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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by majorsal
    oh, caty, honey, the ship ain't over by a loooong shot! as amanda said, regarding s/j: "If this (season 8) is the end of Stargate, the fans will not be disappointed. If it's not the end, we still have somewhere we can go."

    there's more to come!


    Thank you Sally but I'm not interested in off screen ship . I think it's lame
    I'll still watch season 10 just like any other other series I watch but nothing else ( not Stargate purchase from me ).
    I stopped making videos because the on screen ship is over ...and I got really fed up . It does not mean the ship is dead , it's not, I'm sure about it that Sam and Jack are an item but we won't see it and TPTB will not make a big deal of it at all .They have
    some new babies to look after in season 10
    and this is where the story will go . If we get a Carter episode like
    the one mentionned earlier "Grace under pressure" ( although it sounds good sounds too good to be true , I reckon it could be emotional specially if Grace is back but it does not mean that Jack/RDA will have a cameo in there too
    . I hope he will but to be honest even seeing him in a cameo of 10 seconds kissing Sam won't really interest me . What I like to see in a ship is the progression , the body language of the characters when they interfere with each other ..ect...and mostly I like to see all those things inside a good storyline .

    Stargate has never been a romance driven show and It looks like TPTB is taking the opportunity to move on and have the Sam and Jack ship in the background like it has never been before . so I take it as the Sam and Jack ship will be off screen and I will concentrate more on the stories . Hopefully they'll be great



      Originally posted by florence
      Hi Caty
      You know, I may have my rose-colored glasses but even with them, it looks like a little too much to expect from these kind of spoilers
      Everyone does as he/she wants but as far as I'm concerned, I won't get my hopes too high for this S9 before I'll have a look at the first episodes

      florence Don't worry about it .I have no hope at all for the Sam and Jack ship ON SCREEN for season 10 ..I was only being nice and wanted to post something a little positive after Jo's mention of the episode in question ... but in reality I have forgotten about the Sam and Jack ship those last few weeks and although it's not dead and well alive .... it won't be on screen ... I know now what to expect and I 'll go along with it .I don't think seeing RDA/Jack in the last episode for a cameo ( like 10 seconds) will be good enough anyway just because of the lack of continuity and to me it's a lazy way to conclude a ship .

      If TPTB wants RDA to come back , they should ask him to at least do the 3 last episodes so that there is a progression somewhere . I understand RDA to want some free time and spend it with his daughter but if season 10 is the last ( I hope it is ) then I also really hope that RDA will come back full time for the last 3 episodes at least actually make one of the best ending ever in the sci-fi history ...REGARDING SHIP .

      if he is not coming back , it will be the worst ending sci-fi show ever regarding ship and action together because RDA was the soul of the show aand not having him for a proper ending will be extremely bad for Merchandising I think

      For the action I'm pretty sure Stargate will be on top if they close the plotholes .



        Caty I agree on all points.Off screen Ship means nothing to me as well as seeing Jack for 10 seconds.
        Grace under pressure sounds interesting but if there's no Jack and Sam is just dreaming again about Grace it means nothing to me.I enjoyed Grace but I do not want to see a repeat of the Grace episode.Sam can tell Grace how much see Loves Jack but does it really give the Shippers anything new?I will watch for spoilers for this episode but I'am keeping my Hopes in check.


          Originally posted by Florence

          "Come on Jack, I know you're not ill, it's just an excuse for me to kiss you"
          Originally posted by Rogue
          Sam: Geez Jack, it was only a kiss. Whats going to happen when we actually ....

          Sure made my day!


            S9 spoiler... Grace Under Pressure sounds intriguing to me.
            I agree it sounds like a Sam ep - especially considering JM's comments. I'm even more intrigued now by who the guest is - Jack (probably not, but I can't help but hope ), Hammond, Jacob, Janet, Grace?????? It could conceivably be any of them, and each would put a completely different slant on the focus of the ep. My real(istic?) hope is that the ep puts right the incorrect assumptions Sam made from her convo with Jack in Grace. (I think I'm wearing those shippy glasses Florence! )

            The only obvious thing to me is that Sam is going to be under the microscope - and I'm gonna be glued to Gateworld for spoilers!!!


              Originally posted by Oma-1
              S9 spoiler... Grace Under Pressure sounds intriguing to me. ...
              Regarding Grace Under Pressure, I believe it is
              an Atlantis crossover ep.


              If that's the case then I'm guessing Sam crosses over to Atlantis - perhaps in one of Rodney's dreams/fantasies.



                Originally posted by florence
                Yes I'm in France and it's 4:45 PM here. But I'm not at work since I'm on sick leave (I go back to work tomorrow though, even if I don't feel a lot better )
                So sorry you're sick, and doubly sorry that you have to return to work before you're well! I thought America was the only place where they expected you to come to work when you're sick. I thought Europe was more progressive.

                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                Oh, I had to share this with you all. While posting instructions for Blue Jello Week on the AT forum, I found someone's signature over there to be funny:

                Carter to O'Neill on her radio: "Romeozulu, this is Julietbravo, wherefore art thou, over?"

                Very Funny!

                Originally posted by LOL4JACK

                Nell don't worry, RDA is not a season regular this year and he still came for a couple of episodes and he will come back at the end of the season for his wedding with Sam
                Now, that's what I call positive thinking (or shipping)!

                Originally posted by Watters87
                Just after reading Joe's Blog
                On his recent entry he says there is going to be an episode entitled 'Grace under Pressure' written by Martin Gero. I don't know if it is a SG-1 or an Atlantis script but Joe says it should 'Sound Familiar' and it's intentional. It might be a Carter episode if it is a SG-1 episode and maybe have some Sam/Jack ship in it.
                You must all remember that it's easier to stay calm when you stay away from JM's thread. I learned that lesson the hard way. You don't really learn much there anyway. It's usually innuendo (except for Oma-1 and Uber's recent questions). Now, please permit me a little tongue in cheek supposition. With our luck, the plot for Grace Under Pressure will probably go like this:
                Sam is on her way to Washington to pay Jack a surprise visit. She has all sorts of trouble at the airport, then bumps her head on the overhead compartment while getting off the plane at Dulles and loses her memory. She wanders aimlessly around the airport for the entire weekend, finally recovering her memory Sunday evening, just before her flight is called. In disgust, she boards the plane for Colorado and never gets to see Jack. Ha!

                Just kidding!


                  SueS you just gave me a Nightmare.I was hoping this episode was one Season 9 episode I could watch.I should have know better.


                    Originally posted by Rogue

                    Sam: Geez Jack, it was only a kiss. Whats going to happen when we actually ....

                    HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER FLORENCE!
                    Jack: Wow, Sam, if I had known it was going to be like that, I would have done it earlier.
                    Sam: Jack, maybe it was good we did it only now. Stargate SG1 might not have lasted as long as it has.

                    avatar and sig by flidget


                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan

                      Carter to O'Neill on her radio: "Romeozulu, this is Julietbravo, wherefore art thou, over?"

                      i love it!!




                        Originally posted by nell
                        Today, 02:07 AM

                        It is waaayyy too early in the day for me to see this. Besides the obvious, what the heck is this supposed to mean for our Sam and Jack in Season 9? I worry that if RDA gets too comfortable away from the grind of the series making and the loonngg commute, he will not want to come back. Can't say that I would blame him from his perspective. But, there is plenty of blame to go around for dragging the S&J non-relationship relationship for so long.

                        Grrrrr! Anger management skills kick in....1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10. Ahhhh! Deep, cleansing breaths!!

                        TPTP keep tickling us with bits here and there and now.......WARNING.... RELAPSE....

                        1..2..3..4..5..5..5...Owwwww!! FCOL! Let's try DENIAL. Yep, DENIAL. Let's watch shippy scenes and read shippy stories. Mmmmmm! Waves of calm are sweeping over me!


                        here's joe's question and answer again:

                        (skipping q and a 1)

                        2) Like Michael Shanks, do you think that if there were to be a season 10 RDA might want to come back to a full time role?

                        2) I would

                        the question was whether rda would come back full-time, not whether he'd come back at all. SO, that still leaves us with the possibility of rda coming back (for some juicy ship related bits)!




                          Hi Shippers....

                          I saw this question at the Ask Joe's thread... I loved how it was asked

                          Originally posted by Pyscho-veggie-freak
                          Here's a question that's probably been asked a dozen times.... Are Sam and Jack EVER gonna get together? No specifics, just a bit of reassuring needed. You can tell us. We'll still keep watching ya know.
                          A tiny hint. That's all we need. Pleeeeeeease *Pulls sweet innocent adorable face*. Pretty please.

                          Any silence will be considered an affirmative!
                          So I guess no answer is a good answer

                          Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                          Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                          Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                            Hello, Shipper Family!!!

                            A BIG to the newest members of the Shipper Family!!

                            Originally posted by trupi
                            Hi guys! Miss talking, buthave been very busy. I think I found something real interesting in Divide and Conquer! I saw it this mornining and even my twelve year old daughter saw it, so everyone who has the DVD and a player with slow down mode please check it out! Tell me that I'm nuts! I think our ship came in years ago and we missed it (mybe I just missed it)! In the scene when Jack and Sam are being retested and the moment she tells him to go and he yells no--there is a moment when they are looking into each others eyes real close--slow down that portion of the show and look at RDA's mouth and see if you can read what he is saying! It's not heavy breathing! If everyone else knows what I'm talking about ignore my ignorance but if you didn't see it, run don't walk to the nearest DVD player. Let me know if I'm crazy!
                            I know this is a ways back, but RL has been interrupting my shipping! And it took me awhile to create it. Everyone can decide for themselves. I made my decision, and I'm a happy camper!! Thanks, trupi!! Enjoy!!

                            Token ~


                              Originally posted by florence
                              Stay calm nell
                              RDA not wanting to come back full time doesn't mean he won't come back at all. If he comes back for a few episodes (even if it's not enough for me ), there's still hope for SJ ship (at least, if Sam is in these episodes )

                              So let's cross our fingers and just wait a little more
                              I agree with florence. Not coming back fulltime doesn't mean he won't be back for the wedding ep in season 10 or the birth of the children in season 12 or 13. And don't worry, they're scifi children. They have naquadah enhanced ancient genes!
                              In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

                              Life is too short for drama & petty things,
                              so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

                              Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
                              Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
                              Hic Comitas Regit
                              Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


                                Originally posted by Token
                                Hello, Shipper Family!!!

                                A BIG to the newest members of the Shipper Family!!

                                I know this is a ways back, but RL has been interrupting my shipping! And it took me awhile to create it. Everyone can decide for themselves. I made my decision, and I'm a happy camper!! Thanks, trupi!! Enjoy!!
                                If he didn't say it he was definitly thinking it....

                                I can see it in his lips


                                Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                                Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                                Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild

