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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
    You're all welcome in my universe!!!!
    I imagine that Sam and Jack have 2 children: a little blond-haired, blue-eyed daughter and light-brown-haired, chocolate-eyed son.
    The girl could be like Olivia (Amanda's daughter) and the boy like RDA when he was a child: Click for bigger image
    did we talk about what kinda of personalities these kids would have?
    Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 11 September 2011, 04:35 PM.


      Instead of Olivia, could have used Wylie

      She's acting with dad now.


        Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
        I'm happy to see you back here!
        Thank you! It's nice to be back.

        Originally posted by freckles2185 View Post
        I always had it in my mind that they would have 3 children, the first being a little girl, a mini-Sam (blond/blue eyes and a 'killer' smile) and then twin boys one being a mini-Jack (brown hair/brown eyes) the other being a combination of the two, having brown hair and blue eyes so that everyone will tell him that he's got his mothers eyes...

        and I agree with the rest of you, they would definitely be all gorgeous, intelligent and witty - and a real handful!! but adorable as little bunnies!!! heehee
        I like the way you think! That would be really lovely.

        Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
        You're all welcome in my universe!!!!
        I imagine that Sam and Jack have 2 children: a little blond-haired, blue-eyed daughter and light-brown-haired, chocolate-eyed son.
        The girl could be like Olivia (Amanda's daughter) and the boy like RDA when he was a child: Click for bigger image
        Olivia is such a cutie.

        I got a kick out of seeing those old pics of a younger RDA. I am of the opinion that RDA looked way better as he got older. As much as I enjoyed watching him on MacGyver, I don't think he was nearly as handsome on MacyGyver as he was on SG1. That short, silver hair looks great on him!

        Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
        And, if you will tolerate me, I'll share this portion of an AU fic that I don't know if I'll ever get to finish (don't pick too's the rough draft) because it paints the beginning of S9 as I wish it had happened per my above rant . Spoilered for length, and in case you have no interest in reading -no offense taken:
        Loved it!

        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        Instead of Olivia, could have used Wylie
        She's acting with dad now.
        Another little cutie. I am so looking forward to seeing their joint appearance on Raising Hope... except, I'm not sure if it airs in Canada. Is there any Canadian on this forum who knows? (LadyGalaxyJ? anyone?)


          Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
          I got a kick out of seeing those old pics of a younger RDA. I am of the opinion that RDA looked way better as he got older. As much as I enjoyed watching him on MacGyver, I don't think he was nearly as handsome on MacyGyver as he was on SG1. That short, silver hair looks great on him!
          *nods* I completely agree!

          Another little cutie. I am so looking forward to seeing their joint appearance on Raising Hope... except, I'm not sure if it airs in Canada. Is there any Canadian on this forum who knows? (LadyGalaxyJ? anyone?)
          Hm. I don't watch it, but I know we could get it on FOX. I think it also airs on GlobalTV.
          Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
          My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
          Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


            Originally posted by Sam-n-Jack-in-<3 View Post
            My imagination for that is still in its infancy (pun intended, LOL). I imagine them married and Sam getting surprise pregnant and having a girl. In fact I'm in the process of writing a FanFiction...
            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            Yeah i will. due to me being sick i'm kinda backlogged on college homework so i need to finish that first and then i'll work on the fic.
            Both of you: I can't wait to hurry, hurry!!

            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            i'm not sure amanda would have wanted olivia to be in anything, but they could have easily found a child resembling a sam/jack hook-up, and...
            Yeah...I wasn't sure how AT would have felt about her newborn starring on the show...some are ok with it and some are not (you know...a cameo/guest appearance as opposed to a long term thing). RDA has always been reported to be a very private person, so it kind of surprised me that he is ok with Wylie being in the upcoming show.

            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
            Instead of Olivia, could have used Wylie
            She's acting with dad now.
            What a beautiful image *promptly files it in my brain for all future "Jack & babies" fics I may read/write*. Wylie would have been too old in 2005 for the plot in my head (she's a 1997 baby, isn't she?).

            Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
            I got a kick out of seeing those old pics of a younger RDA. I am of the opinion that RDA looked way better as he got older. As much as I enjoyed watching him on MacGyver, I don't think he was nearly as handsome on MacyGyver as he was on SG1. That short, silver hair looks great on him!
            Completely agree with this. I even think he was even more handsome in later seasons than in season 1-2 because his hair began to transition to silver in season 3-4.

            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            did we talk about what kinda of personalities these kids would have?
            I can see both of them getting into trouble at school because they're outspoken (because both parents are outspoken in their own ways).

            I'm not a military brat -do we have some on the thread? I would probably draw some personality ideas from children of military families. I know one young man and he is ALWAYS answering "yes ma'am, no ma'am" & "yes sir, no sir" -a habit he picked up from BOTH parents being Marines. When he delivers the lines, it's sweetly respectful rather than resentful.

            They would absorb some of Jack's sarcastic wit -I've seen that in my own daughter (now a young teen) from listening to the hubs for so many years.

            QUESTION of my own:

            I don't know if you would consider this OT, but what do you think Cassie chose as a career path? Janet died @ her Freshman year of colllege? After that Sam and Jack would have stepped into the role of parents (of a grown child), but as they've been part of her life the whole time, they have influenced her already. She would be @ 26 years old now. Here are some thoughts I had:

            Medical research doctor -prevention/cure of infectious diseases (because of what happened to her world).
            Astrophysicist -like Sam.
            Artist -in 'Line of Duty' she was painting and indicated that her teacher said she had talent.

            I'm not sure about her joining SGC because it's indicated she did not go to AFA (Sam moved to NV to be closer to her in S9...if she had gone to AFA, she would have come to Colorado Springs).

            What do you guys think?
            Last edited by Skydiver; 12 September 2011, 03:35 AM.
            sig by Ikorni

            "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
            "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

            SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


              Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
              QUESTION of my own:

              I don't know if you would consider this OT, but what do you think Cassie chose as a career path? Janet died @ her Freshman year of colllege? After that Sam and Jack would have stepped into the role of parents (of a grown child), but as they've been part of her life the whole time, they have influenced her already. She would be @ 26 years old now. Here are some thoughts I had:

              Medical research doctor -prevention/cure of infectious diseases (because of what happened to her world).
              Astrophysicist -like Sam.
              Artist -in 'Line of Duty' she was painting and indicated that her teacher said she had talent.

              I'm not sure about her joining SGC because it's indicated she did not go to AFA (Sam moved to NV to be closer to her in S9...if she had gone to AFA, she would have come to Colorado Springs).

              What do you guys think?
              here's your answer to your question this is a deleted scene from ripple effect it's from the in the making segment gateworld has.

              Scene 26: Green Daniel and Green Teal'c interview Desert Camo Fraiser

              This was a great little scene reuniting Teal'c and Daniel with Fraiser (albeit an alternate version of the good doctor). Again, due to time constraints, we had to lose some references to Cassie. Here is the exchange as originally scripted:

              GREEN ##TEAL'C: You have been greatly missed.

              Suddenly, she realizes -

              DESERT CAMO FRAISER: How's Cassie?

              GREEN DANIEL: She's fine. She moved in with Sam after it happened.

              DESERT CAMO FRAISER: I can't imagine what she must have gone through.

              GREEN DANIEL: It was tough for her -- but she got through it. She managed to deal with her loss by focusing on her studies.(beat) She's majoring in Biochemistry at UCLA.

              Desert Camo Fraiser can't help but smile.

              DESERT CAMO FRAISER: She's doing well back home too.(then, catching herself) I mean -- my home.

              GREEN TEAL'C: Hopefully you will be able to return to her shortly.

              DESERT CAMO FRAISER: Hopefully?

              GREEN DANIEL: For the moment, it looks like your trip here was only one-way.

              NOTE: this was my 5,000 post. and it only took me 6 years.
              Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 11 September 2011, 07:57 PM.


                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                You're all welcome in my universe!!!!
                I imagine that Sam and Jack have 2 children: a little blond-haired, blue-eyed daughter and light-brown-haired, chocolate-eyed son.
                The girl could be like Olivia (Amanda's daughter) and the boy like RDA when he was a child:

       Click for bigger image


                What a great idea! that would have been nice :0) and OMG Olivia looks so cute! (I've never seen a picture of her before, simply adorable.)

                Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                Wonderful ideas and pics, XF! Thanks for sharing! Now I have kiddo pics in my head to go with the stories

                And now my rant:

                AT being pregnant and RDA leaving the show at the end of Season 8 was precisely why I wish TPTB had just had them get married & follow a story arc of Sam getting unexpectedly pregnant right away, Jack retiring and staying home with the baby (maybe a 'consulting' kind of job where he goes to Washington periodically to watch out for the SGC's interests).

                In my head are some pretty beautiful guest appearances by RDA holding Olivia - have would have been sweet! He wouldn't have had to appear any more than he ended up doing anyway, and wouldn't Olivia have been perfect for the role?

                And, if you will tolerate me, I'll share this portion of an AU fic that I don't know if I'll ever get to finish (don't pick too's the rough draft) because it paints the beginning of S9 as I wish it had happened per my above rant . Spoilered for length, and in case you have no interest in reading -no offense taken:

                Jack was pleased, when he pulled back into the driveway, that his projection had been correct. The meeting with Hammond had taken about fifty minutes and he had headed directly home. He called a greeting as he entered the front door, tossing his keys onto the foyer table. He absently leafed through the mail as he walked back toward the bedroom. Some sense that something was out of place stopped him halfway down the hall. It was quiet, and Sam hadn’t returned his greeting. She’s sleeping, he reassured himself, but found that he was tense and alert He proceeded cautiously to the bedroom. The bed was empty. His heart lurched. Get a hold of yourself, Jack! She’s probably still out on the deck he chided himself, unable to shake the dread that was gnawing at him. As he turned to head back down the hall, a small whimper stopped him cold.

                “Sam?” he called out sharply, adrenaline flooding his system.

                Following the soft, broken sound, he found her sitting on the bathroom floor. Her knees were drawn up to her chest and her face was in her hands. Her frame shook as she was wracked with silent sobs.

                The scene momentarily rooted Jack to his place in the doorway. He immediately assessed the situation. He saw no blood, no apparent injury, but she was crying as if her heart would break. The next soft whimper that escaped her drove him into action. He crossed the cold bathroom floor, dropped down beside her, ignoring the protest from his knees, and gathered her into his lap. She didn’t resist. He held her as she sobbed, baffled.

                “Sam, what’s wrong?” he asked gently.

                With a final sniff, she wiped angrily at her eyes and reached above her head, lifting something small and white from beside the sink. Wordlessly she pressed it into his hand. He stared from the small plastic stick in his hand to his wife’s tear-filled eyes and back again. As he focused on the white stick, he noticed it had a blue mark on one end. A blue plus sign. A small gasp escaped him as he realized what he was holding.

                Jack tried to say something as he peered into Sam’s eyes, but his brain felt foggy. His mouth opened and closed soundlessly as another tear spilled over Sam’s lashes and trickled down her cheek. Why was she crying? He felt like he could fly. He wanted to laugh out loud, but until he could figure out why she was so upset he thought it best not to.

                “Talk to me,” he murmured, holding her gaze.

                “I’m pregnant,” she said, wiping her face.

                He couldn’t help it –a smile quirked the corner of his mouth, “Yeah,” he said with awe.

                She shot him a withering look, “I’m not supposed to be pregnant, Jack! I’ve taken my birth control religiously.”

                “It’s only 99.9% effective…says so on the box,” he said lightly.

                She shifted and climbed out of his lap. Leaving the bathroom, she sat on the edge of the bed. He followed, perching beside her on the bed and soothingly rubbed her back with the palm of his hand.

                “What about work…the SGC, SG-1?” she asked quietly.

                “Maternity leave, when the time comes. Of course you’ll probably want to temporarily transfer to non-hazardous duties until that time,” he replied, “What about R&D? You’ve always wanted a crack at that.”

                “And after? Once maternity leave is over?” her voice was barely above a whisper, “Daycare on my way to save the planet?”

                “Hel-lo…retired general here,” he gestured expansively to himself. His expression turned serious, sympathetic, “Sam. I would love nothing more than to stay home with this baby. Our baby.”

                She turned to peer into his face, finally becoming aware of the look of wonder shining in his eyes.

                “I’m sorry, Jack,” she breathed, “I didn’t want…can’t imagine…” he barely caught the last word, “…Charlie.”

                His gut twisted. He regarded her somberly, understanding finally dawning. This was why she was so upset, agitated. This beautiful, brilliant woman could not allow herself to be happy when she thought she would be causing him pain. She was afraid that this pregnancy and childhood would remind him painfully of his son Charlie’s death. That it would be a source of innumerable fears as the baby grew.

                “Sam, for cryin’ out loud!” he said, raking his hand through his silvering hair in exasperation.

                She turned her soulful eyes on him.

                “Do you remember what you said to me after…Pete,” he faltered, staggered by the memory of almost losing her, “…proposed?”

                She thought back, “I said that I had thought I would have had a life by then.”

                He nodded and laid his warm, callused hand on her still-flat midriff, “Well, you have a life,” he paused and smiled at his own double meaning, “We have a life.”
                What a brilliant idea! its such a shame they didn't think of doing that and I love the fic! hope you continue it soon.

                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                i love your ideas!!

                i'm not sure amanda would have wanted olivia to be in anything, but they could have easily found a child resembling a sam/jack hook-up, and...

                oh, what missed opportunities...

                ~btw, loved your little fic snippet
                I agree.

                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                Instead of Olivia, could have used Wylie
                She's acting with dad now.
                yeah, that would have been cool too! :0) its so cool that they're acting together...cant wait to see what she's like on screen. (lets hope a lot like Dad *wink*)

                Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
                Thank you! It's nice to be back.

                I like the way you think! That would be really lovely.

                Olivia is such a cutie.

                I got a kick out of seeing those old pics of a younger RDA. I am of the opinion that RDA looked way better as he got older. As much as I enjoyed watching him on MacGyver, I don't think he was nearly as handsome on MacyGyver as he was on SG1. That short, silver hair looks great on him!

                Loved it!

                Another little cutie. I am so looking forward to seeing their joint appearance on Raising Hope... except, I'm not sure if it airs in Canada. Is there any Canadian on this forum who knows? (LadyGalaxyJ? anyone?)
                Thank you! (I'll try to think like that more often - )

                Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                Both of you: I can't wait to hurry, hurry!!

                Yeah...I wasn't sure how AT would have felt about her newborn starring on the show...some are ok with it and some are not (you know...a cameo/guest appearance as opposed to a long term thing). RDA has always been reported to be a very private person, so it kind of surprised me that he is ok with Wylie being in the upcoming show.

                What a beautiful image *promptly files it in my brain for all future "Jack & babies" fics I may read/write*. Wylie would have been too old in 2005 for the plot in my head (she's a 1997 baby, isn't she?).

                Completely agree with this. I even think he was even more handsome in later seasons than in season 1-2 because his hair began to transition to silver in season 3-4.

                I can see both of them getting into trouble at school because they're outspoken (because both parents are outspoken in their own ways).

                I'm not a military brat -do we have some on the thread? I would probably draw some personality ideas from children of military families. I know one young man and he is ALWAYS answering "yes ma'am, no ma'am" & "yes sir, no sir" -a habit he picked up from BOTH parents being Marines. When he delivers the lines, it's sweetly respectful rather than resentful.

                They would absorb some of Jack's sarcastic wit -I've seen that in my own daughter (now a young teen) from listening to the hubs for so many years.
                I agree with everything you two said!! every word.
                Last edited by Skydiver; 12 September 2011, 03:35 AM.
                "…you know what they say. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try again."

                "Because I care about her....a lot more than I'm supposed to..."


                  Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                  here's your answer to your question this is a deleted scene from ripple effect it's from the in the making segment gateworld has.
                  Scene 26: Green Daniel and Green Teal'c interview Desert Camo Fraiser
                  This was a great little scene reuniting Teal'c and Daniel with Fraiser (albeit an alternate version of the good doctor). Again, due to time constraints, we had to lose some references to Cassie. Here is the exchange as originally scripted:
                  GREEN ##TEAL'C: You have been greatly missed.
                  Suddenly, she realizes -
                  DESERT CAMO FRAISER: How's Cassie?
                  GREEN DANIEL: She's fine. She moved in with Sam after it happened.
                  DESERT CAMO FRAISER: I can't imagine what she must have gone through.
                  GREEN DANIEL: It was tough for her -- but she got through it. She managed to deal with her loss by focusing on her studies.(beat) She's majoring in Biochemistry at UCLA.
                  Desert Camo Fraiser can't help but smile.
                  DESERT CAMO FRAISER: She's doing well back home too.(then, catching herself) I mean -- my home.
                  GREEN TEAL'C: Hopefully you will be able to return to her shortly.
                  DESERT CAMO FRAISER: Hopefully?
                  GREEN DANIEL: For the moment, it looks like your trip here was only one-way.
                  Thanks for that LCJS! I never saw that before!
                  sig by Ikorni

                  "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                  "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                  SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                    Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                    Thanks for that LCJS! I never saw that before!
                    yeah watching ripple effect and seeing janet again made me realize how much she was sorely missed, both by Daniel, Sam and Teal'c and i bet the fans were happy to see her again. i knew if she survived, she definitely would've been sam's maid of honor at sam and jack's wedding.


                      Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                      What a beautiful image *promptly files it in my brain for all future "Jack & babies" fics I may read/write*. Wylie would have been too old in 2005 for the plot in my head (she's a 1997 baby, isn't she?).
                      Her birthday is August 2, 1998, making her 13 years old this year.

                      Completely agree with this. I even think he was even more handsome in later seasons than in season 1-2 because his hair began to transition to silver in season 3-4.
                      Completely agree with this. Much better looking in the mid to later SG1 years.


                        didn't amanda once say that she was a little taken aback when she saw rick after they came back from hiatus one season? and she said something like "lucky me?"


                          Yes, we have quite a few military brats and/or vets here, including me (I'm in the "and" column). What was the question?

                 Campfire is with the best beta ever.
                          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                            There's not many men who can actually pull off grey hair, but man he was definitely one of them!


                              Originally posted by Amaunet View Post
                              There's not many men who can actually pull off grey hair, but man he was definitely one of them!
                              "…you know what they say. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try again."

                              "Because I care about her....a lot more than I'm supposed to..."


                                here are some more ideas of what their kids could look like (I got them off Google)



                                This one is Jonathan Taylor Thomas (I always thought he'd be a good Sam/Jack kid just like in "home improvement" smart and witty with a good sense of humor)

                                these are the mini-Sam look a likes


                                "…you know what they say. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try, try, try again."

                                "Because I care about her....a lot more than I'm supposed to..."

