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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    I love those pictures! They all look so good and we even get to see CJ smiling.
    CJ is a handsome guy when he's smiling. And I really don't care what the venue is, I like the pics. Although I would sigh happy sighs if there was one where Jack leaned over and placed a kiss on the top of Sam's head in that first one. **flutter**
    My Stories: FFdotNet
    My Stories AO3
    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
      Thesis OT

      It seemed to me that she might have posted something? I mean she did take a polled response - but even still...see, I assume that posting here is posting something public. Researchers utilize public data all the time. While it's perhaps courteous, I can't see anything inherently unethical or even illegal about it. Maybe I take a very laid-back approach about it since I figure that if I post it in a forum that you can search via google and find, then it's fair game. It maybe lame if it's used out of context, but here she was just utilizing examples of what people do. Like people watching and noting that fifty percent of the people who walked up to a plant talked to it. Admittedly, I don't have any sort of formal training in that regard. One day So I defer to your more expertise knowledge.

      I tend to agree with you here. This is after all a public forum. You guys are all really great and this thread has a very familiar atmosphere, so it’s easy to forget that anybody can read what we write here. I’ve been lurking for quite some time before joining and to be honest I was a bit ambiguous about it. I’m one of the paranoid people without a facebook account or anything like this (and proud that I can’t be found with neither google nor any of the other people search tools). I’m a bit shocked to see what some people reveal about themselves on the internet. Might just be some pieces here, others there, but when you put them together you sometimes can get a real good picture of the person. I have absolutely no problem with this, but you should keep it in mind.


        So I loved the team pic and I decided to do a little manip of it.

        I call it "Family Portrait"

        EDIT: Can't you just see something like this hanging over Sam and Jack's mantel?
        Last edited by hlndncr; 07 November 2010, 08:03 PM.


          Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
          Hello everybody! So how's the Sam/Jack conversation going??
          Oh and has anyone come up with a name (nickname) for this ship? *hint hint*

          From other shows: Like for Helen & Nikola (Sanctuary) the name is Teslen. For Tony & Ziva (NCIS) the name is Tiva.
          You know I like ship nicknames but since most people here don't I'm ok with Sam/Jack
          I have seen a ship name in YT and stuff, it's

          but it's not used by many shippers

          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          So I loved the team pic and I decided to do a little manip of it.

          I call it "Family Portrait"

          I really love all the pics that were posted but that one ^^ is my favorite
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            Nice! So does anybody knows which season this is? It's driving me nuts. I tend to think it must be three. Anybody?


              Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post

              I tend to agree with you here. This is after all a public forum. You guys are all really great and this thread has a very familiar atmosphere, so it’s easy to forget that anybody can read what we write here. I’ve been lurking for quite some time before joining and to be honest I was a bit ambiguous about it. I’m one of the paranoid people without a facebook account or anything like this (and proud that I can’t be found with neither google nor any of the other people search tools). I’m a bit shocked to see what some people reveal about themselves on the internet. Might just be some pieces here, others there, but when you put them together you sometimes can get a real good picture of the person. I have absolutely no problem with this, but you should keep it in mind.

              The bolded is the issue, actually. Put comments together out of context and misconstrue them and you've got an incorrect and potentially very damaging bit of text.

              If I found someone wrote about and published something using comments that I'd made without permission, I'd be very upset.
              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                Originally posted by Lilac736 View Post

                I tend to agree with you here. This is after all a public forum. You guys are all really great and this thread has a very familiar atmosphere, so it’s easy to forget that anybody can read what we write here. I’ve been lurking for quite some time before joining and to be honest I was a bit ambiguous about it. I’m one of the paranoid people without a facebook account or anything like this (and proud that I can’t be found with neither google nor any of the other people search tools). I’m a bit shocked to see what some people reveal about themselves on the internet. Might just be some pieces here, others there, but when you put them together you sometimes can get a real good picture of the person. I have absolutely no problem with this, but you should keep it in mind.
                Thesis OT

                I have all that stuff, but I tend to be very careful about WHAT information goes out. Google search me and you'll find things here or there, but you can't get my phone number or address (partly because I move so many times good luck keeping up...).

                :: shrugs :: I just try to be careful but people do what they do.

                Fanfic Question/Thoughts

                I'm thinking of pulling some of my fic down from until such a time as I revise them or...just remove them permanently. There are so many great writers on this board and I admit full intimidation. I use fanfic as writing practice and well...some of my stories I don't really like anymore with the way my feelings have changed about the show and as I've created more refined views of the characters.

                That said, I've been writing since I was in the third grade with my first bit of fanfic written (Picard/Crusher) when I was eleven. Periodically when I feel I've reached the "next level" in writing, I would go through purges, destroying and removing my stories. So I wouldn't go that far, I have them all backed up...but...


                Last edited by Nynaeve506; 07 November 2010, 05:28 PM.


                  Originally posted by leiasky View Post

                  The bolded is the issue, actually. Put comments together out of context and misconstrue them and you've got an incorrect and potentially very damaging bit of text.

                  If I found someone wrote about and published something using comments that I'd made without permission, I'd be very upset.
                  Oh sorry, that's not what I meant. I just think you can quite easily gather information about a person. And sometimes I get the impression not everyone is aware of this. I'm not saying it’s ok to quote without permission, but you should be aware that it might happen.


                    Last comment from me re: research
                    Researchers have VERY strict rules that must be followed. Very. In most cases we must pass an IRB, also known as "Human Subjects Review," which governs how we research and how we present data. Chief among these rules are the requirement to "anonymize" respondents. So, even though you use a screen name, the rules of research are that your screen name would have been changed. It's for YOUR protection.

                    Now, several have argued that what we post here is fair game. It is not, and that is not the point. What I post here is intended for *here.* It is not intended to be discussed, analyzed, dissected, etc... without my permission. When posting/writing/commenting in a forum in which I have to log in and is, in fact, moderated, I have a reasonable expectation of protection of my online identity, such as it is.

                    Ethical research demands that you follow the rules of the game. YOu anonymize your subjects, you destroy your data collected after one year (not, obviously, your thesis and/or dissertation, but the actual research data (audio tapes, transcriptions, etc...) Trust me, I'm not making this up.

                    And note, as a researcher and a linguist, I like the thesis, I just disagree with the methods. I, too, cited Jenkins and several others the author of the study did, and if you read those things we both have cited, each author disclosed how they made their entree into the group they studied and noted how they informed their study groups of their study. And they anonymized their subjects. (Full disclosure time, Jenkins, whom we both site, has become a colleague and close acquaintance in the past few years.)

                    gif by me.

                    Sorry, been trying for 15 minutes to get that gif to post, to make super sure my post was 'ship-related.
                    Last edited by Pol; 07 November 2010, 06:20 PM.
                    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                      Originally posted by Pol View Post
                      Last comment from me re: research
                      Researchers have VERY strict rules that must be followed. Very. In most cases we must pass an IRB,,,,, also known as "Human Subjects Review," which governs how we research and how we present data. Chief among these rules are the requirement to "anonymize" respondents. So, even though you use a screen name, the rules of research are that your screen name would have been changed. It's for YOUR protection.

                      Now, several have argued that what we post here is fair game. It is not, and that is not the point. What I post here is intended for *here.* It is not intended to be discussed, analyzed, dissected, etc... without my permission. When posting/writing/commenting in a forum in which I have to log in and is, in fact, moderated, I have a reasonable3 expectation of protection of my online identity, such as it is.

                      Ethical research demands that you follow the rules of the game. YOu anonymize your subjects, you destroy your data collected after one year (not, obviously, your thesis and/or dissertation, but the actual research data (audio tapes, transcriptions, etc...) Trust me, I'm not making this up.

                      And note, as a researcher and a linguist, I like the thesis, I just disagree with the methods. I, too, cited Jenkins and several others the author of the study did, and if you read those things we both have cited, each author disclosed how they made their entree into the group they studied and noted how they informed their study groups of their study. And they anonymized their subjects. (Full disclosure time, Jenkis, whom we both site, has become a colleague and close acquaintance in the past few years.)

             by me.

                      Sorry, been trying for 15 minutes to get that gif to post.
                      Thesis OT

                      As I said, I defer to the actual ins and outs to the more experienced.

                      And who doesn't love that gif?


                        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                        Thesis OT

                        I have all that stuff, but I tend to be very careful about WHAT information goes out. Google search me and you'll find things here or there, but you can't get my phone number or address (partly because I move so many times good luck keeping up...).

                        :: shrugs :: I just try to be careful but people do what they do.

                        Fanfic Question/Thoughts

                        I'm thinking of pulling some of my fic down from until such a time as I revise them or...just remove them permanently. There are so many great writers on this board and I admit full intimidation. I use fanfic as writing practice and well...some of my stories I don't really like anymore with the way my feelings have changed about the show and as I've created more refined views of the characters.

                        That said, I've been writing since I was in the third grade with my first bit of fanfic written (Picard/Crusher) when I was eleven. Periodically when I feel I've reached the "next level" in writing, I would go through purges, destroying and removing my stories. So I wouldn't go that far, I have them all backed up...but...


                        Fanfic Opinion:

                        I think that you should do what you feel like you need to do. I believe in the natural evolution of writing--and there are some authors that I enjoy reading through their stages. I'm not sure, however, that I'd ever want to see again something that I wrote at age 11! First of all, that was before Guttenberg. Ha ha ha.

                        If it feels right to purge your stories, then purge away. But for your own satisfaction, and not because you feel intimidated by anyone. No one can make you feel intimidated without your permission. So, if you do it, do it because it's right for you, and not because you think your stuff is lesser than others'. Does that make sense?

                        When I had my fanfic issue a month or so ago, I encountered a little whining from a few quarters--but I feel better for having done what I felt best, regardless of what others thought. There's that little voice in your head that tells you the way--listen to it!

                        And by the way, I TOTALLY agree about the gif. Hubbalicious.
                        My Stories: FFdotNet
                        My Stories AO3
                        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          I'm pretty sure there's a little dab of blond hair peeking out from the cap. So, I'm going with Yes, that's Amanda.
                          It's from bts of avenger 2.0. With Felger or Folger as O'Neill likes to call him.


                            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                            It's from bts of avenger 2.0. With Felger or Folger as O'Neill likes to call him.
                            Oh see, that's the hug that we were supposed to see but Felger got in the way! I knew there was a reason I didn't like that guy.


                              Yep, the pic with "Amanda" leaning into Rick's shoulder is indeed AT. On one of the DVD extras you see the behind-the-scenes clip it was taken from and it's easier to see that it's her.
                              The Return of King Arthur
                              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                                It's probably one of those ret-con explanations. If someone told me I was getting red jell-o, I probably would have made the same assumption and with the red disappearing, that maybe the new meaning it took on (the way words work - meanings change. Who here has parents that cringe if you use the word "suck"?)

                                THAT would be an interesting thesis...

                                That was so much fun to read

                                :: dances around the happy linguistic paper ::

                                One day I want to write a linguistics thesis :: looks forlorn ::

                                However, in the mean time.

                                OT on Thesis:
                                But there is such a thing as historical meaning of words and context. The conversation the author of the thesis cited took place sometime during Season 5 of SGA, a time on GW when we were still allowed to give red-rep (thus, the historical meaning of “red jell-o” on GW at that specific time was a negative rep point). Looking at the context of the conversation, it is clear to me that the original poster was jokingly talking about possibly getting red-repped for pulling a prank on her fellow posters. The author of the thesis made an assumption that “red jell-o” was jokingly considered a bad thing to SG fans b/c Sam preferred blue jell-o. I have never seen anyone use the term “red jell-o” in that way on GW, even though I can see where the author got the idea and can understand how she could make that assumption.

                                And there's the problem for me. I’m a historian, so I cringe when academics make uninformed assumptions. In my field, you rely on facts and tons of quantitative and qualitative data to back up every point you are trying to make. If I made an incorrect assumption like this in a paper, I would be torn apart for it by my colleagues. I don’t know how things work in linguistic and ethnography, so I might be totally off-base here, but it seems to me that making too many unsubstantiated assumptions would weaken the overall argument and substance of your paper. How can I accept that her arguments and research about TDAs used in the SG fandom are solid when she makes assumptions about the meaning of the term “red jell-o” based on what appears to be rather negligible research into the specific community she is researching?

                                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                                Last comment from me re: research
                                Researchers have VERY strict rules that must be followed. Very. In most cases we must pass an IRB, also known as "Human Subjects Review," which governs how we research and how we present data. Chief among these rules are the requirement to "anonymize" respondents. So, even though you use a screen name, the rules of research are that your screen name would have been changed. It's for YOUR protection.

                                Now, several have argued that what we post here is fair game. It is not, and that is not the point. What I post here is intended for *here.* It is not intended to be discussed, analyzed, dissected, etc... without my permission. When posting/writing/commenting in a forum in which I have to log in and is, in fact, moderated, I have a reasonable expectation of protection of my online identity, such as it is.

                                Ethical research demands that you follow the rules of the game. YOu anonymize your subjects, you destroy your data collected after one year (not, obviously, your thesis and/or dissertation, but the actual research data (audio tapes, transcriptions, etc...) Trust me, I'm not making this up.

                                And note, as a researcher and a linguist, I like the thesis, I just disagree with the methods. I, too, cited Jenkins and several others the author of the study did, and if you read those things we both have cited, each author disclosed how they made their entree into the group they studied and noted how they informed their study groups of their study. And they anonymized their subjects. (Full disclosure time, Jenkins, whom we both site, has become a colleague and close acquaintance in the past few years.)
                                OT about the ethics of research:

                                I agree that when I read the thesis that it did seem to me to be rather unethical to be using information posted online without the original author’s permission or knowledge. It would be very different if the information were published in an actual article, book, magazine, or interview with the original author's knowledge. But I was not familiar with the ethical standards in that particular field, so I didn't want to say anything. So thanks for explaining the process researchers have to go through in your field.

                                I usually only research people who are long dead, but I have done my fair share of oral histories with living people. When you write about someone who is living and conduct an interview with them, they must sign a release form giving permission for their words to be used for research and publication before you can use the information they provide. They also have the option to restrict who can use the information, how the information can be used, and whether they want to restrict some or all of the information for a certain number of years. So we historians also have a similar process we go through when dealing with live subjects.

                                Sorry for the OT everyone. I don't get on GW much anymore, but I am still crossing my fingers and waiting for news about the third movie. In the meantime, I am just going to continue reading fanfic and imagining Sam and Jack taking a well-deserved vacation together in Hawaii after spending so much time apart.

