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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    The Best of the Ship is . . .

    The Longest Hug Ever (Into the Fire) (8)


    Entity (S4Ep20) (3)

    Because Jack had to zat Sam twice and thought he'd killed her! Aw, I love angst!
    Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
    Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
    On FFnet or AO3

    My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


      The Best of the Ship is . . .

      The Longest Hug Ever (Into the Fire) (8)


      Entity (S4Ep20) (4)

      Even the entity knows how important Sam is to Jack.
      I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


        The Best of the Ship is . . .

        The Longest Hug Ever (Into the Fire) (9)


        Entity (S4Ep20) (4)

        I vote fluff over angst most days!


          Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
          Ummm...this one?

          Spoilered because it's rated 'T'...and I was not going to share it, but I can't seem to refuse Trinity's "Please" either...


          "Jack...please..." she murmured against his lips.

          He complied with her request instantly, and as her breathing became ragged, he watched her expression dissolve to bliss in the soft firelight.

          He could never refuse her when she used the power of 'please'.

          ok...I'm done (you're a bad influence, Trin)*
          Thanks for sharing! I love me some Sam/Jack flutter (fluff/gutter)


            The Best of the Ship is . . .

            The Longest Hug Ever (Into the Fire) (9)


            Entity (S4Ep20) (5)

            Once again I'm going to go with the underdog because I also love me some angst, and because Jack is pushed to his absolute limits. Not since the death of Charlie have we seen him so raw. He is sent down to the depths of his worst nightmare. This woman he loves, who has become an essential part of his life, lies dead at his feet. Killed not just by his own gun, but his very own hand. Who knows if Jack could have survived had she not been saved.

            But one of the first signs of Jack's need for Sam in his life is tonight's WINNER is The Longest Hug Ever (Into the Fire).


              The Best of the Ship is . . .

              Briefing Room Hand Touching (Moebius 1)


              Beneath the Surface (S4Ep10)


                The Best of the Ship is . . .

                Briefing Room Hand Touching (Moebius 1)


                Beneath the Surface (S4Ep10) (1)

                Love, LOVE this episode. I even changed my sig and avatar because of this.

                This is an episode where everything is stripped from them. Their military ranks, environment, even their identities but still their feelings remain. It is a walls down episode but oh so heartbreaking at the end with Jack's very emotional, Sir.
                I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                  So...I needed a break from writing and decided to carve pumpkins instead. Results:

                  Now, is this post ship-related? Sure it is! Sam (I am certain) loved Kermit the Frog as a child. She and her mom would sit and watch it and though she wouldn't get all the jokes, she'd laugh every time her mom did (though she wondered how they got a studio audience to laugh at what were obviously puppets).

                  Later, much later, she has discovered that Jack really liked Grover from Sesame Street (which he used to watch with Charlie), and the Muppets kind of grew on him.

                  So, that brings us to now. I am sure that at some point Sam carved pumpkins with Cassie and this was the result. Cassie also carved some with Jack, and his less than successful result is still on my kitchen counter.


                  Now, if that's not a shippy fic prompt or plot bunny (available for adoption), I don't know one.
                  Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                    The Best of the Ship is . . .

                    Briefing Room Hand Touching (Moebius 1)


                    Beneath the Surface (S4Ep10) (2)

                    This is one of my all-time favorite episodes. Without any knowledge of self or background, Jack and Sam are still drawn to each other. When all else is gone from their lives, they still remember "feelings". Love is a potent emotion, and Sam and Jack have it in spades.

                    Beautiful pumpkin carvings. I wish I had such talent! I'm not even attempting one this year.


                      The Best of the Ship is . . .

                      Briefing Room Hand Touching (Moebius Part 1) (1)


                      [B]Beneath the Surface (S4Ep10) (2)

                      I am firmly of the opinion that by this time Sam has already broken things off with and plans for and being together are already underway. Just need to dot a few (i)s and cross a few (t)s. Thus the touching is a way of getting a headstart.
                      No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                      It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                        The Best of the Ship is . . .

                        Briefing Room Hand Touching (Moebius Part 1) (1)


                        Beneath the Surface (S4Ep10) (3)

                        Because even though they're different people they *still* seek each other out!

                        And because I just watched this episode, I have a question. How do you think Sam's hair got cut in Beneath the Surface? Did their captives cut her hair? Did she cut it herself for some reason? Or was the whole thing a big coincidence and Sam got it cut before the mission? It's been speculated about a lot in fanfic, but I want to know what you guys think.
                        The Return of King Arthur
                        Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                        acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                          The Best of the Ship is . . .

                          Briefing Room Hand Touching (Moebius Part 1) (1)


                          Beneath the Surface (S4Ep10) (4)

                          Because they didn't remember their real names but they remembered "feeling feelings"
                          My vids Sig made by me


                            The Best of the Ship is . . .

                            Briefing Room Hand Touching (Moebius Part 1) (1)


                            Beneath the Surface (S4Ep10) (5)

                            Okay, well... To be honest, the hand touching thing in Moebius, I can't even remember it. So much happened in that ep, the briefing room is the least on my mind. Now, if you had said "the fireworks kiss in the puddlejumper in Moebius between other!Jack and other!Sam", I would totally know what you're talking about.

                            So, in all honesty, this *specific* scene in Moebius can't really hold a candle to the WHOLE EPISODE that was Beneath the Surface.

                            Let's see... In BtS you have our favorite people in a setting that is unfamiliar and just not quite right. It's obvious that not every bond survived the memory stamp at first (think of Karlan/Daniel and his sticking up for his evil broad when she tried to keep bread from Sam). But our lovelies DID survive the memory stamp. They don't know who they are, where they came from, but even in a place where the sun don't shine, they still found their way home (to each other ).

                            This ep is full of good, great, AMAZING moments. There a plethora of loaded eye contact moments, where clearly they feel a rush of something but they can't quite figure out why. There's several moments where they're in the same vicinity, where they're looking at each other, or trying to make sense of an event (like where Teal'c-- our lovely first shipper-- starts to remember and is dragged away) where Sam is always the first to leave, and always a little awkwardly, because Jack is looking at her and she has no idea what to say. (He leaves her speechless! Heheheheh...)

                            And then, soon every time we see either one of them, the other is not far away. When Sam is venting about her ideas being rejected, Jack is there listening (and staring, methinks, because she's just so darn cute when she's venting). When they meet with the others to discuss theories, Sam is sitting close to him. When they have a late night rendezvous with just the two of them, they're completely comfortable around each other. She rests her head on his shoulder, she giggles at his jokes (and this time, do you hear him telling her to stop? I don't think so!), and he says the most sweetest things to her (because let's face it, that was cutest confession of love I've ever seen in my life!). And when she starts playing with him, goading him on ("For me?"), he teases her ("No... for Tor") like they're an old married couple ('you love me how much?'/'I love you *this* much'...).

                            And then at the very end, it's heart-wrenching, but its still very understated and very tender. Once again, he lets her set the rules. It's clear that he would have been happy to work things out, just to keep things going between them, but when she calls him Sir... I think it came out as an accident, a matter of returning habit as more memory came back to her, but *he* is the one to make it loaded. When he parrots her, there's a question, regret, and total concession all in one go, and she feels it just as keenly as we do, I think.

                            I heard somewhere that initially they were supposed to kiss there, but I'm glad they didn't. It was so much more poignant that way. And while a kiss would have made things a little too final for me, the way the ep actually ended left things perfectly open-ended. Instead of being over and done with, they got it out of their systems and they even kissed goodbye, we are now left with a relationship unfulfilled with the distinct air of 'we'll have this again.... we just have a few things to finish first.' Kinda like a "hold that thought-- we'll come back to it" vibe.

                            So whereas I'm sure the hand-touch in Moebius was kinda thought-less and totally natural, speaking to the keen closeness and comfort they'd developed over the past eight [EIGHT!!] years, Beneath the Surface TOTALLY wins my vote... Can yah tell?


                              Hey all!

                              Just popping my head in to say Hi cos it feels like FOREVER since I've been here (or at least 10 pages of posts which is enough to catch up on anyway!) but RL has been keeping me ultra busy of late.

                              Just wanted to say congrats to AKA - do we have any news yet or did I miss it?!

                              Also loving all the pumpkin carvings! Pol the SG1 is good!

                              Also did we agree that Shipsgiving is on the 19th? I'm working on a contribution


                                The Best of the Ship is . . .

                                Briefing Room Hand Touching (Moebius Part 1) (1)


                                Beneath the Surface (S4Ep10) (6)

                                So many shippy moments in this episode, and one of my favourites, right down to the 'Sir' at the end.

