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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    Not to dampen any enthusiasm over this, because it is a good story. But I had a major problem with how "Little Jordan O'Neill" is portrayed. She's 5 years old and talks and acts like she's at least 10 going on 15 or 20. No five year old in the world, no matter how smart she is or who her parents are talks or behaves like this child does. Aside from that, it's a pretty good story.

    I found the first part to this story to be better than the second part - "Small Favors".
    Admiral, but we are forgetting, that Sam had snake in her head at one point and Jack had Ancient knowledge enprinted on his mind twice. I know both times it was erased, but we can imagine, that some residue left from those encounters and had some effect on DNA, thus got transferred to their kid.
    No kid in the world - yes, but they are not in our world
    And Jordan - what a sweet name


      Originally posted by Treknik View Post
      I'm a chief engineer. Watch out Geordi, I'm taking your job.
      Now, now. Everyone remain calm and stay where you are. All your weapons are belong to us


        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        Fluffy is a dog. He is the Destroyer of Worlds. Basically his look just screams give me a shoe to chew and no one gets hurt. He's in Trek alien costume for the theme weekend.

        He is most cutest evil dog I have ever seen. I would be rolling on the floor laughing every time I would see him, until of course he bite my hand off
        P.S. if you have more pics of him, I wouldn't mind seeing them. We all know puppies are cute, but this one is off the charts


          Originally posted by muziqaz View Post
          Admiral, but we are forgetting, that Sam had snake in her head at one point and Jack had Ancient knowledge enprinted on his mind twice. I know both times it was erased, but we can imagine, that some residue left from those encounters and had some effect on DNA, thus got transferred to their kid.
          No kid in the world - yes, but they are not in our world
          And Jordan - what a sweet name
          Actually, no, I'm not forgetting all that stuff you mention. I, personally, don't see how that would make their 5 year old child act like she's 10 or 12 years old. Yes, they had all that stuff in them, but I don't think it would be inherited, except for perhaps the naquadah and Jack's ancient gene. I'm sure their children would be smarter, but I don't think a 5 year old would be acting 10 years older than they actually are, no matter what reality they're in. Maybe I'm just old and stuffy (), but it yanked me right out of the story on several occasions because I constantly had to remind myself that this was a 5 year old child and not a teenager that all these things were happening to. Plus, in any reality, I don't think any 5 year old child would be able to emotionally handle that sort of knowledge, even if she had a super genius for a mother, and a father with an ancient gene. Presumably Jack had the ancient gene his entire life, but it didn't make him any smarter (even though he was smarter than he let on).

          Plus, even child prodigy's who demonstrate brilliance of some sort at a young age don't act like their adults. A 5 year old may demonstrate some astonishing ability, but they don't lose their childlike/childish emotional make-up at the same time.


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            Actually, no, I'm not forgetting all that stuff you mention. I, personally, don't see how that would make their 5 year old child act like she's 10 or 12 years old. Yes, they had all that stuff in them, but I don't think it would be inherited, except for perhaps the naquadah and Jack's ancient gene. I'm sure their children would be smarter, but I don't think a 5 year old would be acting 10 years older than they actually are, no matter what reality they're in. Maybe I'm just old and stuffy (), but it yanked me right out of the story on several occasions because I constantly had to remind myself that this was a 5 year old child and not a teenager that all these things were happening to. Plus, in any reality, I don't think any 5 year old child would be able to emotionally handle that sort of knowledge, even if she had a super genius for a mother, and a father with an ancient gene. Presumably Jack had the ancient gene his entire life, but it didn't make him any smarter (even though he was smarter than he let on).

            Plus, even child prodigy's who demonstrate brilliance of some sort at a young age don't act like their adults. A 5 year old may demonstrate some astonishing ability, but they don't lose their childlike/childish emotional make-up at the same time.
            And there are developmental pieces too. I personally just avoid kid!fic like the plague - I have a 4 year-old boy. I read to escape LOL.


              Another thought about children in kidfics is that given how Jack reacted with Merrin in "Learning Curve", I seriously doubt he'd raise any child of his to behave any older than they actually are, no matter how smart they are. He'd want them to have a real childhood and do childhood things and have FUN.


                I really dislike such fics too, where children are portrayed to be mature beyond their age. However, I have to admit it's difficult to write kids in a fic if you don't have any of your own, or some experience with them. I have children in two of my fics (and a baby in another) and especially the first years are quite hard because it's not like you can remember what you or a sibling perhaps were like at that age (unless there's a huge age difference, I guess). Personally I don't have a lot of experience with children other than having been one (and I have a younger cousin, but don't see him enough to know these things), so it's a bit of a challenge to portray them accurately. I sometimes ask friends with cousins, nephews/nieces and babies for advice or just listen to their stories (and I admit I've been urging my brother to start a family so I can be an aunt ).

                Still, I needed them for my plot and so I did the research; looked up child development for babies to toddlers and found a great site that list the general development in intellect, growth, social, linguistic and motor skills for them. I basically use it as my guideline and google some other stuff too and thankfully several people have mentioned they like how "my" children are portrayed accurately.

                So, with a bit of research these kind of stories are easily avoidable. Of course we all think Sam and Jack's kids will be awesome and possibly advanced, but there are limits.
                Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                On FFnet or AO3

                My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                  It's nice that you took the effort to do research on early childhood development to accurately portray children. Too bad more folks don't bother.


                    Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                    I now see that I'm a Bridge Officer At first I thought I was promoted, but then I was like... kadink kadink what? There's no "Bridge Officer" in the Air Force!!

                    Makes sense now!

                    Oh, and if Valenship is a holiday, I am officially on board. MUCH better than Single's Awareness Day

                    And now I start looking through old threads looking for Sam/Jack ABCs... If I find them I'll re-post them here!
                    So, If I'm a red shirt does that mean I'm going to die?!?!

                    Thanks for the help with ABC's I'll have a look as well...see what i can find...

                    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                    sg-1fanintn (AKA Melissa) made the ABCs. She's not around much these days except for ship holidays, but you could send her a PM. She'll respond eventually.

                    Here are some Ship Celebration Threads for the newbies (and the rest of us) to enjoy:

                    Ship Day 2011

                    Valenship 2011

                    Shipmas 2010

                    Shipsgiving 2010

                    I'm off to West Virginia for a very cold weekend camping trip. (If only I had Jack coming with me to share body heat.) See all in a few days.
                    Thanks for the links - will look through them...

                    Originally posted by fems View Post
                    I really dislike such fics too, where children are portrayed to be mature beyond their age. However, I have to admit it's difficult to write kids in a fic if you don't have any of your own, or some experience with them. I have children in two of my fics (and a baby in another) and especially the first years are quite hard because it's not like you can remember what you or a sibling perhaps were like at that age (unless there's a huge age difference, I guess). Personally I don't have a lot of experience with children other than having been one (and I have a younger cousin, but don't see him enough to know these things), so it's a bit of a challenge to portray them accurately. I sometimes ask friends with cousins, nephews/nieces and babies for advice or just listen to their stories (and I admit I've been urging my brother to start a family so I can be an aunt ).

                    Still, I needed them for my plot and so I did the research; looked up child development for babies to toddlers and found a great site that list the general development in intellect, growth, social, linguistic and motor skills for them. I basically use it as my guideline and google some other stuff too and thankfully several people have mentioned they like how "my" children are portrayed accurately.

                    So, with a bit of research these kind of stories are easily avoidable. Of course we all think Sam and Jack's kids will be awesome and possibly advanced, but there are limits.
                    how about posting some links for those fanfics - wouldn't mind a nice read
                    "…you know what they say. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try again."

                    "Because I care about her....a lot more than I'm supposed to..."


                      Originally posted by fems View Post
                      So, with a bit of research these kind of stories are easily avoidable. Of course we all think Sam and Jack's kids will be awesome and possibly advanced, but there are limits.
                      Research always goes a long way. For example, my number one pet peeve (of which I will start hollering at the tv) is when sci-fi erroneously quotes that humans "only use a small percentage of our brain." No, jokers. It's a myth or rather, an ignorant lie. Seriously, type in "use all of our brain" in Google and your first ten-twenty hits are all the ways that's a bunch of hogwash.

                      I don't know anything about this particular story (like I said, I avoid kid!fic), but definitely a little research can go a long way. It also depends on the reader - my peeves usually run around the stories that try to incorporate USAF jargon. I think Pol had a great rant a long long time ago listing off the "FYI" stuff about the Air Force - but I'm also a military brat When I have a question, I call my dad.

                      And the point is that it makes a more fun S/J story for me (and that's how I stay on topic LOL)


                        Originally posted by freckles2185 View Post
                        how about posting some links for those fanfics - wouldn't mind a nice read
                        They're M-rated, so here's a link to my profile. As for the length... be careful with what you wish for!

                        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                        Research always goes a long way. For example, my number one pet peeve (of which I will start hollering at the tv) is when sci-fi erroneously quotes that humans "only use a small percentage of our brain." No, jokers. It's a myth or rather, an ignorant lie. Seriously, type in "use all of our brain" in Google and your first ten-twenty hits are all the ways that's a bunch of hogwash.
                        Yes of course that's wrong, otherwise our brain cells would die; use it or lose it. What they probably mean is that we only use a small percentage of our brain at the same time, or something like that.
                        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                        On FFnet or AO3

                        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                          Folks are always making absurd assertions - things that they really believe and just aren't so. If they would just take a bit of time to check things out, the world would be a happier place. Now for example, I believe that Sam and Jack are together. I've checked out a lot of shippy moments on film, and I think that it's pretty obvious...


                            Originally posted by fems View Post
                            They're M-rated, so here's a link to my profile. As for the length... be careful with what you wish for!
                            Thanks! (and thanks for the warning) I'll check it out later when i have time...

                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            Folks are always making absurd assertions - things that they really believe and just aren't so. If they would just take a bit of time to check things out, the world would be a happier place. Now for example, I believe that Sam and Jack are together. I've checked out a lot of shippy moments on film, and I think that it's pretty obvious...
                            I couldn't agree more!!!
                            "…you know what they say. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try again."

                            "Because I care about her....a lot more than I'm supposed to..."


                              This talk about Sam and Jack's kids brings up this recently published fic.

                              Little Apples Small Yard
                              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                                And three pages later...(God, this thread moves fast!) THANK YOU all for the lovely welcome and visual goodies!

                                I'm curious about this wedding picture I have to say, but no, don't tell me just yet! (I've just finished watching Threads....*happy sigh*)
                                "Didn't that tape say there were no fish in your pond?"

