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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Artie View Post
    I think they were for hanging baskets! With macrame. I don't know where this gutter is coming from!

    And you know Sam. It's all about the technical solutions. All she needs is a stud finder....

    I'm glad you thought it was hot and angsty. That was definitely my goal!

    I could do a story in Beneath the Surface.... Hummm.

    I was thinking the next one might be the next time they fell off the wagon, in Redemption Part 2. Maybe.... After all, if the program is over, what's stopping them? And they're so!
    You should definitely do that! And the Beneath the Surface story too.


      Originally posted by Artie View Post
      She certainly did! I don't think she actually needed a trip to the hardware store for that. (Now there's a story idea. In which she makes a trip to the hardware store to pick up a few necessities for his house....)
      Doing things to his house without mentioning it to him....oh yes, that would be fun.... lol!

      Exactly. *nods decisively* And why wouldn't they? They didn't remember any reason not to.
      And who knows how many times they needed to be stamped. Teal'c needed it more than once. Maybe the others did, too, and we just didn't see it.....and each time Sam and Jack's attraction for each other remained constant....

      See, THREE new ideas for this little series..... wheee!
      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        It's such a fluffy scene, though. And like I said--he HAD to touch her. It was a compulsion. And she doesn't look at anyone but him. And not ONCE does she say, "How's Pete?" It's ALL about Jack.

        Flangst--that's the best you can do with all of that.
        Flangst is what they are. ;P (IMO)

        Originally posted by Pol View Post

        Excellent vid. So, this is your fault. There's a flash near the end of BTS and it prompted this, which will in future end a Campfire.

        Don't like teasers? Too bad, it's your fault. Don't post awesome videos that inspire them, then!

        This bit is at the end of the episode, after the "Sir," and Jack's sad echo of the word. Just before they return home.

        Ahhhhh! The season of angst. I really look forward to reading those Campfires, especially the BtS one now.
        *stomps foot* I don't like teasers. They make me way too impatient for my own good.

        And Artie - You definitly need to right a BtS fic. Because I agree with what was said before - there's NO chance, the head on shoulder was all that happened.
        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


          Pol you really are a tease. Do you intend to write the next Campfires chronologically or will you skip a few and give us the Beneath the Surface one earlier, because if I’m not mistaken there are ten episodes between Crystal Skull and BtS. That’s quite some time and a lot of stories to go .


            Oh rats did a whole multiquote thing and it's gone

            So - am impatiently waiting for campfire,

            Re the hand wandering of Jack - he's probably thinking "where shouldn't I put my hands and then whoops - oh well Sam won't mind - I'm sure.........."

            Loving the gutter lapses - they do make me s******

            And back to Jacks hand wandering:
            Who wouldn't mind? I mean a girl can dream (or not even not quite a girl anymore...)

            Why can't I write that?
            Last edited by Fluffy17; 14 October 2010, 12:25 PM.


              Artie - glad you posted

              POL - How can you torture me THUS?! ARGH. Tease


                Um...sorry. No new Campfire this weekend. I'm utterly buried in work. Will try for next week.

                :::sigh:::that pesky real life, getting in the way of my ficcing!
                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                  Pol, you're meeeeaaaan! XD
                  Tell the work that buries you that I don't like that and that it shall let you go ficcing immediately! because S+J are work is.. uhm.. *pete*

                  But I really do look foreward to the next ones! (oh.. will you write the missing eps from S1 some time? There are still some missing, aren't they?)


                    Originally posted by Pol View Post
                    Um...sorry. No new Campfire this weekend. I'm utterly buried in work. Will try for next week.

                    :::sigh:::that pesky real life, getting in the way of my ficcing!

                    Oh... *kicks Pol's RL*

                    But no worries. Wonderful things come t those who wait, and I am a very patient person.


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      Oh... *kicks Pol's RL*

                      But no worries. Wonderful things come t those who wait, and I am a very patient person.
                      You haven't got much of a choice if you're Sam & Jack Shipper ................


                        Hi all you wonderful people of Gateworld - I need some help!

                        Searching desperately for the 2 best S/J fics I have ever read on and they are eluding me. It's very annoying... can anyone help?

                        The first was a post threads cabin fic, with your usual 'will they/won't they' but the part I remember the most about it was that Daniel knocked over the grill and interrupted a perfectly fluffy moment

                        The second was a Jack-visiting-Sam-in-Atlantis fic, where he goes for a routine visit and then ends up getting involved in this big dramatic disaster (and saving the day of course)...

                        Vague, I know, but I read them AGES ago and hard as I try I just can't find them again. I thought maybe someone on here might have read... or written one of them.

                        HELP APPRECIATED!



                          New vid

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                            Originally posted by Ritz View Post
                            Hi all you wonderful people of Gateworld - I need some help!

                            Searching desperately for the 2 best S/J fics I have ever read on and they are eluding me. It's very annoying... can anyone help?

                            The first was a post threads cabin fic, with your usual 'will they/won't they' but the part I remember the most about it was that Daniel knocked over the grill and interrupted a perfectly fluffy moment

                            The second was a Jack-visiting-Sam-in-Atlantis fic, where he goes for a routine visit and then ends up getting involved in this big dramatic disaster (and saving the day of course)...

                            Vague, I know, but I read them AGES ago and hard as I try I just can't find them again. I thought maybe someone on here might have read... or written one of them.

                            HELP APPRECIATED!

                            Hopefully somebody will recognize these and let you/us know. I'd be interested in reading them, too. I know of a couple fics where Jack visits Sam in Atlantis, but don't recall one of them being about a disaster.

                            You could also post your request in the "Fic Search Thread".


                              Originally posted by Pol View Post
                              Um...sorry. No new Campfire this weekend. I'm utterly buried in work. Will try for next week.

                              :::sigh:::that pesky real life, getting in the way of my ficcing!
                              In absense of a new Campfire, I have something I'll post when Pol is done beta'ing it... It absolutely can't even be remotely compared to the awesomeness of Campfires but at least it'll be something new to read.

                              Ritz - welcome! Those descriptions don't ring any bells with me. Hopefully, someone will recognize them and post links!

                              Artie - where's a new one? Don't hold out on us, now! LOL! Real life? Oh, pshaw. It's Friday = play day! LOL!

                              And everyone don't forget to go to to vote for your favorite fic. S/J was seriously under represented last time so get your noms in!
                              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                                Very nice!!
                                No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                                It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.

