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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    lunch bump...


      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      It sure is!!!!! I am doing very well. Going to stay in the nice air conditioning today since it is going to get above 90F here These pics aren't helping the hot factor
      Quit your whinging! In Vegas on my birthday, the temp dropped to just 112!!!
      On the drive home yesterday, we finally got temps below 80 but not until we got into San Diego County!
      I missed the ocean... I could never live in the desert... NEED MOISTURE!

      Originally posted by Toomi View Post

      Thanks, Toomi *snurches the red fireworks gif*

      Originally posted by greytop View Post
      I know you went to Vegas for your brithday but I'll still be here when you get home.
      Ya know? It's very odd, 'cause when I got home, I found the red, silk jammies, but no visiting clone... did Addy beam you out before I got here?


        Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
        I hope you're talking about me and not the chocolate....
        hey! nibbles, not bites!


          Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
          Ya know? It's very odd, 'cause when I got home, I found the red, silk jammies, but no visiting clone... did Addy beam you out before I got here?
          OT pic...


          No, I did.


            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
            I hope you're talking about me and not the chocolate....
            hey! nibbles, not bites!
            Johnny: Sorry, let me soothe that spot a bit.


              Originally posted by Toomi View Post
              Where's this pic from? Was it a special?
              It was from the "cancellation of FS" special on the season 4 dvd.... makes me bawl every time I see it! They were hit with the news when they were filming the very last shots of season 4 so they had NO way to prepare... and after they'd been "assured" of a season five frelling skiffy

              Originally posted by Tayla Rain View Post
              Thanks, Tayla! And it's one of my favorites too!

              Originally posted by kyliena View Post
              okay i just needed to share this:

              a friend of mine got me hooked on farscape..
              well acctually she made me watch the first scene and I was hooked, because I was litterly melting in my chair when I saw those beautifull blue eyes staring at the sun.. and that look on his face...

              You mean like this?


                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                OMG! I SOOOO just read that as "lick"
                That wouldn't have been an accident.

                Happy Birthday, girl. Glad you had a time in Vegas.


                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  Ohhhh... you are evil!

                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  Johnny: Sorry, let me soothe that spot a bit.
                  Okay... *rolls over*


                    Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                    That wouldn't have been an accident.

                    Happy Birthday, girl. Glad you had a time in Vegas.

                    Yeah, I figured, which is why I had to reread it
                    And now that I've been SOOOO liberal with my "green" since I got home last night, I can't green YOU! Thanks for the birthday wishes though


                      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                      [B][COLOR="Navy"]Okay... *rolls over*
                      Johnny: *pops open new can of frosting*


                        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

                        Yeah, I figured, which is why I had to reread it
                        And now that I've been SOOOO liberal with my "green" since I got home last night, I can't green YOU! Thanks for the birthday wishes though
                        you're very welcome.


                          Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                          Nothing at all... it's GREAT! It just happens to be David Hewlett's dog's name, too.
                          Okay, how the HELL did I forget that???


                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            Welcome Back Neelan!! You were missed

                            Cupcake: So Transformers tonight Wendy?
                            Wendy: I think so!! Go ask the others if they want to go.
                            I saw it with my narl.
                            he learned a new word---masturbating.


                              Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                              Okay, how the HELL did I forget that???
                              well when she said DH I thought she meant Dear Husband and
                              started wondering if she got married over there in Vegas.


                                Originally posted by cajnjirl View Post
                                I saw it with my narl.
                                he learned a new word---masturbating.

