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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Hi Guys

    I am finally catching up with you all as i grabbed the next S8 DVD yesterday as it went on sale here in the UK with Reckoning 1 & 2 & finally THREADS! I have read all your past posts about this 'ship fest' and .......'Holy Crap' you were right, could it get any shippier? I even kind of warmed to Kerry Johnson as at least she had the balls to bow out and even gave Jack some well needed love advice. TPTB are such a bunch of teasers.......i have yet to see the last 3 episodes 'Citizen Joe' & the 'mobieus's' but cannot believe that they will totally ignore what was so blatantly obvious to everyone, shipper & non-shipper alike in S9!
    With Threads I was in ship heaven.......i was oviously upset at Jacob's demise as he was one cool Tok'ra but that scene with Jack comforting Sam, when she was rubbing his hand........sorry, i'm going on again but hey, i've waited FOREVER to see this episode and it didn't disappoint! (what's this about a 90 minute special though?)
    Can't wait to see the AU kissing in Mobieus...........!
    sailing the ship to Sparkyville!


      Originally posted by Token
      spoilers S8 "It's Good to be King"

      Well, from my viewing I'm pretty sure Sam was reaching for Jack's gun. No, really! They were both kneeling when the natives surprised them. Sam, without her P-90, instinctively reached for Jack's sidearm. It was such a beautiful, sweeping motion! Great acting on AT and RDA's part!! I still consider it VERY shippy!! Of course, if Sam had grabbed Jack's knee, I don't think he would have had his mind focused on the natives. I know I wouldn't!
      I gotta agree with Token. Sam is definitely reaching for the handgun that Jack has in his leg holder. When I saw it first time I missed it and thought the same as you hobbitsrul but when I watched it again to wallow in the shippiness i noticed sam take the gun. Fab scene though and you can so see the connection between the two of them...they are so in sync, bless!!


        Spoilers for S8 Threads
        Originally posted by katethegater
        Hi Guys

        I am finally catching up with you all as i grabbed the next S8 DVD yesterday as it went on sale here in the UK with Reckoning 1 & 2 & finally THREADS! I have read all your past posts about this 'ship fest' and .......'Holy Crap' you were right, could it get any shippier? I even kind of warmed to Kerry Johnson as at least she had the balls to bow out and even gave Jack some well needed love advice. TPTB are such a bunch of teasers.......i have yet to see the last 3 episodes 'Citizen Joe' & the 'mobieus's' but cannot believe that they will totally ignore what was so blatantly obvious to everyone, shipper & non-shipper alike in S9!
        With Threads I was in ship heaven.......i was oviously upset at Jacob's demise as he was one cool Tok'ra but that scene with Jack comforting Sam, when she was rubbing his hand........sorry, i'm going on again but hey, i've waited FOREVER to see this episode and it didn't disappoint! (what's this about a 90 minute special though?)
        Can't wait to see the AU kissing in Mobieus...........!
        LOL!!! I'm glad you are having a Shipper High!! I wish we had the DVDs over here. Tell us what specials are on there!!! Please!! Any behind the scenes stuff?? Any juicy commentary??? ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may have to order one for myself!

        There are two versions of "Threads" a 90-min and a 60-min. The original aring on the US SciFi channel showed the 90-min version; however, the re-showing of Threads is the 60-min verision. I'm hoping the 90-min version is what will be on the DVDs.

        Token ~


          Originally posted by katethegater
          Hi Guys

          I am finally catching up with you all as i grabbed the next S8 DVD yesterday as it went on sale here in the UK with Reckoning 1 & 2 & finally THREADS! I have read all your past posts about this 'ship fest' and .......'Holy Crap' you were right, could it get any shippier? I even kind of warmed to Kerry Johnson as at least she had the balls to bow out and even gave Jack some well needed love advice. TPTB are such a bunch of teasers.......i have yet to see the last 3 episodes 'Citizen Joe' & the 'mobieus's' but cannot believe that they will totally ignore what was so blatantly obvious to everyone, shipper & non-shipper alike in S9!
          With Threads I was in ship heaven.......i was oviously upset at Jacob's demise as he was one cool Tok'ra but that scene with Jack comforting Sam, when she was rubbing his hand........sorry, i'm going on again but hey, i've waited FOREVER to see this episode and it didn't disappoint! (what's this about a 90 minute special though?)
          Can't wait to see the AU kissing in Mobieus...........!
          Hi katethegater!

          Ok now I'm worried...does this mean that the region 2 dvd doesn't have the 90 minute version of Threads?? .....trying very hard to be brave and not panic at the thought of a cut version of one of my fav shippy episodes


            Originally posted by nickatell
            I know that everyone seems kind of excited about Season 9 which I totally understand if your favorite character isn't Jack O'Neill but don't you guys have reservations about the ship between Jack and Sam? I mean Jack is only going to be in two episodes both of which Sam will not be in and from what I read in the Ask Joe Thread it seems unlikely that Jack will return for any of the later episodes in Season 9, so what are we hoping to get? At best Joe said
            there might be a reference or something like that in one episode (I forget the title), correct me if I am wrong but don't we already know that Jack and Sam are just there for each other now until the regs are gone or is that what we are watching that particular episode for, confirmation? I guess what I am asking, is that all we are expecting? I guess I can't help but feel how convenient it is that this particular episode is the last episode of the first half or pretty darn close, hoping to possibly hook the shippers in to the new characters. I know RDA said to leave the door open for O'Neill but once we are hooked on the new characters (so they hope) would we really care if O'Neill returned or not and in what capacity could he possibly return? Look what TPTB have done to me, I am constantly looking around corners, second guessing everything and searching for the REAL truth. I guess I am just tired of being the pawn, and of course if AT and RDA were going to be in the same episodes together, you better believe that I would be the first person to be tuning in...but...
            Just watching the shippers backs!

            Yes I had reservations about the Sam & Jack ship for S9. Being realistic, it aint gonna be the same. And that's heartbreaking. But Joe's given me enough to believe that Sam & Jack are together as a couple and that we'll get it confirmed at some point - possibly in Ex Deus Machina (although I really don't wanna have to wait that long to find out ).

            To be honest, that's all I expect. Confirmation that they're together. And a few guest appearances from RDA in the next few seasons *fingers crossed*.

            Jack's my fave character so I'm gonna miss him tremendously. But there are lots of other aspects about SG-1 that I love, that I'm not prepared to give up on yet. So I'll give the new storylines and characters a chance, and hope I can find as much enjoyment out of S9 of SG-1 as I did out of S1 of Atlantis. I'm pretty much thinking of it as a new spin off, but with the added bonus that some of my fave characters are still there in Sam, Daniel and Teal'c, and that RDA will put in a few cameos in the following seasons to stave of the Jack Withdrawal Symptoms.


              Originally posted by Billie
              I gotta agree with Token. Sam is definitely reaching for the handgun that Jack has in his leg holder. When I saw it first time I missed it and thought the same as you hobbitsrul but when I watched it again to wallow in the shippiness i noticed sam take the gun. Fab scene though and you can so see the connection between the two of them...they are so in sync, bless!!
              I was so happy to see (IGTBK spoilers)
              Jack off world and that wonderful sparkiness between him and Sam return so quickly.
              It felt just like the "good old days" of S4.


                Oops, sorry fellow shippers forgot the spoiler space....gets on knees and begs a pardon as was first post with spoilers (note to self - must think before posting, must think before posting.....)


                  Originally posted by Billie
                  Hi katethegater!

                  Ok now I'm worried...does this mean that the region 2 dvd doesn't have the 90 minute version of Threads?? .....trying very hard to be brave and not panic at the thought of a cut version of one of my fav shippy episodes
                  Don't panic yet! Don't forget the 60 min and 90 shows all have those crappy adverts that get in the way of our shipping. On the DVD, the original TV 60 min version will be around 41-43 mins, and the 90 min TV version will be around 60 mins.

                  So katethegater! Please put us out of our misery! Which is it????????? *begs on bended knee*


                    Originally posted by girlgater
                    Morning everybody.

                    I'm delurking long enough to say Hi and mention that Metamorphosis comes on SciFi tonight. It's a really good episode for those who haven't seen it--and quite shippy too!
                    girlgater - do you think SkyOne will show S8 as well??????????? I've got my fingers crossed but I don't know if it's vain hope. I don't remember seeing S7 repeated before S8 started - but they weren't showing the seasons in sequence then, they just kept repeating a few eps from S5-6, then a few voter's choices.


                      Originally posted by Oma-1

                      Jack's my fave character so I'm gonna miss him tremendously. But there are lots of other aspects about SG-1 that I love, that I'm not prepared to give up on yet. So I'll give the new storylines and characters a chance, and hope I can find as much enjoyment out of S9 of SG-1 as I did out of S1 of Atlantis. I'm pretty much thinking of it as a new spin off, but with the added bonus that some of my fave characters are still there in Sam, Daniel and Teal'c, and that RDA will put in a few cameos in the following seasons to stave of the Jack Withdrawal Symptoms.
                      I'm a HUGE Jack/RDA fan too and am also gonna miss him dreadfully but...the fact that RDA has kept the door open is a hopeful sign for more of him toward the end of S9 and maybe just maybe after a decent break he'll fancy a bit more in S10 (sends pleading puppy dog eyes in RDA's direction!!)
                      As for S9 and the change in personnel....that's a great way of looking at Oma-1 and helps alot, big hug for you!!


                        I'm gonna spoil this Q&A from Joe in case anyone doesn't want to read it .....

                        3. When Sam returns will she still be in the Air Force?

                        Check it out. She comes back in Beachhead.

                        Mmm, you didn't say maaaybe, but your answer seems slightly evasive. I mean you didn't come out and say "Yeah, she's military. Why wouldn't she be?"

                        See, the reason I asked about Sam's military status when she returns is because I've read spoilers that Mitchell refers to Sam as "Sam" and not as Col. Carter. If Mitchell is a "Military man's military man" I would not think that he would refer to another military member of his team in such an informal
                        manner while on-duty.

                        So, other than Sam not being military any more, is there another reason why Mitchell would refer to her as Sam and not Col. Carter during a mission?

                        And I'm gonna spoil my comments too

                        We've all been so fixated on Jack's retiring and running Homeworld Security as a civillian, that we may have overlooked something. Although many Sam fans could see this as a blow for Sam's character (as I must admit I do), but as a ship fan, it certainly pushes the regs problem out the window.
                        Kinda leaves me in a quandry. Rock..Oma...Hard Place.

                        Comments anyone????


                          Originally posted by Oma-1
                          Don't panic yet! Don't forget the 60 min and 90 shows all have those crappy adverts that get in the way of our shipping. On the DVD, the original TV 60 min version will be around 41-43 mins, and the 90 min TV version will be around 60 mins.
                          Good point!... *gets up off the floor, stops breathing into paperbag and retakes seat*
                          Am hoping that katethegaters rave about the ship fest in Threads must mean that the dvd does have the uncut version coz if not you've not seen the whole shipfest katethegater!! and it's 100% Squeeeee!!


                            Originally posted by Oma-1
                            See, the reason I asked about Sam's military status when she returns is because I've read spoilers that Mitchell refers to Sam as "Sam" and not as Col. Carter. If Mitchell is a "Military man's military man" I would not think that he would refer to another military member of his team in such an informal
                            manner while on-duty.

                            And I'm gonna spoil my comments too

                            We've all been so fixated on Jack's retiring and running Homeworld Security as a civillian, that we may have overlooked something. Although many Sam fans could see this as a blow for Sam's character (as I must admit I do), but as a ship fan, it certainly pushes the regs problem out the window.
                            Kinda leaves me in a quandry. Rock..Oma...Hard Place.

                            Comments anyone????
                            mmmm.....seeing your rock and seeing your hard place (at least I think I do!).
                            I guess I was assuming that Sam would be back as Col Carter as I can't really ever see her leaving the airforce (jack retiring means she can stay military and have him too....lucky gal!), and if she is I'm not too happy about Mitchell calling her Sam, mainly because Jack calling her Sam has always generated a jelly leg, wobbly knees moment for me!! I know, I know I'm so shallow!!


                              Well goodnight all. I've been awake way too long and my eyes are squealing at me to call it a night so it's off to bed and into the world of shippy dreamzzzzzzz....

                              ....jack strode purposefully up to sam as the sun was setting behind the mountain. As their eyes met they both recognised the unspoken passion that had grown and deepened over the last eight years and which was destined to lock them together...forever. Jack took her in his arms and.....

                              ok, I'm leaving the next bit for you all to fill in in your own shippy dreams!!

                              Dream well fellow shippers!!


                                im watching Metamorphosis right now, and right before sam puts her head on jacks shoulder (awww i love that part) when she looks at teal'c and he nods his head, does it seem to any body else that hes given her permission to have that moment with jack? like right after he nods his head ,he turns his back on them to give them privacy it seems like.
                                Jack- "As much as I might otherwise think this is nice..."
                                Sam- "Shh, sleep"
                                Jack- "Is that what we're doing?"

                                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team, but there's only one he'd live for: Sam Carter

