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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    The Best Shippy Episode is . . .

    Divide and Conquer (7)


    2010 (1)
    No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
    It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


      The Best Shippy Episode is . . .

      Divide and Conquer (8)


      2010 (1)

      "I didn't leave…because I'd have rather died myself…than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

      "Because I care about her ... a lot more than I'm supposed to ..."
      Because of all of this ^^^^, because of the look through the forceshield, because of Sam fighting a sedative to save him, because of the look he gives her as he's walking away, because of the way he stumbles when Anise asks him if there's someone else... The list goes on. My favourite episode ever. Surely this one wins the whole tournament? Yes and I know that there's fishing in Threads but this one still wins for me.

      Cake - an AU tale of secrets, lies, intrigue and Jack's favourite thing.

      Chapter 1


        The Best Shippy Episode is . . .

        Divide and Conquer (9)


        2010 (1)

        *takes a deep breath* squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

        Because of all the becauses mentioned above AND

        "FREYA:Is there someone else to whom you are loyal?
        O'NEILL:That's not really the point here, is it?"

        He doesn't really answer her. Because we all know he's more than loyal to Sam

        Oh, and I like how when Daniel automatically assumed that it was Sam who made a pass at Jack, and not Freya.

        I leave you with this: (because one can never watch/read it too many times...)


        CARTER: We're not Zatarcs.
        O'NEILL: How do you know?
        CARTER: The machine thinks we have false memories, but we don't. We were lying.
        O'NEILL: I wasn't lying.
        CARTER:Okay. You left something out.
        O'NEILL:No, I didn't.
        CARTER:Sir, when you wouldn't leave me, are you sure there wasn't something else that you're not admitting?
        O'NEILL:What are you talking about?
        CARTER:Something neither one of us can admit given our working relationship, our military ranks?

        [Long pause]

        O'NEILL: Oh! Oh. That.

        Yes. That.


          The Best Shippy Episode is . . .

          Divide and Conquer (10)


          2010 (1)


            just outta political curiousity but haven't we done this voting thing before?


              The Best Shippy Episode is . . .

              Divide and Conquer (11)


              2010 (1)

              My fav episode!
              My vids Sig made by me


                The best shippy episode is...

                Divide & Conquer (12)

                2010 (1)

                Although the angst in 2010 is sooo...guh. Jack with stubble. Whats not to love?
                "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


                  The best shippy episode is...

                  Divide & Conquer (13)

                  2010 (1)

                  For the reasons already mentioned and the fact that D&C made the 'feelings' canon
                  The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it


                    The best shippy episode is...

                    Divide & Conquer (14)

                    2010 (1)

                    All the reasons have been mentioned before


                      Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                      just outta political curiousity but haven't we done this voting thing before?
                      That was a different competition. That was for a holiday. This is for March Madness. And I think these are different pairings. Sheesh, LTJS, get with the program!

                      How's your jaw doing? Still sore?


                        The Best Shippy Episode is . . .

                        Divide and Conquer



                        Sorry I didn't get these out last night - I just had to go to sleep!


                          Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                          just outta political curiousity but haven't we done this voting thing before?
                          Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                          That was a different competition. That was for a holiday. This is for March Madness. And I think these are different pairings. Sheesh, LTJS, get with the program!
                          What she said, only I would have been nicer about it.

                          For anyone interested, here's the history:

                          One day while I was working many long and boring hours I listened to a podcast where a panel of five guys did a tournament style round table to determinet "The Best of Stargate." (You can listen to the podcast here.)

                          While it was very entertaining, it was five guys so Sam and the ship were totally slighted. I decided why not do The Best of the Ship. I chose episodes, quotes, traits and touches relating to the ship and put them into brackets. Everyone had fun, I had something enjoyable to read when I came home from my long boring day of work with NO INTERNET! It also coincided with the run up to Shipsgiving (not planned, just good luck). So I was able to announce the winner on the party thread.

                          Since this game was based on a March Madness style tournament I thought what better way to celebrate (and pass the time in the duldrums between ship holidays) than have another tournament. (You can also play Jack MADness and Sam Madness.) This time I picked all episode titles because it was easier. And this time we get a bonus because Nolamom is making cool shippy gifs to go with each match-up!

                          And that LCJS is why we have this voting and stuff again.

                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          The Best Shippy Episode is . . .

                          Divide and Conquer



                          Sorry I didn't get these out last night - I just had to go to sleep!

                          Sleep! We don't need no stinkin' sleep!

                          P.S. Shouldn't your sig say "Nolamom and O'Fluffy"?


                            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                            What she said, only I would have been nicer about it. <snip>
                            It's okay. He already knows he's my fave Lt. Col... But he's gotta earn it! Which means suffering through my somewhat gruff affection.

                            And I suppose I should add a note of clarification to my last post. When I asked about his jaw, it was because I was being caring... NOT because I was the one who made his jaw hurt in the first place. Don't want people getting the wrong idea!


                              Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                              It's okay. He already knows he's my fave Lt. Col... But he's gotta earn it! Which means suffering through my somewhat gruff affection.

                              And I suppose I should add a note of clarification to my last post. When I asked about his jaw, it was because I was being caring... NOT because I was the one who made his jaw hurt in the first place. Don't want people getting the wrong idea!
                              Oh, sure.

                              I know how tough you Marines are.


                                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                                Oh, sure.

                                I know how tough you Marines are.
                                Gah! Hey! We aren't ALL so mindlessly violent! See, me? I've got a heart of gold! And fists of steel...

