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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Post BTS...and related to this discussion:


    (disappointment and pain on his face) "Sir."

    In fact, since I'll be offlist for a while and we're just a few Campfires away, here's a snippet of the BTS Campfire related to the above:

    As she walked past him Jack took a long, steadying breath in, then stopped as the scent of her filled his senses. With those scents come almost overpowering flashes.




    Tangled together.

    Lost in each other.

    And just as quickly as she has passed him, the flashes faded, and Jack let them. Forced them to go.

    Because, he realized, he has always smelled her and appreciated that unique Carterscent of hers. But now…now he knows. He knows how she moves.

    And feels.

    And tastes.

    How they taste together.

    And that's not good.

    That's not good at all.

    <insert evil laugh here.> I know some of you have read that before, but the whole story is now done and...ooh, I'm so gonna get mail about that one!
    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


      Quote Originally Posted by hedwig View Post
      I think Sam was fond of Narim, but that's all it would ever have been for her. She thought of him as a friend and nothing more.

      I listened to the commentary on "2001" fairly recently, and I think the director said he tried and tried and tried everything he could think of to get the guys to act more concerned about Sam, but they just refused to do it. Amanda would have done it for any one of them, regardless of how tired she was (IMO). That scene in that episode seems to get talked about fairly often.
      I believe the actual reason was that they'd worked late into the night and didn't want to do another take.
      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
        I believe the actual reason was that they'd worked late into the night and didn't want to do another take.
        I should have added that to the comment, because I knew that. But the rest of it about the director trying to get the guys to do something more than just stand there is still accurate.

        It also had something to do with not wanting to wait around until the cameras and lights could be moved around in order to get some different angles on the scene.


          New Campfire up. Last for a couple of months. Sorry, so enjoy and savor.
          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            I should have added that to the comment, because I knew that. But the rest of it about the director trying to get the guys to do something more than just stand there is still accurate.

            It also had something to do with not wanting to wait around until the cameras and lights could be moved around in order to get some different angles on the scene.
            i think it was very unprofessional of them to act that way, especially rda, who's one of the bosses and should be setting an example.



              Desperate Measures - "This is Carter we're talking about here." "I know. I'm sorry, Jack. ... She may not be coming back."

              On another note: The thread is alive!!! I love it when discussions get going!
              The Return of King Arthur
              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                Need a quick list.

                Best moments of angst.

                I'll start.

                POV - Our Sam watches Jack kiss AU Sam!
                Threads - When Sam takes the phone call during the briefing and Jack watches her.


                  "Grace" - where Teal'c is trying to comfort (be supportive of Jack) in the locker room when Sam is missing.


                    Sorry, I had the quote, but when I went to write, the wrong quote was posted and now I can't find it. It went something along the line about how the feelings were kept in the room was mostly Sam. I have to go only with Hedwig; I think it was really both of them that kept trying to protect each other that kept them from admitting their feelings until Threads. I really think Sam was ready to go for it at the end of Grace, but when she woke up and said "Jack," Jack's response of "Excuse me?" shut her down. I've always thought she took it as a reprimmand, and shut herself down again seeing this as proof positive that Jack no longer cared for her that way.

                    So for angst:
                    Grace: Sam's call out of "Jack" and his response "Excuse me?"
                    Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      Darn. In that case, I'll have to delete about 95% of those times when she said "sir". I've gone through most of Season 4 and about half of Season 5, and there have actually been no times when she said it in a way that could be considered shippy. There were a few times when she sounded a bit peeved or exasperated with him and tacked on the "sir" to make it sound a little less insubordinate.
                      I love insubordinate Sam so please leave those in there

                      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                      Janet: Is this a problem?
                      Sam: No. Of course not.

                      I think that's angsty.

                      Sorry I haven't been around lately--I had to drive from my home to Idaho for a relative's funeral. But I've read and caught up, and will comment soon.
                      Missed you Aka. Good to see you back. Hope you're ok.

                      Angst List:
                      Entity: I know Major Carter is very important to you.
                      D&C: Sir just go
                      I'd have rather died myself than lose Carter

                      2010: So this is the place you kept threatening to take me.

                      Gosh I could just go on and on and......

                      GATEWORLD: Please, please fix the 'Quote box' or whatever. It keeps jumping up and it's beginning to get quite frustrating to post. Thanks.
                      sig by Mada
                      As a matter of FIC


                        You guys are killing me! These are some of my favorite angsty moments!!

                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        Lost City - "Jack, please."
                        Lost City - Sam puts her hand on the stasis chamber where Jack is.
                        I wanted to hug the girl. Wish they had resolved the relationship and ended the series... (covers head in expectation of a flogging)

                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        Solitudes - caring for Jack.
                        Solitudes - Sam climbs out of the cave and realizes there is nothing but ice all around.
                        Paradise Lost - Sam is crying in the locker room; Teal'c comes in and comforts her.
                        Squee. I love the locker room scene...and the fact that Teal'c turns around and lends the same support to Jack in 'Grace' -mirror poetic.

                        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                        Heroes Part 2 - Jack getting hit by the staff blast and sam running to his aide.
                        "SIR!" -in slow motion.

                        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                        Janet: Is this a problem?
                        Sam: No. Of course not.
                        I think that's angsty.
                        Yes...very angsty...especially paired with the ending of that tears your heart out and serves it on a platter with a side of fava beans...

                        Originally posted by Pol View Post
                        New Campfire up. Last for a couple of months. Sorry, so enjoy and savor.
                        Ok...rollercoaster emotions: excited for the new chapter...sad because I have to wait months...months??!!...for more. Not mad, Pol...know you've got a lot going right now. *sits on hands and tries to be patient*

                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        "Grace" - where Teal'c is trying to comfort (be supportive of Jack) in the locker room when Sam is missing.
               funny how gruff and angry he sounds. Teal'c is not cowed a bit.

                        Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                        Threads - When Sam takes the phone call during the briefing and Jack watches her.
                        Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                        Sorry, I had the quote, but when I went to write, the wrong quote was posted and now I can't find it. It went something along the line about how the feelings were kept in the room was mostly Sam. I have to go only with Hedwig; I think it was really both of them that kept trying to protect each other that kept them from admitting their feelings until Threads. I really think Sam was ready to go for it at the end of Grace, but when she woke up and said "Jack," Jack's response of "Excuse me?" shut her down. I've always thought she took it as a reprimmand, and shut herself down again seeing this as proof positive that Jack no longer cared for her that way. So for angst: Grace: Sam's call out of "Jack" and his response "Excuse me?"
                        I think the trying to protect each other thing is the overshadowing angst itself. Self-denial for the good of the planet.

                        Here's mine:
                        'Entity' -
                        ENTITY:This one is important.
                        O'NEILL: She is.

                        'Tangent' -
                        JACOB: Are we too late?
                        CARTER: I think they're unconscious.
                        DANIEL: Well, we have to wake them up somehow.
                        CARTER: (over radio) Dammit, Colonel! We haven't come all this way to take you home in a box, now wake up!

                        (hope that's angsty enough...)
                        sig by Ikorni

                        "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                        "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                        SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                          I was watching 2001 and the part where Jack says the next time he sends a note he's going to put in a lot more detail - Sam looks at him and explains that he probably didn't because he didn't want to interfere with some sort of 'causality' **don't remember exactly what she said**

                          Jack looks at Sam and says "I wonder who's idea that was." Sam looks away almost blushing / embarrassed.

                          I found it so funny that there was never any doubt in Jack's mind that Sam was with him wherever they were, and still influencing his decisions and he was still trusting her.
                          sig by Mada
                          As a matter of FIC


                            Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                            'Tangent' -
                            JACOB: Are we too late?
                            CARTER: I think they're unconscious.
                            DANIEL: Well, we have to wake them up somehow.
                            CARTER: (over radio) Dammit, Colonel! We haven't come all this way to take you home in a box, now wake up!

                            (hope that's angsty enough...)
                            Huh...I don't remember this. It's really significant that Sam swears at him. I never, in my years of service, swore at my CO. Nope, not once. 'Course, I wasn't in love with him, either.
                            Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                              Finally finished my 2011 calendars.




                                Originally posted by Pol View Post

                                Huh...I don't remember this. It's really significant that Sam swears at him. I never, in my years of service, swore at my CO. Nope, not once. 'Course, I wasn't in love with him, either.
                                Well, Jack was unconscious (sort of) and Teal'c was barely breathing, so neither one of them heard her. Jacob nudged the glider with the cargo ship to wake them up, and Jack was a little out of it from oxygen deprivation when he realized there was another ship right outside the cockpit of the glider.

