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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
    In honour of the fact that I almost have 'The Stand' and 'I know My Name is Steven' to watch... some pics!
    Dear me, he did look good in those flashback scenes. Certainly waiting worth several minutes worth of squishy face mask for

    Oh, the The Stand. Lives in my memory purely for Disco Queen. You'll see
    My copy of I Know My First Name is Steven is an old VHS tape which doesn't play as well as it could (at least the sound quality is good, but the image will deteriorate, almost no matter what you do with the things). By some miracle (sparkly fangirl magic, perhaps? Or is that a bit Cullen-ish?) it occasionally goes perfectly clear for a bit when CN was on screen, though

    Courtesy of smurf, as always


      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
      Dear me, he did look good in those flashback scenes. Certainly waiting worth several minutes worth of squishy face mask for

      Oh, the The Stand. Lives in my memory purely for Disco Queen. You'll see
      My copy of I Know My First Name is Steven is an old VHS tape which doesn't play as well as it could (at least the sound quality is good, but the image will deteriorate, almost no matter what you do with the things). By some miracle (sparkly fangirl magic, perhaps? Or is that a bit Cullen-ish?) it occasionally goes perfectly clear for a bit when CN was on screen, though
      It is a little Cullenish.. but we'll forgive you for that! Apparently my version of IKMNIS doesn't work.. must get computer sauvy hubby to look at it... oh well, I have The Stand to look forward to!

      Made by Me!


        Okay.. as a serious CN fan, I was highly disturbed by the latest epis of Starv-ing. And that's saying something, because I'm not easily disturbed by anything... but wow... lol. I'm also all for slash in regulated (and sexy) amounts (think Torchwood) but come on.. that was just gross at the end of epi 4. And don't even get me started about epi 5.... These guys must have a REALLY good sense of humour (and no sense of shame LOL!!!!) !!!

        Made by Me!


          Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
          Nope, no clips of Corin

          Here's the link though Today Show

          Though I've decided that I think I actually do like DF.. he's very entertaining!
          I think that's the first time I've seen him in a suit.
          And he brought his mother along. Aw.
          Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
          Okay.. as a serious CN fan, I was highly disturbed by the latest epis of Starv-ing. And that's saying something, because I'm not easily disturbed by anything... but wow... lol. I'm also all for slash in regulated (and sexy) amounts (think Torchwood) but come on.. that was just gross at the end of epi 4. And don't even get me started about epi 5.... These guys must have a REALLY good sense of humour (and no sense of shame LOL!!!!) !!!
          I have to say I lolled but mostly because it was unexpected. It was a good episode that one. Loved DF's interactions with the rest of the cast.
          Ep 5 is dutifully wrong... in a good way.


            Originally posted by smurf View Post
            I think that's the first time I've seen him in a suit.
            And he brought his mother along. Aw.
            Ya, that was pretty cute.. he was all professional-like!!

            Originally posted by smurf View Post
            I have to say I lolled but mostly because it was unexpected. It was a good episode that one. Loved DF's interactions with the rest of the cast.
            Ep 5 is dutifully wrong... in a good way.
            I had to watch them both again.. I think they are my favourite of the "season" so far! Not too politically incorrect, but still enough that it's hilarious in an oh-my-god-did-I-really-just-see-that sort of way LMAO!!!

            As a side note, Paul Vato just requested to add me as a friend on FB...

            Made by Me!


              Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
              I had to watch them both again.. I think they are my favourite of the "season" so far! Not too politically incorrect, but still enough that it's hilarious in an oh-my-god-did-I-really-just-see-that sort of way LMAO!!!

              As a side note, Paul Vato just requested to add me as a friend on FB...
              Yeah, they're both much more measured than the last ones. Even episode 5 - which, I thought, set up the "what happens when DF drinks" joke well.
              I like the running gags they're putting into the show.
              "This isn't kosher!"


                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                Yeah, they're both much more measured than the last ones. Even episode 5 - which, I thought, set up the "what happens when DF drinks" joke well.
                I like the running gags they're putting into the show.
                "This isn't kosher!"
                Ya, that's hilarious!! A good theme I think!

                Watching 'The Stand' right now... just 1hr 27mins in, so have only seen Corin once.. Oh, nevermind, the second part just started, so hope to see more of him soon. . Oooh, there he is!
                Anyways, It's funny watching it, I can remember the first time seeing it and freaking because Parker Lewis was on it.. LMAO He's such a cutie at 23! Not much has changed over the years, he's still skinny, he's just now riding a moped with his
                sticking out LOL!!!!

                Awww, he's making a move on Molly Ringwald now... (nothing like a play-by-play eh? Especially from someone who may quite possibly be imbibing a bit.. ) Side note about Molly Ringwald.. I just read where she's expecting twins!! Anywho.. back to the movie.. Does anyone have caps of this?

                Made by Me!


                  Just found this Interview It's nice to see one with the both of them in it!

                  Made by Me!


                    I'm through almost the whole movie.. but it's almost 1am and I'm getting quite tired LOL

                    Thought I'd leave a few screen caps.. It's almost impossible to find them online.. which is sad....

                    With none other than the King himself!!

                    Made by Me!


                      Yay us for making 34,000 posts!!!!!

                      Here are two of my favourite pics from The Stand

                      Jammies!Corin FTW!!!!!

                      and... for obvious reasons...

                      Made by Me!


                        And finally, a few leftovers.. the one's in spoilers give something huge away.. so unless you've seen it, don't look at them...


                        ... apparently Parker Lewis CAN Lose....

                        Made by Me!


                          Nice run of The Stand pics, Sun'shyne. Capping that is on my things to do list.
                          What did you think of it? I thought CN de-geeked (while still remaining a bit geeky) well.

                          Off/On Topic:
                          The hosting service I'm building the site on has, out of the blue, increased all the available services by a mad amount. I've gone from trying to squeeze everything into 250MB of space to having 5.5GB to play with.

                          How awesome is that?!


                            Originally posted by smurf View Post
                            Nice run of The Stand pics, Sun'shyne. Capping that is on my things to do list.
                            What did you think of it? I thought CN de-geeked (while still remaining a bit geeky) well.

                            Off/On Topic:
                            The hosting service I'm building the site on has, out of the blue, increased all the available services by a mad amount. I've gone from trying to squeeze everything into 250MB of space to having 5.5GB to play with.

                            How awesome is that?!
                            I quite enjoyed The Stand! I loved his geek-in-love role. And I commented to my friend several times how him going badboy was VERY attractive.... I loved the downward spiral... it was like the geek just melted away... Although that studded scooter jacket left something to be desired!!

                            That's great about the hosting service!!!! More Corin is NEVER a bad thing!!!!!

                            Made by Me!


                              was wondering if there was one of these threads! *adds to watch list*

                              Fifth: I liked Jonas.

                              Me: Corin Nemec is a very talented actor!

                              Fifth: I was talking about Jonas and your talking about an actor.


                                Welcome to the thread!


                                Made by Me!

