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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Remember when......... MOP met Joe?



        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Remember when......... MOP met Joe? cute to see that again! I do hope that that campaign has had some influence on Brad writing the script for the 3rd movie!


          Originally posted by starlover View Post
 cute to see that again! I do hope that that campaign has had some influence on Brad writing the script for the 3rd movie!
          Poor Brad! He's probably written the perfect confirmation (romantic ) scene and he's been left there sitting on it all this time waiting for MGM to sort themselves out


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Poor Brad! He's probably written the perfect confirmation (romantic ) scene and he's been left there sitting on it all this time waiting for MGM to sort themselves out
            Yes, poor Brad indeed...perhaps I win the lottery at the end of the year and then can just give MGM the money so that they can make the movie(like I wish it to be)

            And I even wasn't that patient at the beginning of this series...I chose the wrong ship for my impatience!


              Awww...Gotta say this...

              I was really worried about my oldest brother since he really had to spend Christmas alone(without wanting it) and my other brother would celebrate christmas at his GF's place, but now they just came home so that my oldest brother isn't alone! (he got really depressed about it)

              So sweet Now I can go to work worrying a bit less about him!


                MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

                Woke up to see all those wonderful glances from Twi and .. best gift of all.. THREADS comments from Jann...

                More on those in a minute


                  Originally posted by yessika View Post
                  Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

                  I'm enjoying the Jack looks...
                  BrenRen, I have my glasses on too and I love gutter

                  This is a nice Christmas indeed since I got the CotG:TFC dvd *yay* now I just need to buy the series pack!

                  Did someone mention the gutter glasses...?


                  *runs out*


                    RESPONSE TO TWI'S PICS PART ONE:
                    Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                    Savor this - of all the hugs, this is the only one that occurs because *Jack* needs comfort. I'm not saying he didn't receive any peace of mind from the others, but they were in response to *Sam's* pain/fear - this one is completely for him.
                    I think, though, there is an element of "You're okay... we're okay..." here, too. Because Jack, despite just coming out of freeze, had just saved Sam from Hathor and had picked her up off the floor for that hug. So while I do agree he was hugging her for his own comfort/relief, part of it was also relief she wasn't more hurt by Hathor, either. It is, really, a very revealing moment because, stripped and emotionally raw, as it were, Jack's instinct is to hold Sam tightly.
                    Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                    The entire time Jack talks to Sam in the corridor after meeting with her twin, he looks at her with this look of intense concern, but I detect even a slight hint of confusion. He knows something happened. He knows that it means something... but he's not sure exactly what.
                    That scene is one of my absolute favorites, and it tells me more than anything that, whether he knows it or not, Jack is already half-way (at least) in love with Sam. He asks her (seriously) if she wants to talk about 'the whole twin thing' having just come from a tender moment with her alternate which I think, as you Twi say in a post after this one, opens Jack up to seeing Sam more as a 'woman' than an officer. So he is, effectively, emotionally open to Sam at that moment and really MEANS it. However, Sam isn't at that point and assumes he's speaking to 'Carter' and so answers him jokingly, asking "Do you have a couple of hours?" Jack, though, doesn't take it as a joke and answers seriously, "Sure..." He immediately offers her as much time as she needs to discuss her feelings with him... If that's not love, what is?
                    Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                    It's easy to see how they would fall into a relationship if there were no regs. I could just imagine Sam naturally leaning on Jack, him playfully touching her... but the regs are in place and so it never progresses that far.

                    They're just so good together.
                    Which is, of course, what Major Kawalsky said in PoV...


                      Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                      This is why thus far, in AUs we've seen them together - without barriers, they're drawn to each other.
                      Exactly. If you think about it, in AUs when the regs aren't an issue, Sam and Jack end up married or engaged within a year or so of meeting (assuming they met about the same 'time' as ours did). It was *fast*.
                      Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                      After a jaunt on Thor's ship, we find ourselves back here again, Jack talking about actual fishing (although one has to wonder... does the other kind of fishing linger in the back of his mind... he has that look...). There's an unguarded aspect to his face, I think he even looks hopeful...

                      Personally this look seems to lead me to think that there is some type of guttery thought meandering through his mind... no doubt about a certain Major in his presence.
                      Oh, definitely. Look at the way he has trouble even meeting her eyes... as though he's afraid she'll look into them and realize fishing means 'fishing'
                      Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                      Watch the transition as Sam walks away...

                      He looks... rejected.
                      Well, he has just quite literally been rejected. ((Jack))


                        TWILIGHTS LOOKS PART THREE:
                        Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                        Like a hero walking to his death for sake of his lady. Some may take umbrage that it seems macho to do such a thing, but Jack has always been a man of action. Sam is the thinker and in a way, an artist (as McKay will tell her) - and he thinks, there will always be grunt workers, but brilliance is a true gift. And as we are about to find out, he'd rather die than live without her - and here we see him quite ready to fulfill that wish.
                        It's also seeing that - his willingness to die rather than live without her - which leads Sam to realize the reason they tested positive as Za'tarcs.

                        And, IMHO, Jack really is a 'protector'. Not simply of Sam, but of anyone towards whom he feels responsible. As Sam tells Jennifer in Prodigy, he's going to take the option that minimizes risks to others even if it means sacrificing himself. Of course, who would know that better than Sam?

                        I also think that's part of what Jack is doing for years after Entity.. sacrificing himself (his own hope at happiness) rather than risk losing her...
                        Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                        I read a lot of fanfic where Jack blames Sam for wanting to "keep it in the room" - but as I study his expression throughout this scene I get a distinct feeling that Jack wants it there as well. It seems to me that he was enjoying the comfortable, playful relationship and he doesn't want this new layer - he doesn't want her to mean as much as she does to him. He doesn't want to ever hurt like he'd hurt before.
                        Exactly. But you know I agree I too see very real relief and an eagerness on his part to 'leave it in the room'... and at the heart of both their decisions, I believe, is fear - his fear of loving her and losing her, her fear, really, of loving him and having him leave. Which is ironic, really, because in fearing loss they both manage to almost cause it.

                        EDIT: And, yes, I did spend an hour catching up on the Thread on Christmas morning. Opened presents after Church last night and waiting for John to wake up so we can drive to my parents. 3 Kids + Pile of New Toys = Most uninterrupted peace and quiet Mom will have for the next 12 months...
                        Last edited by JenniferJF; 25 December 2009, 04:29 AM.


                          I know I've already said this but I'd like to say it again because...well...because I like saying it and I especially like saying it to favourite people on my favourite thread -



                          HAVE A
                          FANTASTIC DAY!!!!

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                            *waves to Alan* Merry Christmas *hugs*

                            A little artspam...



