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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Terrah View Post
    I remember S7 Kate1013, It seems such a long time ago now, but I do remeber the anti's not liking this.

    For size

    I just wanted to dust off my old ani, I have not looked at my old photobucket account for a long time.
    Right. Definitely not made of anti-shipper stuff

    Yeah baby!

    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
    Maybe Sam and Jack CAUSED the Earthquake. Hmmm? I like that explanation!

    I haven't been here in WAY too long--family came to visit, and then getting the kids ready for school, and doctor's appointments are getting more frequent (only 9 weeks to go! Yikes!) and I've been looking longingly at the link on my favorites bar every day, but haven't had a moment to hop into the discussion. Thanks for carrying on and giving me a lovely time in catching up, people! I appreciate it!

    By the way, I had a funny thing happen to me the other day, which I will spoiler because it's looooooooooong:


    Anyway, we got our two year old out of his crib and took it apart and hid it, then put him in the big boy bed in his room. We had such a problem with him getting out and coming back downstairs that we turned the lock around on the door, which got me in MAJOR trouble on Thursday. I had put him down for a nap in his room and then went about my business. I had the baby monitor on, so I heard when he woke up. I hadn't locked the door, so I kept telling him to just get out, but he didn't, so I went up to his room to get him out of bed. While I was in there, I did a little cleaning while he was playing with his toys, and turned around to look at him just in time to see him turn the lock on the outside of the door and then close it. Now, I had no key (it's one of those little holes in the knob that you can open with a little tiny blade screwdriver or key specially made for the door), no cell phone, and my kids had to be picked up from school in a few hours. And I was locked in this room with no way out! I tried to force the door open, but it didn't work.

    I looked out the window, but there wasn't anyone there, and it's a second story window, so it's not like I could jump out. Even if I could jump (seventh months pregnant. . .), all the outside doors were locked, anyway. So, I looked around and tried to find something to get me out of the room. I found some playing cards and tried to fit them into the doorframe to slip the closer thingy open, but that didn't work. I found a wicker basket that had wicker about the same size as the door knob hole, so I ripped a piece off and tried to form the end into a blunt screwdriver-like edge, but the wicker wasn't strong enough. I pulled a few steel picture hangers out of the wall and unbent them so that they were flat and straight and could go into the hole, but they were just too big to go in. The nails were too pointy and too short. All the toys in there were baby toys, but I found a baby plastic hammer and a long hard skinny toy and tried to pound the hinges out of the door, but they weren't strong enough, and the door had been painted, so the paint was making it hard to get the hinges out.

    Finally, I found a plastic hanger that had a secondary hanger on it for pants--the kind that slips over the pointy curved hanger part and rests on the top of the other hanger (does that make any sense?). It had these straight plastic pieces on the top part that I worked free very carefully so that I didn't compromise the shape of the plastic. It took about twenty minutes to half an hour to get it off. Then I chewed on the end of it to blunt the edge and knelt in front of the door to see if it would work.

    Now, remember that I had to get the kids from school. My mind immediately goes to the worst case scenario in times like these, and so I was thinking that if I didn't get the kids, the first person the school would call would be my best friend. She'd go get them, bring them home, and find that my car was there, but that I wasn't answering the door. I have a history while I'm pregnant of passing out and having hemorrhaging problems, so I imagined that she would think that I was having a health issue, call 911, and the firefighters and police would force the door open to make sure I was okay, only to find that I was stuck upstairs in my kid's room because I'd turned the lock around to lock him into his room at night. Seeing that, they would determine that I was an unfit parent, and then the would call CPS and my kids would be taken away.

    This is what I'm thinking as I'm kneeling and trying to use a piece of plastic hanger that I've been chewing on to get the door open. So, I'm praying of course, and working on the door, and Josh comes up to me and says, "Hey mom." "Yes, Josh?" And he sticks out his little fist and says, "Fist bump!" I about died. I worked with the plastic hanger piece for about half an hour with no luck until I finally said one more prayer, jammed the plastic piece in, and turned the handle upward with all my strength. It simply clicked open. Success!!

    Later, I was having a chocolate party at my house (my brother's girlfriend sells Lindt chocolate at home parties), and I told the story, and one of my friends said, "You totally MacGyvered your way out!" I said, "Well, I more thinking Carter on the Prometheus, but I'll take MacGyver." I totally missed all of you, because you would have understood! My friend didn't get me at all!

    By the way, don't be surprised if that little episode shows up in an S/J fic if I ever find time to write again. . .
    Exactly what I was thinking while reading it. You should definitely write it.

    BTW. We missed ya too. **hugs** Good to have you back.
    sig by Mada
    As a matter of FIC


      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
      Hurricane this weekend!

      Think I could hitch a ride on the Hammond while it passes.
      to quote Jack... "If Only!"

      LOVE the new "Enigma" art, hlndncr!!


        Welcome back, AKA! Perhaps you should write a book... Adventures in Parenting!


          i remember reading a story don't know what it was called but it was about jack and sam having a kid and she named the kid after him, but jack didn't know about it until the kid was dying. anybody remember the name of the story?


            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
            For us Shippers, we are used to finding those beautiful subtle moments that others ignore. Allowing us to enjoy the ship even when it's not as obvious to everyone else. Even in S5, which I find to be the least shippy season, I can show you many moments that from my rosey, shippy clad eyes demonstrate that the passion still burns within.
            Like this?


              Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
              Maybe we should start saying welcome in another language. In Trini(dadian) dialect it would be "Wha yuh sayin." with a nod and a smile
              But... English is 'another language' for me.

              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
              Having trouble with my internet today. Very frustrating!

              But I did manage to throw a few pictures together.

              <lazy snip of beautiful artwork>[/spoiler]
              WOW. You really outdid yourself hlndncr. I think you improved a lot! Your last arts especially.

              *waves to Aka* Good to see you back! Only 9 weeks to go? Already? Feels like yesterday when you first announced you were pregnant! And I completly want a ficlet out of your adventure!
              Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
              My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
              Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                This is OT, but I figured you would understand the story better than those who know me IRL.

                DS was making me sit through the 2nd Wimpy Kid movie and I was bored silly, until suddenly I noticed Janet! Teryl Rothery had a small part, and that made the whole movie for me.

                And to be on topic....Janet noticed early on that there was something there between Sam & Jack (100 Days).

                Who else do you think noticed early on?

                I'd say Jacob was suspicious that there might be something there when he first met Jack at the ceremony.

                P.S. I forget how to hide something within a post that is either spoilers or OT. Can someone refresh my memory? Thanks!


                  Originally posted by melanell View Post
                  T And to be on topic....Janet noticed early on that there was something there between Sam & Jack (100 Days).

                  Who else do you think noticed early on?

                  I'd say Jacob was suspicious that there might be something there when he first met Jack at the ceremony.
                  Jake was Probably suspicious but Janet was the one who flat out (and subtly mind you) asked Sam on it in A Hundred Days. and Sam just shrugged it off.


                    Welcome back Aka!
                    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                      Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                      Jake was Probably suspicious but Janet was the one who flat out (and subtly mind you) asked Sam on it in A Hundred Days. and Sam just shrugged it off.
                      I would have to agree

                      Weighing in on the shippiest season discussion....I would have to say that seasons 4 and 7 would have to be the most shippiest with season 8 following a close 2nd.

                      Also quick question. I was reading something the other day an info page on Sam I think and I saw that Sam had been promoted to a general. When did that happen? I haven't watched SGU so maybe in that series?
                      It's my sidearm, I swear!


                        No, that was probably on the stargate wikia? Their source was an RPG, so it's not canon.
                        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                        On FFnet or AO3

                        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                          Originally posted by fems View Post
                          No, that was probably on the stargate wikia? Their source was an RPG, so it's not canon.
                          yeah but do deleted scenes count as canon?


                            Originally posted by Solitude View Post
                            I would have to agree

                            Also quick question. I was reading something the other day an info page on Sam I think and I saw that Sam had been promoted to a general. When did that happen? I haven't watched SGU so maybe in that series?
                            Originally posted by fems View Post
                            No, that was probably on the stargate wikia? Their source was an RPG, so it's not canon.
                            I agree Sam promoted to general is not canon. She hasn't even met the minimum time in grade requirement yet, which is probably the only legal requirement remaing.

                            Someone posted a link to the promotion guidelines in the US military once on GW and one of the requirements for promotion to flag officer (general or admiral) is tour of duty in a joint-duty assignment. Meaning a place with at least two branches are present. With both Air Force and Marine Corps personnel I would say that both the SGC and Atlantis would fulfill that requirement.

                            That same link also said that mandatory retirement for flag officers is 62 but can be deferred to 64. Going by the birthdate shown on Jack's ID of 1952 Jack can stay in the Air Force to 2014 or 2016.
                            No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                            It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                              Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                              That same link also said that mandatory retirement for flag officers is 62 but can be deferred to 64. Going by the birthdate shown on Jack's ID of 1952 Jack can stay in the Air Force to 2014 or 2016.
                              i think jack would probably get tired of sitting behind a desk for another 3 to 5 years. considering he's already been flying a desk for the past 7 years. he would probably retired before then and just spend time with sam and fishing.


                                Yeah I think it was on wikia. I didn't realize there was a RPG. I was thinking that she hadn't completed the minimum time for her current grade. I thought she had to be a Colonel for some time.

                                I would also think that Jack would be retiring well before 2016. From the snippets for SGU that I have seen, I looks very bored behind that desk!
                                It's my sidearm, I swear!

