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Cameron Mitchell/Ben Browder Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by cajnjirl
    I knew you would like that. Barb will love it too!
    Originally posted by cajnjirl
    AWWWWWW!! Its the thought that counts.
    I'm glad, cuz I doubt I will ever be rich, LOL



        Originally posted by purpletoo1

        BTW Babes I just finished 3.4 of Farscape and omg is it a busy season!
        Did you cry?


          Originally posted by Admiral Q O
          Not likely...went to Grand Slam in March.
          aw, I remember now. It would be so fun with all the Babes. You should try. If I beg will that help? LOL


            Originally posted by cajnjirl
            Did you cry?
            there was tear or two How could you not?


              Originally posted by purpletoo1

              I'm glad, cuz I doubt I will ever be rich, LOL

              I was gonna say "Awww! That's nice." 'cause when I get rich I'm buying a new house and horse farm. with 20 dogs.


                Originally posted by purpletoo1
                there was tear or two How could you not?
                I still frakin' cry and i've seen it 1000 times. Cry-baby.


                  Originally posted by cat
                  yippee, some of the babes are goin too, Purple, I'm sharin with mom, decided to get her abroad for once in her life, hopefully we will have sun instead of rain that week, if anyone wants to do a group photo, HELL YEAH, why not?.

                  NL, Purple, I'm uk, so if ya want you can just buzz my room when ya get there, we're gettin in on the tuesday before hand. My name is in my email addy.
                  Yippee indeed! It will be so fun to have lots of us there! Can't wait to meet you all!
                  Originally posted by Kas
                  Wow... come back to the thread to find all this excitment going on.

                  Really pleased for you hon... you've been wanting to know which con to go to and I'm really jazzed that you waited and that Ben announced early.

                  I know you and everyone will have a ball!
                  Thank you Kas. I so wish you could come! I know we would raise the roof! ooops, shuu.



                      Originally posted by cajnjirl
                      I still frakin' cry and i've seen it 1000 times. Cry-baby.
                      A testament to the great acting!.......and the fact that you are in love with the lead! LMAO!



                          Originally posted by cajnjirl
                          I was gonna say "Awww! That's nice." 'cause when I get rich I'm buying a new house and horse farm. with 20 dogs.
                          Well, I'm buying a mansion on a hill with horses, LOL but a few hundred for my Babes should be no sweat!


                            Originally posted by purpletoo1
                            Ah, the plain fair is an added bonus I was trying to get good seats when I went with the Gold pass. Does he have a Q & A?

                            BTW Babes I just finished 3.4 of Farscape and omg is it a busy season!
                            Going for good seats is a good reason for Gold Pass and yes, Ben takes questions from the crowd

                            ah, Farscape. I just got the latest Starburst DVD in the mail and I have to watch JQ. Ben and Claudia do a commentary for the ep!



                              Originally posted by Kas
                              Purple -

                              You going to be able to control yourself when face to face with this?

                              Ah, NO! But I'm bringing my special handcuffs just incase!




