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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
    They are such a good looking couple, aren't they?
    Oh so pretty!
    sigpicsig by Isolde


      Originally posted by Artie View Post
      Oh so pretty!
      I already wrote a ficlet about how Jack feels about being called pretty LOL

      I love that picture. They are so dang adorable.


        Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
        Regarding SG Movie 3. Amanda Tapping just got done finishing wrapping up production on season 3. So if MGM gets this thing resolved quickly and gives the go ahead they could start production on it by sometime next year.
        that would be nice!

        ~won't be holding my breath~



          Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
          I already wrote a ficlet about how Jack feels about being called pretty LOL

          I love that picture. They are so dang adorable.
          Is that a real picture or a manip?
          My Stories: FFdotNet
          My Stories AO3
          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


            Thanks to all for your comments on the thesis. And, yes, they are a lovely couple!

            s u g a r s h a k e r


              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
              Is that a real picture or a manip?
              It's real. Just a cropped part of this picture:

              And this picture must have come from the same photo shoot:

              *redone by Mala

              Not really sure what the point of the "touchy-feely-ness" is since it's a photoshoot for an action/adventure/non-romance sci-fi show, but with pictures like that, I'm *so* not complaining!
              Last edited by SamJackShipper93; 07 November 2010, 02:56 PM.
              The Return of King Arthur
              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6



                  are we 'sure' that's amanda rick's consoling there?



                    and just because:


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      are we 'sure' that's amanda rick's consoling there?
                      I'm pretty sure there's a little dab of blond hair peeking out from the cap. So, I'm going with Yes, that's Amanda.


                        OMG, as a researcher I am *appalled!*
                        As an ethnographer (one who studies a community from WITHIN that community, the author had the absolute responsibility to identify him-/herself TO that community as a researcher. S/he also should have, if you follow basic, ETHICAL practices in research, gotten permission of the gatekeepers (aka, the moderators) of the forum to conduct research, including a textual analysis, which is what was done for this paper.

                        I haven't read your link yet, but I am assuming from your comments that you and most others who were active at the time did not know about this. I know at least one Mod (Tame Ferrar) is a scholarly writer who has written on the subject of fan communities and fanfic (as did I for my Master's thesis 6 7 years ago), so she'd know the "rules" of research.

                        Those "rules" are not there for the writer's protection, they are there for OUR (forum participant's) protection. Many of you use online names/handles far different from your real life names. I, however, do not. I post here under the same name I publish under and would be VERY upset to find my words copied, pasted, and analyzed out of context.

                        A bit later: Okay, I've read through thesis, which is pretty good on the whole and takes a different approach than many others I have seen. I like the idea of the analysis of the language.

                        However, that said, find nothing in the paper that indicates (other than the author stating that's she's a member of the community in which she studies (ie, an ethnographer, as I said above)). So...unless I missed the part where she said, "I asked members of the group to email me privately to let me know that they were A) aware their conversations would be monitored and analyzed from point A to point B; and B) asked them to let me know if they have any issues with being quoted."

                        Still irritated.

                        spoilered only for length.

                        Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post

                        I came across something I think is really interesting, and I'm hoping that someone on this thread will have an idea who wrote it. It's a 2009 Master's Thesis by a student at the University of Pittsburgh on how participants in computer-mediated discourse (we forum posters) use textually described actions (TDA's) as a means of interacting and creating virtual identities. Examples of TDA's include:

                        nods feverently

                        Her thesis studies the structure of TDA's and uses data from three online fan communities - including the Shipper Thread. It shows how the participants use these actions to construct a close community in which they can interact with emotional and (virtual) physical intimacy.

                        The author uses the Shipper Thread (along with two LiveJournal communities) for her primary data sources because they exhibit a range of interest by the fans and use similar formats. She goes into quite a bit of detail about the show, what "shipping" is and what Sam/Jack shippers hope to achieve. Cool, eh?

                        It must have been written by someone who was a regular on the Shipper Thread at some point. Do any of you recall anyone talking about using elements from the thread in her thesis? If so, I'd be interested in knowing who it might be.

                        In one part, she quotes something I posted - must have been several years ago:

                        (9) Sugarshaker waves to all the shippers

                        In this example the writer, Sugarshaker, includes a subject noun in the TDA, though she refers to
                        herself in the third person. Fans of heterosexual relationships between characters in the source
                        media call themselves shippers, from a shortening of relationship; they have turned the
                        shortened noun ship into a verb, and often talk about shipping a certain pairing.
                        The other three TDAs containing subjects are instances of the writer voicing someone
                        else. In this next example the writer is talking about rumors she has heard concerning Sam and
                        Jack’s relationship. She makes a play on ship as in relationship and ship as in boat.

                        (10) ...The ship is sailing! :-D I can see it coming in, with Sam and Jack
                        waving to their supporters! *jack grabs sam and kisses her
                        passionately, while the shippers squee from the shore*

                        Here's a link to the thesis. It's about 70 pages:


                        A thesis isn't my normal reading material, but I thought this was really fascinating. I hope you enjoy it too.
                        Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                          Not really sure what the point of the "touchy-feely-ness" is since it's a photoshoot for an action/adventure/non-romance sci-fi show, but with pictures like that, I'm *so* not complaining!
                          SO not complaning.
                          I asked myself the same quesetion though. Does someone know which season it is from?
                          Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                          My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                          Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                            Originally posted by Pol View Post
                            OMG, as a researcher I am *appalled!*
                            As an ethnographer (one who studies a community from WITHIN that community, the author had the absolute responsibility to identify him-/herself TO that community as a researcher. S/he also should have, if you follow basic, ETHICAL practices in research, gotten permission of the gatekeepers (aka, the moderators) of the forum to conduct research, including a textual analysis, which is what was done for this paper.

                            I haven't read your link yet, but I am assuming from your comments that you and most others who were active at the time did not know about this. I know at least one Mod (Tame Ferrar) is a scholarly writer who has written on the subject of fan communities and fanfic (as did I for my Master's thesis 6 7 years ago), so she'd know the "rules" of research.

                            Those "rules" are not there for the writer's protection, they are there for OUR (forum participant's) protection. Many of you use online names/handles far different from your real life names. I, however, do not. I post here under the same name I publish under and would be VERY upset to find my words copied, pasted, and analyzed out of context.

                            A bit later: Okay, I've read through thesis, which is pretty good on the whole and takes a different approach than many others I have seen. I like the idea of the analysis of the language.

                            However, that said, find nothing in the paper that indicates (other than the author stating that's she's a member of the community in which she studies (ie, an ethnographer, as I said above)). So...unless I missed the part where she said, "I asked members of the group to email me privately to let me know that they were A) aware their conversations would be monitored and analyzed from point A to point B; and B) asked them to let me know if they have any issues with being quoted."

                            Still irritated.

                            spoilered only for length.
                            Oh dear. Those are very good points that never even occurred to me.

                            s u g a r s h a k e r


                              Originally posted by Pol View Post
                              OMG, as a researcher I am *appalled!*
                              As an ethnographer (one who studies a community from WITHIN that community, the author had the absolute responsibility to identify him-/herself TO that community as a researcher. S/he also should have, if you follow basic, ETHICAL practices in research, gotten permission of the gatekeepers (aka, the moderators) of the forum to conduct research, including a textual analysis, which is what was done for this paper.

                              I haven't read your link yet, but I am assuming from your comments that you and most others who were active at the time did not know about this. I know at least one Mod (Tame Ferrar) is a scholarly writer who has written on the subject of fan communities and fanfic (as did I for my Master's thesis 6 7 years ago), so she'd know the "rules" of research.

                              Those "rules" are not there for the writer's protection, they are there for OUR (forum participant's) protection. Many of you use online names/handles far different from your real life names. I, however, do not. I post here under the same name I publish under and would be VERY upset to find my words copied, pasted, and analyzed out of context.

                              A bit later: Okay, I've read through thesis, which is pretty good on the whole and takes a different approach than many others I have seen. I like the idea of the analysis of the language.

                              However, that said, find nothing in the paper that indicates (other than the author stating that's she's a member of the community in which she studies (ie, an ethnographer, as I said above)). So...unless I missed the part where she said, "I asked members of the group to email me privately to let me know that they were A) aware their conversations would be monitored and analyzed from point A to point B; and B) asked them to let me know if they have any issues with being quoted."

                              Still irritated.

                              spoilered only for length.
                              Thesis OT

                              It seemed to me that she might have posted something? I mean she did take a polled response - but even still...see, I assume that posting here is posting something public. Researchers utilize public data all the time. While it's perhaps courteous, I can't see anything inherently unethical or even illegal about it. Maybe I take a very laid-back approach about it since I figure that if I post it in a forum that you can search via google and find, then it's fair game. It maybe lame if it's used out of context, but here she was just utilizing examples of what people do. Like people watching and noting that fifty percent of the people who walked up to a plant talked to it. Admittedly, I don't have any sort of formal training in that regard. One day So I defer to your more expertise knowledge.


                                Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                                It's real. Just a cropped part of this picture:

                                And this picture must have come from the same photo shoot:
                                *redone by Mala

                                Not really sure what the point of the "touchy-feely-ness" is since it's a photoshoot for an action/adventure/non-romance sci-fi show, but with pictures like that, I'm *so* not complaining!
                                I love those pictures! They all look so good and we even get to see CJ smiling.

