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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Morning Admiral!

    Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
    Good morning, everyone. And congrats to mckaychick. She did well in the chess tourney.
    Congratulations mckaychick!


      Originally posted by Jenn Calaelen View Post
      Morning Admiral!

      Congratulations mckaychick!

      ty very much
      Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig



          While on the topic of food, I'd just like to state that I tried on my summer clothes yesterday and found only one pair of Capris that fit O_O So I did some shopping... I've gained 10lbs in the last year, and have decided to go on the first diet of my life.....


          Made by Me!


            Originally posted by Jenn Calaelen View Post
            Poor you.
            I've mostly given up on trying to eat in what is considered a particularly healthy way - but that is partly because there are so many things that I can't or don't eat and have been given totally contradictory advice about what I should or should not be eating by doctors.

            OK, rant time. Run away if possible

            God knows what would happen if I went to a diet person. Being expected to eat all the cake in the house before the sell-by-date aside, it seems that my dad and I have both have naturally higher cholesterol- despite better diets than most people (both of us love the veg) and to cut it down I'd have to do things like cut down on my milk intake, which reduces my calcium, which not only weakens my teeth and nails but puts me at a higher risk of that lovely thing called brittle bone disease. Apparently, if you're female, you're liable to get everything (except certain kinds of cancer, but we have extra forms of cancer and diseases to make up for it), on top of the hormones, the bizarre weight gain and loss, the childbirth malarky and everything else. Being able to communicate socially, multi-task and wear a greater range of clothing does not seem to compensate fully for this...I also have to deal with people who assume that a) because you're thin, you don't need to bother to eat healthy, because ultimately that's just to help you get thin, right? (er, no...) and b) healthy food isn't nice and satisfying (only when you're been bought up on the bad stuff since birth)

            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              Originally posted by mckaychick View Post
              cake????????? what cake
              I seem to remember a conversation we had here about cake. Could be completely mistaken. It happens

              I also seemed to have purchased Angel, Battlestar and Eddie Izzard boxsets. The combination of sale prices and student discount have beaten out the part of my brain that was trying to save money this week
              Last edited by resurgamlaura; 23 April 2007, 09:06 AM.

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                OK, rant time. Run away if possible

                God knows what would happen if I went to a diet person. Being expected to eat all the cake in the house before the sell-by-date aside, it seems that my dad and I have both have naturally higher cholesterol- despite better diets than most people (both of us love the veg) and to cut it down I'd have to do things like cut down on my milk intake, which reduces my calcium, which not only weakens my teeth and nails but puts me at a higher risk of that lovely thing called brittle bone disease. Apparently, if you're female, you're liable to get everything (except certain kinds of cancer, but we have extra forms of cancer and diseases to make up for it), on top of the hormones, the bizarre weight gain and loss, the childbirth malarky and everything else. Being able to communicate socially, multi-task and wear a greater range of clothing does not seem to compensate fully for this...I also have to deal with people who assume that a) because you're thin, you don't need to bother to eat healthy, because ultimately that's just to help you get thin, right? (er, no...) and b) healthy food isn't nice and satisfying (only when you're been bought up on the bad stuff since birth)
                I agree mostly. Part of the problem seems to be that there seems to be that there is no way that it is possible to eat food that gives all the nutrition needed without it having any of the supposedly bad things...
                I've basically decided that I'll eat what makes me well and feel better now, and worry about later when I get there. Therefore I eat chocolate for iron, calcium and serotonin and don't worry about the fat in it.
                I'm almost certain to end up with problems with the fact that I get very little calcium - I eat very little dairy products as they make me ill...
                Healthy food can be nice, partly depends on how you are defining healthy. On of the things that I miss in this country is being able to buy ripe fruit... which makes it so much harder, as I put the fruit on the windowsill to ripen and then have to remember at the right times to check and eat it... I love vegetables and eat them with/in meals whenever appropriate.
                Part of the problem with people's attitudes towards it is that everyone is different and has different foods that they consider healthy/unhealthy and attitudes to food. I know so many people who are vegetarian or vegan, some of whom used to lecture me on eating meat and dairy products, but didn't realise that if I didn't I would probably be constantly ill due to being borderline anaemic already...

                This is a subject that I get annoyed about as well, but I should stop ranting now.

                Sorry for the rant!

                I'm not even going to start on about clothes...


                  lunch bump...


                    Didn't say hi, Addy. So, er...hi

                    Originally posted by Jenn Calaelen View Post

                    Part of the problem with people's attitudes towards it is that everyone is different and has different foods that they consider healthy/unhealthy and attitudes to food. I know so many people who are vegetarian or vegan, some of whom used to lecture me on eating meat and dairy products, but didn't realise that if I didn't I would probably be constantly ill due to being borderline anaemic already...
                    Someone I know at work was once lectured at by a customer for having given up being a vegetarian. My colleague is actually fully anaemic, and gave up in France because she couldn't get anything to eat that would have given her enough iron that wasn't meat. And it doesn't seem to stop one friend of mine having lived on fry-ups and variants of chilli and rice dishes whilst in student digs... On the plus side, the fruit and veg grown in England is usually more flavoursome than in some places. A friend of mine used to live in Miami, and is addicted to English apples because apparently the apples there were all nice-looking, but tasted 'like paper'. Ick.

                    To add to the general 'Mosquito Man' stuff (have now watched the whole of the DVD):
                    'Hey, Mansquito!'. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...
                    I'm still liking the dynamic between these two. Nicely done.
                    Guy in monster suit! Hurrah!
                    You go, girl.
                    Frying tonight...
                    The cliched opening narration has now been beaten by the closing one. My god, that's bad.

                    Making of is good fun.
                    "My favourite scene is where we're talking and she's in the bathroom...her being in the bathroom isn't why its my favourite scene..." Always fun
                    CN appears torn between absolute amusement and genuine care for the personal relationship aspect of the film (I suppose that why he sees it as being like 'Greek tragedy', although I still think he's pushing it a bit ) Its what Musetta Vander also seems to have picked up on quite strongly. She seems pleasant. The director talks about 'nods to the audience', but it just needed a smidge more humour. Its why the central relationship is both the film's strongest and weakest point- its rather nice and tragic (mostly because its well-played) but at the same time a film like this needs more hyperbole, not subtlety.
                    And going back to that scene...he shows that he can multi-task, and then settles down to let her do the work. Cheeky

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      I think I must see this movie....

                      Made by Me!


                        *wanders in & pretends not to be the unhealthiest person on the thread*

                        Hey thunkers!
                        I once knew a vegetarian who didn't like vegetables. I think she lived on chips.


                          Originally posted by smurf View Post
                          *wanders in & pretends not to be the unhealthiest person on the thread*

                          Hey thunkers!
                          I once knew a vegetarian who didn't like vegetables. I think she lived on chips.

                          I now have an odd desire to go off and read 'Spell it Out', because I've been reminded of the 'clean living' line...

                          I suspect more than a few student vegetarians live like that, regardless of whether they like veg or not...

                          Courtesy of smurf, as always


                            People and food: There seem to be advantages and disadvantages to everywhere getting food wise. I miss cinnamon spread from when I was in Canada - it was wonderful and gave me something nice to put on toast without having to have butter. In Geneva (where my parents live) there is really good fresh fruit sold that seems to be better than most of what is sold in this country - I'm not exactly sure what the difference is - something to do with having ripened properly, I think.

                            Anyway, this is going way off topic, so I should stop.


                              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                              I now have an odd desire to go off and read 'Spell it Out', because I've been reminded of the 'clean living' line...

                              I suspect more than a few student vegetarians live like that, regardless of whether they like veg or not...
                              I was more of a Kraft Dinner student LOL... KD and hotdogs!

                              Made by Me!


                                Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                                I think I must see this movie....
                                I would mail it to you...only you live thousands of miles away. Across the Atlantic. And my DVD is region 2. Should be available to rent where you are, though. Its an amusingly bad Sci-Fi original gory monster movie that is notable for bad lines, a terrible premise and a stupidly high body count, but is good fun, Corin is as good as one can be in something like this, and for an all too brief moment gets the shirt off. Also shows off some rather nice pins. It also manages to look remarkably like Baltimore despite having been shot in Bulgaria

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

