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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
    Agreed. I think
    Telling this man (who's clearly been in love with her for what? Five years?) that she's moved on wouldn't be a wise thing. Doesn't change the fact that we all wanted to hear the words though!

    SPOILERS for 4Th Horseman Below that I can't seem to eliminate!!!

    Ahhh but….
    This wasn’t a man. He was but a young lad and I think Sam was finding it hard to distinquish this fact . It was like, right in her face that there was young lad sitting there. You could see she was uncomfortable when he was announcing his undying feelings for her within hearing distance of many in the commissary. With being a shipper, I’m hoping she was debating telling him she was committed to another (Jack) verses telling him what she said. She definitely was taken off guard with his confession and unsure how to react. I saw Sam’s surprise and disconcert again when he repeated himself.
    In retrospect I am sure that the shock of a ‘child’ confessing his romantic feelings for her through her for a loop.



      Originally posted by trupi
      Just read a beautiful Fanfic on GW called "Drowning" by Aeryn. Read it if you get a chance,it could happen to anyone!
      And the link to it is what, dear trupi?


        Aiy, The link please?


          Originally posted by SG1Poz
          Ahhh but….
          This wasn’t a man. He was but a young lad and I think Sam was finding it hard to distinquish this fact . It was like, right in her face that there was young lad sitting there. You could see she was uncomfortable when he was announcing his undying feelings for her within hearing distance of many in the commissary. With being a shipper, I’m hoping she was debating telling him she was committed to another (Jack) verses telling him what she said. She definitely was taken off guard with his confession and unsure how to react. I saw Sam’s surprise and disconcert again when he repeated himself.
          In retrospect I am sure that the shock of a ‘child’ confessing his romantic feelings for her through her for a loop.

          I agree - it was creepy you know? I think Amanda did a great job in her facial reaction.


            Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
            I agree - it was creepy you know? I think Amanda did a great job in her facial reaction.
            Amanda is the best! From what I've read and heard from those whom have met her, the fame will never 'go to her head'. Thank God!



              Aeryn's, Drowning, can be found by going to GW Search for Aeryn, author. She has many fine nominated and award-winning fics.


                Why can't I be a 303 pilot? Who came up with these point levels? Apophis? Working on beverage number 4 : )

                Poz i-tively buzzing at the moment *wink*


                  Originally posted by SG1Poz
                  Amanda is the best! From what I've read and heard from those whom have met her, the fame will never 'go to her head'. Thank God!

                  Definately - I think that's one of the major strengths of the casting directors of Stargate (both series) they manage to find leading stars who are so down to Earth!


                    I've read a many fics by Aeryn and I agree. cathain, I've read some wonderful fics of your too



                      I have no doubt
                      Orlin still Loves Sam.I'am not a big Fan of Orlin.Orlin is just another Pete or Barrett IMO.Barrett and Orlin will never stop going after Sam.I would not be surprised to see Orlin come back as an Old Man next Year.I just cannot stand seeing Sam's Man Friends while we wait to see Sam and Jack together.


                        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
                        Definately - I think that's one of the major strengths of the casting directors of Stargate (both series) they manage to find leading stars who are so down to Earth!
                        Now if they can only inform the writers on how to write a script for a great ship story, we'd be in seventh heaven



                          Originally posted by SG1Poz
                          Now if they can only inform the writers on how to write a script for a great ship story, we'd be in seventh heaven

                          Well I'm glad you enjoy my stories and I think TPTB need a woman writer to join them


                            Originally posted by ses110
                            I have no doubt
                            Orlin still Loves Sam.I'am not a big Fan of Orlin.Orlin is just another Pete or Barrett IMO.Barrett and Orlin will never stop going after Sam.I would not be surprised to see Orlin come back as an Old Man next Year.I just cannot stand seeing Sam's Man Friends while we wait to see Sam and Jack together.
                            Da*n, they wouldn't let me green you. LOL, I got a giggle from that third sentence Maybe we'll see Martooth suddenly reappear to confuse what's left of Jolinar in her mind. I've never written a fic but I bet I could write a better ship scene than TPTB. *burp*



                              I also though it was creppy.I wish
                              Orlin Barrett and Pete would just go stalk a Wraith.Sam should not be surprised with anyrhing her Man Friends do.Sam has been down this Road many times already.I may be wrong but I get the feeling a Women like Kerry would have put Barrett and Orlin, now matter what Age in there place.Sam needs to give these Man Friends the message loud and clear she is not available once and for all.Sam being Nice all the Time is not always the way to go.I just wonder what Jack reaction would be regarding Barrett and Orlin trying to put the moves on Sam.This will probably never happen but I really what to see Vala put the moves on Jack in front of Sam.I wonder if Sam will continue to be nice?


                                SG1Poz do not worry.The rest of Sam's Man friends are just waiting for there turn to make a play for Sam.Even if Sam and Jack get Married do you really think TPTB will stop with the Sam Man Freinds.No chance.This is just the beginning.TPTB are Masters at bringing in Man Friends for Sam.It's a Shame TPTB are not as good at resolving the Sam and Jack Ship.Thank You for trying to Green me.

