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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Cookie Monster...You've just given me an idea!!!

    Okay...we've had wedding drills on our ship days and some of us have written about the big day...but there's one thing we've never discussed - the menu at Sam and Jack's wedding reception!

    So be creative and let's see what wacky ideas we can come up with

    Tracey - I'm the same...I normally do four or five drafts per essay!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by sueKay
      Cookie Monster...You've just given me an idea!!!

      Okay...we've had wedding drills on our ship days and some of us have written about the big day...but there's one thing we've never discussed - the menu at Sam and Jack's wedding reception!

      So be creative and let's see what wacky ideas we can come up with

      Tracey - I'm the same...I normally do four or five drafts per essay!
      Well I don't know about the whole menu but it must have cake ! And jello !
      Awww, I've just had this sweet idea about Jack feeding Sam with blue jello at their wedding reception...
      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


        Originally posted by sueKay
        Cookie Monster...You've just given me an idea!!!

        Okay...we've had wedding drills on our ship days and some of us have written about the big day...but there's one thing we've never discussed - the menu at Sam and Jack's wedding reception!

        So be creative and let's see what wacky ideas we can come up with

        Tracey - I'm the same...I normally do four or five drafts per essay!
        cookies, cake and jello. where's the discussion? thats what i want at my wedding!

        okay, maybe some lemon chicken as the main course.


          Originally posted by florence
          Well I don't know about the whole menu but it must have cake ! And jello !
          Awww, I've just had this sweet idea about Jack feeding Sam with blue jello at their wedding reception...
          thats really nice.


            Originally posted by Queen Eleta
            Sam and Jack are both people with some serious emotional baggage, too. I never saw either of them as lacking in confidence, but when it came to each other, maybe that was the case.
            Actually I think it's TPTB that have the emotional baggage, not our favorite couple. Sam and Jack have emotional baggage because they're written that way, and it's TP's who are responsible for that. Our immensely talented fanfic writers do an excellent job of stripping all that baggage away and portraying them as we know them to be - a committed, loving couple. PTB, stop. listen. and learn.

            s u g a r s h a k e r


              Originally posted by sugarshaker
              Actually I think it's TPTB that have the emotional baggage, not our favorite couple. Sam and Jack have emotional baggage because they're written that way, and it's TP's who are responsible for that. Our immensely talented fanfic writers do an excellent job of stripping all that baggage away and portraying them as we know them to be - a committed, loving couple. PTB, stop. listen. and learn.
              but thats how one creates a believable and interesting character for television. by giving them backstories and baggage and quirks and whatnot.
              i love fluff fic, but it only works in story form. i don't think i could watch something that sweet on screen. even in fics i like my characters to have the kind of thought and dimensions put into them as they do in the show. in fact i like them to have more thought put into the characters histories and psychologies than what we get in the show.

              and dag nabbit i've forgotten what my point was here because i can't concentrate with your sig in view! this is how you win debates isn't it!?! you distract us with yummy pictures so we can't think or .... ah dammit!


                Originally posted by sugarshaker
                Actually I think it's TPTB that have the emotional baggage, not our favorite couple. Sam and Jack have emotional baggage because they're written that way, and it's TP's who are responsible for that. Our immensely talented fanfic writers do an excellent job of stripping all that baggage away and portraying them as we know them to be - a committed, loving couple. PTB, stop. listen. and learn.
                You are absolutely right, Julie! Thank G-- we have our fanfic writers, without them we would have lost our minds.


                  "Solitudes" is on SG-Monday. I love that episode! Great episode for Sam. Tough but sensitive. Almost Macgyver's the DHD. It great!


                    Has everyone read MeiMei's "The Day before the Morning After" . Great fanfic!


                      Originally posted by smea
                      Ok.. so I was on [[yes I have no social life]] and as I am a member of the Sam/Jack Shippers group, I thought Id have a look at their pictures...

                      And look what smea found!


                      I know its only little, and probably old... BUT I just had to share it with you guys

                      Made my day a little brighter... along with the SG dvds that Ive been watching... Im ill dang it But this has made me feel a whole lot better
                      Worked for me, too!!


                        Originally posted by Rogue
                        Wow, National Treasure. That sounded like her CO talking and not a man who loves her. Also remember she almost got up and left because she felt he didn't want her there. Then Daniel and Teal'c show up. I think most men would have told their buddies to come back in a few hours. It is true that she was dating someone else, but that still didn't mean they couldn't talk.

                        As far as not having enough time to convey his feelings for her, he seemed have time for Teal'c. His scene with Teal'c was far more touching and personal than "I know". Teal'c knew exactly how Jack felt about him, Sam was still left with a big question mark.

                        I guess what gets me is that there is always an excuse for what Jack did or didn't do. He is looking out for Sam's best interest, she will be better off with Pete, he is dying so he doesn't want to ruin Sams future. Wow what an unselfish guy! Was he unselfish or just didn't want to step up to the plate? Besides how do we know that Jack hadn't had other girlfriends. After all, its been along time since Laira.

                        I guess what I am saying is that Sam seems to take more than her share of the heat for their relationship mess. Jack is just as guilty.
                        I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I just get tired of so many Sam fans bashing Jack all the time. From my perspective, he's been 100% honorable through the entire thing, whereas some see him as evil incarnate. <sigh>

                        I'm getting more and more sorry I come in here every night. Aren't there ANY Jack supporters left in this shipper family? (Rhetorical question - I don't expect answers.)
                        - Mary
                        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                          Originally posted by stargate barbie
                          the two of them are so humble and modest and unaware of how special they are, and so hyperaware of each others qualities, that neither one of them can understand how the other could be in love with them. (does that make sense?) and i think a lot of their baggage comes from there. i don't think that they'll ever realise how special they are, but i do think they have accepted now that they are in love with one another, even if they don't understand it.

                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Hello!!! Sam/JAck Ship family.... My name is Rossana and I'm from Colombia (South America)... I've been whatching Stargate for about a year, and I love the show.. specially the S/J relationship...

                            I would like to participate in your forum...

                            I´m sorry if my english isn't good ... I'm learning it!!!!!



                              Originally posted by Buc252
                              I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I just get tired of so many Sam fans bashing Jack all the time. From my perspective, he's been 100% honorable through the entire thing, whereas some see him as evil incarnate. <sigh>

                              I'm getting more and more sorry I come in here every night. Aren't there ANY Jack supporters left in this shipper family? (Rhetorical question - I don't expect answers.)
                              I'm a Jack supporter, Mary. He's not perfect (just like Sam) but has put his a-- on the line more times then anyone should count. We just want a happy ending to his life (As for Sam). However, it's TPTB that directs how their lives are to end and only our hope that it goes happily or shippy (whatever the term) at the end of SG-1 series.


                                Originally posted by CC_girl
                                Hello!!! Sam/JAck Ship family.... My name is Rossana and I'm from Colombia (South America)... I've been whatching Stargate for about a year, and I love the show.. specially the S/J relationship...

                                I would like to participate in your forum...

                                I´m sorry if my english isn't good ... I'm learning it!!!!!

                                Welcome to our thread! Come and post often. Which season did you see?

