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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Johnny: *pops open new can of frosting*

    Originally posted by kyliena View Post
    well.. i should start getting some ben pics on my pb... since i got only two now.. yes I know.. shame on me..
    Every collection has to begin somewhere!
    Feel free to snurch all the pix you see posted in here... unless there's a note NOT to, that is.

    Welcome to the Furnace, Ky!

    Originally posted by Beakymoose View Post
    Okay, I have been away far too long. This is getting ridiculous. My new weakness. . . men in suits. . .of course it's not just any men, just the Stargate men, but you guys are not helping that. It used to be leather pants, but now I can't decide.

    Which is you guys' favorite. . . leather or suits?
    Hmmm... I think it depends on the suit... and the guy
    Ben usually looks GREAT in suits... and leather... and he has some wonderful t-shirts... so soft....
    *drifts off into day dreams*

    Well! As long as the apples are... obvious, suits are just a good as leather

    Originally posted by greytop View Post
    But I prefer mine in his birthday suit or uniform.
    GREY!!! I'm shocked!
    Well, not so much at what you said, but that it was YOU saying it!
    *high fives Grey* Uniporn does rock.

    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
    C: Can I at least take the lead?
    V: Well...okay...for you I'll make an exception...just this once.

    Okay, what was going on with these two that I missed? gottaknowgottaknowgottaknow!!!


      Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
      Okay, how the HELL did I forget that???
      No idea... but I think it's funny... and fitting, too.
      God of war... silly dog... both fit Cam in my book!

      Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
      I saw it with my narl.
      he learned a new word---masturbating.
      Oh joy!


        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

        Okay, what was going on with these two that I missed? gottaknowgottaknowgottaknow!!!
        Johnny: You wiggle so cute when you giggle. *resumes nibbling*

        We had a stray Vala and a stray Cam here for the weekend...not sure why.
        They played poker and then locked themselves away in Jonas' make out tent.


          Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
          I saw it with my narl.
          he learned a new word---masturbating.

          Sig made by me



              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
              Johnny: You wiggle so cute when you giggle. *resumes nibbling*

              We had a stray Vala and a stray Cam here for the weekend...not sure why.
              They played poker and then locked themselves away in Jonas' make out tent.
              *giggles again to see Johnny squirm*
              Thanks for the explanation, Cammie *blows kisses*


                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                *giggles again to see Johnny squirm*
                Thanks for the explanation, Cammie *blows kisses*
                Johnny: *lunges*

                No problem. I wasn't here, but I read the memo.



                    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                    Johnny: *lunges*
                    *catches and rolls over*



                        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                        *catches and rolls over*

                        Nice move, Sweet Toes. You've got him pinned in all five corners.


                          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                          Just uploaded this one after capping Camelot. I have found yet another Puddle of Goo piccie

                          *jumps up* IT'S CAPCAM AND FRINKLE!!!
                          Sorry, Johnny... *rolls back into AQOJohnny and kisses to make amends*


                            Originally posted by ShardsofGlass View Post
                            I made some caps of Ben from that Air Force interview from when he and AT were filming Continuum. Don't worry, there are no spoilers. The file was low res, but I thought Ben looked particularly hot in his jumpsuit.


                            AWESOME!!! Thanks, Shards!



