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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
    I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Sam/Jack are the BEST tv couple out there. All other shows should model their pairings on them. All those other PTB need to do is check out the spamvids and spampics in this thread, and they'll see how its SUPPOSED to be done.

    No one else can compare.
    *sneaks in*
    *Shares love for Sam/Jack*
    *comes back making a new S/J vid*

    (the only ship that can even come close is Sanctuary's Magnitt ship. And they're young yet. just give it time... hehehe) (I suppose they have a leg up on the competition since it's AT, DK, *and* Martin Woohoo!d [yes, I checked out the S/J ship dictionary] . )
    I love Magnus but I don't ship her with anybody!
    *sneaks out*
    My vids Sig made by me


      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
      I love Magnus but I don't ship her with anybody!
      *sneaks out*
      Ah, but is it a matter of not shipping her with anybody, or shipping her with EVERYBODY? Because while I ship Magnitt, I also enjoy seeing her with a healthy love life, with many dalliances over the years. Magnitt may be the OTP in my eyes, but that doesn't mean she can't have fun while he's off murdering and such .

      It's way different for Sam, whose dalliances never ended well. I mean, they're either dead, missing, or spudly. Heh-- spudly. I like that word.


        Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
        Ah, but is it a matter of not shipping her with anybody, or shipping her with EVERYBODY? Because while I ship Magnitt, I also enjoy seeing her with a healthy love life, with many dalliances over the years. Magnitt may be the OTP in my eyes, but that doesn't mean she can't have fun while he's off murdering and such .

        It's way different for Sam, whose dalliances never ended well. I mean, they're either dead, missing, or spudly. Heh-- spudly. I like that word.
        Sam never had any dalliances until Pete. Yes, there were guys who were interested in her, and who she cared about. But they never went anywhere; no romance, no nothing. She didn't get involved with any of them romantically. Those guys all died before there could even be a "dalliance". So, as far as I'm concerned, she had no "boyfriends" until she met Pete.


          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          Sam never had any dalliances until Pete. Yes, there were guys who were interested in her, and who she cared about. But they never went anywhere; no romance, no nothing. She didn't get involved with any of them romantically. Those guys all died before there could even be a "dalliance". So, as far as I'm concerned, she had no "boyfriends" until she met Pete.
          Oh I know, I was trying to tie it all back into the thread topic. I suppose I could have said "whose even-a-hint-of-a-potential-dalliance never ended well", but I was too lazy. Y'all know what I'm saying . I'm among those who think that Sam should only ever have been with her OTP, whereas Magnus has the freedom to dally all she likes, even though I ship her OTP as well.

          I trying to not turn it into a Magnitt or Magnus/other thread, since this is in the SG forum

          But spudly is still a cool word. I'm so gonna use it in conversation tonight. I will. ::gauntlet thrown::


            Is the Magnus/Druitt ship really termed as 'Magnitt'?

            I just keep hearing 'magnet'... which reminds me of this:

            In the atmosphere, right. Which is caused by…
            (He points at Teal'c)
            I know this one…
            (He thinks about it)


              Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
              Is the Magnus/Druitt ship really termed as 'Magnitt'?

              I just keep hearing 'magnet'...
              I most often hear/see "Magnett" but to me it makes more sense to use "Magnitt". Sounds the same, but is a more accurate combination of their names. Stays more true to the actual spelling

              And yes, the similarity is not lost on me. In my eyes, it's a sign that Magnus/John are almost as OTP as Sam/Jack Hehehehe....


                apparently Amanda tapping wants a love interest for sanctuary season 4.


                  Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                  apparently Amanda tapping wants a love interest for sanctuary season 4.
                  she's getting one She gets TWO kisses from TWO different people this coming season. AT was totally psyched when she talked about it at Dragon Con


                    Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                    she's getting one She gets TWO kisses from TWO different people this coming season. AT was totally psyched when she talked about it at Dragon Con
                    anyone wanna take bets on who she's going to kiss?


                      Well, there's spoilers already out there for one of the kisses.

                      But I'm hoping the second, unknown kiss is with a girl. That would be awesome. It'd be cool if it's in a flashback episode, and she kisses Amelia Earhart, or Mata Hari or someone like that.


                        Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                        Well, there's spoilers already out there for one of the kisses.

                        But I'm hoping the second, unknown kiss is with a girl. That would be awesome. It'd be cool if it's in a flashback episode, and she kisses Amelia Earhart, or Mata Hari or someone like that.
                        do you think amanda would go for that?


                          Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                          do you think amanda would go for that?


                            She's stated on commentaries that she is of the mindset that Magnus has had a dalliance with Amelia Earhart (hence my use of dalliance in earlier/other posts involving Magnus love interests). And I believe at various conventions that she thinks Magnus would have gotten bored with just men for 160 yrs.

                            It's never been confirmed or denied on the show itself, but AT has implied that it's a part of how she approaches the character. Good enough for me!


                              Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                              She's stated on commentaries that she is of the mindset that Magnus has had a dalliance with Amelia Earhart (hence my use of dalliance in earlier/other posts involving Magnus love interests). And I believe at various conventions that she thinks Magnus would have gotten bored with just men for 160 yrs.

                              It's never been confirmed or denied on the show itself, but AT has implied that it's a part of how she approaches the character. Good enough for me!
                              One more reason to dislike Santuary and its characters IMO.

                              So how about we go back to the ONE TRUE SHIP:


                                Ooh, pretty! And she's got her long hair! Bonus! Thanks, hlndncr!

