, how'd it go with Cassie?"

                    Clank "—fine—" clunk "—but the kisses were flat—" screech "—whoops—"

                    Jack furrowed his brow forebodingly. The kisses were flat? What had they been up to?

                    "—but the second ones worked—" clank "—you can have a kiss if you want—"

                    Jack leaned over, snagged her ankle and pulled her out from under the machine. Smiling at her surprised look he leaned over and kissed her soundly.

                    When they parted Sam murmured huskily, "What was that for?"

                    "You said I can have a kiss."

                    "What?" Sam blinked and laughed. "I meant a kiss cookie. There are some in the tin on the bench—the second batch baked right for our son's sixth birthday and I really need to get his present finished."

                    "I won't keep you long," Jack said roguishly and bent his head again.

                    Drabble Prompt #7 – Turning Point – Rated K

                    Jack listened to the low murmurings from mother and son at the table bent over grade seven schoolwork.

                    "A turning point is a point at which the derivative changes sign," Sam explained.

                    The tone had Jack grinning with fond remembrance of the innumerable instances when Sam had had to explain some science-y thing to him in the field. Those explanations had landed on dumb ears and ended with a curt "Carter!"—unlike the young ears absorbing everything now.

                    He was sure they enjoyed these situations more! Jack sorted. And she probably had to dumb it down less for their son!

                    Drabble Prompt #8 – Whispers in the Dark – Rated K

                    Sam jolted awake. Jack wasn't in bed and she realised whispers in the kitchen had awakened her. Muffling a groan—Cassie and Jack better not be snacking on the cake for his 80th birthday tomorrow—she rolled from bed and shuffled out.

                    Where the kitchen light spilled into the dark hallway she paused, her breath catching at the sight before her. Two heads, one brown and the other white, were bent over a plate of cake, forks clicking as they fought over the dessert and furtively exchanged whispers.

                    Their son was home from his first tour on the BC-308 Thor.

                    Now I'm off to catch up!
                    Simply awesome!


                      Playing drabble catch up...

                      Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                      I'm confused with this one. Are they playing capture the flag or something? Or is it a RL repelling-an-alien-foothold situation? It feels like it was snatched straight out of a story, so now I'm frustrated because it feels like I'm missing something.

                      Quick! Write another drabble!
                      As for capture-the-flag vs repelling-an-alien-foothold, those two are just way to giddy in my head in that drabble to be anything but playing. And honestly, I couldn't tell you who they're playing against, or whom, beyond the fact they're having a darn good time at it!

                      So I shall try and entice the baby plot bunny to return for more writing!

                      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                      Drabble #4--Among the Stars

                      By now, he’d be dead. She had long ago resigned herself to that.

                      She’d mourned the best she could. Now her pain was just a dull, constant ache.

                      But tonight, she wouldn’t cry. She wouldn’t. There were no more tears left, anyway, were there?

                      Sitting, Sam surveyed her view. The time dilation had frozen the ships that would bring their deaths into an eerie tableau. She needed this view—she found it motivating, or thought-provoking, or oddly comforting.

                      And on those moments where she felt this alone, she’d sit and put bow to strings, searching beyond death into the stars.
                      Akamaimom, you locked my fridge! (First time ever for me so I just had to tell.) So virtual green. Throat closing and I won't cry, I won't.

                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      Drabble Prompt #3: Compromising Positions

                      This is not where Sam expected to be. Somewhere along the journey, her life’s plan had taken a giant detour with no caution signs warning her of the massive reconstruction her career would have to undergo.

                      But here she was living alone, working at a secret base in the middle of the desert, rather than travelling the stars with the people she loved.

                      Head of Stargate research and development was a position to be proud of, but not the one she dreamed of.

                      Her phone buzzed. Heading to her car, Sam read the new text:

                      “Flight arrives @8pm. Miss you dearly. x J.”

                      It was a compromise, but so worth it!

                      Washington, D.C.
                      and Area 51
                      Together, apart.
                      This so happened! Lovely to read hlndncr.

                      Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
                      #Among the stars

                      When she had been a girl, she had always been looking up, finding ways to dream about what it would be like to actually go out there amongst the stars she was so awed by.

                      In her determination to see the cosmos beyond her telescope, she had met the one who would tether her back to earth.


                      She turned, looking at him as he watched her watching those stars through his telescope.

                      She smiled.

                      He smiled back.

                      Being amongst the stars was all well and good, but, being here, on his roof, looking through his telescope with his steady presence right there...

                      This was where she wanted to be.
                      Sweet and touching sasha713, the second line really struck me as a fine piece of writing. And just so them.

                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      I actually have one ready for this one!

                      Prompt #5: Coming Home

                      Sam expected to be alone tonight, but she enters the bedroom and sees a lump under the covers. Taking off her jeans and t-shirt, she folds them neatly, places them on a chair and climbs into bed.

                      “Hey,” Jack mumbles rolling over.

                      “Thought I wasn’t going to see you until tomorrow.”

                      “Got a late flight. Last minute.”

                      “That why you didn’t call?”

                      “Wanted to surprise you. Surprise.”

                      “How long have you been here?”

                      “Couple of hours. Where were you?”

                      “On base.”

                      “Playing with your doohickeys?”

                      “Helping Daniel.”

                      “Playing with his doohickeys?”

                      “That really doesn’t sound right.”

                      “Want to play with . . .”

                      “Don’t say it!”

                      “C’mere,” he whispers taking Sam in his arms.

                      It was good to be home.
                      That had me snorting with laughter hlndncr. Who knew doohickeys like playing in the gutter too!

                      Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
                      100 words on the money.

                      She turns circles in his living room. She has this insane desire to make sure everything’s just right. Not that he’s fussy, just…particular.

                      A car door slams outside and her palms start to sweat. Don’t be nervous.

                      She spies her overnight bag on the floor in the hall and she tosses it into the nearest bedroom.

                      The door opens and a casted leg and crutches precede him through the door. She hasn’t seen him in months; still doesn’t know what went wrong; has no clue where he was or why; can’t believe she’s the one he called.

                      “Welcome home, sir.”
                      This I would really like to read more of amaradangeli, it just so mysterious in parts!

                      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                      prompt #5 (zero gutter this time, I swear )

                      “Sam? What are you doing?”, Jack told his wife who was sitting on the living room floor surrounded by a ton of paper boxes.

                      “You’re early.”

                      “Sam? Are we moving anywhere?”

                      “No, I’m just relocating stuff.”

                      “Care to explain?”

                      “We don’t need two studios, we can share your office. We could fix the room above the garage and use it as guestroom instead of the actual one. This way we’ll have space for two other bedrooms.”

                      “We don’t need other bedrooms.”

                      “Yes, we do.”

                      “No, we don’t.”

                      “Yes, we do.”

                      “No, we don’t.”

                      “Yes, we do, for the babies.”

                      “No, we don’t…wait…did you say babies?”
                      Firmly in the Land of Squee in my option so let me *squee*! Sweet drabble XFchemist.

                      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                      And here's my take on Prompt #5--Coming Home.


                      “I know.”

                      “You’re bumping him around.”

                      “He’s fine. He’s tough. Just like his old man.”

                      Sam smiled, but was wise enough to quell her snort.

                      Jack, however, knew her well.

                      “I meant that in a colloquial sense, Smarty Pants.”

                      “Mmm.” Sam unlocked the door. Standing aside, she swung it wide for her family to pass through before following them into the living room.

                      Jack placed the bucket seat on the ottoman and flopped down in his chair. Closing the door behind her, Sam followed suit.

                      Jack nodded towards the carseat. “He’s still asleep?”





                      “Now what?”
                      “How what?” indeed! After I finished laughing, it was just all adorable Akamaimom.

                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      Yeah, finally caught up on my drabbles!

                      Prompt #4: Among the Stars

                      On a remote pier, Sam looks past the stars of Pegasus and pictures home.

                      In the Rose Garden Jack peers through the hazy night for an unseeable galaxy.

                      Sam closes her eyes and images she hears the water lapping up against a wooden dock.

                      Jack closes his eyes and images he’s breathing in her sweet aroma.

                      “Happy Anniversary, Jack.”

                      “Happy Anniversary, Sam.”

                      Love whispered among the stars and carried within abiding hearts.

                      “Colonel Carter, there’s an urgent message from Colonel Sheppard’s team.”

                      “General O’Neill, the President needs you back in there.”

                      “On my way.”

                      “On my way.”

                      And a haiku to go with it:

                      Galaxies of distance clos’d
                      Through the starlit sky
                      I really like how the drabble reflected each of them hlndncr and yet was united.

                      Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
                      #Coming Home

                      Stepping onto the ramp was a relief but it didn’t feel like she was coming home until she saw Jack there waiting for her, his hands stuffed into his pockets nonchalantly, his eyes drinking her in even while they gave nothing away. Her sigh as she saw him spoke of all the relief she felt, and all the longing for their future, but, this, seeing him waiting for her to make it back through that gate…

                      It made it all worthwhile.

                      Maybe one day coming home would mean more to them than just returning from mission, but for now, she guessed it was enough.
                      Oh, bittersweet sasha713.
                      My stories at or


                        More catching up with a locked Fridge of Green... so green! green to everyone!

                        Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                        Here's my drabble for the day-- almost didn't get it done because I was investigating my Sanctuary Season 4 DVDs.

                        The kawoosh opens, beckoning Sheppard home to Pegasus. His boots clang earnestly against the metal ramp—after so long on Atlantis, the gray confines of the SGC unsettle him.

                        A second pair of boots doesn’t join his; Colonel Carter pauses, her gaze lifting to the briefing room window. Sheppard’s gaze follows hers to find a silhouette standing watch. He knows that outline: he is the man who urged him towards the place John now calls home.

                        When the Colonel finally strides up the ramp, it occurs to John that her steps do not bring her home— but away from it.
                        Smart man Sheppard. Selene0789 this drabble is just so nicely written. Thank you for sharing it with us!

                        Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                        I've got something for the Coming Home theme:

                        This time she couldn't go with them. Janet hadn't given her permission. So she sat in her lab and tried to catch up with her work. She missed him, missed even the slightly mess he sometimes brings to her life.

                        'Hey Carter, look what I have here for you!' he called while he walked through the door.

                        'I see' she said, looking at the muddy footsteps all over the floor.
                        *chuckles* Slight messes, slight messes. Mud is all good. Cute little drabble Cairistiona.

                        Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
                        Okay, well this was fun.

                        “You know, Carter, usually I’d be getting some pretty hot makeup sex.”

                        He watches in amusement as her jaw goes slack. “Sir?”

                        “I’m just saying, the last time I fought with a woman about something unrelated to work, there was makeup sex.”

                        “Sir, I’m not sure if you’re suggesting we… or that the fight was…”

                        He takes pity on her, “Oh, relax. I’m not propositioning you. And yeah, that argument was unprofessional.”

                        “Yes, sir.” She has the good graces to look chagrined. “It won’t happen again.”

                        “Good, Captain. Besides, you were under the influence and it was just a kiss.”
                        This amaradangeli, this just deserves a BIG GRIN.

                        Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                        ahem...I did warn you

                        prompt #6


                        He opened the door of the shower and stepped in behind her.

                        “Jack, I’m still mad.”

                        He didn’t say anything, he just removed the sponge from her hand and began to gently wash every inch of her body. Then he reached for the little bottle of shampoo and sank his fingers into her hair, massaging her scalp. He rinsed it out and repeated the procedure with the conditioner.

                        He started kissing her jaw line, her neck and that very sensitive spot under her ear.

                        Her knees got weak and she leaned against him.

                        “I’m still mad”

                        “Perfect. Angry sex followed by make-up sex.”
                        A shining example of gutter XFchemist.

                        Originally posted by fems View Post
                        Managed to squeeze one out.

                        “Colonel, my office,” Jack said brusquely once Carter appeared.

                        Sam dutifully followed him, still wearing her flight suit and sporting a soft smile.

                        “What's going on here, Carter?” He questioned after closing the door behind her.

                        “Following protocol, Sir.”

                        “Like hell you are! Vidrine said nothing about any complications and Hammond isn’t scheduled to return to Earth for another three weeks.”

                        Waiting until he calmed a bit, Sam smiled. “It was time for us to come home.”

                        “No, it wasn’t,” he denied. Following her gaze to the hand resting on her stomach he gasped. “Wait, are you saying-”

                        “Yes, Jack.”

                        Yes, that is how she told him! Very enjoyable fems!

                        Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                        In honor of the pic story posted by hlndncr, here is a drabble that breaks the fourth wall.


                        “Carter, I get that it’s getting close to Ship Day…”


                        “And I know that there’s this Ripple Challenge going on—“

                        “Drabble, sir.”

                        “Right, that. Anyway, I wanna point out—for the record—that I don’t think this is what hlndncr meant by ‘A Quarrel and a Kiss’.”

                        They both glance pointedly at the fletched arrow protruding from her thigh. It's superficial, but she’ll be off that leg for a few weeks. Bed rest too… Lots of bed rest.

                        Blue eyes blink up at him coquettishly. “Does that mean I don’t get a kiss?”

                        “I never said that…”

                        Makes me want to write my own forth-wall-breaker! Not very nice for Sam, but very enjoyable selene0789.

                        Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                        Catching up on the drabble challenge:

                        LOST IN A STORM:

                        He should run from it. This feeling. It was wrong on every level but the one that transcended right and wrong.

                        Jack knew he loved Sam, whether he could admit it out loud or not. Together they'd been through dog fights, ambush, torture, death and life; but even then, in the midst of the chaos, he'd never lost his center.

                        Yet, sitting alone now, in the torturous tranquility of his living room without Sam, Jack couldn't explain why he felt like he was somehow, lost in a storm.
                        Oh, that is just so nice trinity3. Nice, and sad at the same time. Poor Jack.

                        Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
                        # 6 ~A quarrel and a kiss

                        It's an SJ established fic I almost never do these...


                        When Carter got mad, chaos usually ensued. It was times like this when he knew that saying anything could be classed as the wrong thing, and he should keep his mouth shut, adding noncommittal murmurs of agreement every once in a while to make sure she knew he was listening. This Carter was not his favourite, but, in an odd way, it was endearing.

                        That in itself spoke volumes of how much he really adored this woman.

                        Her moods would usually calm quickly and she would look at him with an apology in her eyes, before kissing him.

                        It made it okay.

                        Enjoyable little drabble sasha713. You’ll have to try your hand at SJ established more often!

                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        My drabble for prompt #6: A Quarrel and a Kiss:

                        Everyone at the SGC knew when they were fighting.

                        He avoided her lab and snapped at everyone. She never left her lab and spoke to no one.

                        After three days Teal’c had had enough.

                        He brought them into the briefing room and told them he was invoking the earth custom of “kiss and make up.”

                        Teal’c then planted a big wet smooch on Jack’s lips and walked out the door.

                        Sam doubled over laughing.

                        “Ack . . . yuck! Not funny, Carter.”

                        Sam brushed her lips to his and departed, still giggling.

                        Jack’s persistent smile conveyed to all the quarrel was over.
                        *claps* That is just so fun hlndncr! Thank you for writing it!

                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        Everyone has a stress point, a breaking point and a turning point. The key is discovering that someone who gives you the strength to survive it all.

                        Stress point:
                        Sam stands before a house she’s meant to share with a man she doesn’t love.
                        Jack stands silent as the woman he loves leaves his home in distress and the woman he’s with looks on.

                        Breaking point:
                        Her dying father tells her she can’t let anything stand in the way of her happiness.
                        His now ex-girlfriend tells him he’s making a big mistake.

                        Turning point:
                        “Thank you . . . for being her for me.”
                        Three "points" way, way up!
                        My stories at or


                          Last drabble from me Fluff!



                          “Come on Sir, it’s our turn to enter”, Sam said pushing her CO forward a little.

                          “Carter, do you really think that it’s a good idea?”

                          “You promised! You don’t wanna disappoint Cassie, do you?”

                          “Damn! She has me wrapped around her little finger, hasn’t she?”

                          “Of course she has, don’t tell me you realised that just now!”

                          “Well no, but still…I don’t know if…”

                          “Sir? Don’t tell me you’re afraid of the dark?”, she teased him.

                          “No, of course not Major. It’s just that I’m not so comfortable about entering inside…there”, he replied pointing his finger to the structure in front of them.

                          “It’s Halloween and that’s just a haunted house! Don’t worry Sir, I’ll be by your side”
                          My vids Sig made by me


                            I go away to run some errands and come back to all this drabbly goodness!


                              Originally posted by fems View Post

                              She had lived an exciting life and been shaped by many pivotal events.

                              Mom’s death, the Challenger disaster, applying to the Academy, her engagement to Jonas, SGC vs NASA, being Tok’ra-ed, falling for her CO, making alien alliances, getting marooned on a spaceship, going on a blind date with a friend of her brother, defeating the Replicators and the Goa'uld, losing her father and Selmak, her engagement to Pete, going fishing with Jack…

                              Learning alternate realities were a fact Sam couldn’t help but wonder about the turning points.

                              Except for one, of course; she and Jack were a universal constant.
                              *gloats* Of course they're a universal constant. Good read fems.

                              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                              I have to say that I'm enjoying the drabble game. Unlike many of the great fic writers of this thread, I'm not used to write. I hope you like my contribution nonetheless

                              prompt #7


                              “Sir, there’s no time.”

                              “I know.”

                              A force shield separated them.

                              So close and yet so far.

                              He had known for a long time that his feelings for her were deeper than he wanted to admit, even to himself.

                              He just didn’t realise how deep they were.

                              “Sir, just go!”


                              An epiphany.

                              The realisation hit him like a punch to the chest.

                              A sharp pain stabbed through his heart.

                              Time stood still.

                              He couldn’t break eye contact with her.

                              He couldn’t leave her.

                              He would rather have died himself than lose her.

                              He loved her.
                              Nice exploration of the moment that defined it all XFchemist.

                              Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
                              Special little almost-gutter-but-not-quite nod for XFchemist.

                              "Then you know what, Jack? Put up, or shut up."

                              "Excuse me?" He almost couldn’t believe Daniel said that to him. Almost.

                              "We’ve been stuck here for six days, high on," he floundered for the name and finally gave up, "whatever this stuff is. You’ve done nothing but go on and on about how good she looks, how good she smells, how good she tastes –"

                              "That’s purely hypothetical," Jack defends.

                              "Yeah, well, you’re driving her insane."

                              "She’s driving me insane."

                              "You’re driving all of us insane! She won’t tell you, but I will: put up, or shut up already."
                              Indeed! Fun drabble amaradangeli--and I would like to see the putting up Jack!

                              Originally posted by Wild Flower View Post
                              It's been a long week so I'm sorry if this isn't brilliant.

                              She looked into his eyes and knew this was the point of no return.

                              Her eyes darted down to his lips again as his face grew closer.

                              They'd waited so long and now there were no restrictions. No rules. No regulations. No excuses.

                              Now there was just her and there was just him. Alone on his deck under a star-filled sky and there was nothing else to say.

                              What would happen after this? Her mind raced ahead as his face continued to draw steadily closer. Her breath caught in her throat as his lips caught hers and suddenly none of it mattered. The future, the past. It was nothing compared to this.

                              Seems strangely like one of my other drabbles. Obsessed with kisses me. Oh well
                              An obsession with kisses is a fine thing to have if this is what comes of it Wild Flower!

                              Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                              Drabble Challenge


                              There was a problem, a big problem. But actually, it was small. Only one little piece of chocolate left, too small to cut it in half.

                              'You eat it.'
                              'No, you.'

                              Why does she always have to be so polite?
                              Why does he always have to be so polite?

                              'That's enough!' said Sam, put the piece in her mouth and leaned over to kiss him.

                              'Here, share the taste.'

                              And with that their kiss lasted longer than any piece of chocolate could ever have.


                              'Try it.'
                              'No, thanks, it looks too weird.'

                              'Hm, yes, but it tastes good.'

                              'Please. It does not hurt.'
                              When could he ever resist her saying please.
                              'Just a little bit.'

                              She reached over the table and fed him a spoonful.
                              He turned it in his mouth. He smiled.
                              'You're right, that's good. I promise I'll never say anything about your blue jello.'

                              Sorry, they're both about food.
                              And please, keep in mind, I'm not used to write and these are my very first attempts.
                              Now that is the proper way to share the last piece of chocolate! And jello-o sharing and convincing about the Flavour War is always good. Nice reads Cairistiona.

                              Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
                              Drabble Prompt #8
                              Whispers in the Dark



                              Sam turned her head in the darkness as they sat hunched in the cold, trying to stay under the Jaffa’s radar. It was freezing on this planet, and unless she wanted to actually climb into his jacket, she doubted that she would get any warmer... (Not that she hadn't seriously thought about it, for, you know, body heat purposes).

                              "Yes Sir?" She whispered, her side pressed to his.

                              "I'm glad it’s you, you know, here...with me..." She got a thrill at his words.


                              "I think it would be a bit awkward if it were Teal’c.” He squeezed his arm around her shoulder slightly.

                              She grinned.
                              *grin* "body heat purposes" all the way!

                              Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
                              This could be considered a follow up to my #7 submission.

                              “Sir, do you have any ibuprofen left?”

                              “Yeah. Let me just…” he clicked on his flashlight, retrieved the pills and clicked the flashlight back off. “Headache not getting any better?”

                              “It’s not the headache, sir.”

                              He flashed back to earlier in the day when they were still coming down off that drug. “Sorry I bit you.”

                              “Sorry I scratched you.” She didn’t sound all that sorry.

                              “Sorry I bruised your wrists.”

                              “Yeah, that might be tough to explain.”

                              “You sorry for anything else?” he led.

                              “Sobering up too soon to...”


                              “I don’t get ‘just say no’.”

                              He just grinned.
                              They are enjoying those funky drugs way to much. Such fun to read!

                              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                              prompt #8



                              “Shhh, keep quiet or you’ll ruin my plan! You don’t want people to find us here, do you?”

                              “Do you have a plan?”

                              “Oh yes! I’ve been thinking about it all evening but I had a hard time to free you from your crowd of admirers.”

                              “I don’t have admirers”

                              “Sam, on-world or off-world, you always have admirers.”

                              “So, during a party at the White House with the President of the United States of America, you were thinking to drag me into a dark storage room?”

                              “You betcha.”


                              “I wanted to kiss my wife.”

                              “So, what are you waiting for flyboy?”
                              Yes, yes, what are you waiting for flyboy? That is a good visit to the gutter closet XFchemist!

                              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                              My drabble for Prompt #8: Whispers in the Dark.

                              Jacob/Selmak, grateful for the momentary quiet, guided the Tel’tak toward their destination while SG-1 bunked down for some rest.

                              Then Jacob’s Tok’ra enhanced hearing began picking up whispers from the darkened cargo hold.

                              “Now, Sir?”

                              “Perfect time. We’re the only ones awake.”

                              “What about my dad?”

                              “Just keep it down; he won’t know a thing. C’mon Carter, we both want it.”

                              Next Jacob heard rustling, sucking, slurping, lips smacking, even giggling.

                              Steaming Jacob lunged toward the back, raising the lights.

                              He was confronted with Colonel O’Neill and his daughter huddled in a corner holding cups of Jell-o.

                              “D’oh! I told you to keep it down Carter; now we have to share.”
                              Bwahaha! I'd love to see Jacob's face!

                              Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
                              Drabble Prompt #9
                              Under the Influence


                              Kissing Jack shouldn't feel so...impressive. She knew it. But, she couldn't quite bring herself to stop doing it despite the gnawing feeling that they could both be potentially under some kind of unnatural influence. There was a jittery feeling in her stomach for one, and she felt dazed and unsure of what had transpired beforehand.

                              She had kissed plenty of guys in her time. Some of them had been exceptional at it as well...but this...

                              It kind of defied reason.

                              It was everything a kiss should be.

                              He pulled back and she realised that maybe she was under the influence.

                              His influence.

                              Mmmm, that's the kind of influence I'd go for!

                              And sadly, I can do no more catch up right now. Hope everyone is having a great day! Ship Day is almost here. WHEE!
                              My stories at or


                                Shipper U Quiz #5: Shipper Categories


                                1. The wedding scene from 200 is . . .
                                a. Fluff

                                2. When Sam puts her head on Jack’s shoulder in Beneath the Surface and he tells her he remembers “feeling feelings” it is . . .
                                b. Flangst

                                3. The kiss in The Broca Divide is . . .
                                b. Gutter

                                4. In Line in the Sand Sam’s password “fishing” is . . .
                                a. Flutter

                                5. The kiss in Grace is . . .
                                c. Flangster Gangster

                                6. When Sam show’s Jack the engagement ring from in Affinity it is . . .
                                a. Angst

                                7. When Sam and Jack grab each other on the beach in The Light it is . . .
                                b. Gangst

                                8. The kiss in Window of Opportunity is . . .
                                b. Flutter

                                9. When Sam is trapped behind the force field in Divide and Conquer and Jack cannot reach her it is . . .
                                a. Angst

                                10. When Jack can’t take his eyes off Sam’s naked body in Into the Fire it is . . .
                                c. Gutter

