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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    I love BtS! That's absolutely one of my very favorite episodes! One thing that KILLS me is the end when they say "Sir". Holy cow, it just hurts, doesn't it? Because you know that they are going back to their previous lives, KNOWING now what it is like to be together. It's just painful to watch. That exchange is the very definition of angst!

    Hlndncr--do you have a master list somewhere of your Drabble prompts? I know I did the first five, but life got in the way and I'd like to catch up on the rest. If you could post those, please, in one place, I have some time this evening to write and would love to whip some things up.


    Oh--and !!!!
    My Stories: FFdotNet
    My Stories AO3
    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


      Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
      I love the angst in this episode and that last scene, how heartbreaking that 'Sir' is from him. Its like he is seeing what he wants, but that one word kind of just...puts him back behind a barrier. So sad But it is a great episode to show the potential
      Totally agree!


        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        I love BtS! That's absolutely one of my very favorite episodes! One thing that KILLS me is the end when they say "Sir". Holy cow, it just hurts, doesn't it? Because you know that they are going back to their previous lives, KNOWING now what it is like to be together. It's just painful to watch. That exchange is the very definition of angst!

        Hlndncr--do you have a master list somewhere of your Drabble prompts? I know I did the first five, but life got in the way and I'd like to catch up on the rest. If you could post those, please, in one place, I have some time this evening to write and would love to whip some things up.


        Oh--and !!!!
        I was going to post them tomorrow, but since you said please and I want to read more of your stories I will go pull them up right now.


          Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

          Remember, this doesn't have to be hard. Just a fun little scene/story in 100 words or less. It can be humorous or sad, poetry or prose. Post them here whenever the muse strikes you (or you strike it)! I'll post a new prompt every 24 hours or so for the next ten days.

          All Ten Drabble Prompts:

          1. Lost in a Storm
          2. Teasing and Compliments
          3. Compromising Positions
          4. Among the Stars
          5. Coming Home
          6. A Quarrel and a Kiss
          7. Turning Point
          8. Whispers in the Dark
          9. Under the Influence
          10. By My Side


            Thanks! You're awesome.
            My Stories: FFdotNet
            My Stories AO3
            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              Okay so I missed 2, 7 and haven't done 10. And to think, I wasn't going to do any of them haha
              "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


                Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
                Okay so I missed 2, 7 and haven't done 10. And to think, I wasn't going to do any of them haha
                You did number 2. It was a tag to Moebius.


                  Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                  You did number 2. It was a tag to Moebius.
                  See I can't even keep it straight lol Glad one of us is paying attention :s
                  "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


                    Shipper U Quiz #5: Shipper Categories


                    1. The wedding scene from 200 is . . .
                    a. Fluff

                    2. When Sam puts her head on Jack’s shoulder in Beneath the Surface and he tells her he remembers “feeling feelings” it is . . .
                    b. Flangst

                    3. The kiss in The Broca Divide is . . .
                    b. Gutter

                    4. In Line in the Sand Sam’s password “fishing” is . . .
                    c. Gangst

                    5. The kiss in Grace is . . .
                    c. Flangster Gangster

                    6. When Sam show’s Jack the engagement ring from in Affinity it is . . .
                    a. Angst

                    7. When Sam and Jack grab each other on the beach in The Light it is . . .
                    b. Gangst

                    8. The kiss in Window of Opportunity is . . .
                    a. Flangster Gangster

                    9. When Sam is trapped behind the force field in Divide and Conquer and Jack cannot reach her it is . . .
                    a. Angst

                    10. When Jack can’t take his eyes off Sam’s naked body in Into the Fire it is . . .
                    c. Gutter
                    The Return of King Arthur
                    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                      I did not have time for the last drabble yesterday. I'll write it this evening. Wait for me too?
                      My vids Sig made by me


                        I really hope those drabbles will be collected and reposted on 'Ship Day. I don't have much time for Thread surfing these days...bummer.
                        Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                          I LOVE this idea!

                          Shipper U Quiz #5: Shipper Categories

                          Identify which category best describes the following scenes.

                          Shipper Categories
                          Fluff+Angst+Gutter=Flangster Gangster

                          Please see The Shiptionary for complete definitions.


                          1. The wedding scene from 200 is . . .
                          a. Fluff
                          b. Gangst
                          c. Flutter

                          2. When Sam puts her head on Jack’s shoulder in Beneath the Surface and he tells her he remembers “feeling feelings” it is . . .
                          a. Angst
                          b. Flangst
                          c. Gutter

                          3. The kiss in The Broca Divide is . . .
                          a. Flangster Gangster
                          b. Gutter
                          c. Flangst

                          4. In Line in the Sand Sam’s password “fishing” is . . .
                          a. Flutter
                          b. Fluff
                          c. Gangst

                          5. The kiss in Grace is . . .
                          a. Gutter
                          b. Agnst
                          c. Flangster Gangster

                          6. When Sam show’s Jack the engagement ring from in Affinity it is . . .
                          a. Angst
                          b. Flangst
                          c. Gangst

                          7. When Sam and Jack grab each other on the beach in The Light it is . . .
                          a. Flutter
                          b. Gangst
                          c. Fluff

                          8. The kiss in Window of Opportunity is . . .
                          a. Flangster Gangster
                          b. Flutter
                          c. Gutter

                          9. When Sam is trapped behind the force field in Divide and Conquer and Jack cannot reach her it is . . .
                          a. Angst
                          b. Flangster Gangster
                          c. Flangst

                          10. When Jack can’t take his eyes off Sam’s naked body in Into the Fire it is . . .
                          a. Fluff
                          b. Angst
                          c. Gutter


                            Shipper U Quiz #5: Shipper Categories

                            Identify which category best describes the following scenes.

                            There are my answers:


                            1. The wedding scene from 200 is . . .
                            a. Fluff

                            2. When Sam puts her head on Jack’s shoulder in Beneath the Surface and he tells her he remembers “feeling feelings” it is . . .
                            b. Flangst

                            3. The kiss in The Broca Divide is . . .
                            b. Gutter

                            4. In Line in the Sand Sam’s password “fishing” is . . .
                            c. Gangst

                            5. The kiss in Grace is . . .
                            a. Gutter

                            6. When Sam show’s Jack the engagement ring from in Affinity it is . . .
                            a. Angst

                            7. When Sam and Jack grab each other on the beach in The Light it is . . .
                            b. Gangst

                            8. The kiss in Window of Opportunity is . . .
                            b. Flutter

                            9. When Sam is trapped behind the force field in Divide and Conquer and Jack cannot reach her it is . . .
                            a. Angst

                            10. When Jack can’t take his eyes off Sam’s naked body in Into the Fire it is . . .
                            c. Gutter

                            I didn't always understand the definitions, sorry. You know, language differences. Anyway I tried to choose the good answers.


                              Shipper U Quiz #5: Shipper Categories


                              1. The wedding scene from 200 is . . .
                              a. Fluff

                              2. When Sam puts her head on Jack’s shoulder in Beneath the Surface and he tells her he remembers “feeling feelings” it is . . .
                              b. Flangst

                              3. The kiss in The Broca Divide is . . .
                              b. Gutter

                              4. In Line in the Sand Sam’s password “fishing” is . . .
                              c. Gangst

                              5. The kiss in Grace is . . .
                              c. Flangster Gangster

                              6. When Sam show’s Jack the engagement ring from in Affinity it is . . .
                              a. Angst

                              7. When Sam and Jack grab each other on the beach in The Light it is . . .
                              b. Gangst

                              8. The kiss in Window of Opportunity is . . .
                              a. Flangster Gangster

                              9. When Sam is trapped behind the force field in Divide and Conquer and Jack cannot reach her it is . . .
                              a. Angst

                              10. When Jack can’t take his eyes off Sam’s naked body in Into the Fire it is . . .
                              c. Gutter


                                Shipper Quiz 4

                                My answers in bold and in italics.

                                1. Jack: Move out. Captain?
                                Sam: Oh, don't worry, Colonel. I won't let you down.
                                Jack: Good. I was going to say ladies first.
                                Sam: You know, you really will like me when you get to know me.
                                Jack: Oh, I adore you already, Captain.

                                2. Hammond: Colonel Jack O'Neill, Jacob Carter.
                                Jack: Carter? As in?
                                Sam: As in, my father Sir, yes.
                                Jack: Get outta town. Sam's Dad? I've heard nothing about you, Sir.
                                Jacob: What's there to say about an old general waiting to retire?
                                Sam: Dad, I talk about you all the time.
                                Jack: I retired myself one time. Couldn't stay away.
                                Jacob: From your analysis of deep space radar telemetry.
                                Jack: Well, it's just so damn fascinating.
                                Jacob: I'm sure it is. Otherwise you wouldn't be receiving the Air Medal.
                                Jack: We have [i]our moments[/i].

                                3. Jack: Carter.
                                Sam: Sir?
                                Jack: What?
                                Sam: Is there anything I can do?
                                Jack: About?
                                Sam: Well, sir, with respect you aren't exactly acting like yourself.
                                Jack: No Carter. I haven't been acting like myself since I met you. Now I'm acting like myself.

                                4. Sam: You know there are about this place that I like.
                                Jack: Really? Oh. Would it mean anything if I told you I remember something else?
                                Sam: What?
                                Jack: Feelings.
                                Sam: Feelings?
                                Jack: I remember feeling feelings.
                                Sam: For me?
                                Jack: No, for Tor. I don’t remember much. But I do [i]remember that[/i].
                                Sam: So...
                                Jack: So...I’m just saying.
                                Sam: Well then I feel better.

                                5. Sam: Hey guys, what are you doing here?
                                Jack: We brought pizzas and a movie.
                                Teal'c: Star Wars.
                                Jack: He's seen it, what? Eight times?
                                Teal’c: Nine.
                                Jack: [i]Nine times[/i]. If Teal'c likes it, it's got to be ok.
                                Sam: You've never seen Star Wars?
                                Jack: Well, you know me and sci-fi. Come on, we never just get to hang out, so I thought we'd...
                                Sam: Uh, Sir, as much as I, ah...
                                Jack: Carter. Do you...already have company?
                                Sam: Kind of.
                                Jack: A date?

                                6. Jack: I could stay.
                                Sam: We've all been cleared, sir. The base is clean. Jonas is probably suffering from stress. This is all still pretty new to him.
                                Jack: You could come with.
                                Sam: Sir?
                                Jack: Fishing Carter. I’m going fishing.
                                Sam: You know I'm planning on studying the artifact.
                                Jack: Yes. There's always something isn't there.
                                Sam: Oh, come on, sir. We both know the only reason you asked is because you knew I had something else to do.
                                Jack: No, really. I think you should come, fish. Fish some more.

                                7. Bregman: How do you feel about Colonel O'Neill?
                                Sam: Uh...he's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing, actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he really is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who has given more of himself for this program than anyone has given for... well ... anything I can imagine.

                                8. Jacob: I just want to know you're gonna be happy.
                                Sam: I am.
                                Jacob: Don't let rules stand in your way.
                                Sam: What are you talking about?
                                Jacob: You joined the Air Force because of me.
                                Sam: I love my job.
                                Jacob: You can still still have everything you want.

                                9. Barrett: How's Pete?
                                Sam: We broke up.
                                Barrett: Really? Uh...I mean, I'm sorry to hear that.
                                Sam: Oh, it was the best thing for both of us.
                                Barrett: So, you're single again?
                                Sam: Not exactly.

                                10. Jack: I've always been the one caused. Not worrier.
                                Landry: It's not easy. Don't second-guess yourself. This is the best possible course of action.
                                Jack: Exactly! Action, good! Sitting around, bad.

