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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Saturday, November 6: 0
    Saturday, November 13: 1
    Saturday, November 20: (12)
    The Return of King Arthur
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


      Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
      So, set-ups and resets...

      First Wave: Chemistry

      Set-up: Children of the Gods
      Apex: There But for the Grace of God/Politics
      Reset: The Tok'ra

      Discussion: For me, the first wave is all about the chemistry and the suggestion that Sam and Jack might make a good couple. It was introduced in COTG, built up through early episodes and Solitudes, and came to an apex when Daniel discovered in another universe Sam and Jack were together. For me, the obvious reset to this happens in S2 with the introduction of Martouf, who was clearly to meant to be a serious love interest for Sam.

      Second Wave: Falling

      Set-up: Out of Mind/Into the Fire
      Apex: Nemesis
      Reset: Small Victories

      Discussion: For me, the second wave is all about the long slow slide into them realising they have fallen for each other which comes to a head with the fishing invitation in Nemesis. introduced in the S2/S3 two-parter, and building up through episodes such as POV and A Hundred Days until Nemesis. The obvious reset to this happens almost immediately with Small Victories and the repeat of the fishing invitation which Sam continues to refuse and thus suggest, yes, they like each other but nothing is going to happen.

      Third Wave: Love Hurts

      Set-up: Divide and Conquer
      Apex: Beneath the Surface
      Reset: Entity

      Discussion: The onset of the third wave happens almost immediately into S4 with D&C, and for me is all about exploring the fact that the two of them do love each other, trying to put their duty first (and hiding more complex fears about relationships) and how they deal with that. Most of the S4 episodes help to sustain the thread but the apex is the angsty Beneath the Surface. The reset is Entity of course, when Jack is forced to kill her and we see the pain that loving each other could cause them and why they love each other, be together and remain in SG1. And so, Jack takes a step back.

      Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Waves: Just Friends?

      Set-up: Ascension
      Apex: Desperate Measures
      Reset: Meridian

      Set-up: Redemption
      Apex: Paradise Lost/Metamorphosis
      Reset: Full Circle

      Set-up: Fallen/Homecoming
      Apex: Evolution
      Reset: Grace

      Discussion: There's a large swathe of S5 through S6 and into S7 which for me is about them adjusting as friends and each of them seperately struggling with their emotions and to keep it purely friendship but it kind of happens in a trio of waves, with each initial set-up redefining them as 'friends' but the apex showing that they still love each other before the reset throws them back to 'friends.' Grace being the ultimate reset with Sam concluding that she must move on from her feelings from Jack (although I would still say this is ambiguous within the episode itself).

      Set-up: Redemption
      Apex: Metamorphosis
      Reset: Full Circle

      Seventh Wave: Lost Love?

      Set-up: Chimera
      Apex: The Lost City/New Order
      Reset: Affinity

      Discussion: The seventh wave is the most angsty because it's reset is the hardest. Because Chimera was all about the suggestion of whether Sam was moving on, but The Lost City and New Order show clearly that Sam's feelings haven't really moved on from Jack at all. Yet, Affinity seems to be the death knell as she's engaged to marry Pete so everything must be over for her and Jack...

      Eighth Wave: Fishing

      Set-up: Gemini
      Apex: Threads

      Discussion: The eighth wave is short and sweet. For me, it's clearly suggested in Gemini that Sam still loves Jack, that RepliCarter knows and even calls her on it, suggesting that Sam is a coward and isn't going after what she really wants because of her adherence to the rules and fear. Which to my mind gets Sam thinking and, of course, the outcome of that thinking happens in Threads when she realises she's making a mistake with Pete, finally faces Jack and finally goes fishing.
      Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
      It is possible that I may have thought too much about this....
      No, never too much. ;P

      *shippy sigh*

      First two waves are ambiguous to me. But then, I think early Sam/Jack relationship is too and I still don't have a fixed opinion on the matter.

      Wave number three could'nt be more accurate though. D&C, BtS, Entity. The perfect angsty arc in season 4.

      Where I disagree a little is in waves five and six. Although Jonas leaves and Daniel comes back, I don't see Full Circle as a reset when talking solely about Sam & Jack. But I do agree with the episode you chose, I just would have put the arc like this:

      Set-up: Redemption
      Apex: Paradise Lost/Metamorphosis
      Reset: Grace

      Makes a longer wave, but that's how I see it.

      And I like the set-up of Gemini in the last wave. That's what I thought RepliCarter meant too.

      Over all, I'd green you more than once if I could!

      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      You know, as I was watching those, one way they could have confirmed--either at the end of Moebius or at the end of Threads--would have been for one of them to reach over and take the other one's hand. That's all it would have taken to establish that they had crossed a certain boundary.

      For me, that would have done it.

      (Okay--it wouldn't have satisfied "everything" I wanted, but it would confirmed something to me. . .)
      Hand holding could have been in The Shroud or 200 for all I care. Not necessarily in Threads. (And the more I think about it, I think I would have prefered it later in the series.)

      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post

      I vote 20th. Procrastination baby.
      Since no one seems to be choosing the 6th, I don't think have to worry about not being able to attend. So my vote will go the 20th for the exact same reason as Nynaeve. ;DD

      Saturday, November 6: 0
      Saturday, November 13: 1
      Saturday, November 20: (12)
      Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
      My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


        Rachel I just saw your waves!

        Brilliant. I can't disagree because I haven't considered it like that but now, I think I'll have to think on it

        Especially since I'm in the midst of a ship manifesto per the challenge comm on LiveJournal stargateland!


          Hi folks,

          OT but related: I've updated my ff dot net profile to provide a guide to the fanfics therin. Just an fyi.


          Yeah. That pretty much says it all. manip by me.
          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


            Originally posted by Pol View Post
            Hi folks,

            OT but related: I've updated my ff dot net profile to provide a guide to the fanfics therin. Just an fyi.


            Yeah. That pretty much says it all. manip by me.
            If it's any consolation, I once got a review commenting that my tag "Command Decisions" should have been labeled something else (not family) and I replied back that I was NOT going to change it and that if they had read the first paragraph they would have noticed that Jack was visiting Sam in "their bedroom".

            Really, not my job to make sure they notice the obvious.

            I think you went above and beyond LOL.

            :: confetti :: Yay for awesome manip!


              Originally posted by Pol View Post
              Hi folks,

              OT but related: I've updated my ff dot net profile to provide a guide to the fanfics therin. Just an fyi.


              Yeah. That pretty much says it all. manip by me.
              I need to snurch that--or write my own. I got a review for "Frets and Strums" that was reviewing, I believe, the premise. This person yakked on about how Sam's too good for Jack, and that he needs to find someone his own age. And it was anonymous. Bleah. So, all I can say, is that I don't get why people feel the need to do that kind of thing. It's ridiculous.

              And by the way,

              THANK YOU!!!! TO Hlndncr for the Avatar!!!!!! I love it when my purse and shoes match. Tee hee hee hee. I LOVE it!!
              My Stories: FFdotNet
              My Stories AO3
              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                I need to snurch that--or write my own. I got a review for "Frets and Strums" that was reviewing, I believe, the premise. This person yakked on about how Sam's too good for Jack, and that he needs to find someone his own age. And it was anonymous. Bleah. So, all I can say, is that I don't get why people feel the need to do that kind of thing. It's ridiculous.

                And by the way,

                THANK YOU!!!! TO Hlndncr for the Avatar!!!!!! I love it when my purse and shoes match. Tee hee hee hee. I LOVE it!!
                The very first fic I wrote for S/J (and posted online in years and years) was anonymously reviewed with "this sucks" :: rolls eyes ::

                I just disabled anonymous reviews. I get less that way but :: shrugs :: Once burned as they say...

                But HAPPY this:


                  OOooooOOOOooooOOO!! Soo happy! Thanks for reminding me of the important things!
                  My Stories: FFdotNet
                  My Stories AO3
                  Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                    AKA and I have been canvasing for more votes on Shipsgiving.

                    Please put the following individuals down for Nov. 20:

                    Charles Kawalsky
                    Janet Fraiser
                    Jacob Carter
                    Thor and the entire Asgard race (12,000,000,922)


                    Jimmy Hoffa.


                      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                      OOooooOOOOooooOOO!! Soo happy! Thanks for reminding me of the important things!
                      Is it sad but I'm actually thinking of doing graphics for this years Shipsgiving? Only sad in so far as that I always have stuck with writing but this year discovered the love of doing my own graphics (I even got bold and entered the gate_eps 20in20 over on LJ!). I have suspiciously not made any S/J (okay so I've been on an SGU kick) so I think Shipsgiving might be the time I do that...

                      Who wouldn't want pretty pretty icons and such? Or at least a few depending on time constraints because I may or may not have signed up to do Chimera icons over on LJ (remember the ANGST people. ANGST :: fall over :: )


                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        AKA and I have been canvasing for more votes on Shipsgiving.

                        Please put the following individuals down for Nov. 20:

                        Charles Kawalsky
                        Janet Fraiser
                        Jacob Carter
                        Thor and the entire Asgard race (12,000,000,922)


                        Jimmy Hoffa.
                        Hmmm. Elvis might be busy.

                        EDIT: Beautiful picspam over on LJ by multicolour:


                          Originally posted by Pol View Post
                          Reading it now. Fantastic.

                          With Pol's rec I tried to read it again and I'm sorry, I just couldn't get more than a few chapters in

                          Pol, the profile is definitely clear but, you know, people won't read it and then will still whine.....
                          Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                            AKA and I have been canvasing for more votes on Shipsgiving.

                            Please put the following individuals down for Nov. 20:

                            Charles Kawalsky
                            Janet Fraiser
                            Jacob Carter
                            Thor and the entire Asgard race (12,000,000,922)


                            Jimmy Hoffa.

                            Is it sad but I'm actually thinking of doing graphics for this years Shipsgiving? Only sad in so far as that I always have stuck with writing but this year discovered the love of doing my own graphics (I even got bold and entered the gate_eps 20in20 over on LJ!). I have suspiciously not made any S/J (okay so I've been on an SGU kick) so I think Shipsgiving might be the time I do that...

                            Who wouldn't want pretty pretty icons and such? Or at least a few depending on time constraints because I may or may not have signed up to do Chimera icons over on LJ (remember the ANGST people. ANGST :: fall over :: )

                            And no--it's wonderful. I think that graphics are something that are intrinsic to the writing--we see pretty pictures and it inspires us, and then writing inspires the pretty pictures. And let's face it--who's prettier than Jack and Sam? That's right. No one.

                            Graphic away, my friend!
                            My Stories: FFdotNet
                            My Stories AO3
                            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                              Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                              The very first fic I wrote for S/J (and posted online in years and years) was anonymously reviewed with "this sucks" :: rolls eyes ::

                              I just disabled anonymous reviews. I get less that way but :: shrugs :: Once burned as they say...

                              But HAPPY this:

                              MMM. Out of Mind pic spam.... yum.

                              I think you can just remove individual Anon reviews rather than disabling all of them.
                              Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                                Is it sad but I'm actually thinking of doing graphics for this years Shipsgiving? Only sad in so far as that I always have stuck with writing but this year discovered the love of doing my own graphics (I even got bold and entered the gate_eps 20in20 over on LJ!). I have suspiciously not made any S/J (okay so I've been on an SGU kick) so I think Shipsgiving might be the time I do that...

                                Who wouldn't want pretty pretty icons and such? Or at least a few depending on time constraints because I may or may not have signed up to do Chimera icons over on LJ (remember the ANGST people. ANGST :: fall over :: )
                                I think it's great you want to do graphics. I am in awe of the talent around here. I just started learning photoshop a couple of months ago and I'm still not entirely confident about sharing my work. (Of course I just started writing fanfic a few months ago, and sharing that for the first time was nerve-wracking too. And I've never allowed annonymous reviews. I don't think I could take the brutality.)

