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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Admiral Q O
    Later, Anya!

    I see that a newbie to the forum has started a thread to resurrect the old Jonas debate. Please understand that my silence there is not a lack of defending Jonas. I simply feel that the debate has happened and should be left to rest.

    Back to thunking...

    I just saw that. Strangely, a couple of days ago I started to make use of one of the forum tools (and it was for a non-jonas related post(s)).
    Bored of it. So count me out of the "debate".


      Originally posted by Admiral Q O
      You don't need to use the D word...just refer to him as Boonie Boy, and we'll understand.
      How about if I just say, "Mr. Whiney"? <vbEEg>

      - Mary
      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


        Originally posted by Anyagate1
        Me too! I liked the episode but I agree it could have been better. Corin was awesome of course but I would have liked to have seen an episode that focus solely on Jonas' past. I would have liked to see a classmate, old girlfriend, a colleague from the naquadria project, or family member pop up and Jonas have to try to explain his actions to them. Not that I didn't like Dr. Kierian but like you said Smurf it turned into a little bit of sub-Beautiful Mind thing with him. I loved the scenes with Jonas and First Minister Velis. The tension between them was great! I wish the episode would have had more scenes like that with different people from Jonas' life. Not that I would want them all to be against him though. I would like to have seen someone that was working on the naquadria project be on his side and tell him how brave he was for what he did and that they wished that they would have the courage to do the right thing and come forward too. I think they tried to take an episode that would have been more of a drama and turn it into in action episode instead. Not every episode needs to have somebody pulling out a weapon. SG1 does drama well and they should have just gone that route with this episode instead of trying to make it action packed. You put it well Smurf when you said it was the what could have been episode. Like you said Admiral it could have been done better like what they did with Cam. Flashbacks are always a great way to get into a characters past. Ok my rant is over.

        To be honest, I always got the feeling that Dr. Kieren was made a large character - and maybe even created to begin with - because SG's PTB wanted to take advantage of the "big name" of Dean Stockwell. I'm betting that this was a case where Dean wanted to be on the show, and TPTB wrote a roll for him specifically to showcase him. Never mind if they ground Jonas under their heels in the process. <grumble grumble>
        - Mary
        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


          Originally posted by Anyagate1
          Hubba hubba! Those last two shots are great. Love the arms. I posted similiar ones yesterday but I think your look better.

          Ummm . . . where's his tattoo??
          - Mary
          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


            Originally posted by Buc252
            How about if I just say, "Mr. Whiney"? <vbEEg>

            I always think of Daniel as the way MS referred to him in the pre-season 7 lowdown.

            Corin's tattoo is on the other arm, cos we're looking in the mirror.

            Why don't any of the Jonas smilies have the full on Jonas grin?


              Good morning, everyone!


                Some pics

                Okay, so the last one isn't pure thunk.

                So love their relationship.


                  Originally posted by Buc252
                  How about if I just say, "Mr. Whiney"? <vbEEg>

                  That wouldn't be very nice.

                  People might think you're referring to McKay.


                    Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                    Hiya Admiral!


                      Originally posted by Buc252
                      Ummm . . . where's his tattoo??
                      If you look at the raw cap...very, very can barely make out part of it. He kept it in the shadow with some, I'm assuming deliberate, lighting playing a part. He was way in the back of the scene...really not more than the reflection in T's mirror. I had to 'pull' him out as it were and enlarge then refocus, so any hint of the tattoo definitely got lost in the process.


                        Hey smurf!


                          How's the capping going on Memento?

                          Last edited by smurf; 30 December 2005, 06:49 AM.


                            Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                            Congrats, Amanda! Well done!

                            Thank you Admiral!


                              Originally posted by smurf
                              How's the capping going on Memento?

                              I haven't finished Changeling yet. Hope to do that this afternoon...first I need to get some year-end financial stuff off my desk.

                              Memento is tenatively scheduled for next Friday...I'll be so glad when I can do the capping at home...make it so much easier.


                                Originally posted by Amanda Eros

                                You're welcome!

