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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    The Best of the Ship is . . .

    The Heroes Hug (1)


    Divide & Conquer (S4Ep5)

    This is a tough choice, given that both of them are so emotional. But I'm going with the Heroes hug. Because of the comfort being given by both of them to each other over such a tragic loss. I think Jack needed that hug every bit as much as Sam did at that time.


      The Best of the Ship is...

      The Heroes Hug


      Divide & Conquer (S4Ep5)

      Oooh, another tough one I'm going to have to think about for awhile!


        The Best of the Ship is . . .

        The Heroes Hug (2)


        Divide & Conquer (S4Ep5)

        Definitely a toughie. But the Heroes hug wins in my book because it's not tainted by Tok'ra Barbie. Seriously. Plus, D&C was a forced confession, so to speak, revealed under duress... The Heroes hug was pure emotional release, and a testament to how comfortable they are together despite not being *together*.

        And this time, it was a matter of her losing him, which to me is always more heart-rending than the other way around... Maybe because she's usually much more guarded about her emotions, while Jack has been more obvious about his concern for her. Or maybe because I identify with Sam period, but yeah...

        You know, I actually think that D&C acted as a kind of set up for Heroes... so without D&C, the Heroes hug wouldn't have been so sweet. Kind of a twisted relationship, don't you think?

        I LOVE IT!


          Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
          Btw, in Threads, when Kerry comes out to find Jack and then Sam gets all uncomfortable, Kerry goes "Well, this is awkward", Sam gives a muttered "ya think?"
          I almost fell off the couch the first time I noticed that (which was NOT the first time I watched the ep)! It's SO great at that moment.

          Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
          And I am thus searching my brain for Carter-isms he might've used... Opened Pandora's box, you have!
          Please report back what you find! Can't wait.

          Originally posted by fems View Post
          There was a Daniel story line in that ep?
          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          Something about waffles?
          Bwahahaha...classic, both of you!

          Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
          My favorite mirror...(from my 101 looks of Jack)...
          Ooooo...thanks for sharing that one, Nynaeve. Very nice!

          I've enjoyed all of the comments on this mirroring vs. not exactly. I'm not going to change my vote, but I do want to add that RDA and AT played the mirroring and looks so well, so subtly, that it captivated us. Ok...done gushing...
          sig by Ikorni

          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


            Heheheh... I think I found a Carter-ism Jack used in an episode!

            : ...Magnets. Something about magnets?


              Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
              Heheheh... I think I found a Carter-ism Jack used in an episode!

              : ...Magnets. Something about magnets?
              what about in WOO when he told her that the "geomagnetic storm is acting up and they shouldn't stay long" and sam just looks at him all confused like and he just shrugs it off with a "Lucky guess."


                when the writers were first penning out the series did they ever once just ask "should we make carter a love interest for O'Neill?" cause i always wondered why they started down this road. (hey i'm happy they did i'm just curious if it was planned all along.)


                  I crack myself up!

                  But in all serious-ness, his version of Carter-isms aren't like Sam picking up Jack-isms. With him it's more about him learning the finer points of Sam, and either accommodating or instigating the quirks.

                  It's much more subtle, but equally tasty .


                    Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                    Heheheh... I think I found a Carter-ism Jack used in an episode!

                    : ...Magnets. Something about magnets?
                    Excellent!. Have some green jello cubes.


                      Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                      when the writers were first penning out the series did they ever once just ask "should we make carter a love interest for O'Neill?" cause i always wondered why they started down this road. (hey i'm happy they did i'm just curious if it was planned all along.)
                      Personally, I think they did start out with the idea of Sam being a love interest for O'Neill. But they claim they didn't actually "see" the chemistry between the two until the 2d or 3rd season (if I remember correctly, which I may not). I'm forgetting the particular episode where it seems the light bulb went off, and they went "aha! - love interest".
                      Last edited by hedwig; 18 October 2011, 07:55 PM.


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        Personally, I think they did start out with the idea of Sam being a love interest for O'Neill. But they claim they didn't actually "see" the chemistry between the two until the 2d or 3rd season (if I remember correctly, which I may not). I'm forgetting the particular episode where it seems the light bulb went off, and they went "aha! - love interest".
                        It was "Into the Fire" when they're all cozied up in the hall with his arms around her and his hand over her mouth. I believe that's where I heard on the director's commentary that the light bulbs went off.
                        My Stories: FFdotNet
                        My Stories AO3
                        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          It was "Into the Fire" when they're all cozied up in the hall with his arms around her and his hand over her mouth. I believe that's where I heard on the director's commentary that the light bulbs went off.

                          Out of Mind had the whole jack having his arms around sam and his hand over her mouth. Into the fire had the hug after he killed hathor.


                            The Best of the Ship is . . .

                            The Heroes Hug (3)


                            Divide & Conquer (S4Ep5)

                            For oh so many reasons! "Heroes" is my favorite ep because of all the emotion and the fact that there are so many beautiful moments for every character on the show (The hug between Sam and Jack, obviously, but also the hug between Teal'c and Sam, Daniel showing up to see baby Janet, the beautiful memorial service, General Hammond throwing Breggman out, Janet being so courageous off world, the list goes on and on...).

                            I also love it because while "Divide and Conquer" is affirmation of Sam and Jack's feelings for each other, "Heroes" is reaffirmation. They're both trying to let each other go, but underneath everything, their feelings haven't changed.
                            The Return of King Arthur
                            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                              The Best of the Ship is . . .
                              The Heroes Hug (4)


                              Divide & Conquer (S4Ep5)
                              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                                The Best of the Ship is . . .
                                The Heroes Hug (4)


                                Divide & Conquer (S4Ep5) (1)

                                HARDDDDDDDDDD choice!
                                "Heroe"s has is the BEST HUG EVER!!! Though I chose D&C cuz it's my fav episode!
                                My vids Sig made by me

