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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Want to post with my brand new sig, thanks to hlndncr!!

    I had a great time yesterday at SHIPMAS... now I'll take my time over the next week to watch all the cool vids and read the fics!


      Also, about the phone... I read, on RDA's website, maybe it was last year... that he said he got an iPhone and was slowly learning how to use it... Of course, just because Rick has one doesn't mean Jack would, but I think they have similar mind-set.

      I can see maybe Sam buying him one for Christmas and promising very hands-on lessons on how to use it... then I'm sure he wouldn't mind!


        After fluffing up my fic and posting it yesterday, I ended up with a massive migraine and couldn't stay on the Shipmas thread to post the usual condensed version of the Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List. So to make up for my absence, here it is!

        Happy Shipmas!

        Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List

        The List was created a few years ago to help one shipper pinpoint scenes to use in a video, and has been used by many since for that reason and for artwork.

        Thank you to shipper Hannah, Oma-1, shelsfc, Deus Ex Machina, Gatetrixer, Royal_Nonesuch, Replicartertje, Lizlove, LA Doyle, docker22, AmberLM, Buc252, gwenhwyfar, Lesleyp, dipsofjazz, SamJackShipLover, JenniferJF, VSS, UhSir, es, Gator, hlndncr, ladygalaxyj and our anonymous comments who have all contributed to the list.

        Note: Not everybody will consider all these moments 'shippy' as in romantic and they can be argued either way depending on the level of your shippy inclinations. They do, however, make up the fabric of their relationship and are hence ‘shippy’.

        Season One


        Children Of The Gods:
        - First meeting 'Want to arm wrestle?'; 'I like women just fine'
        - 'You'll like me when you get to know me'; ‘I adore you already’; Jack pushes Sam through the gate.
        - Him not liking her enthusiastically greeting Daniel
        - Sitting together on Abydos when Jack tastes the alcohol

        Enemy Within:
        - When Kawalsky has Sam in the elevator, Jack is very concerned
        - Jack checks on Sam by touching her arm in the briefing after she returns from the infirmary

        - He admires her in the dress 'You look great'
        - Gets a little upset at the idea of Turghan partaking of his purchase 'oh not a chance in hell'
        - He buys her back with a gun
        - The whole discussion around the fire about the mysterious incident on P3X595.
        - His worry for her during the fight with Turghan

        The Broca Divide:
        - Nice moment in the briefing where he makes her smile
        - Her 'seducing' him in the locker room
        - His beating up Daniel in jealous rage over Sam 'She's not yours'
        - The whole tank top exchange at the end

        The First Commandment:
        -When she mentions being attracted to the lunatic fringe; the camera zips to Jack
        - She saves his butt, he saves hers when Hansen tries to kill them
        - The exchange on not killing being the first commandment

        Cold Lazarus:
        None but how similar is Sara to Sam in personality (fixing cars) and in looks (tall, blonde) - obviously our Jack has a type!

        The Nox:
        - She gets concerned when he gets shot and moves
        - She has a good feel of his wound when they're waking up

        Brief Candle:
        - He falls into her arms when he collapses and tells her to find out what's wrong
        - She's helping him to walk at the end

        Thor's Hammer:
        None unless you count Sam's worry for Jack and Teal'c

        The Torment of Tantalus:
        - Jack saves her from disappearing into the ocean with the DHD
        - She worries about whether Jack and Daniel will make it back at the SGC watching the unstable wormhole

        - Look between them in the briefing room when Jack gets called to Hammond’s office

        Fire and Water:
        - They're holding onto each other as they come down the ramp at the beginning
        - He takes hold of her during her flashback at Daniel's apartment
        - The hug at the end of the hypnosis session

        - When she checks out his abdomen
        - 'Nice job' he tells her at the end with lovely smile

        - His 'I know who won't be staying' remark at the observatory on Hanka
        - His offering to take Cassie
        - His worry about her in the vault with Cassie and relief at her being OK
        - The looks over the dog

        - Very together in the argument with Hammond in the briefing room

        - As the Tollan leave, Jack and Sam share conspiratorial grins in the control room

        - Stranded in Antarctica together; snuggling, giggling, mention of side-arms
        - They both note it was an honour to serve with the other
        - Dying together; her telling 'Jack' its OK for him to sleep
        - She's still concerned and telling their rescuers about his injuries at the end

        Tin Man:
        - When robot Jack cuts open his arm, Sam sits very closely on the bed next to him to help him

        There But for The Grace of God:
        - AU O'Neill and Carter are engaged to be married and there's the nice hug before he goes off to try and convince AU Teal'c not to shoot them all

        - Daniel's 'you and Sam were engaged' remark
        - The 'Let's get this straight; engaged?', 'It is theoretically possible', 'Its against regulations', 'I was talking physics, sir' discussion

        Within the Serpent's Grasp:
        None really - they play it very straight although the discussion about going on the mission when he tells her it isn't an order and she says she's going could be construed as shippy if you're that way inclined...
        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


          Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List

          Season Two


          The Serpent's Lair:
          - She bites him; 'I like your spirit'
          - The exchange of looks when they leave Daniel
          - The exchange in the gliders at the end
          - Jack hugs her as the camera pans out right at the end

          In the Line of Duty:
          - He goes back for her on the planet
          - His whole concern for Sam when Jolinar is holding the gate room hostage with a grenade
          - The scene where he walks out when she's begging him to believe Jolinar
          - When he realises the Ashrak has got to her
          - Waiting for her to wake up and telling when she does 'you beat it'

          - Her concern when the boys are getting their butts kicked

          The Gamekeeper:
          - There's a nice look between them in the garden at the end

          - Jack draws Pyrus's attention when he manhandles Sam, and Jack seems worried about Sam in that moment
          - When they attempt their escape and Daniel is trapped, Jack orders Sam to leave but she seems reluctant to leave him although she follows his order
          - She tries to comfort him over Daniel
          - Their mutual amusement over Daniel and Shyla when he tells them Shyla has a crush on him
          - When they're still in the mines her resting next to him and falling asleep exhausted

          Thor's Chariot:
          - Jack checks Sam out while she is briefing Hammond
          - Nice look between them in the briefing when they're trying to convince Hammond to let them go back

          Message in the Bottle:
          - Jack hints at remembering the Broca Divide kiss as they find the bottle
          - Her worry about him as soon as he gets spiked
          - Holding hands when she asks him for permission to try something
          - Her upset at thinking she's killed him
          - Rushing into the gate room to check on him

          - Lovely non-verbal interaction with Fro'tak is talking with Teal'c as they share a long look

          - Walking to the reception together
          - Meeting Dad for the first time
          - Funny exchange over his throwing the knife through the shield
          - Hiding together when Apophis arrives back

          - The discussion on saving Teal'c's symbiote

          - Him wishing her well on her first command
          - Him walking out on her and her being furious 'He is very upset' says Teal'c, 'Yeah so am I' Sam replies
          - They meet at the infirmary and without talking about it Sam takes his weapon, readies it and hands it back to him as he can't do it himself because of his arm

          The Tok'ra I & II:
          - He seems to agree to the whole mission just because it’s her; there's a look before he says 'let's check it out'
          - He gets jealous over Martouf
          - He's very concerned about her the whole time: he only lets her go with Martouf reluctantly and tells Martouf to bring her back before curfew
          - He would battle the whole of the Tok'ra just to get her home to her Dad when they receive the news from Makepeace
          - He agrees reluctantly to let her stay behind and then worries about his decision back at the SGC; is pleased to see her back

          -The discussion on doohickey and look

          A Matter of Time:
          - The whole discussion between them where Frank Cromwell tells Jack 'don't even pretend you understood that'
          - The real solution 'Man, she is...' Frank begins, 'Way smarter than we are. Yes I know.' Jack.
          - Her warning on the shattered glass
          - Her pulling him back in with Teal'c at the end
          - The end scene where he praises her 'good thinking Captain'

          The Fifth Race:
          - She takes charge when he collapses
          - Jack worries even when he's being overwritten with Ancient and comes up with the solution when she's stuck on the planet
          - Her worry when he's with the Asgard

          Serpent's Song:
          - Sam has a flashback to Jolinar and Jack calls her 'Sam' as he checks her in concerned (last time Jack calls her Sam in SG1)


          One False Step:
          - When Jack asks her how she knew the plants would bloom and she admits she talks to her plants

          Show and Tell:

          -They hug the same wall together when trapped in the missile silo
          -The whole discussion in the room at the base when they get 'captured'
          - The discussion in the truck before Hammond breaks them out 'where there's a will, there's an or'
          - Sitting together by the fire
          - His worrying about screwing up her theory when checking out the solar flares
          - Her stopping him from influencing Michael on whether to go to 'Nam

          Out of Mind:
          - The whole checking out her naked bod
          - His seeing her worry for him in A Message in A Bottle epi on the memory screen
          - The whole exploring together scene where he has to hold her in order to keep her silent
          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


            Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List

            Season Three


            Into the Fire:
            - She goes back for him
            - He yanks Hathor off her
            - The hug
            - The working together to rescue the others

            - 'Hail Dorothy'

            Fair Game:
            - He watches proudly as she gets promoted and is about to give a speech about her when he gets beamed out
            - She helps him with his uniform, wishes him luck before the negotiations start and she confides about her mixed feelings about Chronos to him (him being the System Lord who ordered Jolinar's death). He smiles and winks at her as she leaves.

            - She's concerned about how to save him when they're trapped in the lab with the devices

            Learning Curve:
            - The discussion on 'fun'

            Point of View:
            - Jack's initial reaction to AU Sam
            - His realisation that AU Sam and Jack were married; his comforting AU Sam
            - His stopping to ask his Sam how she's dealing with it all
            - The look in the briefing room when Sam realises that AU Sam and Jack were married and Jack's wince
            - Jack and Kawalsky's discussion about Jack and Sam
            - Jack's kiss with AU Sam while our poor Sam watches from the other side of the mirror!!!

            Deadman's Switch:
            - Jack going to rescue Sam and his waking Sam up (both times)


            Rules of Engagement:
            - The whole 'you see where I'm going with this' discussion of the solution of showing Apophis's death on the Goa'uld communication device

            Forever in a Day:
            All in Daniel's head so none

            Past and Present:
            - 'The MALP is worthless; it's you I trust' Jack to Sam
            - Jack and Sam noticing Kera and Daniel connecting in the library
            - Her and Jack's discussion of Linnea's journal and realising Kera is Linnea
            - Her removing his hands from his ears to tell him the bad new

            Jolinar's Memories:
            - He is concerned about her on the journey to Netu - tells Martouf to back off and wakes up immediately when she cries out
            - He protests when Binar wants to see her

            The Devil You Know:
            - He tries to stop them taking her to be tortured and gets shot

            - When she finds him in the chamber
            - Scene in the control room when the aliens are escaping
            - The briefing at the end when she gets praised for stopping the aliens


            - The eating together
            -Jack silently denying he’s thinking of bikinis to Sam
            - The trying to switch Urgo off moment
            - The scene in the gear-up room

            A Hundred Days:
            - Sam waiting until the last possible moment before the meteor hits to keep the wormhole open for Jack
            - Sam working all hours to build a particle beam generator; the discussion with Janet 'You miss him'
            - Sam's bemusement when he walks away from her at his rescue and her realisation of his involvement with Laira

            Shades of Grey:
            - Jack steps in before Sam can incriminate herself in the briefing when he admits he stole the technology
            - His scene in the corridor when he says he hasn't been himself since he met her
            - Her look of pain as she salutes him goodbye believing he is returning to Edora
            - He watches her a lot when he's spying on SG1
            - She's the first to welcome him back

            New Ground:
            - Their concern for each other getting tortured by zats

            Maternal Instinct:
            - I'm fairly certain she's the one helping him to remove his weapons when they get to the temple

            Crystal Skull:
            - The funny screwing up the technical terms before they go to the planet
            - He picks her up when she falls unconscious on the planet and carries her back
            - She's the first person he asks about when he wakes up in the infirmary
            - The discussion about Daniel as he walks her to the elevator

            - The whole invitation to go fishing; her surprise 'is that an invitation'; 'nothing wrong with two workmates, friends if you will'; her reluctant refusal; his swift acceptance; her indecision and running after him
            - His refusal to let her join him when he appears as a hologram and her realisation its a one way trip
            - His greeting of her when they beam up 'I gave you people a direct order'
            - His showing her the stones

            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


              Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List

              Season Four


              Small Victories:
              - The reinvitation to go fishing scene
              - Jack's 'you may not be dumb enough' when she volunteers to go with Thor

              The Other Side:
              - Jack finding Carter already on the base and the 'didn't I order you to get a life?' speech
              - His reassuring her over the dead people on the iris not being her fault
              - Her explaining the technology to him
              - Sitting together at the meal
              - Sam defending Jack to Daniel
              - The look between them when Jack orders the iris closed knowing the guy is probably going to follow them through

              - McNally's
              - Jack going back for her when her armband fails
              - Jack trying to get her out from behind the force-shield and her pleading with him to leave her especially when they hear the Jaffa


              Divide and Conquer:
              - Their first discussion on being za'tarc's
              - His deciding to sacrifice his brain for her
              - The look as she tries to stop him as he's walking past in the corridor
              - Her realisation of what they were hiding
              - Her discussion with him on why they were not telling the whole truth
              - Jack's confession about his feelings for Sam 'I would rather die myself than lose Carter'
              - Hers (off screen) and their agreement to 'leave it in the room'

              Window of Opportunity:
              - The kiss
              - The look in the briefing room the next loop
              - His look when Daniel asked him if he took advantage of there never being any consequences

              - Marchov's and Sam's discussion re Jack 'is he always like this?' 'actually he's being quite charming'

              The First Ones:
              - Close during the night
              - Get tied up next to each other

              Scorched Earth:
              - Jack trying to stop Sam opening drawers in the ship
              - His ordering her to make the bomb
              - Her trying to change his mind about using the bomb

              Beneath the Surface:
              - He's protective of her throughout
              - Jack and Sam sitting snuggled up together as Jonah and Terra; and he admits he remembers having feelings for her
              - The scene at the end where their memories start to return and she calls him 'sir' the look of regret between them both before he quietly says for them to go home

              Point of No Return:
              - Jack is worried about Sam when she and Daniel go missing

              - She worries about him as he and Teal'c go flying off into space uncontrolled
              - Her waking him up when they reach him in Jacob's ship: 'Dammit, Colonel, we haven’t come all this way to take you home in a box, now wake up.'
              - His happiness to see her; his automatic yes in response to if he trusts her

              The Curse:
              - Another invitation to go fishing; another refusal

              Serpent's Venom:
              - Jack crawls in by Sam to check on the mine, his head almost resting on her belly
              - Jack pulling Sam out from under the mine

              Chain Reaction:

              - Sam is the one who goes to see Jack to convince him to help them
              - His genuine regret when she tells him she can't have children but his jealousy of her husband in the scene at the cabin
              - He agrees when Joe asks Jack to keep Sam out of the plan
              - Her running back to the wormhole

              Absolute Power:
              - Interestingly in Daniel's dream its Jack who Sam turns to for help when Daniel has her locked up

              The Light:
              - The discussion about Jack's bet with Daniel when she realises she was what they bet on
              - Their shared horror over the suicide guy
              - Their snapping at each other and grabbing each other on the beach

              - His greeting Sam and Hailey
              - His trust in her theories
              - Her understanding of his decision

              - His concern over her injury at the beginning
              - He saves her when the entity enters her
              - Jack's discussion with Janet on getting the entity out of Sam
              - Jack's anger at the entity; his agreement that 'this one is important'; his blackmailing of the entity to save Sam
              - Hammond hinting that he knows Sam means a lot to Jack
              - His look of horror at shooting her
              - The scene with Janet telling him to let her go
              - The exchange at the end; 'I was shouting for you to hear' 'We heard'. He reaches out to touch her but pulls back at the last minute and his hand lands on the gurney.

              Double Jeopardy:
              - The two Jacks squaring up to fight and Sam's ‘Sirs! As much as I’d like to see how this plays out don’t we have something more important to do?’

              - His pep talk before she blows up the sun
              - Sam telling her Dad they are not leaving Jack and Teal'c behind

              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List

                Season Five


                -‘Welcome to my life!’ Sam
                -‘You go girl’ Jack
                -Sam and Jack go after Teal’c together


                -The ‘am I tense’ discussion?
                -His asking if he wants him to stick around when they examine her house for the alien and find nothing
                -The discussion as he needs to go to the loo
                -When he turns up at the house and she hints she has a date, he answers ‘Good for you’ but stands on tiptoes trying to see into the house
                -His supporting her in front of Simmons in Hammond’s office and at the house

                The Fifth Man:
                -Her refusal to give back her weapon and her insistence on going back
                -Her anger at not being able to go back

                Red Sky:
                -‘I’ve been thinking’, ‘I’d be worried if you stopped’
                -‘I only understand 1% of what she says half the time.’ Jack about Sam
                - The scene where she’s explaining the solution in her lab and he gets the theory on the reintegration right

                Rite of Passage:
                -Together on the way forward with Cassie and Nirtii

                Beast of Burden:


                Between Two Fires:
                -He uses Narim’s feelings for her to influence Narim to help them

                -Jack’s warning to Joe on asking Sam ‘how’
                -Their discussion on the note from the future: ‘Technically I haven’t sent it yet but if I get a chance again I’m sure going to fill it with a lot more detail.’, ‘Well you were probably trying to limit the causality violation by keeping it simple.’, ‘I wonder whose idea that was?’
                - His praise of her at the end

                Desperate Measures:
                -His concern for her from the get-go
                -Jack’s face when he talks to Maybourne: ‘Harry, we’re talking about Carter here.’ ‘I know. I’m sorry Jack I really am. You know how this game is played and the people who play it. You have to prepare yourself for the possibility she might not be coming back.’
                -Jack trying everything to find her including going to Simmons
                -Jack arriving just in the nick of time to save her
                -Her finding him shot in the basement
                -The infirmary scene at the end

                Wormhole X-treme:

                Proving Ground:
                -The scene in the mess with the jello and discussion on the new recruits
                -Sam noting ‘whoops’ when Elliot shoots Jack

                48 Hours:
                -His ‘are you sure you want to be in there?’ question when she’s in the gate room with Siler (and Siler answering back which is funny)

                The Summit & Last Stand:
                -Their concern when they can’t reach each other
                -Jack getting Sam out of the trapped tunnel

                Fail Safe:
                -Nice look in the briefing
                -Concern when she gets injured and when Jack can’t raise them in the ship

                The Warrior:
                -His pride in her shooting skills

                -His indulgence of her new toy when they first bring Reese back

                The Sentinel:
                -Their discussion when Sam tells him that disobeying his order is the right thing to do when he is being tortured in front of her


                -Scene in the corridor when she questions them going back to work
                -Her anger at his ‘good soldier crap’
                -His walking through her as a hologram and checking her out
                -Jack inviting Sam to join him and Teal’c for dinner
                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.



                  Finding Carter by Pol *new*
                  Of Fruitloops, Princesses, and Contentment - By MoB *new*
                  Getting It by Starlover and Cess525*new*
                  An Unexpected Christmas Present by Rachel500 *new*
                  Drifting by AkamaiMom*new*
                  Gifted by AkamaiMom*new*
                  Regulations and Regretsby hlndncr *new*
                  The Tree by Kat Spencer (JaSA) and LA Doyle
                  Christmas In Atlantis by Kat Spencer
                  Christmas at the Cabin by Starlover


                  I Said I Love you by akachan *new*
                  Smile by XFchemist *new*
                  His Scientist by DM *new*
                  Reach Out and Touch Me by DM *new*
                  Perfect by DM *new*
                  Girl All The Bad Guys Want by Yessika *new*


                  Shipmas Arts by LadyGJ *new*
                  Death Knell Drawing by Snow *new*
                  SS Pressie by Jas *new*
                  Every Sam and Jack Shippy Moment Ever by hlndncr
                  Shipper Rewatch Banners by Many talented Shippers.


                  I'm not technical as well, but I just remade the list with the links provided. If someone still wants to add anything from themselves, please do so.


                    Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List

                    Season Six


                    -Sam and Jack in the X302
                    -Her confession that she doesn’t have the answer and is scared; the ‘not that you're an egghead...well you are an egghead…’
                    -Her briefing him on the new plan to fly the Stargate out and encouraging him about Jonas
                    -Her concern for him when they wonder if he made it

                    -Drowning together in the locked corridor

                    -Sam asking Jack to take the Tok’ra symbiote


                    -Sam working hard to find Jack
                    -The scene in the infirmary at the end

                    Shadow Play:

                    The Other Guys:

                    -Checking each other out
                    -Sam explaining the overload and Jack without a cup of coffee
                    -The scene with the za’tarc detector and remembering the false reading

                    -Provide each other with sounding board on whether to tell the Tok’ra or not/how to deal with the Tok’ra

                    -Jack concerned about Sam as she gets trapped and has to get out of the store room before it takes off
                    -Rescuing her in the nick of time again

                    Unnatural Selection:
                    -The Enterprise discussion
                    -His look on setting the timer
                    -The uneasy discussion at the end

                    Sight Unseen:
                    -Another invitation to go fishing

                    Smoke and Mirrors:
                    -Her relentless pursuit of truth to clear his name

                    Paradise Lost:
                    -His agreement for her to help Harry and worry when Harry zats her
                    -Her worry about him and confrontation with Dr Lee
                    -The crying in the locker room

                    -Sam and Jack getting captured by Nirtii where she holds Sam hostage
                    -His concern for her getting taken and offering himself
                    -Her snuggling up to him when she’s dying
                    -His trying to convince Nirtii to fix Sam
                    -His devastation when one of the natives kills Nirtii thinking they’ve lost the only opportunity to save her
                    -His going back for her


                    -Jack and Sam at the telescope at the beginning
                    -Sam says there’s nothing she wants to discuss when Curzo asks her if she’s seeing someone back home
                    -Jack concerned at seeing Sam zatted and on the ground

                    The Changeling:

                    -Working together to resolve the problem

                    -Jack telling Sam to sit the mission out just in case
                    -Going to see Jonas together in the infirmary

                    Full Circle:
                    -The whole Skaara wedding invitation: ‘Will you be coming together?’ Skaara, ‘As in?’ Jack, ‘Friends going to a wedding.’ Sam, ‘Ah, Yes. Sure.’ Jack searches desperately for a distraction.
                    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                      Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List

                      Season Seven


                      -‘You’re it’ when handing over talking to Daniel
                      -Him heckling her in the briefing
                      -The this is the craziest plan we’ve come up with discussion
                      -Jack and Sam in the X302

                      -Going to talk to the Kelownans together

                      Fragile Balance:
                      -He asks for Sam when he arrives as a teenager
                      -Sam admits teenage Jack is cute
                      -Sam lets him into the briefing
                      -Sam is sent to tell Jack he’s dying
                      -Jack finding everyone including Sam in his bedroom

                      -Plan B discussion


                      -‘We have a shipload of frozen people’ exchange
                      -Waking up in the infirmary together

                      Enemy Mine:
                      -In the infirmary: ‘How’s the science project?’ Jack, ‘You mean my complete overhaul of the gate diagnostic system?’ Sam.

                      Space Race:
                      -The scene when they get to the planet with the instruction book and Teal’c getting out of the diplomacy; ‘I do not wish to disappoint Major Carter.’ Teal’c. ‘Yes I know the feeling.’ Jack.
                      -His contacting her about the ion drive and telling her not to take risks

                      Avenger 2.0:
                      -She takes him for the demo with Felger
                      -He worries about her heading to a hostile planet with only Felger as back up; turns up in an Alkesh to save her
                      -In Felger’s fantasy, he and Jack watch Sam and Chloe fighting

                      -Sam’s discussion with the Jaffa woman on her relationship with Jack: ‘You are close to Col O’Neill?’, ‘Yeah. I like to think we have a special relationship.’ Sam replies. ‘I hope to someday have a special relationship.’, ‘Oh. No. It’s not like that.’ ‘Like what?’ ‘We aren’t…I mean…we don’t…’ Sam stutters. ‘I was speaking of the mutual respect you share.’ Sam; ‘I knew that.’

                      -Jack and Sam trying to catch the super-soldier
                      -Jack’s discussion with Sam before leaving to rescue Daniel
                      -The scene in the gate room when Sam arrives back: ‘Miss me?’ Jack. ‘Of course, sir.’ Sam. ‘Lunch?’ Jack.

                      -Her scene with ‘hallucination’ Jack as she discusses her relationship with him (or lack thereof) and imagines a kiss
                      -His worrying back at the SGC about her as they struggle to find her; his scene with Teal’c in the locker room
                      -The scene in the infirmary at the end


                      -Sam, Jack, the elevator and humming
                      -His picking up something is wrong and her confiding that she thought Pete might have been able to handle the truth about her job

                      Death Knell:
                      -Jack won’t stop until he’s found her
                      -Jack turns up to rescue her just in the nick of time
                      -The cuddle at the end

                      -Sam’s interview with Bregman when he questions her about Jack
                      -Her concern for him on the battlefield
                      -The hug in his infirmary room

                      None – Sam does tell Barratt she’s seeing someone but presumably she means Pete

                      -Kinsey suggests Sam and Jack are more than friends or colleagues

                      The Lost City:
                      -She turns up at his house; he encourages her to stay; they have the national treasure discussion
                      -On the ship, she tries to tell him what she was going to say at the house before Daniel and Teal’c showed up and he stops her with ‘I know’
                      -She orders him after he tells her to take over the leadership
                      -She’s immediately by his side when he collapses in the chair at the end and pleads with him to stay with them
                      -She reaches out to touch the icy tomb tenderly and he seems to be looking back at her
                      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                        Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List

                        Season Eight


                        New Order:
                        -She risks her integrity and her career in blackmailing Weir to agree to the crazy plan to contact the Asgard
                        -Jack finds out about her possible death from the Asgard computer
                        -His concern for her when he reawakens and they see her alive but held hostage by Fifth
                        -Sam’s face when Fifth tells her O’Neill has helped the Asgard
                        -His search for her
                        -Their greeting of each other when they find Sam
                        -The look between them when he promotes her

                        -Jack telling Sam to stop jumping up
                        -His thanking her when she says there’s nothing in the regs about making Sg1 a 4 man team
                        -The look she gives him when Daniel asks who shot him
                        -Jack shooting Sam with a zat
                        -Sam running to pick Jack up off the ramp at the end

                        Zero Hour:
                        -The rushed briefing and his telling her to take Sg3
                        -The goodbye scene when they leave for the mission
                        -Jack trusting Sam when they finally do make contact
                        -The scene in the corridor when he compliments her on her leadership and they discuss the tainted ZPM

                        -Jack being frustrated and taking it out a little on Sam, telling her to find a way for them to speak with Daniel
                        -Sam coming through with a way to speak with Daniel

                        -Jack and Sam discussing the situation with Teal’c
                        -Sam noting the last thing they need is for the game to learn from Jack’s experience

                        -Sam’s surprise at Pete’s proposal
                        -Sam wondering about the sociological pressure of being in a relationship
                        -Her discussion with Jack about the proposal where he’s not allowing her to hide behind excuses on her doubts regarding having a family and making her job work; but admits if things had been different for him – if he still had his family – he wouldn’t be at the SGC
                        -Sam for some unfathomable reason actually agreeing to marry Pete


                        -Jack and Sam’s walk through the corridor and he grabs her when he asks her progress on finding Ishta’s people a new home
                        -Sam turns Jack around when he notices some Jaffa women like a wife with a husband

                        End Game:
                        -Jack worries about Sam on the ship and hesitates in giving the order to destroy it knowing she and Daniel are on board

                        Prometheus Unbound:

                        -The scene at the beginning in the control room, Jack locks eyes with Sam at the monitor
                        -When they see RepliCarter for the first time and Jack says ‘if only’ to the idea of their being two Samantha Carters
                        -RCarter shows Sam a scene of Fifth forcing her to kill Jack and hesitating
                        -RCarter tells Sam that she denies herself her own desires and plays by the rules
                        -Jack tries to comfort Sam at the end

                        It’s Good to be King:
                        -Jack and Sam go off together to deal with the ship
                        -She takes his sidearm
                        -Sam and Jack take the time-ship for a ride together and destroy the Goa’uld mother ship

                        Full Alert:
                        -Jack relying on Sam to come up with the answers

                        Citizen Joe:
                        -Phone call at start
                        -Joe comments to Jack that he won’t say a word about his feelings for…possibly Sam?
                        -Joe is about to comment on ‘the whole Pete Shanahan thing’ when Jack stops him

                        -Sam and Jack talking about Daniel and RepliCarter
                        -Sam arriving back in Jack’s office from Thor’s ship
                        -The scene at the end where they discuss Daniel and the Replicators freezing

                        -Sam going to see Jack and seeing Kerry
                        -The look at the end of the discussion about Daniel
                        -Jacob meeting Pete
                        -The ‘go pick flowers’ discussion in the briefing room
                        -Sam realising as she looks at the house Pete bought that she’s made a huge mistake
                        -The awkward scene at Jack’s house
                        -Sam’s conversation with her father
                        -Kerry’s break-up conversation with Jack
                        -Jack comforting Sam over Jacob and noting that he’ll be there for her ‘always’
                        -Sam breaking up with Pete
                        -The two of them sitting closely in the briefing room when Daniel arrives back from the dead and Jack says ‘I do’
                        -Fishing together

                        -Briefing on the ZPM and using the time-ship - their hands touch
                        -Her cautioning everyone as they leave the time-ship
                        -The discussion on what they do now they can’t get back to the time-ship
                        -AT Jack telling AT Sam she’s hot
                        -AT Sam and AT Jack kissing in the time-ship
                        -The ZPM scene where Jack tells Sam she has packing to do
                        -Fishing together
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List

                          Season Nine


                          -Sam tells Cameron she took the Area 51 job for personal reasons – perhaps an allusion to her relationship with Jack
                          -Jack mentions selling a motorcycle but given the only motorcycle in canon in Sam’s is there a connection?

                          -Jack tells Cameron that as a general he can do anything – perhaps an allusion to his relationship with Sam?

                          -Jack sends Sam back to the SGC to help out Landry

                          Ex Deus Machina:
                          -Sam tells Barratt ‘not exactly’ when he asks if she’s single; she does confirm she’s not with Pete – is she with Jack?

                          Ripple Effect:
                          -One AU Sam is back from honeymoon
                          -One AU Sam is on maternity leave
                          Neither mentions who the ‘husband/father’ is
                          -Sam almost kisses AU Martouf but stops just in time and seem to be thankful it didn’t happen

                          Season Ten


                          -A royal marriage is alluded to in the poker game
                          -Sam looks comfy in Jack’s cabin

                          -Shower scene between Sam and invisible Jack
                          -Fishing is referred to by Jack
                          -Wedding scenario with Jack and Sam
                          -Nice looks after the wedding suggestion
                          -Standing closely together in the gate room before they depart

                          Line in the Sand
                          -Sam says 'd'oh' when she is handed decaf coffee
                          -Sam mentions she has letters for people after she is dead and that the password to her personal directory is 'fishing'

                          Road Not Taken
                          -Sam is interested in who her counterpart is married to and is disturbed but relieved to hear that her counterpart divorced McKay

                          The Shroud
                          -Sam and Jack stand closely together in her lab and discuss Daniel in a way that indicates emotional intimacy
                          -Sat next to each other in briefings
                          -Nice smile during the 'crazy' discussion
                          -Jack's discussion about worry seems very personal for a senior military officer

                          -Sam looks as though she is about to contradict Dr Lee's assumption she is single
                          -The holographic technology Sam is demonstrating is called Chimera possibly suggesting Sam is perpetuating an illusion about her single status and indicating that her relationship with Pete was nothing but an illusion of love
                          -Lee suggests that the conference offers a great single scene which is a great window of opportunity possibly indicating that when Sam was single, Jack retired as he did in the episode WoO? Certainly references shippy episode!

                          Bad Guys
                          -Sam is stuck in Washington debriefing the President but maybe spending time with a certain General?

                          -Sam appears to give up getting home and possibly on her relationship with Jack as the shippy music plays
                          -She is encouraged to continue by Jack's friend Landry before receiving a hug from Teal'c a la Paradise Lost
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List

                            Stargate Atlantis


                            Season 3:

                            The Return Pt 2
                            -Jack notes he’d watched Carter enough times to know McKay was only pretending to get them out
                            -Jack tells Weir that next time she should consider bringing Carter
                            -Jack notes he's going to take a puddle jumper home, have a hot shower, hot toddy and...he's interrupted!! Maybe he was going to mention a certain hot blonde!

                            Season 4:
                            - John congratulates Sam pointing at her hands before claiming to be congratulating her on her promotion to Colonel - could she and Jack have gotten hitched or engaged?

                            -Sam has a photo of Jack in civvies in her luggage which never appears in her office
                            -Sam has a picture of her and Jack fishing in her office

                            Trio (cut scene available on DVD)
                            -Sam discusses a relationship with an older man in Washington (confirmed by series' producer to be Jack)

                            Stargate Universe


                            Season 1:
                            Air Pt 1
                            -The Hammond beams Eli and Rush aboard, was Jack also beamed and with Sam?
                            -Jack responds with urgency as soon as he is told they've made contact with Sam
                            -The discussion is free of the usual 'sirs' and feels like an exchange between equals rather than CO and subordinate officer. There's an intimacy in the exchange

                            Air Pt 3
                            - Is Jack playing chess with Sam?

                            - Jack notes that Carter's wacky science saved his butt a lot
                            - He is quick to agree to the continuing home visits Young demands as though he knows what it feels like to be separated from loved ones

                            - Jack notes to Daniel that Carter is scanning the area
                            - He tells Telford that he knows what makes him special - a reference to Sam?!

                            Incursion Part 1
                            - Sam reports to Jack on the mission and that she has lost two of her men. He tells her "I'm sorry, Sam" - calling her Sam for the first time in years!!!
                            - Jack talks proudly to Young of how Sam made the hard decision
                            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                              Every Sam/Jack Shippy Moment Ever List

                              Stargate: Ark of Truth


                              - Sam is very bubbly with Mitchell in the infirmary - obviously off to see Jack!

                              Stargate: Continuum


                              - Sam and Jack stand closely together during Ba'al's extraction ceremony
                              - She refuses to leave him when he dies
                              - Sam is devastated by his death and cannot function back on Earth in the changed timeline - Mitchell has to remind her they need her
                              - Sam is ecstatic to see Jack alive and Jack seems delighted to see her but she is confused when he calls her a dead astronaut
                              - Sam realises this Jack is not her Jack in the ward room of the submarine
                              - The interrogation sequence is a nice call back to POV
                              - Sam shops for 'Frootees' - the timelines version of Fruit Loops
                              - With the timeline restored, Jack invites everyone to lunch and even offers to buy at Sam's non-verbal prodding
                              - Jack and Sam walk off together to talk about a 'moonbase'

                              Stargate: Revolution Resolution


                              There's nothing here yet!

                              Fingers crossed the 3rd SG1 movie still gets made.

                              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                                Is there a vid of the scene in Incursion Part 1? I never watched a single episode of SGU (season 1 was released on DVD only recently and I didn't want to watch it in the synchronised version, so I had to wait for the DVDs), but I would really like to see the scene between Sam and Jack. I checked YouTube, but couldn't find anything.

