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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
    LOL. Those eyebrows were too arched, I thought. Actually I don't spend all that much time on that thread (like to be there more tho) so I'm not a GG, but I do know that certain characteristics don't change like ears, etc. that can help identify. Though certainly skilled makeup can help change things somewhat. Really a GG knows RDA by his hands (was that hand on the desk his at the beginning of the scene with Daniel?) And BTW has Jack still had that scar in his eyebrow that RDA liked to have the makeup people put there?
    Yep, he has....grrrr


      Originally posted by galaxy
      Great idea ses!!! Let's send them to another planet in a galaxy far, far away, together with and Laira and all other characters we hate.
      Laira becomes pregnant by Baal, Pete gets jealous and stalks her, Vala has sex with everyone who walks by and they live happily ever after.

      I only object to Ba'al being sent (Rogue may also have something to say about this too ) We could send Kinsey instead. He and Laira are made for each other *sneaky, conniving, selfish, obsessed...*

      And for comedic value, we could send Zippy and Camela$$

      Do you think that Vala stopped by the planet of light in her travels before SG-1 came across it? It would certainly explain her voracious appetite Perhaps I ought to ask JM


        Originally posted by ses110
        galaxy I get a bad feeling that
        Baal is going to be around longer than Apophis and we are going to have to watch Baal put the moves on Sam.I'am not sure about anyone else but I think Vala and Baal should be sent to the same Planet with no chance of escape so they can annoy each other forever.
        ((((Ses)))) You sound like you need cheering up with some hugs.

        Don't worry about
        Ba'al putting the moves on Sam. She can kick his butt and we can all have some fun
        Then that night she can tell Jack all about it in their phone call.


          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
          Hi Lilly,

          I liked Solitudes. It had a super dynamic between them. Sam was pretty fazed at first by the situation, but Jack's strength and level-headedness rubbed off on her and she ended up being the strong supportive one towards the end when Jack was fading away. I think this one and Serpent's Thingy (the hand-biting scene) were a really good indicator of the professional relationship between the two of them and the respect they had for each other; Jack for Sam's spirit and Sam for Jack's leadership.

          I particularly liked how solitudes avoided the TV cliche of Man & Woman Stranded Together = Romance; and I'm not saying that as an anti-shipper because I know that it's still very possible to see ship in that ep. I just think it was nice that the focus of the ep was *cameraderie* because that theme of the two of them trying to stay positive while facing death together carried such a lot of power, especially when counterpointed with Daniel and Teal'c's desperate searching.

          (BTW, if you want shippy replies you can post this question in the Shipper Family Thread or the S/J Discussion Only Thread, depending on how analytical you want to get.)
          I have to agree with you there. As hard as it is to pick a fav Sam and Jack episode as there are SOOOO many...I love Solitudes. Particularly the sleeping bag/side arm moment, just great chemistry between the characters.


            Originally posted by Oma-1

            I only object to Ba'al being sent (Rogue may also have something to say about this too ) We could send Kinsey instead. He and Laira are made for each other *sneaky, conniving, selfish, obsessed...*

            And for comedic value, we could send Zippy and Camela$$

            Do you think that Vala stopped by the planet of light in her travels before SG-1 came across it? It would certainly explain her voracious appetite Perhaps I ought to ask JM
            Ba'al is way too good looking to waste on Vala.
            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



              I love Solitudes and Moebius part 2: in the puddlejumper!!

              My blog :


                Hey all

                Just done my catching up and yet again it seems that S9 is not looking great Its a glum day alround for me what with no new Jack and Sam ship to wallow in, England getting trashed by Australia in the cricket (again!) and my bathroom wall seems to be caving in....Oh woe is me!!

                However, I'm gonna focus on the positive and drown myself in some fabulous ship fic, remain optimistic because England still have one wicket left and consider the fact that maybe it's time that I revamped my bathroom anyway and if all else fails there's always the bottle of gin in the cupboard and a box set of S6 ship to enjoy!!


                  galaxy where do I sign? I love how TPTB kill off all the good characters and leave us the lousy ones.
                  Jonas cannot come back but we get to have Barrett come back and ask out Sam for the tenth time.I would pay good Money to see Sam tell Barrett give it up and stop asking me out.I also do not want Baal to pull a Fifth and tell Sam he Loves her.That would make me stop watching the Show for good.


                    Great question sueKay.The same people who could not stand the Sam and Jack Ship and claim it took over the Show have no problem with the
                    Daniel and Vala Show.The Sam and Jack Ship never took up this much time on the Show.The last 2 Years we could not have Sam and Jack spend 1 minute together without someone Babysitting.


                      Originally posted by ses110
                      The Sam and Jack Ship never took up this much time on the Show.The last 2 Years we could not have Sam and Jack spend 1 minute together without someone Babysitting.
                      I agree with you ses. The amount of time dedicated to Sam and Jack ship has always been minimal IMO. Yes, some seasons (S4,S6) had more than others (S5) but it was never overplayed and was never the main theme of any episode.


                        Originally posted by Meredith
                        I believe it was "Chimera" from 7th season. I like this scene, too, especially her humming the Stargate theme

                        one of my favourite scenes is the conversation between Sam and "Jack" in "Grace".
                        I read somewhere that she was goingto hum the theme from McGyver (is that how you spell it? Having a mental blank here!) but no-one could remember exactly how it went, so she went for the Stargate theme instead!


                          Here's another lovely pic from the
                          comfort scene
                          in Threads which demonstrates perfectly the reason why the Jack and Sam ship never took over the show. So much is said in the way they act and react to eachother and in the looks that are exchanged between them that words just aren't necessary.
                          All credit to RDA and AT who throughout the show have played the relationship between Jack and Sam beautifully.



                            Originally posted by nell

                            Sam: This is great! Why didn't TPTB let us do this years ago?
                            Jack: Yes, well, let's not dwell. They're kinda slow but we're here now!
                            Sam: But, the Shippers don't know it. TPTB are withholding confirmation from them. They're really upset.
                            Jack: Yeah, I know. nell, was ranting last night after Origins!
                            Sam: And sg-1fanintn and LOL4JACK and caty and Token and Queen Eleta and divcon and sueKay and Buc252 and I could go on. They're pretty upset.
                            Jack: Can you blame them? They don't know we lurk on The Thread. But, did you hear what they said about me in Origins?
                            puffy that's insultin'!!!

                            Sam: Jack, don't take it personally. On the other hand, they are putting alot of faith in me when I return in Beach Head. What if the writers give me a weak script?
                            Jack: What about The Big Honkin' Kiss?
                            Sam: Yeah, all this practice fishing and we may never get a scene together this Season.
                            Jack: Sam, for crying outloud, we have to tell the Shippers, "Don't give up The Ship!!!"
                            Excuse me for quoting myself but I'm celebrating my 500 posts and poking some fun (frustration) at TPTB. Like they are affected, huh? I taped but have not yet watched last night's TTTB. And I don't know when I will. Part of me wants to protest/ignore/deny the non-Sam and non-Ship episodes. Another part, wants to see Mitchell and Landry and the NEW Stargate SG-1. I am really looking forward to Sam's return!!


                              ... I don't know how many pages I missed...

                              Anyways... Umm...

                              My favorite Sam/Jack moment just has to be at the end of Death Knell. No kissing, no big 'OMG I LOVE YOU' or anything... They just... seem so comfortable together just sitting there with their arms around each other.

                              ... I'm bored. I've been here at the library for an hour and a half. I work by myself from 10 - 6 today... Two people have come in so far. I had a project they left me. Putting some magazines in those binders with those little metal pole thingys.

                              That killed about half an hour.

                              ... I want to go home and watch new stuff and finish my Sark/Vaughn vid and... make other stuff while I wait for my 300gb hard-drive...

                              ... It should be here on Tuesday... The UPS guy makes deliveries on Tuesday and Thursday after he delivers the beer to the bar/hotel/restaurant... On the UPS tracking it says that it left Illionis (sp?) yesterday. *can't wait*

                              Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                              Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                                My fave sam/jack moment is on 'In the Line of Duty' when shes on the gurney (that right?) and slowly dieing. And Jack stays and tells Teal'c to go sort out somat.

                                Loved it.
                                Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
                                LOVE HIM-> DT
                                ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~

