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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
    i would have to guess that sam was at 13 maybe even 15 when her mom was killed.
    LCJS -cool. that's how old I thought the actress looked (I guessed 14 -based on comparison to my own 13 year old daughter's appearance).
    sig by Ikorni

    "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
    "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

    SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


      Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
      Great pics, Lilac!

      After I started the rewatch I'm really thinking about joining you shippers, but I have not such nice things to contribute. I can only squee, drool and fall to the floor.
      That's pretty much all I can do, too Welcome aboard!

      Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
      So far there is only one Goa'uld in my collection and she could definitely be at the top of the beanstalk!

      I've been enjoying all of your Playmobil pics! They're incredible, and it looks like you have a lot fun doing them.

      Originally posted by Bad Fish View Post
      Aww, this is a great pic for these kind of posters! And you're welcome!
      I've been enjoying all of your posters, too! They're a lot of fun to read.

      Originally posted by fems View Post
      Pictures on Sam's mantle:

      The Carter family before Mom died (I think this really shows Mark is one or two years younger than Sam).
      Thanks for sharing those photos. I've never noticed them before.

      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      This is actually one of my gripes in fanfics, where people talk about how tiny Sam's house is and how big Jack's house is (just so they can make Sam move in with Jack and have more room). Writer prerogative and all that, of course, but I honestly can't see Jack buying a house as big as depicted in many fanfics just for himself (usually 3-4 bedrooms, 2-3 baths, 2 stories, full/double sized garage, etc.)And Amanda said in some interview that she was surprised the writers/producers picked such a large house for her character, when she would probably have chosen an apartment or condominium for her character to live in.
      I had to smile at the item in bold. When I was single, I bought a 3-bedroom, 2 storey house with a double garage. One day, after doing all of the housecleaning -- and also thinking about the lawn mowing (and snow shovelling in the winter) that I would have to do -- I almost broke down and cried and wondered WHY I had gotten such a big house (it was actually mostly for investment purposes).

      But, I agree about Sam. She's so busy and hardly ever at home, I can't imagine why she'd buy a large house. She would have get a housecleaning service, yard service, and snow removal service in order to keep on top of things. It would be far easier to get a condo.

      Originally posted by fems View Post

      Harsh, maybe, but have you looked at the furniture? I mean, my stuff goes better together and I'm a poor student. A lot of her things look very dated and nothing like Sam's character, although I could understand it somewhat if some of it came from her mother or something (but I doubt it). I'm not saying the clutter is bad, I just hadn't expected her to be a clutter person. And most of the clutter would be personal affects, I guess so she's allowed to take those with her! I liked the personal touches with all the pictures (it's really a shame I couldn't get a good look at them). It's just... her house looks very nice from the outside and she has two sets of awesome patio doors, which she blocks with desks and computers! The forgotten table in the corner of the kitchen can just go, becaus she probably eats breakfast (if she eats it at all) at the kitchen island or on base and I'm not sure how many times she actually uses the dining room. The living room is very small and cramped with the furniture she's used, there is no real need to separate the tiny dining room from the living room as it's already very open.
      I agree with hedwig -- it's more to do with what the set decorators have done (or in this case, not done). Probably in the interests of saving money, they just went with whatever furniture that the real home owners had, rather than try to furnish the house with what they thought Sam would like.

      Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
      I agree that it looks like the same actress...I'm going to assume it is. She's a pretty cute young lady (anybody going to hazard a guess at how old Sam was when her mom was killed in the accident? Are we given any clues other than the apparent age of the actress in Jolinars Memories/The Devil you know? -If the actress's appearance is all we've got, then I'm willing to throw out my guess).
      I think maybe 13 or 14?


        I've always been surprised that Sam had a house - being a single woman in the military with a program that keeps her away for hours at a time, why bother with the upkeep? An apartment would have made much more sense. Buying wouldn't have made any sense IMO - USAF officers move so frequently it just doesn't make much sense (because you have to hope the market will support selling and yet you still have to have a place to live - I remember the only time my parents purchased was in Vegas because at the time it cost less to have a mortgage than rent, but they were fretting when it came time to sell two years later).

        It's the only piece that seemed incredibly incongruous to her character.

        And Jack. I don't know. His house seems nice and a little tucked away? I'm trying to remember where his house is in relation to the neighborhood. Maybe he wanted privacy and that was the size he got (I always figured it was a 3-4 bdrm with 2 bath).


          Love my ship==> + =


            Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
            Love my ship==> + =
            YAY! me too...

            Jack & Sam Fire & Water.jpg
            sig by Ikorni

            "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
            "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

            SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


              Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
              I've always been surprised that Sam had a house - being a single woman in the military with a program that keeps her away for hours at a time, why bother with the upkeep? An apartment would have made much more sense. Buying wouldn't have made any sense IMO - USAF officers move so frequently it just doesn't make much sense (because you have to hope the market will support selling and yet you still have to have a place to live - I remember the only time my parents purchased was in Vegas because at the time it cost less to have a mortgage than rent, but they were fretting when it came time to sell two years later).

              It's the only piece that seemed incredibly incongruous to her character.

              And Jack. I don't know. His house seems nice and a little tucked away? I'm trying to remember where his house is in relation to the neighborhood. Maybe he wanted privacy and that was the size he got (I always figured it was a 3-4 bdrm with 2 bath).
              If you listen to the director's commentary about this episode (Ascension), Amanda Tapping states that even SHE was expecting it to be an apartment, but they got a house for her, instead. She justified it by telling herself that it was Jacob's home that he'd bought (I don't see him being an apartment guy, myself) and that she'd moved in after he'd gotten himself all Tokra'd up. Makes sense to me.
              My Stories: FFdotNet
              My Stories AO3
              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                If you listen to the director's commentary about this episode (Ascension), Amanda Tapping states that even SHE was expecting it to be an apartment, but they got a house for her, instead. She justified it by telling herself that it was Jacob's home that he'd bought (I don't see him being an apartment guy, myself) and that she'd moved in after he'd gotten himself all Tokra'd up. Makes sense to me.
                Didn't sam say that he got an APARTMENT in the tok'ra part 1?


                  Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                  If you listen to the director's commentary about this episode (Ascension), Amanda Tapping states that even SHE was expecting it to be an apartment, but they got a house for her, instead. She justified it by telling herself that it was Jacob's home that he'd bought (I don't see him being an apartment guy, myself) and that she'd moved in after he'd gotten himself all Tokra'd up. Makes sense to me.
                  The only problem is that I can't see how he was in Colorado Springs (and the fact that he got an apartment as Shep up there mentioned). Given that he was military, I find it highly unlikely that she has any childhood connection to Colorado Springs other than her Academy days (welcome to the military life, truthfully, Sam would have only the most cursory connection to anywhere really).

                  I know it's just AT trying to justify it, but :: shrugs :: I'll go with she got an awesome deal on rent...maybe...


                    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                    The only problem is that I can't see how he was in Colorado Springs (and the fact that he got an apartment as Shep up there mentioned). Given that he was military, I find it highly unlikely that she has any childhood connection to Colorado Springs other than her Academy days (welcome to the military life, truthfully, Sam would have only the most cursory connection to anywhere really).

                    I know it's just AT trying to justify it, but :: shrugs :: I'll go with she got an awesome deal on rent...maybe...
                    I consider it this way:

                    When Sam's mom died, there was a life insurance policy for the kids. But given the kids' ages, they didn't need it so much. Sam didn't have to pay for college, and odds are Mark refuse to use the policy money on his own education, if he has one, so it's my belief that Jacob set it aside until he made the decision to move to Colorado Springs to be closer to Sam while he underwent treatment for his lymphoma.

                    Now, I figure him for a spartan apartment kinda guy myself, but I think he was planning ahead. I think he bought the house with the policy money, fully anticipating his near demise and planning all along to leave to Sam when he passed. It would be his way of contributing to her future, and trying to take care of her in a way that she wouldn't outright refuse.

                    That's my creative solution for the anomaly, in any case.

                    But all things considered, a house is logistically easier to film in, because often times apartments are too small to maneuver the cameras, and while I think the show could've built a fake apartment set, the aesthetics of the real house really make the house. And if you really think about it, with Sam having little to no social life, and her spending so much time on base or off world, it makes sense that she'd be able to splurge a bit on living arrangements . But that's just me!


                      Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                      i would have to guess that sam was at 13 maybe even 15 when her mom was killed.
                      I also think it's the same actress and that the family picture was taken about 1-2 years before her mother died, if you look at the length of her hair.

                      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                      I've always been surprised that Sam had a house - being a single woman in the military with a program that keeps her away for hours at a time, why bother with the upkeep? An apartment would have made much more sense. Buying wouldn't have made any sense IMO - USAF officers move so frequently it just doesn't make much sense (because you have to hope the market will support selling and yet you still have to have a place to live - I remember the only time my parents purchased was in Vegas because at the time it cost less to have a mortgage than rent, but they were fretting when it came time to sell two years later).

                      It's the only piece that seemed incredibly incongruous to her character.

                      And Jack. I don't know. His house seems nice and a little tucked away? I'm trying to remember where his house is in relation to the neighborhood. Maybe he wanted privacy and that was the size he got (I always figured it was a 3-4 bdrm with 2 bath).
                      Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                      I consider it this way:

                      When Sam's mom died, there was a life insurance policy for the kids. But given the kids' ages, they didn't need it so much. Sam didn't have to pay for college, and odds are Mark refuse to use the policy money on his own education, if he has one, so it's my belief that Jacob set it aside until he made the decision to move to Colorado Springs to be closer to Sam while he underwent treatment for his lymphoma.

                      Now, I figure him for a spartan apartment kinda guy myself, but I think he was planning ahead. I think he bought the house with the policy money, fully anticipating his near demise and planning all along to leave to Sam when he passed. It would be his way of contributing to her future, and trying to take care of her in a way that she wouldn't outright refuse.

                      That's my creative solution for the anomaly, in any case.

                      But all things considered, a house is logistically easier to film in, because often times apartments are too small to maneuver the cameras, and while I think the show could've built a fake apartment set, the aesthetics of the real house really make the house. And if you really think about it, with Sam having little to no social life, and her spending so much time on base or off world, it makes sense that she'd be able to splurge a bit on living arrangements . But that's just me!
                      I figured that Sam would probably have made quite a bit of money with investments (maybe even some tech) and gotten money when her mother died (life insurance or inheritance). I don't think we ever hear about Sam moving, so I assume she bought her house once she was sure the SGC would be her permanent base, which would probably be in the second year or so(considering Kinsey's threat of closing it and her not mentioning just having bought a house)?

                      The workplace in the basement and the double (triple?) garage were probably also big reasons for her to buy the house, since it would be much easier to tinker there than if she had an apartment. With an apartment you'd have to be able to put your 2 bikes and Volvo(s) somewhere...

                      We know Jacob bought an apartment and considering his plans for Sam to join NASA I doubt he bought her a house. It is possible that he left her most of his money after he got Tok'ra-ed but I assume Sam was already living in her house at that time.

                      I guess that with the USAF Academy and NORAD in Colorado Springs, she wouldn't have a tough time selling her house if she had been transferred later on though. In one of my fics I even have her subletting the house (with her stuff in storage) while she's in Nevada and in another Daniel's basically renting her place since he always loses apartments when he dies.

                      Is it possible she's renting the house? I don't have any idea how that goes in the States, so...

                      As for the location of Jack's house, all we know it's in suburban Colorado Springs (like Sam's). But he presumably bought the house after he got back from Abydos the first time, because we learn Sara and her father, Mike are still living in their old house in Denver (842 Cranbrooke Lane, Winter Park, Colorado, 80310), the one where Charlie grew up. I'd imagine he'd go for a tucked away place with enough privacy and where the stars are visible enough at night. I've never watched Stargate (the movie) so I don't know if his stargazing was already established there or if it was a new thing in the pilot, but considering his telescope I'd say he wouldn't want too much light pollution or (traffic) noise when he's stargazing at night.
                      Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                      Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                      On FFnet or AO3

                      My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                        Great discussion about Sam's house -----> iz learning and taking notes. Fems, awesome house plans! It makes things so much easier for fic writers to be able to visualize your characters' houses.

                        I too didn't think Sam would have a house. But I like the idea that Jacob got it. The "interior design" makes much more sense this way.

                        I also think Sam has a garage full of vintage Harleys but that's just me.

                        Oh and I just read "All We Need of Hell" by Surrealis, and it was an awesome story. Very dark, perfect for this angst junkie.
                        "Didn't that tape say there were no fish in your pond?"


                          According to AT Sam has two bikes

                          Yeah, I have a classic 1940 Indian motorcycle. Initially in this episode they had me tending my garden. What does Carter do in her off time? Tend her garden?? And I went, this woman doesn't have time for flowers! She's never home! They'd die! So I said, what if she had, like, a really cool motorcycle, like an old Harley, an old Hog? And then they found this 1940 Indian, beautiful, classic, mint condition bike. But it was weird, because I just assumed you'd see Carter in her garage tweaking her motorcycle. But I guess we didn't have access to the garage, so we ended up doing it in her lab. Which was weird! I don't know how she got the bike down there, or whether she'd be allowed to, but that's neither here nor there at this point! The thing with Carter is she's an adrenaline junkie, and so she has an Indian, and she has a Harley, and she has a classic Volvo. And she also has a new Volvo, which happens to be Amanda's Volvo which they're now using in the show! But occasionally they'll put gas in my tank. It's all good! So yes, she's a Volvo and Indian girl, I guess, and Harley. Motorcycles and Volvos, that's the girl! What's with it? I don't know. She's an adrenaline junkie. On weekends she goes out and rides her bike.
                          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                          On FFnet or AO3

                          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                            All this talk of Sam and Jack's houses is quite interesting - I only wish I could see the floor plans better - they keep playing havoc with my browser everytime I click on them.

                            However, like Hedwig I thought Sam's house was more open plan than this. I recently tried to do an exploration of her house for a fic of my own recently - only nowhere near as detailed! - and it appears quite different in my mind for some reason!

                            I'm impressed that you used an online program to create Sam's though - normally they're a nightmare to use!


                              Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                              All this talk of Sam and Jack's houses is quite interesting - I only wish I could see the floor plans better - they keep playing havoc with my browser everytime I click on them.

                              However, like Hedwig I thought Sam's house was more open plan than this. I recently tried to do an exploration of her house for a fic of my own recently - only nowhere near as detailed! - and it appears quite different in my mind for some reason!

                              I'm impressed that you used an online program to create Sam's though - normally they're a nightmare to use!
                              Well, I've posted the pictures I used to make the floor plan in the thread along with the 2- and 3D floor plans I have so far. It might not look very open, but the study, dining room, living room and kitchen are pretty open. It's just difficult to see, I guess. I also couldn't find if and how I could use pillars in the program so instead I made a wall with archway between the living room and dining room. That is basically only separated by two pillars if I'm not mistaken. I also wasn't sure of the dimensions I had to use since I just started playing with the program and generally suck at those whenever I try to make something in the right scale without having seen it with my own eyes (instead of pictures).

                              I found that was quite user friendly and when I made a new account today (you can only have one project at the time with a free account) to see if I could make Jack's place, I used the option of importing the floor plan from solutions so I could basically build on top of it (although what I have so far is way too small, so obviously I have to work on that too). I had no real scale for Sam's house though (just look at the too large dining room) since it really depends on how much you zoom in at google maps and how to interpret the screen caps. Luckily I can move the walls etcetera around and I only put in the furniture to get an idea of the dimensions but those items also have set sizes. I can change them and even the height of the walls, but it's hard to get a correct idea of everything and I'm still getting used to the program.

                              If you want to give it a go yourself you can just register at the site and I could even send you a copy of the floor plan I have so far so you can futz with it yourself.

                              As for your browser trouble, perhaps there's an extra plugin you need? I have no idea, I use Google Chrome (14.0.835.202 m) myself on Windows 7...
                              Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                              Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                              On FFnet or AO3

                              My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                                Just got to watch it -no speakers yet, using headphones. Thanks for the rec, XF

                                *goes in search of vid by XF that I missed before*
                                sig by Ikorni

                                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3

