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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
    My set also has that little booklet And I ordered it from U.S. (Maryland to be specific)
    I may have missed it, skimming through all that suff here.. but what is written in that booklet? (my German DVDs have none )

    ohh.. my first GW anniversary this month... *pushes a huge portion of blue Jello to everybody*


      Originally posted by SnowWhite View Post
      I may have missed it, skimming through all that suff here.. but what is written in that booklet? (my German DVDs have none )

      ohh.. my first GW anniversary this month... *pushes a huge portion of blue Jello to everybody*
      My booklet has a list of all the episodes in their proper order. Then it goes through each season, lists which episodes is on which disc, and gives a short description of each episode. It also makes a note of which DVD has special features, and what the special features are.


        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
        My set also has that little booklet And I ordered it from U.S. (Maryland to be specific)
        My DVD sets don't have booklets, and I live in MD and bought the DVDs here!

        On Topic...


          let's discuss.

          can there still be hope, even after sgu ends and stargate is shelved for a bit?

          *is there still a chance for sg1 to be revisited?

          *is there still a chance for SAM/JACK CONFIRMATION?

          we need to know 'who's' going to be doing stargate now, seeing as brad wright wants out now.

          i don't want to give up, or give in. does anyone else feel this?



            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            let's discuss.

            can there still be hope, even after sgu ends and stargate is shelved for a bit?

            *is there still a chance for sg1 to be revisited?

            *is there still a chance for SAM/JACK CONFIRMATION?

            we need to know 'who's' going to be doing stargate now, seeing as brad wright wants out now.

            i don't want to give up, or give in. does anyone else feel this?
            i remember seeing on JM's blog that after SGU series finale he was going to be fielding questions. this is his words.
            "Once that final episode airs, I’ll take to this blog to answer any and all questions you may have and dedicate at least one entry to discussing aspects of the franchise I’m sure you’re all curious about. ”Given the show’s ratings, why didn’t you wrap up the series in the event you WERE cancelled?”, “What stories did you have planned for the show’s third season?”, and “Tell us all about Stargate: Extinction”. Okay. Will field these queries and many more once “Gauntlet” airs.
            people should also ask about SG Revolution. see what was going to happen there.


              Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
              i remember seeing on JM's blog that after SGU series finale he was going to be fielding questions. this is his words.

              "Once that final episode airs, I’ll take to this blog to answer any and all questions you may have and dedicate at least one entry to discussing aspects of the franchise I’m sure you’re all curious about. ”Given the show’s ratings, why didn’t you wrap up the series in the event you WERE cancelled?”, “What stories did you have planned for the show’s third season?”, and “Tell us all about Stargate: Extinction”. Okay. Will field these queries and many more once “Gauntlet” airs.

              people should also ask about SG Revolution. see what was going to happen there.

              ~boy am i going to throw those questions his way! ~



                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                let's discuss.

                can there still be hope, even after sgu ends and stargate is shelved for a bit?

                *is there still a chance for sg1 to be revisited?

                *is there still a chance for SAM/JACK CONFIRMATION?

                we need to know 'who's' going to be doing stargate now, seeing as brad wright wants out now.

                i don't want to give up, or give in. does anyone else feel this?
                I say we still have to let Lionsgate and Spyglass that we still want the movies since MGM has very little say at this point.


                  Originally posted by trupi View Post
                  I say we still have to let Lionsgate and Spyglass that we still want the movies since MGM has very little say at this point.
                  how do we do that? through twitter?

                  i'd love for syfy to get a hold of stargate, and let 'them' do the movies.



                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    how do we do that? through twitter?

                    i'd love for syfy to get a hold of stargate, and let 'them' do the movies.
                    I guess we can get the address of the Presidents of both companies.


                      Originally posted by trupi View Post
                      I guess we can get the address of the Presidents of both companies.
                      send them my way on my profile page, trupi.

                      long live sam/jack!! (bring on confirmation!!) ((()))



                        according to FOX 40 news apparently Osama Bin Landen has been killed by a U.S. Bomb.


                          Made for my friend akachan

                          My vids Sig made by me


                            Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                            Very nice video. Because GateWorld won't let me .
                            No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                            It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                              Awesome vid!
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                I've been promising for sometime to give you my impressions of a couple of the latest Fandemonium novels, Sunrise and Homecoming. So here they are (in spoilers for those who don't care to know).

                                Sunrise (SG1)


                                This novel is set in Season 4 right after Beneath the Surface. Without giving away too much of the plot, essentially SG1 gates to a planet looking for something called the Shield of the Gods that they hope might be an advanced technology that could protect earth against the Goa'uld. The planet is being scorched by an intensly hot sun that has caused most of the surface to flood. The inhabitants are divided into three classes. The privilleged class lives in security and luxery within a dome they call the ark. They are a bunch of essentially mindless fanatics devoted to a religion that worships through watch a soap opera called Sunrise. Outside in the badlands we have the heathen who are struggling to survive in misery and squalor. And then there's the pirates. (Yes, pirates! Argggh!)

                                A big storm comes that's going to destroy everyone outside the ark unless SG1 can somehow help them get inside. But the leaders inside the ark think it is just punishment from a vengful god for all around them to die while they, the elect, remain safe and secure within the ark and are saved.

                                Eventually, the evil religious fanatics are banished by their own people, the outcasts are saved and welcomed back into the fold (even the pirates), and SG1 comes home empty handed.

                                I know someone posted some sections from it a while back. Clearly that person saw much more ship in this novel than I did. The few reflections on the events of BtS are no more and perhaps even less than what we get from Sam and Jack during the episode itself. Shipwise, I found it to be completely unsatisfying and in some ways detracted from the simple poinancy of that final exchange between Sam and Jack.

                                Another issue I struggled with while reading this book was the author's obvious and clumsy attempt to create mystery and tension where none existed. I could see the resolutions coming miles away. In fact, I kept thinking that our team (including two of the smartest people in the galaxy) could not possibly be this dense.

                                Moreover, the focus on the author's own characters meant that SG1 were mostly just passive observers. They were not the focus of the action. The team was split up and Sam and Teal'c did nothing much. Daniel was kidnapped by pirates who brought him to a library where he could translate something (even though I could have already told you what it said). And Jack followed around the pirate captain, a reluctant hero and frustrated lover, making observations.

                                At first, I considered the novel rather middling (certainly not the worst published by Fandemonium), but the more I consider it the more holes I find and the less I like. So I guess the best I can say is, don't expect too much and don't think too much and you might find yourself mildly entertained.

                                Do I regret reading it? Not completely.
                                Would I read it again? Absolutely not.

                                I give it a 5 out of 10.

                                Homecoming (SGA Legacy Series, Vol. 1)


                                This novel is set immediately after the events of Enemy at the Gates. The first half of the novel is about trying to get approval from the IOA to return Atlantis to the Pegasus Galaxy. The rest of the story is about re-establishing contact with our allies and finding out what the Wraith have been up to while we were gone. It turns out quite a lot. They have a mysterious new leader who has consolidated the hives and is wreaking havoc among the human populations. The book climaxes with a battle to protect a village from being completely wiped out be the Wraith and ends with a surprise twist (that I personally didn't find so surprising) and a cliffhanger that leads into the next novel.

                                I will begin with the disclaimer that while I like Atlantis and have seen every episode at least once, I do not consider myself a huge fan. In some ways that's a blessing when reading SGA novels because while I have definite feelings and opinions of how my SG1 characters should think and behave, I'm much more flexible with others' portrayals of the Atlantis crew.

                                There is good and bad to be found in this novel. I'll start with the good.

                                The absolute best part of this book are the far too few chapters of Todd among his hive, navigating the intricacies of Wraith politics in this new order established within the book. Believe me, I was more surprised than anyone could be to find myself enjoying this part of the story so much and actually craving more. It was just brilliantly written and so intriguing and original. If the Wraith could have been portrayed this way on the show they would have been the so much more interesting and scary. Honestly, I would have been happy to read a whole book just about Todd and his hive, and I still can't believe I'm saying that. It was just that good.

                                The other part I really enjoyed (also far too short) was Carson (my favorite character) and Sheppard flying Atlantis. The authors made you feel what it was like to be connected to this giant city as you navigated it between galaxies. It's something that couldn't be shown on TV, and was just really fun to imagine and be a part of.

                                If only the rest of the novel could have been so entertaining.

                                I'll start with the ship. No, not Sam and Jack. That is just muted background noise (although I will discuss it later because I know that's what you're really reading this for). The ship I'm talking about is John/Teyla. If you are a fan of that pairing you will likely love this book because it is clearly the authors' favorite. They spend a good deal of the novel mooning for each other and bewailing the impossibility of their sitution and bemoaning the fact that they believe the other does not feel the same for them. Meanwhile, Kannan is jilted, but stoic in the face of Teyla's obvious desire for . . . McKay. Yes, that's right, Kannan thinks Teyla must be in love with McKay. (I know, I kept thinking WTF, who in their right or wrong mind would ever get that idea or believe that someone else had?)

                                I should probably explain my own biases here. I probably favored Shep/Weir over any of the other possible pairings, but I essentially consider myself a non-shipper of Atlantis. Perhaps that's one of the reasons I never became totally devoted to the show. I never saw enough chemistry between any of the actors to really hold my interst (except maybe Beckett and McKay, who probably shared the hottest kiss of the whole series ). I'm not opposed to John/Teyla, but the way this book kept dwelling upon it I developed a new empathy for non-shippers of Sam/Jack.

                                The human politics both in and out of the Pegasus galaxy was also interminably boring, and this is coming from someone who works in politics for a living so I like that kind of stuff. Once they got to Pegasus, a lot of it just seemed like filler. The stuff on earth sufferred because I think the authors' were trying to hard to be clever. The main action was with Jack and Sam and the President (who should have been Hayes, the authors had no reason to replace his character). But instead they worked on the periphery and the focus was on the other characters who were frustrated and out of the loop. I know this was an Atlantis novel, but the suprise revel wasn't worth it. They could have brought at least one of the Atlantis characters in to give us a view from the inside, Woolsey would have been the logical choice and a better use of his character.

                                Now to the important part, Sam and Jack. They were for the most part very well written and true to character. While we certainly didn't get anything overt, these authors did something I've rarely seen done well, they were able to write the subtext of Sam and Jack's attraction--little moments of connection like when Sam showed a sparkle of delight at Jack's interaction with little Torren, a moment when Shep passes them coming out of the cafeteria together, a smile wave from across the gateroom. In the show it was these kinds of little glances and touches that demonstrated the chemistry between these two characters. So I thought what little we had here was executed perfectly. All I can say is that I wanted more.

                                With the end of the franchise on TV, it's clear MGM has given the go ahead for the novels to persue storylines that go outside and beyond the on-screen cannon. The John/Teyla ship in this novel was not subtle. Maybe we can hope that we will soon see more of this sort of thing on the Sam/Jack front as well.

                                Despite some floundering and a few flaws I found this novel quite entertaining. I will definitely be reading the next one in the series.

                                I give this one a 7 out of 10.

