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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Look # 75

    The shock and intensity of her emotion is raw as she watches Jack go down and thinks she may have lost him.


      Look # 76

      That pain in Sam’s eyes is for losing Janet, almost losing Jack, and knowing that he’s still completely out of reach. She likes others to see her as strong; she doesn’t let Jack see her cry. But she can’t shut him out right now.

      She has a look of relief and need as he takes her in his arms.


        Look # 77

        To me this look is Sam asking Jack why he always has to be the hero. She knows he underestimates his own worth. She’s also contemplating sharing her feelings, before they actually reach a near death experience, but she can’t bring herself to be that exposed.


          Look # 78

          This looks almost like the force field scene in Divide and Conquer. But this time, it is Jack who they believe may die. She is wants to tell him everything. He stops her.


            Look # 79

            This is Sam talking to Jack. She’s not letting him go. A victory is not really a victory if she doesn’t get him back.


              Look # 80

              What can I say? Sam is watching Jack as he’s frozen in the ancient stasis pod. One more barrier between them; lost to her, again.


                Look # 81

                The last time Sam saw Jack he was in stasis in Antarctica. She put in months of worry and effort, blackmailed her commanding officer, travelled to a distant galaxy, was nearly sucked into a black hole, and was taken and tortured by Fifth, all in an effort to get him back. She definitely has to be wondering if this is all real, has he really back and come for her again?


                  Look # 82

                  This is Sam’s second promotion, and it’s all Jack. They are in their own world here. And I think this look says she’s just as proud of him and what he’s accomplished as he is of her.


                    Look # 83

                    Showing him the ring. It just hurts my heart. Sam is pleading with him her. “Give me a reason.” “Give me a hint.” “I don’t want to say yes.” “Please, help me say no.” But Jack wants the best for her, and he can’t believe that’s him.


                      Look # 84

                      I did mention this corridor scene before, but I love the closeness. It’s like they are the parents discussing their own child’s wedding.

                      And the touching . . . ? Jack is a little uncomfortable about it, but Sam just looks amused.


                        Look # 85

                        Everyone else is watching the wedding between Rya’c and Kar’yn, but Sam is watching Jack. “May you love and fight like warriors,” says Bra’tac. Doesn’t that just describe our Jack and Sam?


                          Look # 86

                          They’ve flown together and taken out goa’uld motherships before, and this sort of joy shared between them in those moments is not unusual. But here they are actually seated side by side; so they can actually see it in the other’s face. And besides, Jack has declared how much he’s missed going off world since becoming a general. I think Sam has missed having him around too.


                            Look # 87

                            This is not just the look of someone taking a personal call at work. This is Sam clearly uncomfortable with having Jack see any aspect of her relationship with Pete.


                              Look # 88

                              Sam has been here before, in Lost City, when she came to talk to Jack before she lost him to the Ancient knowledge taking over his brain. Now it’s Sam’s impending doom wedding that has brought her to Jack again. You can see the reservation in her eyes as she tries to find the words to let Jack know what she feels.


                                Look # 89


