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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    I'm considering doing a write-up but I have kind of a crazy schedule...

    *sends a PM anyway*
    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


      Sharing a BtS manip that was posted on LJ.


      I strongly suggest you to check it. It's fantastic!
      Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


        Originally posted by yessika View Post
        I'm considering doing a write-up but I have kind of a crazy schedule...

        *sends a PM anyway*
        Got it, thanks!

        And don't worry about your schedule, we're very forgiving and flexible.


          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          Thanks We do like to entertain our visitors


          Incidentally, you need to remove the [video] tags from your post where you've quoted Jann (Starlover)
          Originally posted by starlover View Post
          *snorts* Not like Jumble is bias or so...

          And yep please remove video tags Iggyming It's just a forum thing like the img tags! *shrugs*

          Oops! Sorry about that. I don't know why I didn't think of it
          Thanks for removing the tags for me.

          Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
          gotta be more specific than that....specifically no more GUINESS in the house....

          Jack: WHAT?!?!!? you mean to tell me there's no more food in the house?!?!?!
          You're right. I actually did think of specifically saying Guiness, but ended up saying beer instead. I did say I wasn't a very good prankster

          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
          Sunrises Part 2

          Thanks for sharing this. I've never read the Fandemonium books, b/c they're not shippy enough for me. I completely understand why they can't be overt about it, but b/c of the lack of ship (or overtness), I tend to prefer fanfic. However, Sally Reeve/Malcolm is one of my favourite ship authors, so it's nice to see an acknowledgement of ship, however subtle.

          I'm afraid that I've entirely slipped into the world of fanfic, to the extent of not reading "real" novels. As a lifelong reader, this is not good. However, I enjoy Sam/Jack fanfic too much, and have limited personal time, so all my reading time (aside from reading the news, since I'm a news junkie) goes entirely towards S/J fanfic. In fact, when I was pregnant a few years ago and the final Harry Potter book was released, I bought it, but then got sucked into the fanfic vortex and never did get around to reading that book. To this day, I don't know what happened to Harry and his friends


            Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
            Oops! Sorry about that. I don't know why I didn't think of it
            Thanks for removing the tags for me.

            You're right. I actually did think of specifically saying Guiness, but ended up saying beer instead. I did say I wasn't a very good prankster


            Thanks for sharing this. I've never read the Fandemonium books, b/c they're not shippy enough for me. I completely understand why they can't be overt about it, but b/c of the lack of ship (or overtness), I tend to prefer fanfic. However, Sally Reeve/Malcolm is one of my favourite ship authors, so it's nice to see an acknowledgement of ship, however subtle.

            I'm afraid that I've entirely slipped into the world of fanfic, to the extent of not reading "real" novels. As a lifelong reader, this is not good. However, I enjoy Sam/Jack fanfic too much, and have limited personal time, so all my reading time (aside from reading the news, since I'm a news junkie) goes entirely towards S/J fanfic. In fact, when I was pregnant a few years ago and the final Harry Potter book was released, I bought it, but then got sucked into the fanfic vortex and never did get around to reading that book. To this day, I don't know what happened to Harry and his friends
            You're a true shipper.

            I think we are blessed with many talented fanfic authors in the S/J shipdom and some extraordinarily good stories.

            I agree that the novels are rather unsatisfying shipwise. It's not just that they have to stay within cannon; they tend to lose all the subtle subtext that makes all of the character interactions, but especially Sam and Jack, so enjoyable.


              Did you read "City of Gold"? Not the strongest story line but has two of the shippest scene ever written in any of the books.


                Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                Sharing a BtS manip that was posted on LJ.


                I strongly suggest you to check it. It's fantastic!
                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                  Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                  Threads, Death Knell, Lost City and Heroes Part 2?
                  Love the shippy moments from those eps.

                  I will say that it's impossible to do hugs with the sprites because they only have one pose in the forward facing position. But if I get some time, I'll play with it.


                    Originally posted by trupi View Post
                    Did you read "City of Gold"? Not the strongest story line but has two of the shippest scene ever written in any of the books.
                    Do you mean "City of the Gods?" Because yes, I do remember that that one had some real overt 'ship in it, but the plotline bogs that book down so much that I can't stand to read it again.
                    The Return of King Arthur
                    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                      from a recent david hewlett interview -


                      You mentioned the 'SGU' cancellation. It seems like the future of 'Stargate' is up in the air right now. How do you feel about a world without 'Stargate,' and do you think the franchise will bounce back?

                      (david) I think 'Stargate' is the perfect franchise to apply to the multi-platform thing. I know they were trying to get games going and stuff, but it was a victim, I think, to the big shake-up at MGM. But I don't think this is the last that we'll see of 'Stargate.' It would seem very foolish to me to let it go that easily. At the very least, I would hope to see some kind of movies, whether they're 'SGU' movies or 'Atlantis' movies or 'SG-1,' but if I was to guess, it would maybe be an amalgamation of the three.

                      that last sentence gives me hope!! i could *so* take a combo movie!!

                      ~confirmation~~confirmation~~confirmation~~confirmation~~confirmation~~confirmat ion~~confirmation~~confirmation~~confirmation~please~



                        Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                        Hey Shippers!

                        Wazzz upppp!!!!!!

                        Sam plays an April Fool's prank on Jack.

                        What would it be??????????
                        This question has just been plaguing me! But my husband and I were talking about it, and he suggested this, and the more I thought about it, the funnier I found it.

                        So, I'm spoilering it because it's LOOOOONGGG. But I'm not certain I'm going to post it on, so I couldn't just put a link. This is my take on Sam playing a prank on Jack. Set in Season 6.

                        Pranks for Nothing.


                        The voice was familiar--exuberantly earnest--to the point of obnoxious. Jonas. The only person capable of speaking in that tone without it seeming fake. But Jack knew that Jonas Quinn was always completely truthful--and always completely up front. No false interest there.

                        But still--he sounded so aghast that Jack stopped just on the other side of the wall, shouldering up against the opening into the commissary so that he couldn’t be seen on the other side of the door. He’d been looking for pie. Apple, or cherry, or even boysenberry. Something fruity and sweet. Ironic, then, that the first person he’d run into was Quinn. Jonas Quinn was both fruity and sweet, but not in the pie way.

                        "Really. I kid you not. Dr. Fraiser just told me. Isn't that wild?" Carter. In her uber-scientist mode. Her tone said more than her words—she sounded both scandalized and intrigued.

                        "I'm surprised that Teal'c didn't tell you that kind of thing."

                        "Well, I'm sure that he wouldn't consider it to be a problem, seeing how his symbiote protects him from this kind of--" the Major's voice trailed off as she apparently searched for the right word. "Um--damage."

                        "Pretty nasty side effect, right?"

                        "I'd say so."

                        "Wow." A pause, then Jonas’ voice came around the corner again. “That’s just—wow.”

                        Jack scowled, wondering exactly what they were talking about. He hadn’t really wanted to spend his lunch break discussing random science with his team—especially if said science came from Janet Fraiser, who didn’t appear to think that anything really valuable could possibly come from a needle smaller than an Oldsmobile.

                        “I know.”

                        “Does it have the same effect on women as men?”

                        “The studies don’t show anything at all to confirm that. It seems to affect primarily the male organs.”

                        A sigh. Long, drawn-out, and deliberate. “Well, then. I guess I’ll have to take care to avoid that little event, then, won’t I?”

                        “To what event do you refer, Jonas Quinn?”

                        “Teal’c!” Jonas greeted their other team member with his usual enthusiasm, and a scrape of chair legs on the concrete floor of the commissary demonstrated his movements. He’d scooted over—as usual—allowing Teal’c his favorite spot on the north side of the table. “Comfortable?”

                        “Indeed I am, Jonas Quinn.” A heavy settling indicated that Teal’c had lowered himself onto his seat. “Although it is not necessary for you to move every time I arrive late for a meal.”

                        “No problem—really.” Jonas sipped from his omnipresent cup of coffee. “Besides. I have a few questions for you.”

                        Mild crunching—Teal’c had started with carrots, as usual—followed by a loud swallow. “I will answer whatever questions you may have.”

                        “Well, it’s about this report that Doctor Fraiser released today.”

                        Teal’c’s expression must have been one of confusion, because Carter spoke next.

                        “You know—the one about Zat gun blasts and their effects on human male physiology.”

                        More crunching. Then sipping—probably the first of the Jaffa’s normal four glasses of water. “Doctor Fraiser consulted with me about her findings. I must admit that I found them to be troubling.”

                        “So, you’re worried about what negative effects you’ve suffered?” Jonas—his tone commiserating.

                        “Indeed not.” Teal’c paused, and Jack could imagine his expression—the one that said he was thinking. Only slightly different than the one that said he wasn’t thinking. But it was all about nuance with this guy.

                        “I would have thought that your symbiote would protect you from any issues suffered.”

                        “My symbiote does protect me. I have been zatted many times, and I have never found my performance to have suffered in any way.”

                        Performance? What performance? Surely they weren’t talking about—Jack glanced down at his feet, then ran a hand through the mess that was his hair before leaning even more closely towards the door.

                        “So, who would have been the most adversely affected on base?” Jonas, still, his voice as honestly questioning as ever, until his tone trailed off into a worried, “Oh.”

                        “Yep. He’s been zatted more than everybody else combined.” Carter again, in total seriousness.

                        “So—he’s probably—”

                        “Most likely.”

                        Funereal. Their tones sounded as if they were talking about a loved one who had died a horrible, ignominious death. Jack stepped back from the door as a pair of airmen approached the opening. They paused and acknowledged him—a little hesitantly—before continuing through the opening at his curt nod. As soon as they were through the door, he pressed his body back against the cool concrete wall.

                        “Wow. That explains a lot.”

                        A low hum escaped from the Major. “I know. Poor man.”

                        “And yet it does not seem to have affected his ability to fight. He is a warrior, his lack of ability in his own quarters notwithstanding.”

                        Own quarters? Lack of ability? Jack could feel himself pale, could feel the color drain straight out of his face and pool around his feet.

                        “Still. Teal’c’s right. Colonel O’Neill seems to be very healthy otherwise. That’s got to be hard for a guy.”

                        “Or not.” Carter said this, followed immediately by a slap of skin on skin—her hand over her mouth? And then, incongruously, a giggle. “Oh, geez. I can’t believe I just said that.”

                        “Well, he wasn’t here to hear you, so I doubt you’ll be in too much trouble.”

                        “I would concur, Major Carter.” Teal’c spoke from around another mouthful of food. “And what have you spoken but the truth? According to the report, the Colonel would indeed have difficulty maintaining rigidity.”

                        “But still. He’s such a vital man. And his divorce has been final for a while. You’d think that he’d want to have a relationship eventually. That kind of side effect would make it—well—difficult.”

                        Jonas shifted in his seat—now the one closest to the door. “Maybe that’s why he hasn’t had a relationship recently.”

                        Silence as the other members of SG-1 mulled this over. Then Carter spoke again. “You’ve got a point, Jonas. He’s a proud man. This would be something he might be ashamed of.”

                        “Even if it was injuries sustained in the heat of battle?”

                        “I believe that a man such as O’Neill would find the loss of a limb less debilitating than this particular infirmity.”

                        “I agree.”


                        They’d spoken at the same time, Jonas and Carter. And then silence reigned at the table for a few, taut moments, before Teal’c spoke again. “Perhaps we should not speak of the issue again—to spare O’Neill the shame that he must be feeling.”

                        “You’re right, of course.” This from a guilty-sounding Carter. “He should be here any minute. No sense reminding the guy that he’s no longer the man he used to be.”

                        “Well, regardless.” Jonas sipped his coffee again--meditatively. “I’m thinking I’ll just stay away from Zat blasts from now on. I don’t want to end up little more than a eunuch.”

                        To be continued. . .

                        My Stories: FFdotNet
                        My Stories AO3
                        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                          Pranks for Nothing, part 2

                          Jack stood up, pushing himself away from the wall. Eunuch? Infirmity? What the hell were they all talking about? Report?

                          It was a new medical report of some sort.

                          Medical. Fraiser.

                          He eschewed the elevator in favor of the stairs. Depending on how many people had already read this fabled report, he didn’t need to overhear anyone else’s conversations until he’d heard the information directly from the horse’s—er—doctor’s mouth.

                          The infirmary was quiet, unusually so. There was no one—not even Siler—in any of the beds. Jack made his way through the place until he arrived at Fraiser’s office. Dark and still, the only sound was the low mechanical whirr of the fan in her computer. A dancing needle made its way methodically across her blackened screen, and a single folder sat propped against the keyboard.

                          He looked behind him before leaning in and scanning the folder’s label.

                          “Zat Blasts and their Effects on Male Physiology.”

                          Well, crap.

                          Looking over his shoulder again, he used a single finger to flip the folder open. A lone page lay inside, attached to the inside part of the folder with a silver clamp of some sort. Jack squinted to read the small letters.

                          Well, skimmed. He didn’t read everything, but he’d definitely captured the salient points.

                          “Irreparable damage to the vas deferens from repeated jolts of alien energy”

                          “Over time, distinct shrinkage of the corpora cavernosa was noted”

                          “Ultimately, the most affected patients exhibited chronic and widespread nerve dysfunction, shrinking of vital arteries, and diminished hormone supply”

                          Jack could feel his palms getting all clammy, so he made his way quickly down the page to the concluding paragraph.

                          “In short, subjects who have been Zatted more than twenty times will experience a major disruption in their normal ability to achieve and maintain full male performance. Those most affected will almost certain be affected with complete E.D., compounded by a loss of testosterone caused by injured and diminished testicular activity. In the future, it is recommended that medical personnel keep a detailed accounting of times and places in which one is the victim of a Zat blast, as well as the area of the body in which the energy was most concentrated, in order to remove those soldiers from active duty who may be most at risk. In this way we may be able to mitigate the damage.”

                          Double Crap.

                          No longer caring whether Fraiser appeared in her office, Jack sank down into the good doctor’s chair, leaning back with a withered sigh. Of all the confounded bad luck. His knee had long since lost integrity, he had a pain in his left shoulder that wouldn’t go away. Just yesterday, he’d found a zit—a zit!—in his right ear, and compounding all of that, the last of his chest hair had gone gray last year.

                          And now this.

                          He tried to doubt the findings, but failed. Even if he’d had the inclination to test out Fraiser’s theory over the past few years, he certainly hadn’t had the opportunity. And now—

                          Well, Crap.

                          Heels tapping on the concrete floor brought him out of his misery. Looking up, he saw the familiar diminutive figure of Doctor Fraiser standing in the doorway of her office.

                          “Colonel O’Neill.”


                          Her quick eyes made short work of the scene, noting especially the folder open on her keyboard. “I see you read the report.”

                          “Most of it.”

                          Her full mouth turned downward. “If it helps at all, I’m sorry.”

                          “No offense, Doc, but that doesn’t help.”

                          “Now, I don’t want you to be completely disheartened by this. I believe that there may be treatments that might help you.”


                          “Yes—therapies. Physical and otherwise.”

                          Jack snorted. “Like what?”

                          “Well.” Janet entered the office and perched a hip on her desk. “Psychological help may be most beneficial.”

                          “So now I’m crazy as well as—” He couldn’t quite bring himself to say the words.

                          “Impotent?” Oh, so understanding. Her tone could have soothed Genghis Khan.

                          “Gah! Don’t say it!”

                          Her large brown eyes looked down on him with concern. “Colonel, you’re going to have to come to terms with this ailment. I’m sorry, but I’ve never known you to run from a fight. Consider this a new battle that must be won.”

                          Jack leaned forward in the chair and fingered the edge of the manila folder. “That’s kind of hard to do when your weapon is all—” He raised a hand and let it fall, limp. “You know?”

                          “Janet?” Carter’s voice came from the infirmary, then boot leather on concrete signaled her entry into the office area. “Jan?”

                          Without taking her eyes off of O’Neill, the doctor called, “Sam? I’m in here.”

                          “Hey—Jan—have you seen—” The Major came around the corner and stopped short, her eyes going immediately past the Doctor to rest on the Colonel in the chair. “Oh. You have.”

                          The object of her search snapped at her. “What do you want, Carter?”

                          “Well, um.” The Major looked superbly uncomfortable. Shifting on her feet, she glanced from the Colonel to the Doctor and then back to the Colonel. “When you didn’t show up for lunch, I was just wondering what had happened to you.”

                          “I’ve been here.”

                          “Oh?” The monosyllabic answer seemed too bright.

                          “Reading.” He raised a hand and indicated the manila folder. “Interesting stuff. You might get a kick out of it.”

                          Sam worried at her lower lip with her teeth, her eyes a conflicted mess of worry. Shoving her hands deep into the pockets of her BDU pants, she breathed in deeply before answering. “I’m sorry, sir. I know that this must be a blow to you.”


                          Aw, hell. Now Jonas, too.

                          Jack leaned back in the chair again, peering around the womenfolk to get a glimpse of the Kelownan man as he stopped just behind Sam in the office doorway. “Colonel. Doctor. Sam.”

                          The Colonel rubbed a hand over his stubbled chin. “Congratulations, Jonas, you know our names. You’ve earned a Brownie Point.”

                          “Brownie point?”

                          Without looking behind her, Sam shook her head. “Never mind, Jonas.”

                          Heavier treads sounded in the infirmary, and the dark, large form of Teal’c stopped just behind Jonas. “You have found him.”

                          “Yeah, Teal’c. He was in here. Reading.”

                          “So, he has been informed of his malady?”

                          “Yeah—I’d say so, Teal’c.” Jonas steepled his fingers on his hips, looking down at the Colonel with concern. “Are you okay, Jack?”

                          “Jack?” O’Neill’s eyebrows soared.

                          Jonas shrugged. “This is a personal conversation. Wouldn’t first names be more appropriate for this kind of thing?”

                          Glaring at the Kelownan, Jack snorted. “They might, if I were going to discuss it with you.”

                          Sam frowned, glancing from Jonas back to the Colonel. “Sir.”

                          How was it that she could make that one syllable sound like a dressing down? Jack frowned back at her. “Well, I really don’t want to talk about it. So why don’t you guys just go and do whatever it was you were doing before this topic came up?”

                          “Well, it’s not like anything really came up, sir.” Unbelievably, the corner of her mouth twitched.

                          “Yeah.” Jonas shook his head. “In this particular instance, it doesn’t sound like much is—um—doing that.”

                          Sam nodded sagely. “You’re right, Jonas. Nothing much is happening.”

                          “Everything’s just dull—and inert.”

                          “Dead as a doornail.”




                          “The soldier’s not at attention.”

                          Even Teal’c got in on it. “Without strength to stand.”

                          O’Neill grunted. “Okay—that’s really enough, people.”

                          Another nod from Carter, and then a complete change in her stance, her attitude. A golden brow rose over one blue, blue eye. “We should really try to be more understanding, guys. Especially since last week.”

                          Jack straightened in his chair. “Last week?”

                          “You know—last week. When you helped Jonas with his training.”

                          Jonas extended a hand, palm up. “It was so nice of you to offer to help me to understand Earth culture, Colonel.”

                          The light began to dawn. Jack’s eyes eased closed, only to open with a hard look at Carter, who was staring down at him with a steady expression.

                          “When you took him on the snipe hunt.”

                          Jonas’ eyes flew wide. The picture of innocence. “Now, how was I to know that there are no such things as snipe?”

                          “Or that they didn’t live deep in the mountains above the base?” Sam stepped forward, around Janet, so that she stood directly in front of the Colonel. “Or that they didn’t need to be hunted by a single person—alone—in the middle of the night?”

                          Groaning, Jack lifted his hands to cover his face.

                          Sam’s voice came again at him across the office. “Poor Jonas. Sprained ankle. Covered head to toe in mosquito bites. He’d fallen down after it had started raining and was caked in dried mud. And when he finally made it to the road, some passerby called the Sheriff because she thought he was some kind of wounded animal. Luckily, Siler and Walters recognized him, picked him up on the side of the road and brought him back to base.”

                          And dammit, behind his hands, Jack had cracked a smile. Taking his life into his own hands, he spread his fingers to look directly at his second in command. “But it was funny. Come on, admit it.”

                          “Oh, it was a hoot, Colonel.” Jonas stepped closer. “I laughed about it as soon as the swelling went down in my face.”

                          He spread his hands in supplication. “Come on—it was a joke.”

                          “Funny. Great joke, there, sir.” Sam folded her arms across her chest. “Hilarious.”

                          “Hey—I came and visited you in the infirmary.” Jack pointed at Jonas. “You seemed just fine.”

                          Carter shook her head. “You laughed when you saw how swollen he was. You were practically giggling about the Sheriff’s involvement, and you guffawed when Jonas worried that he hadn’t done it right because he hadn’t found any snipe.”

                          “Yeah, but—”

                          “All in good fun.” Jonas grinned. “Isn’t that what you said? You know, when I said that I was going to try to get you back.”

                          Jack shrugged. “So?”

                          “And following that, you announced that nobody could possibly best you in pulling a prank.” Teal’c’s voice droned inward from the doorway.

                          “Well, yeah—but—” With a sudden motion, Jack rose, turning towards his team. “That was just a joke. This—” he motioned at the folder on the desk. “This is real. This isn’t some stupid snipe hunt!”

                          Carter leaned over and grabbed the folder from where it still sat on the keyboard. “So, I take it you didn’t read the entire report, did you Colonel?”

                          Lips thinned, Jack watched as she raised the folder again, turning the cover back and creasing it open. With a glance towards Janet, Jonas, and Teal’c, she handed the report to the Colonel.

                          A Colonel who didn’t really want to ask, but did anyway. “What are you talking about?”

                          “You probably just skimmed right past the date?”

                          He glanced at it now, then refocused on Carter. “Yeah—April the first. So?”

                          “So. April the first.” She handed him the folder, then wheeled around, towards where the rest of their audience had already started out of the office. As she got to the door, she turned, fixing him with an expression that reeked of satisfaction. “Who’s the fool now, sir?”
                          My Stories: FFdotNet
                          My Stories AO3
                          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                            Haha! That's so funny! I love your stories.
                            The Return of King Arthur
                            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              from a recent david hewlett interview -


                              You mentioned the 'SGU' cancellation. It seems like the future of 'Stargate' is up in the air right now. How do you feel about a world without 'Stargate,' and do you think the franchise will bounce back?

                              (david) I think 'Stargate' is the perfect franchise to apply to the multi-platform thing. I know they were trying to get games going and stuff, but it was a victim, I think, to the big shake-up at MGM. But I don't think this is the last that we'll see of 'Stargate.' It would seem very foolish to me to let it go that easily. At the very least, I would hope to see some kind of movies, whether they're 'SGU' movies or 'Atlantis' movies or 'SG-1,' but if I was to guess, it would maybe be an amalgamation of the three.

                              that last sentence gives me hope!! i could *so* take a combo movie!!

                              ~confirmation~~confirmation~~confirmation~~confirmation~~confirmation~~confirmat ion~~confirmation~~confirmation~~confirmation~please~
                              In my opinion, a movie trying to serve all 3 would have too many characters and no one would get enough screen time. I would personally prefer, if there is a choice, to have 3 separate movies where all of the characters from each one get served as well as the fans of same.


                                Originally posted by penjab View Post
                                In my opinion, a movie trying to serve all 3 would have too many characters and no one would get enough screen time. I would personally prefer, if there is a choice, to have 3 separate movies where all of the characters from each one get served as well as the fans of same.
                                I agree. I cring at only the thought of a combo movie . I don't want "my" shows to be combined...they are all their own "entity" and it would be, in my opinion, disrespectful to the shows to combine it all in one.
                                I for one, wouldn't buy that combo movie(or see it).

                                And just to clarify...I do like all three shows; I just don't want to see them combined...I mean what would it be? SG-1 from Earth as the command and then trying to give SGU and SGA orders on how to save themselves in their own galaxies(I hope Atlantis went back to the other galaxy...I don't like it on Earth)

