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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    I suppose I should weigh in on my own question? LOL

    I used to be pretty broad on my fanfic reading, but I sort of got suckered into enjoying canon compliant fic. I read a lot that isn't, but to make it on my uber-favorite list, it has to hit that mark. I have this crazy notion in my head that the best possible outcome for Sam/Jack is one in which they don't break the regs (seriously, if I try to write a break the regs story the world ends...Supposed Crime anyone? LOL).

    I'm not much for baby!fic, but I don't my pregger!fic and I definitely can't do kid!fic. Even when it's done well I find myself clicking away (like missparker's Plan C series - I just...can't...finish it).

    I prefer dark!fic like artaxastra (phew!) and some apoca!fic. I like angst and pain and suffering although I like my upbeat endings (I say upbeat, not fluffy).

    Also, I prefer them being the center of the fic. I struggle through team!fic and mission!fic - isn't that terrible???


      Oh yes, the fics should be S/J centric. But I thought that kinda went without saying here in this thread!

      I forgot to mention that I don't like the fics where (part of) SG-1 gets turned into kids and I'm also not a fan of the Clone!fics.
      Last edited by fems; 23 November 2011, 08:52 AM.
      Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
      Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
      On FFnet or AO3

      My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post

        Also, I prefer them being the center of the fic. I struggle through team!fic and mission!fic - isn't that terrible???
        I'm the same, partially because a lot of the authors who write team!fic and mission!fic, that don't have a S&J angle, never manage to get the S&J characters or their interplay right (IMO).

        Originally posted by fems View Post
        I forgot to mention that I don't like the fics where (part of) SG-1 gets turned into kids en I'm also not a fan of the Clone!fics.
        I won't touch the SG-1 gets turned into kids fics with a barge pole! Clone!fics aren't quite as bad, but they still need to be exceptional pieces of writing for me to read them.
        The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it


          Fics...have to be well-written. I instantly delete a fic from my iPad when:
          • Sam "shrieks" or "screams" at Jack/Colonel O'Neill for any reason
          • Jack calls Daniel "Jackson" as Cam did in later seasons
          • Daniel is a whiny, annoying childish person
          • Jack actually *is* an idiot
          • And we'll just leave off the whole grammar, spelling, syntax stuff.

          I appreciate and respect that we have fanfic writers from all over the world, so some syntax stuff I just ignore (as in, Sam went to "University," as opposed to college. Or things like "learnt," etc...). It's harder to ignore things like Jack asking Sam, "Do you fancy a drink?" Simply because A) I can't see Jack using the word "fancy" in any context; and B) Well...because.

          The most recent fic pull for me has been kid-fic. Not baby fic, but kid fic. In both SG1 and Castle, and I'm obsessed with it. So if you have good recs for either, share them (but put the Castle stuff in OT, 'cause, well, it is).

          The best part about the holidays approaching is that it's time for a Blame it on the Tinsel reread.

          Edit: Oh, Kuniochi, I was the same way, but I have to say, one of the very, very best super shippy stories (in character, well-written, and just plain fantastic) was Danny Day Care. Title's not great, but fantastic fic.
          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


            Originally posted by Pol View Post
            Edit: Oh, Kuniochi, I was the same way, but I have to say, one of the very, very best super shippy stories (in character, well-written, and just plain fantastic) was Danny Day Care. Title's not great, but fantastic fic.[/COLOR]
            If you say it's that good, methinks I'll have to check it out.

            Oh, and I would add to your list of reasons not to read something:

            Sam crying constantly throughout the story, for no real reason, since even in the most serious situations throughout the series, she rarely cried.
            Sam getting pregnant, getting hysterical and running away so she won't have to tell Jack she's having his child.
            Jack being abusive and beating Sam or anyone else for no particular reason.
            Jack getting all emotional and begging Sam for anything.
            Jack getting sloppy drunk and then all emotional and crying in his alcohol.


              Originally posted by Pol View Post
              Fics...have to be well-written. I instantly delete a fic from my iPad when:
              • Sam "shrieks" or "screams" at Jack/Colonel O'Neill for any reason
              • Jack calls Daniel "Jackson" as Cam did in later seasons
              • Daniel is a whiny, annoying childish person
              • Jack actually *is* an idiot
              • And we'll just leave off the whole grammar, spelling, syntax stuff.

              I appreciate and respect that we have fanfic writers from all over the world, so some syntax stuff I just ignore (as in, Sam went to "University," as opposed to college. Or things like "learnt," etc...). It's harder to ignore things like Jack asking Sam, "Do you fancy a drink?" Simply because A) I can't see Jack using the word "fancy" in any context; and B) Well...because.

              The most recent fic pull for me has been kid-fic. Not baby fic, but kid fic. In both SG1 and Castle, and I'm obsessed with it. So if you have good recs for either, share them (but put the Castle stuff in OT, 'cause, well, it is).

              The best part about the holidays approaching is that it's time for a Blame it on the Tinsel reread.

              Edit: Oh, Kuniochi, I was the same way, but I have to say, one of the very, very best super shippy stories (in character, well-written, and just plain fantastic) was Danny Day Care. Title's not great, but fantastic fic.
              Thank you for the recommendation. I've seen it on lists, but always avoided it because of the subject matter, however, if you think it's a good one I'll give it a try!

              I agree totally with your list and the other points you make.
              The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it


                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                [COLOR="#000000"]Fics...have to be well-written. I instantly delete a fic from my iPad when:
                • Sam "shrieks" or "screams" at Jack/Colonel O'Neill for any reason
                • Jack calls Daniel "Jackson" as Cam did in later seasons
                • Daniel is a whiny, annoying childish person
                • Jack actually *is* an idiot
                • And we'll just leave off the whole grammar, spelling, syntax stuff.

                I appreciate and respect that we have fanfic writers from all over the world, so some syntax stuff I just ignore (as in, Sam went to "University," as opposed to college. Or things like "learnt," etc...). It's harder to ignore things like Jack asking Sam, "Do you fancy a drink?" Simply because A) I can't see Jack using the word "fancy" in any context; and B) Well...because.
                *snort* Jack. Fancy *snort*

                I'll just say amen to all that LOL

                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                If you say it's that good, methinks I'll have to check it out.

                Oh, and I would add to your list of reasons not to read something:

                Sam crying constantly throughout the story, for no real reason, since even in the most serious situations throughout the series, she rarely cried.
                Sam getting pregnant, getting hysterical and running away so she won't have to tell Jack she's having his child.
                Jack being abusive and beating Sam or anyone else for no particular reason.
                Jack getting all emotional and begging Sam for anything.
                Jack getting sloppy drunk and then all emotional and crying in his alcohol.
                Jack would never defile his beer with tears LOL No one likes a salty Guinness.

                Adding to these lists:

                - Jack agonizing. Over anything. Not the hard decision type stuff (sending someone into combat) but like that emotional things. Agonizing over Sam being with Pete, for example.
                - The over-use of Danny-boy. Or Space Monkey. But if the rest of the fic is well written I might look over such an infraction.
                - Jack as a broken down old warhorse. (Do I think Jack has some self esteem issues, a few, but he dated Kerry for crying out loud).
                - Everyone being all shippy. As in, playing matchmaker. Or Janet wanting to do "girl talk" about Jack (wha---?)

                The last one really bugs me and usually makes me feel as though the writer doesn't have a good grasp on military personalities or culture. Janet technically should have reported whatever she saw during the za'tarc incident to Hammond, and I personally think she did. Hammond, while I love the character, also had a habit of making, what I think, were poor judgment calls when it came to S/J...but then we wouldn't have had a show, so that's more of a writer thing... People on a military base would not be conspiring to get these two into a relationship - a) they're doing top secret military work, somehow if they're not busy, it's time to rethink their position. b) its against the regs.

                Generally I like these things in a story:
                - if they break the regs, they immediately try to make sure they're finding a way to be back in the regs (like a transfer)
                - no angst as to who does what with the transfer thing (really, who cares? Just pick one and end the story. LOL).


                  Originally posted by nynaeve506 View Post
                  jack would never defile his beer with tears lol no one likes a salty guinness.

                  Only a bit OT:

                  I was browsing around on Facebook on a site that had scenery from around Ireland. And there was a beautiful picture of the Guiness River, and I immediately thought of Jack and his beer.

                  Oh, and adding a bit to the list:
                  Story where Jack loves his dog more than he loves Sam and their kids. (*yes, there is a story out there like that.*)


                    Am I a bad shipper because I don't read fics?



                      I'm loving this discussion, and Shannon and Hedwig, both of your posts are spot-n as well.

                      Other things in fic that make me say, "oh, no way..."
                      • Sam is smart and SAVES EVERYTHING WITH TOTAL APLOMB
                      • Sam is an emotional wreck because (see above) or (see below)
                      • Sam is a black widow
                      • Sam is a love-starved romance novel vamp with nothing in her mind but bebbies and hubbies
                      • Jack is unworthy. Puh-leeze. I'm **gay** and think he's the cat's pajamas!
                      • Daniel is utterly, utterly clueless
                      • Teal'c knows all. Has untapped wells of knowledge and hidden depths of deep and abiding compassion. C'mon, the guy *did* do some wickedly awful things for what, a hundred years? He's got issues.
                      • Sam and Jack have gotten together and then A) broken up; B) divorced; C) blah, blah, blah.

                      Let's see, other things I love:
                      • Sam is smart, but flawed (no Mary Sue here!)
                      • Strong Jack (but not a macho idiot)
                      • Smart Daniel
                      • Teal'c. He's such an underutilized character in fanfic.

                      I love it when they portray good character stuff between all. I also love it when an author finds something that was not overdone in fic. I try to do that in the Campfires, not take the obvious approach in a fic, but pull out some nuance only hinted at in the show, either in dialogue or physical acting.

                      Fun discussion. More? Anyone else? C'mon, most of us read the stuff and a lot of us write it!
                      Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                        Originally posted by Pol View Post
                        [*]Sam is a love-starved romance novel vamp with nothing in her mind but bebbies and hubbies[*]Jack is unworthy. Puh-leeze. I'm **gay** and think he's the cat's pajamas!
                        Pol you crack me up!

                        Oh let's see what else I've got in my head for fic:
                        • Pete as psychopath.
                        • Mark as overprotective brother - really? They're middle-age and she has combat training, one *what planet* does Mark live that he would ever think he needs to either take her to task over Pete or protect her honor against Jack?
                        • Sam taking random guys home or Jack taking random girls home - it's just too OOC
                        • Sam as Women's Lib Spokesperson

                        I've been wanting to write a fic for Shipmas (maybe, maybe, no promises) and I wanted to illuminate some aspect of the show or relationship or whatever, but I think I used it all up in my last fic ^^ So much has been done and done to death! What is there that's new under the sun??


                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          Am I a bad shipper because I don't read fics?
                          Not a bad shipper, but definitely missing out. There are some great fics out there from some really talented authors.

                          Nice banner.

                          And pilgrim Fluffy!! Looks rather stern. Must be getting ready to give a real hell fire and damnation sermon.


                            I don't like the ones where Sam chooses/marries Pete only for him to be killed (on duty or by her/Jack because he abuses her) and then she'll finally realize Jack was the one for her and ends up with him. It's like she's settling for Jack because Pete's gone.

                            Obviously it's the other way around; she once settled for Pete because she couldn't have Jack.
                            Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                            Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                            On FFnet or AO3

                            My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                              Originally posted by Pol View Post
                              Let's see, other things I love:
                              • Sam is smart, but flawed (no Mary Sue here!)
                              • Strong Jack (but not a macho idiot)
                              • Smart Daniel
                              • Teal'c. He's such an underutilized character in fanfic.
                              Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post

                              Oh let's see what else I've got in my head for fic:
                              • Pete as psychopath.
                              • Mark as overprotective brother - really? They're middle-age and she has combat training, one *what planet* does Mark live that he would ever think he needs to either take her to task over Pete or protect her honor against Jack?
                              • Sam taking random guys home or Jack taking random girls home - it's just too OOC
                              • Sam as Women's Lib Spokesperson
                              Agreed. I hate it when the characters are written as caricatures of themselves. I do find some things are overused (no giggling, Danny-boy, space monkey to name a few), but I think in some cases this is more to do with me reading a lot of fics that have similar themes rather than it being the fault of individual authors. I hate seeing wimpy, in need of rescuing Sam (or any to the characters to be honest) or any of Sam's male admirers being written as nutters.

                              I love the fact that so many people on here seem to be on the same page! I said before that I hate it when authors write people out of character, however, I've been reading some Sam and Vala friendship stuff recently (I'm working my way through the 'Sam fics' thread) and have come across some really nice Sam and Vala interaction stories. The way Vala is written is not the way she was written on the show but the way I wish the writers had handled her character. She's written as a complex woman with a troubled past, not the sex-crazed frat boy fantasy that the show often had her as. It makes me sad that a character with so much potential was so badly treated by professional writers and yet can be so well written by amateur fanfic authors! GRRRRRR!

                              I like whump stories, but they have to be realistic whump. I don't mind graphic whump, but there has to be emotion and the characters have to ring true. I suppose, as long as I find the characters believable (and the writing competent) I'll give most things a try.
                              The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they've found it


                                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                                I've been wanting to write a fic for Shipmas (maybe, maybe, no promises) and I wanted to illuminate some aspect of the show or relationship or whatever, but I think I used it all up in my last fic ^^ So much has been done and done to death! What is there that's new under the sun??
                                You know I've been thinking about that too. But I've come to the conclusion that how I view the characters is still uniquely me. So even something that's been done to death will be different when I do it because it will reflect my own unique interaction with the characters. And I can read any story done a million different ways if it's done well. I've written at least a dozen post-Threads scenarios in my head, all a little different and I enjoy them all.

                                Truth is I think there are only about a dozen stories in the world. They are just told and retold over and over again. If it's done well it was worth the retelling.

                                Oh and I thought of one more thing that drives me crazy in fanfic and that's everyone being really cavaleir with about discussing classified information in public or with outsiders (friends, family, neighbors, strangers at a grocery store, etc.)

