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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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      Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
      Afternoon Babes! Thanks to all for the warm holiday wishes. I hope all of you who braved the retail shops today survived. I would have had to think twice about going out in that madness even if they were giving stuff away! Anyway, got to get back to work. Just one fun pretty before I go . . .

      It was the first time I had ever done the Black Friday thing. It wasn't bad and I was done shopping at 6:30 am LOL

      Last edited by purpletoo1; 24 November 2007, 10:55 PM.


        Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post

        Hey I was gonna comment to him about his wonderful boots after I saw them in the photo-op time and Purple, you told me to "hold my tongue". I just wanted to ask him if they were comfortable! Cuz they sure look it!!

        Oh yeah.. Hello Furnace.. Finally home from an Overnight at the Group Home and 5 hours and the Grocery Store!!

        I watched Stargate SG-1 Season 10 Disk 5 last night at the Group home before bed. *sniff* Listening to Amanda Tapping get all choked up in her voice while doing the commentary!! *sniff* OY!!
        Ya but there is a difference in saying it in here than to his face That is only something that Wolfie can get away with ...or his wife.


          Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post

          Awe.. Too cute!!
          Thanks, that was a good shot, hey?


            Originally posted by Tayla Rain View Post
            sounds like she is channeling my southern accent lol...
            i guess it all depends on how you define normal dont it? lol..

            not this year, remarkably everyone stayed pretty much sober for a change lol...but christmas is coming so they will have another opportunity

            Well alrighty then, LOL


              Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
              As promised, Duncan's World, signed by Ben at the con, is now on ebay. It has a ten day listing and will ship in time for Christmas....

              Duncan's World
              Thanks Wolfie!


                Originally posted by Tayla Rain View Post

                wow..i knew this years outfit looked very familiar LOL
                Like I said, he is such a man. They never clothes shop and they keep their old clothes forever But he looks good in them.


                  I see you found more fuzzies! Way to go *gags* lol


                    Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
                    No clue what the theme is, as if I would follow it anyways *sorry purple*, so I will make up my own...

                    It is the *I am bored* theme.

                    Its sexy Saturday so you are on theme!


                      Originally posted by greytop View Post
                      I avoid those shopping trips after Thanksgiving and on weekends during the Holiday Season.
                      Normally I do too. I like to have all my shopping done by now. I especially stay clear of the malls. But my friend didn't have anyone else to go with


                        For those who were absent here is the link to my new con pics posts ...

                        Last edited by purpletoo1; 24 November 2007, 11:24 PM.


                          Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                          And my new favorite LEATHER PORN piccie:

                          had to bring this back just so I could die again *dies*
                          Last edited by purpletoo1; 24 November 2007, 11:25 PM.


                            Originally posted by OneillTwo"LL"s View Post

                            So does the center pic of your Sigline make for good dreams!! Minus Andy and *cough* you *cough* of course!!

                            Yes, its me, playing catch-up again!!
                            HA!! You know it baby!


                              Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                              take me about a week to post a pic of it. lol
                              It says 'Pouncin' the pretties'.
                              Buffalo teased me mercilessly over it.

                              You have a happy turkey day, tomorra!
                              thanks love, I think I missed this before. Hope you had a great day too. I stuffed as usual


                                this is it for me tonight all....

                                sweet dreams are made of profile

