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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hey, I'm here! *jumps and waves*

    Wait, I know the way to make you guys pay attention:

    Who wants to be in Sam's spot?!

    Also guys? I'd love to read some good Jonas - fics! Any recommendations?
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Dagnabit! That Amanda.....holding hands with Corin.....helping him undress in public......wonder if she wants to trade places with me?

      I know........I'm crazy.......but it helps when you are me!



        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
        Dagnabit! That Amanda.....holding hands with Corin.....helping him undress in public......wonder if she wants to trade places with me?

        I know........I'm crazy.......but it helps when you are me!

        Judging by the look on her face in *those* con pics, I doubt that she'd be willing. In fact, knowing her sense of humour, she'd probably rub it in

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          Happy Friday!


            Originally posted by smurf View Post
            Happy Friday!

            He looks tired! Thank God it's Friday - totally my favorite day of the week!
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
              He looks tired! Thank God it's Friday - totally my favorite day of the week!
              Murd'rin takes a lot of energy.

              BTW for Britishers, for all your hot murd'rin needs, this ep of NCIS is on Five tomorrow at 8.40pm.


                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                Murd'rin takes a lot of energy.

                BTW for Britishers, for all your hot murd'rin needs, this ep of NCIS is on Five tomorrow at 8.40pm.
                Did you mean tomorrow as in Sunday, or Saturday? *looks at time posted* Thanks for the heads-up anyway. Will finally get to see it without it stop-starting on me- which it only started to do once Corin's character was on-screen

                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  Originally posted by smurf View Post
                  It's Sci Fi, of course it will.

                  Talking of sci-fi, this has popped up on IMDB. I'm not feeling too hot on the likelihood of it being made (another of those genre indie type flicks), but the title amused me greatly.
                  HAHA!! That looks... interesting.... though I liked him as the detective in that other movie...

                  Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                  SciFi is more prone to go with the lady pr0n though. Much as I appreciate attractive women, I like my TV with a dose of equality in this regard

                  For some reason, 'and when they met, it was moider' just popped into my head It sounds like an episode of an eighties daytime murder mystery show, only with a slightly unorthodox location
                  Or since it's in space, the whole obiglatory leather outfit would be nice....

                  Originally posted by smurf View Post
                  What should be done is to accidentally fail to mention the male noddy-ness until much much later, and then it can be argued it's needed for plot reasons.
                  Or to pull the young crowd.
                  Or some other dubious reason.

                  And now you make me think they'll be clothed in the tight lycra-type jumpsuits beloved of the eighties.
                  Which is no bad thing.
                  Apparently it wouldn't have to be part of the plot for him to do it...

                  Originally posted by smurf View Post
                  Everything is better with SPACE ROBOTS.

                  Form-fitting leather uniforms.... Yes, I agree with this, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
                  Heh heh... great minds thing alike!!
                  Or is it that fools seldom differ?

                  Something like what Ben Browder wears in Farscape would do just nicely...

                  Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                  *sneaks in*

                  *drops few piccies*


                  HI!! Nice pics!!


                  Made by Me!



                    Made by Me!


                      Next up are the pics from the auction... this is where I became shamlessly shallow....

                      Made by Me!


                        Oh, one last one this morning.. Hubby thought I was being crazy... but I SO needed a pic of the man eating.....

                        Creepy I know... but it was funny none the less...

                        Made by Me!


                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          Did you mean tomorrow as in Sunday, or Saturday? *looks at time posted* Thanks for the heads-up anyway. Will finally get to see it without it stop-starting on me- which it only started to do once Corin's character was on-screen
                          Saturday. Appearance in 1 hour 40 minutes. *Beeep*

                          (He first appears about 20 minutes in.)
                          Last edited by smurf; 04 October 2008, 10:28 AM.


                            Originally posted by smurf View Post
                            Saturday. Appearance in 1 hour 40 minutes. *Beeep*

                            (He first appears about 20 minutes in.)
                            Its currently mild chaos in my house (dad's laying the kitchen with underfloor heating), so we've only just had dinner and I'd completely forgotten about it. Until I got on, and realised that if I switched the TV on right now, it would be about half an hour into the ep. Good old coincidence

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                              Its currently mild chaos in my house (dad's laying the kitchen with underfloor heating), so we've only just had dinner and I'd completely forgotten about it. Until I got on, and realised that if I switched the TV on right now, it would be about half an hour into the ep. Good old coincidence
                              Pretty perfect, huh?

                              I switched over around the same time. Of course, that's not because I was watching The X Factor. No Siree, Bob.


                                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                                Pretty perfect, huh?

                                I switched over around the same time. Of course, that's not because I was watching The X Factor. No Siree, Bob.
                                Of course not. I believe you. As always. Yep.

                                I really should not find a skinny CN in tears whilst playing a murdering nutter quite so hot, should I?

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

