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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Did I just read that correctly?
    CN is naked?

    What exactly is this thing with DF that CN's involved with? Please don't tell me this is the stuff online because I'm on damn dial up and won't EVER see it.



      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
      Did I just read that correctly?
      CN is naked?

      What exactly is this thing with DF that CN's involved with? Please don't tell me this is the stuff online because I'm on damn dial up and won't EVER see it.

      Yes, and... um... sorry, but yes again.
      It's their webseries Star-ving.


        That sound you hear is me pulling my hair out while biting on a bullet.



          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
          That sound you hear is me pulling my hair out while biting on a bullet.

          If you want to save some of your hair, it's in episode 2.


            Ouch. You have my sympathies.

            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              Originally posted by aquagirl View Post
              Hello guys
              How is everybody?
              Just stop by to celebrate with you guys
              I made to 10000 posts
              Cake and Hot Chocolate for everyone
              Congrats on 10k!!! Here's a pic!

              Originally posted by smurf View Post
              The amusing thing is that there's so much, they keep missing some of the quieter swearing.

              I glanced at that pic and decided I wasn't going to inspect it too closely.

              I think they might be releasing two new episodes next week.
              No, it's really not worth inspecting too closely...

              Yay for two new ones!!!!

              Originally posted by smurf View Post
              Yes, that.
              And CN being OTT, being in cammo, and having a particularly interesting moped riding style.
              Interesting.. yes.. very... and if you take out the really disturbing way he got in that situation, it had the possiblility of being evern more hawt... not quite Thor Hawt, but hawt none the less...

              Originally posted by smurf View Post
              Surprisingly, that's not the style I'm referring to...
              *giggles in a little schoolgirlish way*

              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
              Did I just read that correctly?
              CN is naked?

              What exactly is this thing with DF that CN's involved with? Please don't tell me this is the stuff online because I'm on damn dial up and won't EVER see it.

              Yes, he's quite
              ..... one may say totally infact... to the point where you possibly see
              some bits you maybe shouldn't... while riding the moped.....


              Hair: Discuss

              Made by Me!


                Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                Thanks for the congrats and the pic

                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                Thanks for the congrats and there is more cake if you want


                  Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                  Yes, he's quite
                  ..... one may say totally infact... to the point where you possibly see
                  some bits you maybe shouldn't... while riding the moped.....
                  That point makes it quite an astonishing dedication to the craft.
                  Really glad he's tying it back for the show.


                    Originally posted by smurf View Post
                    That point makes it quite an astonishing dedication to the craft.
                    Yes... that's what I thought.. it also says a lot of.. um... good things about him?! I'm not sure how to say what I'm thinking in a PG way... so I'll just stop typing......

                    Originally posted by smurf View Post
                    Really glad he's tying it back for the show.
                    Ya.. I like it in the pony..... though if it was well maintained, it would be nice for running the fingers though. Had a really bizzaar dream last night... one of the things that happened in it was that CN came to my house and gave me a figurine/candle holder that had running horses on it... meh, two of my favourite things.. horses and CN!

                    Made by Me!


                      How about some cute to refresh the palate before we return to the Kingdom of Wrong on Friday?


                        The cute is much appreciated, if last Friday is any indication of what we can expect this time around

                        I offer bedhair.

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Originally posted by smurf View Post
                          How about some cute to refresh the palate before we return to the Kingdom of Wrong on Friday?

                          Because apparently my brain is still in the mindset from friday, I feel the need to ask what that large golden thing is that is in Jonas' hands? The one that stretches up his shoulder?

                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          The cute is much appreciated, if last Friday is any indication of what we can expect this time around

                          I offer bedhair.
                          And I will offer cowboy hat....

                          And some Neck!Speck

                          May also be confused or used as one in the same with Arm Pron, and/or, Jail Pron....

                          Made by Me!


                            In honour of the fact that I almost have 'The Stand' and 'I know My Name is Steven' to watch... some pics!


                            Made by Me!


                              Ah......such hotness!

                              I had the TV on this morning to catch the Oscar nominations (and missed them anyway)......and on the "Today" show.......they were about to interview David Faustino about his new project. I think I got a phone call and missed that too. I was wondering if he showed a clip and maybe CN was in said clip.



                                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                                Ah......such hotness!

                                I had the TV on this morning to catch the Oscar nominations (and missed them anyway)......and on the "Today" show.......they were about to interview David Faustino about his new project. I think I got a phone call and missed that too. I was wondering if he showed a clip and maybe CN was in said clip.

                                Nope, no clips of Corin

                                Here's the link though Today Show

                                Though I've decided that I think I actually do like DF.. he's very entertaining!

                                Made by Me!

