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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    ahem...I did warn you

    prompt #6


    He opened the door of the shower and stepped in behind her.

    “Jack, I’m still mad.”

    He didn’t say anything, he just removed the sponge from her hand and began to gently wash every inch of her body. Then he reached for the little bottle of shampoo and sank his fingers into her hair, massaging her scalp. He rinsed it out and repeated the procedure with the conditioner.

    He started kissing her jaw line, her neck and that very sensitive spot under her ear.

    Her knees got weak and she leaned against him.

    “I’m still mad”

    “Perfect. Angry sex followed by make-up sex.”
    My vids Sig made by me


      Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
      Wasn't he pretty much speaking all-Ancient-all-the-time by then? Either way, I'm totally rewatching that scene...
      Yeah, but my thinking is that it could have been "I love you" or something with "amare" (Latin aka Ancient for 'love'). Kind of hard to see

      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
      You can't demonstrate passive sentences in an S/J drabble?!
      Maybe but unfortunately not right now. I'll see how I get on this evening and maybe post something later on? I'm not one to back down from a challenge
      Cake - an AU tale of secrets, lies, intrigue and Jack's favourite thing.

      Chapter 1


        Originally posted by Wild Flower View Post
        Yeah, but my thinking is that it could have been "I love you" or something with "amare" (Latin aka Ancient for 'love'). Kind of hard to see
        He said "aveo amacus", which Daniel translated to mean "goodbye".


          Originally Posted by Akamaimom
          I know I'm late on the drabble prompts, but here's what I've got. . .


          “You’re blushing.”

          “No, I’m not.”

          “Yes, you are.” He could do this, he found—tease her when he couldn’t do anything else about anything.


          “Carter?” He knew he’d gotten to her when she didn’t answer. “So, what’d he say?”


          Another snort. “You know who.” After all, the “who” in question was still staring at her from his hot dog cart.

          “It was nothing.”

          “It was blushworthy.”

          She groaned, rolling her eyes. “He said that he’d have reupped if he’d had someone like me as his CO.”

          Jack grinned, leaning closer. “Carter, why do you think I’m still here?”


            Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
            ahem...I did warn you

            prompt #6


            He opened the door of the shower and stepped in behind her.

            “Jack, I’m still mad.”

            He didn’t say anything, he just removed the sponge from her hand and began to gently wash every inch of her body. Then he reached for the little bottle of shampoo and sank his fingers into her hair, massaging her scalp. He rinsed it out and repeated the procedure with the conditioner.

            He started kissing her jaw line, her neck and that very sensitive spot under her ear.

            Her knees got weak and she leaned against him.

            “I’m still mad”

            “Perfect. Angry sex followed by make-up sex.”


              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
              Drabble Prompt #5
              Coming Home
              Too big to be a drabble but the topic fits.

              Home Safe
              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                He said "aveo amacus", which Daniel translated to mean "goodbye".
                I meant the bit where Jack's in the chair and Sam leans over him to wake him up. He's mouthing something before he says "dormata" and they put him in the suspension thing
                Cake - an AU tale of secrets, lies, intrigue and Jack's favourite thing.

                Chapter 1


                  Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                  Sorry, I've been finishing up and assignment this morning.

                  Here you go!

                  Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

                  Remember, this doesn't have to be hard. Just a fun little scene/story in 100 words or less. Post them here whenever the muse strikes you (or you strike it)! I'll post a new prompt every 24 hours or so for the next ten days.

                  Drabble Prompt #5
                  Coming Home
                  Managed to squeeze one out.


                  “Colonel, my office,” Jack said brusquely once Carter appeared.

                  Sam dutifully followed him, still wearing her flight suit and sporting a soft smile.

                  “What's going on here, Carter?” He questioned after closing the door behind her.

                  “Following protocol, Sir.”

                  “Like hell you are! Vidrine said nothing about any complications and Hammond isn’t scheduled to return to Earth for another three weeks.”

                  Waiting until he calmed a bit, Sam smiled. “It was time for us to come home.”

                  “No, it wasn’t,” he denied. Following her gaze to the hand resting on her stomach he gasped. “Wait, are you saying-”

                  “Yes, Jack.”

                  Last edited by fems; 18 July 2012, 01:21 PM. Reason: Lost formatting
                  Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                  Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                  On FFnet or AO3

                  My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                    Originally posted by Wild Flower View Post
                    Yeah, but my thinking is that it could have been "I love you" or something with "amare" (Latin aka Ancient for 'love'). Kind of hard to see
                    Several fanfic authors have played with that idea. Here's Aveo Amacus by Aveo Amacus (who used to come around here a lot ). She translates it as "I desire my beloved/lover."
                    The Return of King Arthur
                    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                      *jumps into thread*

                      Hi, you don't know me but I used to post here years ago (when I was at high school...and I finished my degree three years ago - that long!)

                      I'm just getting back into Stargate, but I'm rediscovering my OTP so you may see more of me

                      Looking forward to Ship Day!!!!!!
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Shippy Commentary

                        To get us into the spirit of the our upcoming shipper holiday and celebrate ten years of Ship Day goodness you are invited to participate in a group shipper commentary for ten of our favorite shippy episodes.

                        Episode Schedule
                        Tuesday, July 10: Solitudes
                        Thursday, July 12: Entity
                        Saturday, July 14: Lost City
                        Monday, July 16: Paradise Lost
                        Thursday, July 19: Window of Opportunity
                        Friday, July 20: Threads
                        Sunday, July 22: Beneath the Surface
                        Tuesday, July 24: Point of View
                        Thursday, July 26: Grace
                        Friday, July 27: Divide and Conquer

                        This is how it will work. On the scheduled day all shippers are encouraged to watch the appointed episode and comment on this thread as they watch. I will be watching every evening at 9 pm EST if you would like to join in live with me. If you can't make the schedule feel free to comment on any of the episodes and related discussions at anytime. This is just a fun way for us to all get in the shippy mood together.

                        As Jack would say . . . HAVE FUN!!

                        Note: Just updating the Shippy Commentary Schedule because I realized I left off Grace. D'oh! All fixed.


                          Welcome to Shipper U!
                          Did you think summer meant time away from school? Think again! Ten daily quizes leading up to Ship Day will test your Sam/Jack knowledge to see if you know a penguin from a polar bear. Study hard. At the end of your exam, if you've earned enough points you will have conferred upon you the degree of Master Shipper.

                          (Smilie by Nola)
                          Go Penguins!!!!


                            sueKay! I remember you from days gone by... glad to see you back in time for Shipday!


                              Here’s how this will work:
                              1. Each day I’ll post a quiz comprised of ten questions that will test your shipper knowledge.
                              2. Post your replies on the thread in spoilers.
                              3. The next day I’ll post the answers in spoilers for the previous day’s quiz.
                              4. Keep track of your own score. A perfect score is 100.
                              5. On Ship Day you may have demonstrated enough knowledge to receive your Master Shipper degree.

                              Shipper U Master Quiz #1: Multiple Choice

                              1. The first time Sam and Jack meet Sam asks Jack if he would like to . . .
                              a. Get a beer
                              b. Go fishing
                              c. Arm wrestle

                              2. When Sam and Jack visit Felger’s lab Jack protects Sam from . . .
                              a. Sparks from a malfunctioning weapon
                              b. Felger’s advances
                              c. Chloe’s advances

                              3. When Jack is lost with Maybourne Sam loses her temper and snaps at . . .
                              a. Bill Lee
                              b. Jonas Quinn
                              c. General Hammond

                              4. Sam is not around to stop SG-1 from taking hostages and acting as terrorists on a mission because she was . . .
                              a. Recovering from a serious injury
                              b. In Washington, D.C. with Jack
                              c. Temporarily assigned to Area 51

                              5. Jack’s reaction to learning from Daniel that he and Sam were engaged in an alternate reality was to . . .
                              a. Propose to Sam in this reality
                              b. Make Daniel take it back
                              c. Cite the regulations

                              6. Jack was surprised Sam agreed to use of the time machine to retrieve a ZPM from ancient Egypt because she wouldn’t let him use it to . . .
                              a. Visit their future children
                              b. Return to the days of the time loop
                              c. See the Cubs win the world series

                              7. As Sam and Jack leave the extraction ceremony for Baal, Sam mentions that she wants to . . .
                              a. Talk about plans for a moon base
                              b. Go fishing
                              c. Do battle with him in a ring of Jello, preferably blue

                              8. When Sam describes to Hammond how she would like to use the stargate to send a super heavy element into the K’Tau sun Jack gets very excited because . . .
                              a. Sam praises him for his correct understanding of wormhole physics
                              b. He loves listening to Sam technobabble
                              c. He’s imagining Sam naked

                              9. Jack is willing to do almost anything to find Sam when she goes missing from the parking lot of her gym, including . . .
                              a. Bribing Colonel Simmons
                              b. Giving away his National Geographics to a homeless guy
                              c. Shooting Maybourne

                              10. When Sam is taken over by Jolinar she tries to let Jack know she is not herself by . . .
                              a. Kicking Jack under the briefing room table
                              b. Kissing Jack in the locker room
                              c. Punching Jack on the shoulder


                                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                                sueKay! I remember you from days gone by... glad to see you back in time for Shipday!
                                Nolamom! Yay good to see you!! Yeah I've been rewatching SG1 and some people on Tumblr got talking about Ship Day so I thought I'd venture back
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

