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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    I'm working on an August calendar right now. Theme: Gutter. I'll show it to ya when I'm done. (There will be biting. )


      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      I was more thinking workwise...but that works too

      With Jack she wouldn't procrastinate..


      She did.

      Eight. Long. Years.

      That was merely waiting for the right time to do the right thing with the right guy. She knew she was making a mistake with Pete, so she put it off as long as she could.

      (actually--I think that she believed that she could have been happy with Pete if Jack were completely unavailable, but she came to her senses eventually. Not before we were all subjected to images with her and Pete, and not before we had to see Jack and Kerry--but at least it happened and we all know that Jack and Sam are now living happily ever after somewhere nice and quiet and intimate.)


      We don't really know that, right?

      Because there's been no confirmation

      Well, crap.
      My Stories: FFdotNet
      My Stories AO3
      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        That was merely waiting for the right time to do the right thing with the right guy. She knew she was making a mistake with Pete, so she put it off as long as she could.

        (actually--I think that she believed that she could have been happy with Pete if Jack were completely unavailable, but she came to her senses eventually. Not before we were all subjected to images with her and Pete, and not before we had to see Jack and Kerry--but at least it happened and we all know that Jack and Sam are now living happily ever after somewhere nice and quiet and intimate.)


        We don't really know that, right?

        Because there's been no confirmation

        Well, crap.
        I don't think she ever could have been happy with regardless of the situation with Jack. He was totally wrong for her in so many ways. I believe she would have discovered that eventually. Happily she realized her mistake before marrying him.

        And she is with Jack, and they are very happy together. I do believe . . . I do believe . . . I do believe!


          That's why I said that she believed she could have been happy with Pete. (I'm kind of like Dumbledore. I believe that using a person's real name makes them less icky. . .) It wasn't until she started seeing what her life would actually be like that she realized her HUGE MONGORIFFIC mistake.

          So, she broke it off with Pete and found true happiness with Jack. I believe, too. I believe. I believe. . .
          My Stories: FFdotNet
          My Stories AO3
          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
            That was merely waiting for the right time to do the right thing with the right guy. She knew she was making a mistake with Pete, so she put it off as long as she could.

            (actually--I think that she believed that she could have been happy with Pete if Jack were completely unavailable, but she came to her senses eventually. Not before we were all subjected to images with her and Pete, and not before we had to see Jack and Kerry--but at least it happened and we all know that Jack and Sam are now living happily ever after somewhere nice and quiet and intimate.)


            We don't really know that, right?

            Because there's been no confirmation

            Well, crap.
            Not that pessimistic. The fishing is IMHO the confirmation. Before S8 shippers wanted to see S/J go fishing because that meant S/J would be the end we got what we wanted...S/J going fishing...after that S9 and S10 came up...and all off a sudden we wanted more(as people always do), but I heard from writers(especially JM) that they also believed S/J are together. So even though it was never really specifically confirmed, we did got our resolution IMHO.

            Or I'm just an optimistic shipper


              MMmmmMMMm. Fishing. MmmmMMmmmMmm.
              My Stories: FFdotNet
              My Stories AO3
              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                We didn't see S/J in S9 or S10...or the movies because they had this sign up:



                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  Not that pessimistic. The fishing is IMHO the confirmation. Before S8 shippers wanted to see S/J go fishing because that meant S/J would be the end we got what we wanted...S/J going fishing...after that S9 and S10 came up...and all off a sudden we wanted more(as people always do), but I heard from writers(especially JM) that they also believed S/J are together. So even though it was never really specifically confirmed, we did got our resolution IMHO.

                  Or I'm just an optimistic shipper
                  i wish that was enough for me.

                  but it's not. we don't know *for sure*.




                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    i wish that was enough for me.

                    but it's not. we don't know *for sure*.

                    All this time of no ship made me make peace with the fact that I should be happy with what we have...

                    But the moment I watch SG episodes again I want more.

                    MORE MORE MORE!



                      Here, have a little gutter:

                      I took this:

                      And this:

                      And made this:


                        Wow! That's really good! It's--**cough cough**--really pretty hot, if you look at it long enough. . .

                        Looking. . .

                        Looking. . .

                        MMMmmmmMMMmmmm. Me Likee.
                        My Stories: FFdotNet
                        My Stories AO3
                        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                          I still remember when Rick was talking to that Pierre Bernard guy in one of the SG specials he's like "I have to kiss Amanda. I HAVE to kiss Amanda" and in the moebius commentary according to Peter DeLuise rick's like "can we get another take?" on the kiss in the PJ and pete's like "sure Rick. We'll do as Many takes as you like.


                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            All this time of no ship made me make peace with the fact that I should be happy with what we have...

                            But the moment I watch SG episodes again I want more.

                            MORE MORE MORE!

                            i'm glad you're handling it so well.

                            like me




                              Those are awesome, hlndncr!

                              I have never been one to be content with non-confirmed ships, I don't think I feel like starting now so I join the sentiment of wanting more
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                                I still remember when Rick was talking to that Pierre Bernard guy in one of the SG specials he's like "I have to kiss Amanda. I HAVE to kiss Amanda" and in the moebius commentary according to Peter DeLuise rick's like "can we get another take?" on the kiss in the PJ and pete's like "sure Rick. We'll do as Many takes as you like.
                                another behind the scenes/many takes i'd like to see!

                                but the 'grace' one... i'd pay good money for that...


