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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell
    A SHIPPY OPENER FINALE!!! 10 of 10
    Dear Shipper Friends, You may have noticed that I'm including as many episode and character cliches as possible. I also "borrowed" shamelessly from remembered ideas from favorite fanfics. Thanks for your kind words and encouragement to continue the Ship!!! **Takes bow**

    Now I present to you what we have all been wishing for............THE SHIP IS IN!!!

    Sargeant Walter Harriman: Unscheduled off world activation.'s the Tok'ra.
    IT'S DAD!!! ** uh, oh**

    Jacob: Hi kiddos! Just a quick visit to see my little girl.

    Daniel: Ahh....Jacob. Hi.
    Jacob: Daniel, where's Sam?
    Daniel: She...she's not here.
    Jacob: I can see that! Mission?
    Daniel: Um....don't know.
    Jacob: All right, where's O'Neill? He can fill me in.
    Daniel: Um, you see, Jacob. About that...Jack's retired. He's.... not.... here.

    Jacob: WHAT???? You're telling me that you don't know where Sam is AND Jack's retired?
    Later at Jack's House........

    Jacob: O'Neill. Open. This. Door, Mister! Where's my daughter? Sam, it's Dad.
    Selmak: Jacob, do not act the fool. I have been telling you for years that Jack and Sam are soulmates. They have finally found their way into each other's hearts.
    Jacob: Selmak, shut up! This is my daughter we're talking about.
    Selmak: Sam is an intelligent and passionate woman. O'Neill is worthy of her. Remember, my friend, I can read your thoughts. You know this is true.
    Jacob: Ahhh, I know it. I...but....well, I have a reputation to uphold. I can't very well let Jack know that I approve that easily. I want him to have a very healthy dose of fear that I will injure him severely if he hurts my little girl!
    Selmak: Sam's not a girl and Jack could break you in two. Friend, you, how do you Tauri say it, blow alot of hot air!
    Jacob: Yeah, you're right! Hey, Selmak, looks like nobody's home but I found Jack's spare house key. How's about we go inside and share an ice cold beer?
    Meanwhile, far, far away...........


    Our couple are out of our view.....

    Sam: So.
    Jack: So.
    Sam: I can't believe we did it. We're alone and nobody knows where we are!
    Jack: Even Daniel can't interrupt us. Nice!
    Sam: Jack, I love you.
    Jack: Sam, I never gave up on us. I'm not good with words but I'm good with you.
    Sam: Mmmmmmmmmm......
    Jack: Mrs. O'Neill?
    Sam: Yes, Mr. O'Neill?
    Jack: I love you, too. C'mere. I've got something for you.....
    A BIG HONKIN' KISS!!!!!!!
    I'm still trying to catch up on the thread, but I had to stop and tell you how wonderful these season openers are. Of course, I especially loved this last. What a gift you have. Thanks for sharing with us.
    In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

    Life is too short for drama & petty things,
    so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

    Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
    Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
    Hic Comitas Regit
    Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


      Originally posted by nell
      I absolutely believe that Sam and the new guy,
      Mitchell, are strictly friends and will remain friends. I believe that Sam and Jack have some sort of understanding and eventually it will be revealed to us. Don't give up
      the Ship!!!

      i agree! (on everything)



's another ComicCon clip...courtesy of Tsax and yours truly...

        Here Amanda is asked about the Sam/Jack relationship for Season 9:

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
's another ComicCon clip...courtesy of Tsax and yours truly...

          Here Amanda is asked about the Sam/Jack relationship for Season 9:

          k, i LOVE what she says! (insert mucho squeeing), but i need some help on some of it. here's what i've got, if anyone else can fill in the blanks.


          fan- "bla bla bla, and we're wondering what's going on with sam and jack now?"

          amanda- "we talk on the phone. you know it's actually very cleverly ambiguous. which robert came up with this great way of this sort of are they together, are they not, what's going on and we'll (leave it up to?) you're imaginations for the time being. and then we'll see what happens. (amanda smiles/smirks) "how's that for an ?"

          k, help!

          but i LOVED amanda saying "FOR THE TIME BEING"

          *does super squee dance*




            Transcript from ComicCon...Amanda answers question about Sam and Jack:

            Questioner: And a lot of us loved Threads and Moebius; but we're wondering what's going on with Sam and Jack now.

            (audience cheers)

            Amanda: We talk on the phone. (audience laughs) You know it's actually uh very cleverly ambiguous...which um...Robert came up with this great way of sort of "Are they together/are they not/what's going on"...and we'll just leave it up to your imaginations for the time being. (audiences awwwws) And then we'll see what happens. (Amanda, who's been smiling the entire time, teases the audience with a different kind of smile) How's that for non-commital?

            (audience laughs)

            Questioner: Okay...thank you.

            Download the clip here:

            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              Transcript from ComicCon...Amanda answers question about Sam and Jack:

              Questioner: And a lot of us loved Threads and Moebius; but we're wondering what's going on with Sam and Jack now.

              (audience cheers)

              Amanda: We talk on the phone. (audience laughs) You know it's actually uh very cleverly ambiguous...which um...Robert came up with this great way of sort of "Are they together/are they not/what's going on"...and we'll just leave it up to your imaginations for the time being. (audiences awwwws) And then we'll see what happens. (Amanda, who's been smiling the entire time, teases the audience with a different kind of smile) How's that for non-commital?

              (audience laughs)

              Questioner: Okay...thank you.

              Download the clip here:

              THANK YOU!

              hey, i was pretty close there. i could *not* figure out that last part she said, which ended up being 'non-commital'.

              SUPER thanks again!

              *goes off doing super squee dance and recharging her jack clone*




                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
      's another ComicCon clip...courtesy of Tsax and yours truly...

                Here Amanda is asked about the Sam/Jack relationship for Season 9:


                Hey *waves*

                Well good morning all my shippers and i can definatly say that after watching this clip i do indeed think it is a good day

                In regards to the clip i would just like to say
                season nine speculation

                They are *SO* together

                Which means its time for my happy dance

                *checks no ones around 'must avoid embarresment' comences happy dance*
                " Woo Hoo"

                O.K now i can go to work and have a happy ship filled day


                United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                  My god it had taken mr forever to catch up on posts.

                  Wow good and bad things said about season 9 but i'm suprised how a lot of people have embraced the new characters maybe this is not a bad thing!
                  I won't be able to watch sg1 till it comes here in september i think,so i am grateful foe spoilers and any other information.

                  nice to have At in the episode,and jack,BB sounds like he's puliing it together1I don't want Vala to think she can outshine Sam cause she won't be able to.Maybe we will get the vibe of season 1 in all action scenes,then at the end of season 9 we have a little of our ship,i can deal with that easily.

                  That little caption of AT at the con very interesting i must say gives us shippers some hope but CJ didn't look to happy sat by AT and poor Amanda looked a bit uncomfortable talking about it at 1st.
                  By the way dosen't Amanda look beaming motherhood sure does suit her.




                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    don't worry, ses, the poss of a sam/mitchell ship is not even a blip on my worries radar!

                    May be not Sally but I still think TPTB is gonna kind of annoy the shippers a little with the Sam/Cameron interactions .

                    I don't think there should be a Sam/cameron ship as romance being opened because let's face it he is military too and this is I think why so many fans were against the Sam and Jack ship at the first place .

                    As long as everybody is I think prepared to not hear any Sam/Jack ship for a long time and concentrate on the action only and the new characters , then we may enjoy the show .

                    I'm a little annoyed to hear about the Vala Character and how come Daniel seems to have an overt ship and not a subtle one like the Sam and Jack one ..

                    ....I know he is not military but In other non military shows , even the obvious ship is sublte and there is no sex reference at all until the show is well established with the characters I don't know why TPTB is doing that so early with Daniel/Vala ship ..won't it it become boring as we already know she is a sex maniac?!!! ...

                    ...I really do not want to see something a la BattleStar galactica thrown in there because I really hate that doctor and his fantasies ruins the show for me ..he is a pervert ...I hope Vala won't be such a character ...I would prefer to see her as a intelligent woman who has other interests than sex in her life ....

                    ....I also hope that Daniel will return to the archeologist Daniel of the early seasons suits him much better ...I hope MS will put a bit more effort to speak clearly because I did find out that he speaks too fast even in season 8 ..may be it's from boredom and he may be blase ( it looks like it )...but it's important to speak reasonably slowly for the audience to link with the character ..otherwise ...they'll switch off each time that character is on screen matter what .



                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                      Oh and here's something else to consider when seeing those clips...

                      How many here had any inkling of an idea that Amanda would be making an appearance in Avalon? Hmmm? Let's see a show of hands....

                      The correct answer is of course...NONE of us knew. There were ZERO spoilers or teasers letting us know this little tidbit....

                      With that in mind, who knows what else might be in store for Sam fans, Jack fans or Sam/Jack shippers this season?

                      I'm just sayin'...

                      You are SO right Uber! It was a total surprise to hear that
                      Sam made an appearance in Avalon
                      and what a squeeeeeee worthy surprise it was!
                      It has definitely put a shippy smile on my face along with ATs answer to the question asked at the ComicCon

                      "Are they together/are they not/what's going on"...and we'll just leave it up to your imaginations for the time being. (audiences awwwws) And then we'll see what happens"

                      Oh they are SO TOGETHER!!!!

                      Thanks for the shippy treats Uber!!


                        Oh my, I leave for a few hours to put my head down and I come back to find more of our shipper family notching up some seriously impressive posting tots! Can't keep up with you guys!

                        So seeing as it would be unthinkable to pass them by and because I'm a bit strapped for time today I hope you all won't mind if, following the necessary tweeking, I repost the pic story..... I'll try to be original next time I promise!!

                        So majorsal, UberSG-1Fan and Buc252...this one's for you!

                        Hey Carter! What are the posting milestones again?

                        Well, according to my latest calculations we've got
                        majorsal 3800, UberSG-1Fan 1600 and Buc252 450

                        Well spank me rosie, our shippers are good!


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          Hi chums. I thought you may be interested in a post from tsaxlady in the "Sam's a Great Character" thread. There's a tiny shippy spoiler. Here is the link.
                          Thanks for sharing that Bev! now we know TPTB are being purposly vague about the ship, I firmly believe the (Avalon
                          Motorcycle comment in Avalon was put in there for us shippers!!! :

                          I guess phone calls are better than nothing! At least we get some Sam/Jack interaction I wonder what they talk about.....

                          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            May be not Sally but I still think TPTB is gonna kind of annoy the shippers a little with the Sam/Cameron interactions .

                            I don't think there should be a Sam/cameron ship as romance being opened because let's face it he is military too and this is I think why so many fans were against the Sam and Jack ship at the first place .

                            As long as everybody is I think prepared to not hear any Sam/Jack ship for a long time and concentrate on the action only and the new characters , then we may enjoy the show .

                            I'm a little annoyed to hear about the Vala Character and how come Daniel seems to have an overt ship and not a subtle one like the Sam and Jack one ..

                            ....I know he is not military but In other non military shows , even the obvious ship is sublte and there is no sex reference at all until the show is well established with the characters I don't know why TPTB is doing that so early with Daniel/Vala ship ..won't it it become boring as we already know she is a sex maniac?!!! ...

                            ...I really do not want to see something a la BattleStar galactica thrown in there because I really hate that doctor and his fantasies ruins the show for me ..he is a pervert ...I hope Vala won't be such a character ...I would prefer to see her as a intelligent woman who has other interests than sex in her life ....

                            ....I also hope that Daniel will return to the archeologist Daniel of the early seasons suits him much better ...I hope MS will put a bit more effort to speak clearly because I did find out that he speaks too fast even in season 8 ..may be it's from boredom and he may be blase ( it looks like it )...but it's important to speak reasonably slowly for the audience to link with the character ..otherwise ...they'll switch off each time that character is on screen matter what .

                            I don't see any natural chemistry between Daniel and Vala. It all seems forced and scripted.
                            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                              Originally posted by Buc252
                              Thanks, Billie!

                              Actually, this picture you've posted has perfect timing, since I was watching the DVD it's from just today. Which brings me to an interesting thing I noticed (well, I think it's interesting, anyway) in Legacy.

                              Sam, Janet, and Jack are in the quarantine area when the little Goa'uld killing slimies get free. Sam's okay, and hers eventually leave her because of her protein marker from Jolinar. However, Jack and Janet both quickly become super paranoid with strong delusions. (What Daniel experienced times three.)

                              Okay, this is where the interesting part comes in. Sam and Janet are friends, proofed by their being on a first name basis and all the rest of the history. Yet when Janet looks at Sam, and sees her eyes glowing, her first reaction is, "Go away! You're a Goa'uld." Fine, she's delusional - you can't blame her for that.

                              But Jack is experiencing the same delusions, also sees Sam's eyes glow, and not for a *second* does he entertain the idea that she's a Goa'uld. His only reaction is, "you're not seeing any of this?"

                              Just a shippy tidbit I'd missed, showing you just how much he trusts her. Am I going over the line thinking that this is shippy? <g>

                              That could definately be seen as shippy! IMO anyway I really need to re-watch the old SG eps because now I would probably see a lot more ship than when I origionally watched them. Its everywhere!

                              Thanks for pointing that one out

                              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                May be not Sally but I still think TPTB is gonna kind of annoy the shippers a little with the Sam/Cameron interactions .

                                I don't think there should be a Sam/cameron ship as romance being opened because let's face it he is military too and this is I think why so many fans were against the Sam and Jack ship at the first place .

                                As long as everybody is I think prepared to not hear any Sam/Jack ship for a long time and concentrate on the action only and the new characters , then we may enjoy the show .

                                I'm a little annoyed to hear about the Vala Character and how come Daniel seems to have an overt ship and not a subtle one like the Sam and Jack one ..

                                ....I know he is not military but In other non military shows , even the obvious ship is sublte and there is no sex reference at all until the show is well established with the characters I don't know why TPTB is doing that so early with Daniel/Vala ship ..won't it it become boring as we already know she is a sex maniac?!!! ...

                                ...I really do not want to see something a la BattleStar galactica thrown in there because I really hate that doctor and his fantasies ruins the show for me ..he is a pervert ...I hope Vala won't be such a character ...I would prefer to see her as a intelligent woman who has other interests than sex in her life ....

                                ....I also hope that Daniel will return to the archeologist Daniel of the early seasons suits him much better ...I hope MS will put a bit more effort to speak clearly because I did find out that he speaks too fast even in season 8 ..may be it's from boredom and he may be blase ( it looks like it )...but it's important to speak reasonably slowly for the audience to link with the character ..otherwise ...they'll switch off each time that character is on screen matter what .

                                IMO, I don't see any natural chemistry between Daniel and Vala. It all seems forced and scripted.

                                I wished MS would slow his talking down too. What he has to say is usually very important to the mission. A woman at the Dallas Con asked him why he was speaking so fast on the show. After he got over being insulted and denying he spoke fast, he said he had alot to say in a short period of time. IMO, it is poor directing. If MS feels rushed to say his lines, then director needs to slow him down.
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


