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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Here's something to make you drool......

    I think you better wipe up your keyboard. That is....after you get your bum off the floor.
    Follow me on Twitter! I'm on Facebook!


      Originally posted by Kas
      LOL! I'm really pleased with these as there is probably no way that I'm really ever going to meet everyone Nice momento of the series.

      Of course, I'm still hoping that Ben will make it over to an Stargate Con this side of the waters. *Kas plagues Adam of Creation with email requests*
      Oh, this reminded me of something. I asked Gary at the con this weekend if they were going to get Ben for any SG-1 cons. Gary said that Ben didn't want to talk about cons until he had his SG-1 contract nailed down, so they were going to wait until that happened to bring up cons with him. Now, wouldn't you know it that a couple of days later comes the announcement that Ben and co. are all doing S10. I don't know if Ben's contract is all finalized now or not, but I expect Gary and Adam to talk to him about SG cons soon.


        Sorry, hussies. Took me a while to get home (late Monday night) and I've been trying to recouperate from my larangitis. Yes, I led too many "hell yeah's" at the con... in the bar, whatever. I've gone through all my Ben pix and I'll post a few here. If you want to see more, you'll have to check out the Ben Browder Portal or wait 'till they tell me what they're using. I gave them first dibs.

        So, since some of you like open mouths and others like butt, I'll post both, plus a smattering of plain ol' Ben-numminess!


          Too bad his jeans were so... loose.


            This last one was after a precident-setting father/daughter story in which he was sitting with his daughter watching PkW and they get to the part where John writes a message to Scorpy-Einstein... the one that we only see as F and k then Off. She cries out "***** Off?! Daddy!" Then Ben realizes he just said it out loud for the entire auditorium. He's too frickin' cute!!!



                Throwin' in a bit of profile porn, too.


                  And plenty of pants, too.


                    This boy messed up his hair SO bad... kept playin' with it... and driving me completely nuts!


                      Oh, and I forgot to mention that the "Mongo say Hell Yeah" shirt was made for him by my friend, Chris. I have one, too. I think he'll be making them available on CafePress soon, so if you want one like Ben, you can.

                      He was so damn cute at breakfast (where the pix of him in the red/orange shirt were taken) on stage for about 10 seconds before he said "This is a stupid rule" (the Creation one for everyone staying in their seats to take pictures of Ben and the ladies) and started to run then walk past the tables so we could take closer pix of him. I'm really surprised that he didn't whip out his own camera, though. The blue/black/white shirt he changed into there was the new CAScapers shirt. They get him one every time they order new ones, and he ALWAYS wears it for a while. It's the shirt he wore in the photo ops, too.

                      There's a GREAT con report of Ben's time on stage at Pegasus Galaxy. I'm posting the URL, but if that's not okay, LMK and I'll remove it.


                        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor


                        This last one was after a precident-setting father/daughter story in which he was sitting with his daughter watching PkW and they get to the part where John writes a message to Scorpy-Einstein... the one that we only see as F and k then Off. She cries out "***** Off?! Daddy!" Then Ben realizes he just said it out loud for the entire auditorium. He's too frickin' cute!!!
                        That was a cute story and too funny. And a special story to share since he never talks about his kids.
                        He had to cover his mouth a couple of times IIRC. he's just too much fun at conventions
                        ::sigh:: aw Ben, we love you so.

                        These are fantastic pics Neelan. Thanks for sharing



                          Glad you made it back safe and sound, NL.
                          Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                          This boy messed up his hair SO bad... kept playin' with it... and driving me completely nuts!
                          As of the hair, since many thunker couldn't make it, we messed up his hair though the internet.



                            Those are some gorgeous pix, girl!
                            Thank you! And thanks for all your stories.
                            Sounds like you had loads of fun.

                            I'm drooling all over myself.
                            Need a bib.


                              Neelan...Great Pics!! new we could count on you for them!!!!! everybody...this gal ROCKS!!


                                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor

                                Hand in his pocket. Sexy hair. *guh and thunk*

