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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Jenn Calaelen View Post
    People and food: There seem to be advantages and disadvantages to everywhere getting food wise. I miss cinnamon spread from when I was in Canada - it was wonderful and gave me something nice to put on toast without having to have butter. In Geneva (where my parents live) there is really good fresh fruit sold that seems to be better than most of what is sold in this country - I'm not exactly sure what the difference is - something to do with having ripened properly, I think.

    Anyway, this is going way off topic, so I should stop.

    (Drifts into happy world of lovely European food of all varieties, fruit or otherwise)

    *Does the off-topic dance*

    Yes, there's a dance. And nothing here today has been as insane or OT as Rocky Horror Stargate...

    Courtesy of smurf, as always


      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
      I would mail it to you...only you live thousands of miles away. Across the Atlantic. And my DVD is region 2. Should be available to rent where you are, though. Its an amusingly bad Sci-Fi original gory monster movie that is notable for bad lines, a terrible premise and a stupidly high body count, but is good fun, Corin is as good as one can be in something like this, and for an all too brief moment gets the shirt off. Also shows off some rather nice pins. It also manages to look remarkably like Baltimore despite having been shot in Bulgaria
      hahah Sounds like a total treat (esp. the shirt off bit)!!

      I've written the name down, may try to convince fiance to rent it with me this weekend LOL

      Made by Me!


        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
        To add to the general 'Mosquito Man' stuff (have now watched the whole of the DVD):
        'Hey, Mansquito!'. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...
        I'm still liking the dynamic between these two. Nicely done.
        Guy in monster suit! Hurrah!
        You go, girl.
        Frying tonight...
        The cliched opening narration has now been beaten by the closing one. My god, that's bad.

        Making of is good fun.
        "My favourite scene is where we're talking and she's in the bathroom...her being in the bathroom isn't why its my favourite scene..." Always fun
        CN appears torn between absolute amusement and genuine care for the personal relationship aspect of the film (I suppose that why he sees it as being like 'Greek tragedy', although I still think he's pushing it a bit ) Its what Musetta Vander also seems to have picked up on quite strongly. She seems pleasant. The director talks about 'nods to the audience', but it just needed a smidge more humour. Its why the central relationship is both the film's strongest and weakest point- its rather nice and tragic (mostly because its well-played) but at the same time a film like this needs more hyperbole, not subtlety.
        And going back to that scene...he shows that he can multi-task, and then settles down to let her do the work. Cheeky
        Rather disturbingly, you're making me want to watch Mansquito again.
        CN seems to be strongly attracted to characters, and not mind whether he's the lead, or the rest of the film is a tiny bit ropey.

        *pooches* haven't seen the "making of".


          Originally posted by smurf View Post
          I once knew a vegetarian who didn't like vegetables. I think she lived on chips.
          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          I suspect more than a few student vegetarians live like that, regardless of whether they like veg or not...
          Lots of students seem to... not sure whether it is only vegetarians or not.

          Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
          I was more of a Kraft Dinner student LOL... KD and hotdogs!
          I think as an undergrad I mostly lived on pasta, baked potatoes, olive oil, home made bread and tuna fish (and tea and coffee)... well and proper cooking when I felt like it


            Originally posted by smurf View Post
            Rather disturbingly, you're making me want to watch Mansquito again.
            CN seems to be strongly attracted to characters, and not mind whether he's the lead, or the rest of the film is a tiny bit ropey.

            *pooches* haven't seen the "making of".
            'Tiny bit ropey'?!

            Its a nice character, despite the appalling dialogue. I can see why there was discussion of a series, or more movies- because Tom is a good mixture of practicality, smarts and emotion. Well, he would be, if he could have expanded beyond the B-movie awfulness He's the kind of character who could have been built upon, especially after the whole Jennifer and the electric cable malarky.
            'Making of' on my DVD. On yours, or not? Hmm.

            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
              I now have an odd desire to go off and read 'Spell it Out', because I've been reminded of the 'clean living' line...

              I suspect more than a few student vegetarians live like that, regardless of whether they like veg or not...
              Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
              I was more of a Kraft Dinner student LOL... KD and hotdogs!
              Cheese on toast was always a favourite of mine.
              I actually, probably quite surprisingly, ate quite well when I was a student. I found it didn't cost more to eat decent fresh stuff.

              Back to the man with the food thing...


                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                'Tiny bit ropey'?!

                Its a nice character, despite the appalling dialogue. I can see why there was discussion of a series, or more movies- because Tom is a good mixture of practicality, smarts and emotion. Well, he would be, if he could have expanded beyond the B-movie awfulness He's the kind of character who could have been built upon, especially after the whole Jennifer and the electric cable malarky.
                'Making of' on my DVD. On yours, or not? Hmm.
                It always makes it difficult to review his work properly, because he does act good characters. There's nearly always some depth worth exploring at some future time. It's just, too often, the rest of the movie isn't all that.

                I've seen the Sci Fi version, so it's a "making of"-free zone.


                  I ate rather well. I'd been cutting up veg since I was about 8, and helping out with things, and my friends were all decent cooks. We banded together. Did a very nice roast at some point. Also got the high compliment of cooking a friend's mother's dish and being told that it genuinely tasted like when her mum did it. I think I scared people with my addiction to the green stuff. And carrots. And mushrooms. And scrambled eggs, and something I termed 'eggy mess' because with a frying pan that's lost its non-stick coating calling it an omelette would have been just lying to myself

                  Ooh, food pics. And my favourite one as well
                  I now suddenly (and oddly) really miss Jonas. Very strange.

                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    Originally posted by smurf View Post
                    It always makes it difficult to review his work properly, because he does act good characters. There's nearly always some depth worth exploring at some future time. It's just, too often, the rest of the movie isn't all that.

                    I've seen the Sci Fi version, so it's a "making of"-free zone.
                    Its nice that he always gives it his all, and manages to glean something from what could have just been a nod and a paycheck. However, it does make me shake my head and smile affectionately when he gets all enthused about a character and goes all philosophical. He's seemingly an odd mixture of practicality (he knows its a job and has to make money) and artistic seriousness. At the risk of speculation, I think his background in terms of his parents and his upbringing, and also the sheer amount of time he's been doing this job might have something to do with it.

                    *Considers hunting out her Jonas food pics*

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      I'm amazed he isn't more jaded sometimes, considering the amount and variety of work he's done.

                      There's something really cute about the food thing.


                        Congrats on 1,400 posts, res!


                          Congratulations on 1,400 posts, res!


                            Thank you! Still 600 off getting my own avatars though. Which is apparently important or something

                            I was on My Controls and I just *knew* it was you who had given me a little present, Addy. Bless

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Congrats on 1400 posts, res.

                              Yes, 600 away from the option of having a beautifully designed avatar containing "elbows".


                                Woohoo! Congrats res!

