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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
    I really should not find a skinny CN in tears whilst playing a murdering nutter quite so hot, should I?
    It does seem to be a weird side effect of a number of CN's roles.

    See if it works with this one as well - Cop Dog Trailer


      Originally posted by smurf View Post
      It does seem to be a weird side effect of a number of CN's roles.

      See if it works with this one as well - Cop Dog Trailer
      I'll give you my thoughts in a moment- once I've tried to get my head around the plot description...

      Edit: Doesn't look like it wants to play with my version of WMP due to pesky Vista issues. Possibly a good thing for the moment

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
        I'll give you my thoughts in a moment- once I've tried to get my head around the plot description...

        Edit: Doesn't look like it wants to play with my version of WMP due to pesky Vista issues. Possibly a good thing for the moment
        I think it's a Firefox problem it only worked for me when I switched to IE, so I've copied it onto my photobucket account.

        ETA: Does anyone know who the other actor is? He's very familiar, but he's not listed on IMDB.
        ETA2: Much more inspiring than Robodoc.
        Last edited by smurf; 04 October 2008, 02:43 PM.


          Originally posted by smurf View Post
          I think it's a Firefox problem it only worked for me when I switched to IE, so I've copied it onto my photobucket account.

          ETA: Does anyone know who the other actor is? He's very familiar, but he's not listed on IMDB.
          ETA2: Much more inspiring than Robodoc.
          I'm with Firefox as well, so that could be it. Thanks for doing that

          He actually looks rather cute. OK, he is cute, know? Or perhaps not

          Looks like a collection of cliches, but its a set that allows him to look cute and be comedic. And is therefore two up on Robodoc, which just looks cliched and ridiculous in the non-good way.

          Although a tiny, perverse part of me wants to see the latter. Between all ten of my fingers, preferrably

          Courtesy of smurf, as always


            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
            I'm with Firefox as well, so that could be it. Thanks for doing that

            He actually looks rather cute. OK, he is cute, know? Or perhaps not

            Looks like a collection of cliches, but its a set that allows him to look cute and be comedic. And is therefore two up on Robodoc, which just looks cliched and ridiculous in the non-good way.

            Although a tiny, perverse part of me wants to see the latter. Between all ten of my fingers, preferrably
            Sort of cute in a Jonas comedic moment kind of way.

            It feels like it has been pitched pretty perfectly for the family/under 10s market. A bit of comedy bad guy, and a bit of slapstick, can't really go too far wrong. I doubt there's any murd'rin involved in the final reveal, it doesn't seem that sort of film.

            Join the club.


              Originally posted by smurf View Post
              Sort of cute in a Jonas comedic moment kind of way.

              It feels like it has been pitched pretty perfectly for the family/under 10s market. A bit of comedy bad guy, and a bit of slapstick, can't really go too far wrong. I doubt there's any murd'rin involved in the final reveal, it doesn't seem that sort of film.

              Join the club.
              Its definitely got that 1980s/early 1990s live action Disney (or equivalent) movie feel. Will be doing daytime weekend movie rounds at some point, I imagine.

              If the final reveal did involve full-on murd'rin (CN character style!) style it would be one of the best audience-shocking about-turn EVAR

              What has the man done to me? Its all his fault. I blame him entirely. I shouldn't even vaguely consider watching something like that...

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                Of course not. I believe you. As always. Yep.

                I really should not find a skinny CN in tears whilst playing a murdering nutter quite so hot, should I?
                No, there's nothing wrong with that.. infact, things like that should be embraced and shown more often....

                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                I think it's a Firefox problem it only worked for me when I switched to IE, so I've copied it onto my photobucket account.

                ETA: Does anyone know who the other actor is? He's very familiar, but he's not listed on IMDB.
                ETA2: Much more inspiring than Robodoc.
                Ooh thanks for uploading it!! I am not ashamed to say that I too will probably watch it at some point in time... I like the idea of a comedic criminal.... though I'm still actually looking forward to 'Robodoc'....

                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                Its definitely got that 1980s/early 1990s live action Disney (or equivalent) movie feel. Will be doing daytime weekend movie rounds at some point, I imagine.

                If the final reveal did involve full-on murd'rin (CN character style!) style it would be one of the best audience-shocking about-turn EVAR

                What has the man done to me? Its all his fault. I blame him entirely. I shouldn't even vaguely consider watching something like that...
                This man brought a banana-loving, techno-geeky, uber-cute, character into your life.... and a slight obsession... 'nuff said....

                Made by Me!


                  He liked pointing at the people bidding during the auction... I kinda remembered someone in here liking finger pr0n... though I don't know who it was.... but this is for them...

                  EDIT: He appears to have long fingers... *note to self -check back in other pics to see if correct judgement was made on finger size....*

                  Made by Me!


                    Way off topic, but that's nothing new for this thread.

                    Sunny, who's the guy with the cowboy hat in your sig?


                      Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                      Way off topic, but that's nothing new for this thread.

                      Sunny, who's the guy with the cowboy hat in your sig?

                      That's Pernell Roberts, who played the eldest Cartright son, Adam, I think, on Bonanza.
                      - Mary
                      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                        Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post


                        He liked pointing at the people bidding during the auction... I kinda remembered someone in here liking finger pr0n... though I don't know who it was.... but this is for them...

                        EDIT: He appears to have long fingers... *note to self -check back in other pics to see if correct judgement was made on finger size....*
                        I dunno about finger pr0n specifically, but I will state that I'm of the opinion that he has very nice hands

                        He does have long fingers. This has been previously ascertained because I may need to get out more. Ahem.

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                          Way off topic, but that's nothing new for this thread.

                          Sunny, who's the guy with the cowboy hat in your sig?
                          Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                          That's Pernell Roberts, who played the eldest Cartright son, Adam, I think, on Bonanza.
                          Yuppers, that's who! Must admit I have a bit of a crush LOL. The text is from the song 'Honky Tonk Man' by Marty Robbins

                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          I dunno about finger pr0n specifically, but I will state that I'm of the opinion that he has very nice hands

                          He does have long fingers. This has been previously ascertained because I may need to get out more. Ahem.
                          Well, it is an important topic... I mean... all the better to peel banana's with my dear!!

                          Made by Me!



                            Made by Me!


                              [B][COLOR="Red"]I must admit.. any shallowness you may encounter during the Auction at Gatecon was purely intentional and majorly thunked at the time...

                              Last edited by Sun'shyne; 05 October 2008, 08:21 AM.

                              Made by Me!


                                Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                                [B][COLOR="Red"]I must admit.. any shallowness you may encounter during the Auction at Gatecon was purely intentional and majorly thunked at the time...

                                Too bad about the untucked shirt.

                                You mentioned earlier in the thread that there was some fun happenings at the con we should remind you about. *is reminding*

