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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Bad Fish View Post
    It's probably just me, but the way Sam said 'Jack' in this ep was just so hot.
    Both of those are so great, Badfish!!
    sig by Ikorni

    "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
    "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

    SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


      Originally posted by Bad Fish View Post
      Aww, this is a great pic for these kind of posters! And you're welcome!

      And Lilac, those playmobils are too adorable for words.
      Love the poster!
      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        Originally posted by Bad Fish View Post
        It's probably just me, but the way Sam said 'Jack' in this ep was just so hot.
        Awesome. I think I have to watch this ep now


          Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post

          So far there is only one Goa'uld in my collection and she could definitely be at the top of the beanstalk!

          your playmobils are just awesome. I'm really impressed on how detailed your build them. Ever thought of becoming a designer at playmobil? Or at least talk them into making a stargate playmobil for mass production. I would buy them all. :-) but of course first Sam and Jack. ;-)


            I've been obsessing about Sam's house lately and how there is something wrong with it since I don't seem to be able to make a proper floor plan. I've already found one of Jack's house and since I write Sam/Jack fics I would like to have one of Sam's house too. At least that way some good will come out of Orlin's stalking of Sam, since I was able to get a lot of screens of her house from that ep.

            If anyone is interested in a partial floor plan or willing to help me out with the last few bits, I've made a thread with pics.

            It wasn't until I was going through the episode looking for good shots of the interior that I realized Sam's house was very different from what I had imagined our tidy, alphabetically organizing scientist soldier would be living in. Somehow I had always imagined her to be more modern (although she does have lots of computers) and have a very tidy house with no crap lying around with it hardly being lived in. But she is really, really incapable of interior designing. She could learn a thing or two from Teal'c. I was pleasantly surprised by all the pictures in her house though, I hadn't really expected that either. Unfortunately I couldn't see all the pictures very clear and couldn't verify if she already had a nice one of her and Jack (for example the one on her nightstand?).

            One thing was very clear to me, though; Sam really has to move in with Jack!

            Pictures on Sam's mantle:
            Sam house 9.jpg

            The Carter family before Mom died (I think this really shows Mark is one or two years younger than Sam).
            Sam house 10.jpg
            Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
            Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
            On FFnet or AO3

            My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


              Originally posted by fems View Post
              I've been obsessing about Sam's house lately and how there is something wrong with it since I don't seem to be able to make a proper floor plan. I've already found one of Jack's house and since I write Sam/Jack fics I would like to have one of Sam's house too. At least that way some good will come out of Orlin's stalking of Sam, since I was able to get a lot of screens of her house from that ep.

              If anyone is interested in a partial floor plan or willing to help me out with the last few bits, I've made a thread with pics.

              It wasn't until I was going through the episode looking for good shots of the interior that I realized Sam's house was very different from what I had imagined our tidy, alphabetically organizing scientist soldier would be living in. Somehow I had always imagined her to be more modern (although she does have lots of computers) and have a very tidy house with no crap lying around with it hardly being lived in. But she is really, really incapable of interior designing. She could learn a thing or two from Teal'c. I was pleasantly surprised by all the pictures in her house though, I hadn't really expected that either. Unfortunately I couldn't see all the pictures very clear and couldn't verify if she already had a nice one of her and Jack (for example the one on her nightstand?).

              One thing was very clear to me, though; Sam really has to move in with Jack!
              But Jack's house is smaller than Sam's. I think that's pretty clear when you look at the diagram of his house, and then look at the size of her house:

              Jack's house is a two bedroom, one bath house, with a big yard/property.
              Sam's house looks to be about a three bedroom, with maybe 1-2 bath, and a basement, a detached garage in the back, and very little yard.

              (*I finally found Sam's house on google earth and then took a picture of it.*)

              This is actually one of my gripes in fanfics, where people talk about how tiny Sam's house is and how big Jack's house is (just so they can make Sam move in with Jack and have more room). Writer prerogative and all that, of course, but I honestly can't see Jack buying a house as big as depicted in many fanfics just for himself (usually 3-4 bedrooms, 2-3 baths, 2 stories, full/double sized garage, etc.)

              And Amanda said in some interview that she was surprised the writers/producers picked such a large house for her character, when she would probably have chosen an apartment or condominium for her character to live in.

              (*As for the clutter ... blame the set decorators and the actual owners of the house.*)


                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                But Jack's house is smaller than Sam's. I think that's pretty clear when you look at the diagram of his house, and then look at the size of her house:



                Jack's house is a two bedroom, one bath house, with a big yard/property.
                Sam's house looks to be about a three bedroom, with maybe 1-2 bath, and a basement, a detached garage in the back, and very little yard.
                Well, Sam's house really doesn't have that much room (left) when you take in account that she has at least four desks (and 6 computers), two dining room tables with eight chairs in total, a kitchen island with three bar stools (and quite a long kitchen counter too), at least 7 book cases and two large lounge (?) chairs (one which looks awful) and a couch cramped together.

                This is what I have so far for Sam's house:

                - Floor plan in 2D (note the comments)

                - Floor plan in 3D (dimensions, especially for the IRL tiny dining room, are probably a bit off)

                And this is the floor plan out there for Jack's house:

                Hmm, maybe I should make one for Jack's house (in 2D and 3D) too with the same program and then try to get my dimensions right in both.

                (*I finally found Sam's house on google earth and then took a picture of it.*)
                You could have asked, I found the address quite a while ago. It's 1025 West Grand Boulevard, Vancouver, BC, Canada for those who don't know yet.

                This is actually one of my gripes in fanfics, where people talk about how tiny Sam's house is and how big Jack's house is (just so they can make Sam move in with Jack and have more room). Writer prerogative and all that, of course, but I honestly can't see Jack buying a house as big as depicted in many fanfics just for himself (usually 3-4 bedrooms, 2-3 baths, 2 stories, full/double sized garage, etc.)

                And Amanda said in some interview that she was surprised the writers/producers picked such a large house for her character, when she would probably have chosen an apartment or condominium for her character to live in.

                (*As for the clutter ... blame the set decorators and the actual owners of the house.*)
                I wasn't actually referring to the size of their houses when I said Sam really had to move in with Jack, but the awful interior! Sam should just take her personal affects and burn her house down, although I'm sure someone with a better skill of interior decorating could make a nice palace out of it. One tip I would really like to give Sam: Don't block both of your awesome patio doors with desks (front and back)!

                But I really like Jack's house and prefer his interior over Sam's. That was kind of the point I was trying to make. Although Sam does have a double (or triple, one looks much longer than the other) garage for her two bikes and her car and Orlin's gateroom in her basement...
                Last edited by fems; 05 October 2011, 02:05 PM. Reason: Forgot to delete the IMG tags
                Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                On FFnet or AO3

                My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                  Originally posted by fems View Post
                  Well, Sam's house really doesn't have that much room (left) when you take in account that she has at least four desks (and 6 computers), two dining room tables with eight chairs in total, a kitchen island with three bar stools (and quite a long kitchen counter too), at least 7 book cases and two large lounge (?) chairs (one which looks awful) and a couch cramped together.

                  This is what I have so far for Sam's house:

                  - Floor plan in 2D (note the comments)

                  - Floor plan in 3D (dimensions, especially for the IRL tiny dining room, are probably a bit off)

                  And this is the floor plan out there for Jack's house:

                  Hmm, maybe I should make one for Jack's house (in 2D and 3D) too with the same program and then try to get my dimensions right in both.

                  You could have asked, I found the address quite a while ago. It's 1025 West Grand Boulevard, Vancouver, BC, Canada for those who don't know yet.

                  I wasn't actually referring to the size of their houses when I said Sam really had to move in with Jack, but the awful interior! Sam should just take her personal affects and burn her house down, although I'm sure someone with a better skill of interior decorating could make a nice palace out of it. One tip I would really like to give Sam: Don't block both of your awesome patio doors with desks (front and back)!

                  But I really like Jack's house and prefer his interior over Sam's. That was kind of the point I was trying to make.
                  Actually, I found Sam's house on Google Earth, months ago, long before I noticed that you were on GW, so I couldn't have asked you. It was more fun to find it for myself anyway.

                  I think your comment about burning her house down is rather harsh, though. I don't think she cares a bit about what a decorator would say about how her house should be decorated. I really like how she's got stuff all over the place; it may be cluttered, but it has quite a homey atmosphere in my opinion. Even if she took her personal effects to Jack's house, it would just turn his house into a clutter anyway, since his place isn't that big. Your diagram thingy is really good, though; I would have no idea how to make one of those.

                  I also think the interior of Sam's house looks to have a more open floor plan. Her bathroom is connected to her bedroom, as shown in "Ascension". There's a living room area (or something similar) to the left of the front door (as seen in "Ascension" when she shoves Orlin back into it and closes the door so she can answer the door when Jack and Teal'c arrive). Those smaller computer rooms are more than likely bedrooms that she's turned into computer rooms. There seem to be several fireplaces in the house and apparently lots of doors to the outside.


                    Wow, so much research you've put into the floor plans of Sam's house! I can't wait to read the new fanfics that come out of it!


                      Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post
                      So far there is only one Goa'uld in my collection and she could definitely be at the top of the beanstalk!

                      The Hator playmobil and her loyal Jaffa are so great! Made me smile! But Jack's in trouble... time for Sam to save the day!


                        Originally posted by fems View Post
                        Pictures on Sam's mantle:

                        The Carter family before Mom died (I think this really shows Mark is one or two years younger than Sam).
                        is the sam in the picture below the same actress who played young sam in jolinar's memories/The Devil you know? cause i swear she looks awefully familar. what would sam do with all those books?
                        Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 05 October 2011, 04:37 PM.


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          Actually, I found Sam's house on Google Earth, months ago, long before I noticed that you were on GW, so I couldn't have asked you. It was more fun to find it for myself anyway.
                          Yeah, I've started working on it a couple of months ago (although I already knew what the shooting location was, it's on the lexicon) but I haven't been here, on GW, very long. Never really looked into it until... well, basically until I signed up. Was happy to just do my thing with my fanfics and read other people's stuff, but lately there hasn't been a lot of new (and good, very important too) stuff so I guess that's one of the reasons I came here.

                          I think your comment about burning her house down is rather harsh, though. I don't think she cares a bit about what a decorator would say about how her house should be decorated. I really like how she's got stuff all over the place; it may be cluttered, but it has quite a homey atmosphere in my opinion. Even if she took her personal effects to Jack's house, it would just turn his house into a clutter anyway, since his place isn't that big. Your diagram thingy is really good, though; I would have no idea how to make one of those.
                          Harsh, maybe, but have you looked at the furniture? I mean, my stuff goes better together and I'm a poor student. A lot of her things look very dated and nothing like Sam's character, although I could understand it somewhat if some of it came from her mother or something (but I doubt it). I'm not saying the clutter is bad, I just hadn't expected her to be a clutter person. And most of the clutter would be personal affects, I guess so she's allowed to take those with her! I liked the personal touches with all the pictures (it's really a shame I couldn't get a good look at them). It's just... her house looks very nice from the outside and she has two sets of awesome patio doors, which she blocks with desks and computers! The forgotten table in the corner of the kitchen can just go, becaus she probably eats breakfast (if she eats it at all) at the kitchen island or on base and I'm not sure how many times she actually uses the dining room. The living room is very small and cramped with the furniture she's used, there is no real need to separate the tiny dining room from the living room as it's already very open.

                          It could be a nice house, if someone else would decorate it or if she would look at what goes where. The floor plan is quite easy to make (although I had trouble with the dimensions since this was my first time) with

                          I also think the interior of Sam's house looks to have a more open floor plan. Her bathroom is connected to her bedroom, as shown in "Ascension". There's a living room area (or something similar) to the left of the front door (as seen in "Ascension" when she shoves Orlin back into it and closes the door so she can answer the door when Jack and Teal'c arrive). Those smaller computer rooms are more than likely bedrooms that she's turned into computer rooms. There seem to be several fireplaces in the house and apparently lots of doors to the outside.
                          Ah, yes and no. It's very open in that the corridor from the front door (the front hall) leads to the kitchen, with a door on the left to the study (practically next to the front door), then a side corridor on the right, an archway on the right to the dining room (which is connected to the study with an opening/archway) and ends with the open kitchen on the right and the open living room on the left (which is also connected to the dining room with only pillars as walls, I think but I couldn't find those for the floor plan). The bathroom is not connected to the bedroom, there is a small corridor between them and the doors aren't exactly opposite each other, you can see there's something in between if you look carefully.

                          She has three desks (and four or five computers) in the study and another desk in the living room. So, on the left side of the house (seen from the front door) there is the study, dining room and living room and the kitchen next to it. On the right side of the house we've seen the bedroom and bathroom (and door to basement) and there are probably two more rooms. You can see those two windows on the right of the house (when standing in front of it) and one of those is the bedroom and I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the first one (it only has one window), but there are some problems with the screens as I mention in the "Samantha Carter's House"-thread.

                          We've seen two fireplaces, one in the living room (about opposite the couch and thus the kitchen island) and one in the study, in between her desks.

                          Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                          what would sam do with all those books?
                          Organize them alphabetically when she's on medical leave.
                          Last edited by fems; 05 October 2011, 03:09 PM. Reason: Forgot the fireplaces!
                          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                          On FFnet or AO3

                          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                            Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                            Love it Lilac!

                            Looking forward to the beginning of Season 3...seems that 3 and 4 have some of the most wonderful shippy moments. I may not get around to watching tonight, though...long day at work!

                            Oh! and as always:

                            manip by mala...girl's got skills!
                            I thought this was an actually bts pic. Didn't realize it was a manip. Cool.

                            Originally posted by Bad Fish View Post
                            Aww, this is a great pic for these kind of posters! And you're welcome!


                            And Lilac, those playmobils are too adorable for words.
                            Love yr posters kid and yeah fixing that ship can wait
                            sig by Mada
                            As a matter of FIC


                              Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                              is the sam in the picture below the same actress who played young sam in jolinar's memories/The Devil you know? cause i swear she looks awefully familar. what would sam do with all those books?
                              I agree that it looks like the same actress...I'm going to assume it is. She's a pretty cute young lady (anybody going to hazard a guess at how old Sam was when her mom was killed in the accident? Are we given any clues other than the apparent age of the actress in Jolinars Memories/The Devil you know? -If the actress's appearance is all we've got, then I'm willing to throw out my guess).

                              Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                              I thought this was an actually bts pic. Didn't realize it was a manip. Cool.
                              Sorry to confuse, Trin. It IS a BTS pic that was manip'ed by mala because there were other people in the shot:
                              Jack & Sam Continuum3.jpg
                              this was the original...

                              Pol says to pass on her hello's to the group. A new Campfire is promised this month! YAY!
                              sig by Ikorni

                              "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                              "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                              SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                                Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                                I agree that it looks like the same actress...I'm going to assume it is. She's a pretty cute young lady (anybody going to hazard a guess at how old Sam was when her mom was killed in the accident? Are we given any clues other than the apparent age of the actress in Jolinars Memories/The Devil you know? -If the actress's appearance is all we've got, then I'm willing to throw out my guess).
                                i would have to guess that sam was at 13 maybe even 15 when her mom was killed.

