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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I remember that!

    There's gotta be a fanfic in that somewhere...

    *hint hint people*
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Oh! I forgot!

      blogetty blog -

      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        I've written a lengthy essay on Jack O'Neill if anyone's interested

        Contains SPOILERS!

        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by sueKay

          What do you think is the funniest S/J moment of all time???
          I love when Jack appears underneath Sam's magnifying glass and says "Whatcha doin'?" and she smiles at that.

          As for RDA/AT, I watched "Rite of Passage" yesterday. The scene where Jack talks to Hammond and says "magnets" - he totally ad-libbed and Amanda laughed so hard because he just kept going and going and going. They used up two rolls of film on his ad-lib. RDA had Amanada and he wasn't stopping. Notice that when the camera is finally back on Amanda, her nose is stuffy because she had been laughing so hard!


            lol yeah...seasons three and four were so funny!

            well...I've got 3 minutes left before the library kicks me off the computer, so I'll say ciao for now and hope to visit y'all soon!

            (((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))))))))
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by sueKay
              lol yeah...seasons three and four were so funny!

              well...I've got 3 minutes left before the library kicks me off the computer, so I'll say ciao for now and hope to visit y'all soon!

              (((((((((((((SHIPPER FAMILY))))))))))))))
              (((sueKay))) bye hope to see you sooooon
              Lord Zedd


                Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                I love when Jack appears underneath Sam's magnifying glass and says "Whatcha doin'?" and she smiles at that.

                As for RDA/AT, I watched "Rite of Passage" yesterday. The scene where Jack talks to Hammond and says "magnets" - he totally ad-libbed and Amanda laughed so hard because he just kept going and going and going. They used up two rolls of film on his ad-lib. RDA had Amanada and he wasn't stopping. Notice that when the camera is finally back on Amanda, her nose is stuffy because she had been laughing so hard!
                I found it extremy funny in Window of Opportunity when he was cranky because of the loop over and over again and than Daniel told him NO consequenses. Jack goes to the controle room because the loop is allmost there and gave Carter a french kiss and than she lays her arm around him. Looks like Amanda enjoyed giving RDA a french kiss and General Hammond's face gold !!!
                Lord Zedd


                  Y is for YES! Sam's answer to Jack's long-awaited question

                  and also for YES - my computer works again!!!! In the unforgettable words of Col J O'Neill (as he was then) ...

                  I'm Back!

                  *snuggles into sofa, puts up feet, gets all comfy, very happy sigh*


                    Marion - I didn't forget

                    Hope you had a fantastic day.

                    And speaking of birthdays, wasn't someone else having a birthday soon ..........


                      Hurrah! I get to finish the Jack/Sam Ship Alphabet!

                      Z is for za'tarc---the issue that first forced Jack and Sam to admit they cared for each other "a lot more than they're supposed to!"

                      Originally posted by Silver
                      Hello, thread! I lurk here a lot but I don't tend to post that seem like such an old and lovely SJ family! Any room for another obsessed UK shipper?

                      I can't seem to stop watching the wondeful, warm and fuzzy snuggle in Heroes. So I came here to assure myself I'm not the only one with the shipper syndrome. *pines for SJ hugs* And I just felt like posting!!! lol.

                      If there's no mention of Sam and Jack in S9 I think I'm going to die!!
                      Welcome, Silver!

                      Many of us (including me) were new just a few months ago. Others have been around for a long time. Please return often and post often. You will soon feel comfortable with all the new friends you'll make here. And the good thing: they share your love of Stargate SG-1, and never tire of discussing Sam & Jack and everything else Stargate-oriented with you!


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        What do you think is the funniest S/J moment of all time???
                        the eggheads scene in "Redemption p.2"
                        Jack: Oh you’re here. I thought you’d be downstairs with the rest of the eggheads…
                        {Sam looks at him slyly}
                        Jack: Not than you’re an egghead…Actually, you are, but in a good way… {Smiles weakly}

                        and the scene in Prometheus in "Unnatural Selection"
                        Jack: They didn’t go for it.
                        Sam: The mission?
                        Jack: No, they said yes to that. Once they realized the whole ”fate of the universe” and stuff, they said we had to go. Hammond says Godspeed and all those other things he says when he thinks we’re about to die.
                        Sam: What didn’t they go for, then?
                        Jack: Oh, the name I suggested…
                        Sam: Sir, we can’t call it the “Enterprise”.
                        Jack: Why not?
                        Sam: The code name for the project was “Prometheus”. How about that?
                        Jack: Who‘d name a ship after a Greek tragedy?
                        Sam: X-303 it is, then.

                        I laughed at that a lot

                        XOXO Laura aka sgg23
                        I'm a Teenage,Scifi Friday-loving,Sam+Jack Shipper Gurl I am a shippy shipper chockfull of shippy shipperness having shippy shipper dreams!!
                        Sam+Jack 4 ever!!!I love Hayden Christensen!!May 19th: Sith Happens!!Can't wait till July! I LOVE RED JELLO,just like Jack...!!

                        Kinsey:[on S/J]Oh I believe there's a lot more to this than we've been told. Well, of course I hardly expect them to incriminate themselves in their own reports.But we can all read between the lines* -Kinsey, Innauguration
                        *1st and only time I agree with Kinsey

                        Replicarter: There are two of us.
                        Jack: If only...
                        (Sam looks at him. He clears his throat quietly.) -Replicarter and Jack, Gemini

                        The land of "lilipu" is an amazing land where I go to think about Sam and Jack being a couple, their future wedding,what their kids will look like... So now it's my own private shippy-world.All shippers invited!!!!


                          Welcome Silver!
                          I'm a Teenage,Scifi Friday-loving,Sam+Jack Shipper Gurl I am a shippy shipper chockfull of shippy shipperness having shippy shipper dreams!!
                          Sam+Jack 4 ever!!!I love Hayden Christensen!!May 19th: Sith Happens!!Can't wait till July! I LOVE RED JELLO,just like Jack...!!

                          Kinsey:[on S/J]Oh I believe there's a lot more to this than we've been told. Well, of course I hardly expect them to incriminate themselves in their own reports.But we can all read between the lines* -Kinsey, Innauguration
                          *1st and only time I agree with Kinsey

                          Replicarter: There are two of us.
                          Jack: If only...
                          (Sam looks at him. He clears his throat quietly.) -Replicarter and Jack, Gemini

                          The land of "lilipu" is an amazing land where I go to think about Sam and Jack being a couple, their future wedding,what their kids will look like... So now it's my own private shippy-world.All shippers invited!!!!


                            Originally posted by Oma-1
                            Marion - I didn't forget

                            Hope you had a fantastic day.

                            And speaking of birthdays, wasn't someone else having a birthday soon ..........
                            I can't imagine about WHOM you're referring...

                            I know this might be slightly OT since the focus is on SAM, but I sure hope shippers will also participate in Blue Jello Week...if you want to specifically talk about the thing you like about Sam and Amanda is the ship, that's cool! Just be polite, okay?

                            My head's going to be the one on the platter.

                            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                              Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                              I love when Jack appears underneath Sam's magnifying glass and says "Whatcha doin'?" and she smiles at that.

                              As for RDA/AT, I watched "Rite of Passage" yesterday. The scene where Jack talks to Hammond and says "magnets" - he totally ad-libbed and Amanda laughed so hard because he just kept going and going and going. They used up two rolls of film on his ad-lib. RDA had Amanada and he wasn't stopping. Notice that when the camera is finally back on Amanda, her nose is stuffy because she had been laughing so hard!
                              Dang...I want to see those outtakes...

                              I mean the scenes with RDA and AT alone would be worth buying the entire series worth of outtakes...

                              I also want TPTB to release the Director's cut on DVD of different Threads for instance...I want to see those scenes between Jack and Jacob that have been so heralded here...

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                SSG23 - the Enterprise convo wins my vote too! I laughed at that for DAYS!

                                Terrah - I loved your Woman video.

