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2009 Sam/Jack Ship Day Celebration

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    Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post
    Ok, I am thankful for the 2010 interaction between Duder and Jack. When Duder gets all upset with Jack and insists that Sam not be involved. Because there is only ONE reason why a man would get that upset with another man about a girl.
    "Duder" honey? Really? lol! Oh you are my bff for so many reasons, and this is just one more lol. (his name is Joe You Die in this Reality So Who Cares Something Or Another).

    Sigs by Mada


      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
            Good idea, Slidell!

            While the "Always" moment will forever live in my heart, I thought the end of Metamorphosis, just after Sam had been healed in the machine, was one of the most poignant. I just posted a pic of that moment above. The relief and love in Jack's eyes was evident.

            He really thought he had lost her that time. He had seen two other people reduced to their base elements in very painful deaths because of Nirrti's machine. He feared the same was about to happen to Sam.

            Thank goodness it didn't!!!

            Wow!!! There are 54 people on this thread right now!!!
            Nice idea!

            Well, I'm with you on the 'Always' moment...but I think one of my favorite shippy moments happened in Season 8 when evil Carter appeared...the long lingering look and the "if only".

            But then I'm a sucker for the WoO kiss and D/C angst in the hallway as Jack sacrifices for Sam. OH and finally the time when Jack had his brain sucked by the alien device again and Sam went over to the house and he called her a "national treasure!"

            Ok, so maybe I'm a shipper who can't make up her mind?

            Must work a little while...then do some more art...:


              oh my RLOL ... lovely humor ... hope Sam & Jack enjoyed it too

              Originally posted by Bekki View Post

              Jas - that Fire and Water icon is stunning! I mean, we know why Sam looks like that, but if you take it out of context...even if you don't....STUNNING!

              (oh dear, Jas is getting some severe fangurling from me today )
              Originally posted by Bekki View Post

              No, actual side arm As in...gun! I mean, shooter, I know what I mean...
              Originally posted by Kirdy_Mulder View Post

              avatar and sig by flidget


                I'm most thankful for 'Desperate Measures' because it showed that we weren't the only ones that knew there was something going on between them...Maybourne knew as well

                Jack: This is Carter we're talking about.
                Maybourne: I know. I'm sorry. I really am. You know how this game is played and the kind of people who play it. You gotta prepare yourself for the possibility that she may not be coming back.

                And it also shows that he'll go to any lengths to find her, even trust a wanted criminal and go all the way to Washington.

                My other favorite quote

                Jack: If I have to I'll spend the rest of my life in this building getting to the bottom of all this and how it ties to you.

                My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  Oh nice moment. Yep I think that was the first time I went "hey ho... what's that then?"

                  My all time favourite moment is the mere 4 seconds of Grace when they are snogging the faces off each other. Gutter and Angst. What's not to love? even if it did happen in Sam's mind only.

                  Snogging! I love it! I only know what it is because of Harry Potter though lol.

                  Sigs by Mada


                    Solitudes did it for me.....


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                      "Sorry Sir, but I just couldn't resist ruffling."



                        Originally posted by Slidell View Post
                        In celebration of Ship Day, shall we all go around the table and say which Shippy moment we are most thankful for and why?
                        I adore you already in CotG
                        The hug in Heroes
                        The kiss in Grace
                        Jack pinning Sam's new rank in New Order....

                        I can't just pick one and actually be coherent about it. My brain isn't working anymore for that.


                          Old Icons



                            Originally posted by Amalthea View Post
                            I am thankful for Beneath the Surface and Jack remembering "feeling feelings" for Sam. "I don't remember much, but I do remember that." I will never forget that!
                            Oh yes, the feelings for Tor... That was a good moment as I also loved in BTS at the end when Jack says home..with the sad look in his eyes.

                            It's all in the eyes with both of them isn't it!



                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith



